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Everything posted by apinknightmare

  1. How deep would Oliver have to be for Lyla not to know about it though? Or maybe she does and...ugh. Don't even want to think about all that.
  2. I feel like if this "betrayal" that Diggle feels is as big as they say it is (which is questionable), then Oliver has to do something else to him. I get that Diggle would be upset about Lyla and it was a terrible thing for Oliver to do, but...I don't know, it seems like there should be more to it than that, because while I wouldn't expect Diggle to write it off, surely he wouldn't hold it against Oliver if he was brainwashed (because he wouldn't be in his right mind), and I feel like he also wouldn't hold it against him if he was doing what he had to do to survive and get out of there by pretending. If he was working with HIVE though...
  3. I would love for Maseo to be working with Tatsu, especially after that "shell" revelation he had with Diggle. I want Oliver to be in on it too. I basically just need these people to not be as shitty as the show is making me think they are.
  4. It that wedding ever reaches its conclusion (still holding out hope that it gets interrupted and the actual wedding is between Thea and Roy, even though that doesn't make much sense given that Roy's leaving, but whatever), I'm guessing shit's going down in relatively short order after the ceremony is completed. I'm still hoping Nyssa at least has a plan, because what's the point of her saying she's not afraid of Ra's if she's then going to turn around and marry Oliver when she doesn't want to?
  5. Yeah, Ray being there in Nanda Parbat makes me think the "shocker" is that Malcolm's working with either Ra's or Damien Darhk to get all the SC heroes rounded up so that he can go unleash that virus while they're locked up. So, if it turns out that Malcolm is working with HIVE, do we think Oliver found this out at some point after he came back to SC after his death and he's been playing along in order to oust Ra's, and that's going to be another twist? It could drive an additional wedge between Oliver and Diggle, knowing that Oliver willingly went in with the group that had his brother killed in order to get at the League.
  6. Yeah, I can see Malcolm working with HIVE as well - Damian Darhk's got to play into things since Ra's mentioned him last night, so I wouldn't be surprised if that's it, and it would explain why JB said Malcolm would be back in S4. I guess I just don't understand how if this is a League wedding, regardless of what we actually see, how it could ever, ever be possible that it was Felicity? Unless Ra's allowed it because Al Sah-him was behaving himself, but even that doesn't make any damn sense because brainwashed or pretending, Al Sah-him doesn't love Felicity, so it's not such a reward after all. Unless it's to punish Felicity for something, in which case she'd also be forced into it, which no. And that would just continue the tradition of Ra's being the STUPIDEST. VILLAIN. EVER. to allow someone from Oliver's life, someone he has a deep connection to, unrestricted access to him while he's brainwashed (real or not). If he actually marries Felicity, it's because we find out that he's not actually brainwashed and he goes to her before the ceremony and "marries" her because he loves her and wants her to be the one he's married to, not Nyssa because he knows he's getting ready to get out (but why would he do this since it's a League ritual? IDK), or if they pull some weird-ass face mask thing where Felicity is made up to look like Nyssa (in which case I'd rather Oliver just marry Nyssa, because no). ETA: I'm so angry I typed all this out when proof that it's Nyssa showed up AS I WAS TYPING
  7. I think it's the editing. I have no idea why Oliver would ask them to trust him or why they even would at this point, since they think he's brainwashed. If I had to bet money, Malcolm screws them all over but good.
  8. She hasn't defined her sexuality - we were actually speculating about whether or not she was bisexual in the spoiler thread earlier. If she is, it might've been smart for the show to mention that at some point, considering they were obviously planning on going down that path.
  9. Speaking of Thea - what are these after effects of pitting we were told about? She seems mostly fine? Is she hiding something, or are we going to find out what they are from a person who's been pitted that we don't yet know about?
