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Everything posted by apinknightmare

  1. Yeah, she told Ra's she wasn't afraid of him, so I don't see what's stopping her from hiding a long-ass sword under her dress and just going straight for Ra's with it.
  2. Also good? Potato chips dipped in milkshakes, preferably a Frosty from Wendy's. It's weird to me that my first "Yes, Laurel. YES" moment is about fry dipping.
  3. Because they needed Thea to visit Roy in 3x22 so they could fake us out with an Oliver/Nyssa marriage when it's really Thea and Roy getting married. Shhhhh let me have it
  4. Here's what I want to know: Since the new Ra's has to destroy their hometown, is there any chance that we're going to find out that Malcolm thought at one point he was going to be the new Ra's, and that's how The Undertaking came about? I know this doesn't jibe with Nyssa calling herself Heir to the Demon, but I'm wondering if there's going to be something more to that story? Like maybe the blood debt wasn't real and Ra's and Malcolm have been working a long game? Not sure why Malcolm would've gotten everyone else involved in The Undertaking, but...I don't know. Just trying to find out if there's something more.
  5. This is my ideal scenario, but this show has beaten all hope out of me.
  6. It's delicious, but the fries need to be salty. Laurel knows what's up.
  7. The only thing I can think of is so that they can't/won't have anything to be persuaded to return home to.
  8. They tried to explain it with the "i'm not going to lose someone else" thing she does, and I get it. I honestly think they did a better job at showing us the bond between Laurel and Nyssa than they ever did between Laurel and Sara. She can talk to Nyssa about Sara, Nyssa knows things about her that Laurel doesn't. I get it, and insofar as this show is capable of showing things like that, I think they did a good job. And it worked for me up until Laurel getting between Diggle and Nyssa because Diggle wanted Nyssa to turn herself in so he could get his wife back. I wish they could've left that out of the episode or done it differently somehow. Because that did make me think SHUT UP LAUREL.
  9. Me too. When she dropped it I was like, "Nooooo, you can still enjoy life, girl. Have that milkshake. Eat that fry!"
  10. Who else would she have yelled it at? She wouldn't trust Oliver at the moment, because she knows he's messed up in the head. She knows Malcolm is a liar, but he's been oddly not terrible the last few weeks, and if he offers them help to get into Nanda Parbat, why wouldn't she believe him? He helped her try to get Oliver out of NP after she drugged him, and he was oddly caring toward Thea. I will be really, really surprised if he's not the one she yells that at.
  11. This is where I'm confused. Did he really choose Oliver to replace him because he needs a replacement? Or does he want to wipe Starling City out and wanted to make sure Oliver was gone and all of his city saving friends were preoccupied so that Starling was unprotected? Also, I wonder if we're supposed to believe that Ra's once had a code (explaining the blood debt), but he's slowly descending into madness and abandoning everything he once held dear. So, yeah, old Ra's assigned a blood debt for doing the same shit he's about to because he's losing it.
  12. I wonder why Team Arrow goes to Nanda Parbat? They all seemed resigned to the fact that Oliver was lost to them forever. Is it to get the virus? Why would Nyssa have the real one? Be smart and stash it away in a safe place and use a decoy, gah. Or, maybe she did and they're going to break Oliver out while they get the real/fake virus?
  13. He said it was to unite their families. Diggle wasn't in NP - it was a hallucination from the drugs Ra's is giving him. Diggle's okay and he was with the fam until he sent Lyla and Sara off to a safe house.
  14. LMAO why is Laurel wearing her BC outfit there. Why is Tatsu in a mask? You can wear cargo pants. It's got to be hot as hell in all that leather. Thank god she left the mask and wig at home.
  15. I liked Laurel and Nyssa's friendship - I hope Nyssa wades through all this bullshit and becomes a friend and ally (which looks promising, since Nyssa stole the virus from her father and WAS I JUST NOT POSTING ABOUT HOW IT WOULD BE AWESOME if she and Ra's had a falling out over moral "code"?). She softens her - I liked their scenes together. What I did not like was Laurel shaming Diggle for wanting Nyssa to turn herself in so he could get Lyla back. THAT WOMAN KIDNAPPED YOUR MOTHER, DO YOU NOT REMEMBER THIS? She's got a sad story and yeah, you've been sharing fries and milkshakes, but fuck you for shaming a guy trying to rescue his wife and the mother of his child. Ugh. Also...did Diggle have earplugs in or what? How was he the only one not affected by the Cry?
  16. When she was talking to Thea. She called him Oliver and then "Ollie" for Thea.
  17. So, Malcolm's totally working for the League again, isn't he? That's who Felicity's saying "We trusted you!" to, right? He offers to help them, but he's just being a backstabbing D.
  18. Here's hoping the wedding is Thea and Roy.
  19. That was everything we predicted today and it is the absolute fucking worst.
  20. I think tonight's ep will do well in the ratings, if for nothing else to see the follow-up on Evil!Oliver. Or I suppose that could make a lot of people peace out. I think it'll be the former though.
  21. Not even that. Seems like we're going to get our first look at his evildoing this ep, but aren't the next two supposed to take place over a couple of days?
  22. Maybe Ra's wants to obliterate SC from the face of the earth and lured everyone away so there would be no one to stop him. Although that seems a) against League "code" and b) stupid. ETA: although I guess the very last thing Ra's could take away from Oliver is the city he loves. And that could open up a door for an interesting battle between Nyssa and her father, if she thinks that's wrong. Although where Ray and Laurel would be in all this is beyond me. In NP? Neutralized so they can't help? IDK.
  23. He's definitely trying to rile people up, and I'm sure Oliver will overcome all this terrible crap in the last 10-ish minutes of the episode, but I wouldn't be surprised at all if the "surprising" thing Oliver does is supposed to be a "gotcha" of sorts.
  24. I think it might be that we find out he was just pretending to be brainwashed and/or he's had a plan in place this whole time.
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