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Everything posted by apinknightmare

  1. She said he was under "league mind voodoo." Watching the new clip, seems like Oliver's still got room for random anecdotes in his noodle, so maybe everything isn't gone yet. There still may be some getting through to him and thank god there is no earring. THAT'S A STEP TOO FAR, SHOW.
  2. Well, Laurel will certainly find out all about what went down when Oliver and his band of merry men swing into town on their BLACK SCARVES OF DEATH to murder her new BFF.
  3. It's outright said that her contact with others has been very minimal, but at no point was it mentioned that she didn't have contact with Laurel. If she can't leave her loft very often, then Laurel can go see her. She knows where Thea lives - she was just there a few weeks ago. And I hope against all hope that when Felicity told Laurel that Oliver joined the League she asked, "why?" if she didn't already know. But you're right, it's not a stretch to think there won't be any Laurel and Thea scenes.
  4. Was there another clip released where Thea said they were the only people she's talked to in weeks?
  5. I don't think he was referring to Felicity by the name "Overwatch," I think he was asking for overwatch as in support.
  6. When did anyone say she was brain dead? She was on a ventilator. Not to delve too far into personal history here, but before she died my mother was a chronic ICU patient, and on more than one occasion I had a doctor tell me I needed to think about removing her from life support and days later she'd be recovering. Granted, she hadn't been run through with a sword, but still. I'm not saying Thea should be out running marathons, but I do think it's a little weird that apparently she's not supposed to leave her house. I mean, apart from medical personnel and Team Arrow, who even knew Thea was sick? It doesn't even seem like SCPD investigated it. Literally no one would question seeing her out and about.
  7. Yeah, PT is definitely becoming their new base - MG said as much.
  8. This convo kind of made it seem like Diggle went out without Felicity guiding him on the comms, because wouldn't she have known if her info was good by, you know, talking to him while he was out there?
  9. I guess I just don't see why it would be all that weird. She didn't die. She could claim miraculous recovery - no one's going to believe she was taken to a magical hot tub and revived, and she was in the hospital, so the doctors know she was at one point deathly ill, so it's not like anyone's going to think she was faking it. She's not wanted for anything like Malcolm is (and he manages to leave the loft just fine), and the League already knows where she lives so it's not like she's staying there to stay safe. I guess they'll make it about her recovery, I just think it's strange. Could be too that she has episodes or something where she goes a bit banana pants. Maybe they keep her inside to minimize the potential for damage.
  10. Maybe, but they told the doctor she was going to Central City, and since it's been three weeks, I figure she could go out looking a little like poo and no one would be the wiser. If they faked her death then wow, what idiots. Haha.
  11. Did I miss something? Why can't Thea leave the loft? Can she not go out in sunlight as a result of the pit or what?
  12. I don't think they put her head on anyone else's body, but I do think they photoshopped her body, primarily because her ass is the focal point of the poster. Of course all the guys had frontal shots.
  13. Let's not even get started on the fact that of course the one female who gets a poster gets an ass shot.
  14. She can be lean and thin and be a good fighter, but fighting ability is not why they changed her body for that poster.
  15. IIRC, it also has to do with the amount of time he has to spend in the makeup chair having Oliver's scars applied. He talked about it quite a bit on Aisha Tyler's podcast - it was kind of an offshoot of a conversation about what it's like to be a lead on a show, and how much time it takes and how because he dedicates so much time to the show that he feels like he has the right to ask for certain things, like to be given first priority for filming so he can have more days off ahead of a break, or to ask that the shirtless scenes be toned down so he doesn't have to spend so much time in the makeup chair.
  16. Oh, I don't disagree with you there. I was just commenting about the fact that it seems like people are laughing about it/making fun of her for it.
  17. Ugh, the Twitter and Facebook body shaming I'm seeing is not cute. So what if they put her head on a stunt double's body (or just digitally "enhanced" her) so they could have a better ~aesthetic? All promo pics we see are photoshopped to hell and back, and some of these people were getting angry about that nut job tweeting nasty things about EBR's body. Granted, laughing at a photoshop job is different than telling someone to kill themselves because they need to lose weight, but both are gross to me.
  18. The poster looks good, although I seriously doubt that Sara would be proud - the last thing she would want is for Laurel to be out doing what she's doing. Nice try though, CW.
  19. By the end of 3x22. Like, maybe we see him have a breakthrough, but he hasn't made a move on Ra's yet, so Ra's doesn't know? I'm not sure why Ra's would let him just take off to help a friend, but maybe that's explained in the show by Oliver being nearby on some League business (or maybe we're just not supposed to question it).
  20. Since it's between 3x22 and 3x23, maybe we find out that Oliver's broken free of the brainwashing at least by the end of the ep before the finale?
  21. Is it just me or is Felicity's hair, like, a lot shorter in the hospital scene than it is in the rest of the ep? I wonder when they shot that one.
  22. Haha, no. He just called her "Overwatch." The sarcasm is all mine, haha
  23. "We need Overwatch*." *available for purchase now at your favorite book retailer HIT ME OVER THE HEAD WITH IT, GUGGENHEIM
  24. Isn't that kind of the point though? Thea trained with someone who knew what they were doing. Laurel didn't really have that until Nyssa. She has been just swinging wildly and being aggressive.
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