  10. Didn't MG say that there wasn't any more mystery around who killed Sara, not that there wasn't any mystery around her death? Even so, Malcolm drugged Thea to kill Sara - that's the same regardless of whether Malcolm and Ra's were working together to make it happen. To go balls-to-the-wall crazy pants, I'm going to say that Ra's and Malcolm have been working together all along, like ALL along. Since the undertaking. Maybe he's putting Malcolm through a series of tests to become the new Ra's, much like he's doing with Oliver, but with the actual intent of having Malcolm take his place (seems like the current state of things lends Malcolm to being a better leader since he's more aligned with the psycho philosophy). Duping Thea was just the first step in this new plan to get Oliver and everyone who would save the city out of it so Malcolm could finish the job he started with The Undertaking (the first test that he failed). There are definite plot holes to this theory, I know. Was Ra's just holding onto that virus for the next heir to use to wipe out his city? I can't remember. Or was he planning to use it all along? Because if Nyssa has been in possession of it since she found out Oliver was offered to be Heir but hadn't accepted, what was he going to use the virus for? I can't remember if that was explained.
  11. I wonder if Malcolm having bugged the lair is going to come back at some point? Like we're going to find out at some point (after he's revealed to be working with Ra's) that he bugged every single place and the reason why they talk about Oliver being gone and them moving on because they don't want Malcolm to know they have a plan, so when they go to NP and get locked up, it'll be a double fakeout because he doesn't know that they know? And Oliver's in on the whole thing somehow, IDK. This is crazy talk and I'm giving the writers too much credit, I'll see myself out.
  12. I guess it must be some current member only pronunciation voodoo, because Sara said it the way non-members do, and so does Malcolm.
  13. I think Malcolm and Ra's are working together, independently of Oliver. So, Malcolm will round 'em up and lock 'em up, and then Ra's is going to make Oliver kill them.
  14. Sadly, I don't think they go to NP to get Oliver back. I think they go because Malcolm tips them off about the virus and they go to get it, which is a ruse to get them all to NP so he can lock them up and WREAK HAVOC on Starling City.
  15. Did they ever explain why Thea can't go outside? Oliver also stopped himself from killing Nyssa when he had a blade to her neck on the rooftop.
  16. One thing that did irritate me about the Canary Cry is if they're going to be giving people devices like that on The Flash, they need to take at least a second or two to explain to the Arrow audience what exactly that is, because a lot of them don't read comics and I've seen a few who are confused about it. I thought for sure she was going to tell Digg about it in the van when she told him that he should stay in the van so he wouldn't have to kill Oliver - I thought she was going to explain that she was going to use it to incapacitate Oliver long enough to get Nyssa away. I did love that she was 100% ready to kill him herself though, haha.
  17. I guess I just don't understand why anyone would think that isn't ultimately Nyssa? No way, no way is Ra's going to allow Oliver to marry Felicity, someone who is so tied to the person Ra's is trying desperately to get him not to be, so there's no way that's an approved marriage to Felicity. If that IS Felicity in the promo, it's either because Oliver is having an actual hallucination (if he is brainwashed) or is thinking about Felicity because it's easier to do what he has to do to keep up the ruse (if he's faking). Or because Felicity dresses up as the bride to give Nyssa like a 10 second advantage on some kind of attack. If this is the only wedding, then it's gonna be between Nyssa and Oliver. If this one gets broken up and there's another one, then it could be anyone getting married. From MG's response to the person who asked him if the marriage was one of love of convenience, he replied with "I hope tonight's episode answers that question" or something. That points to there just being the one wedding, but we know he could be trolling, so...
  18. The third option is that maybe it's just KL and the trailer is fuzzy enough that you can't distinguish jawlines. On the other hand, he did envision killing Diggle, so I figure Felicity's got to show up at some point. Although that would make more sense if she showed up in a nice hallucination and then he did something terrible to her. But then again, he wouldn't be in a position where he'd have to choose to do something horrible to her like he was with not Diggle. The hallucination would make me think the brainwashing is real and he really isn't mostly in his right mind. But then again, he could be pretending and they're just showing us the hallucinations for ~dramatic effect.
  19. Yeah, I had to go back and edit because it looked like her to me in the trailer, but then seeing the post (with the pic from Emily super made up when she signed PB elephant shirt), I see it. I don't see how it could be anyone but Nyssa given the veil is sheer and there are a bunch of LoA members there. I guess Ra's could be persuaded to let Felicity marry him but why would he when he basically told Oliver he wanted Nyssa to give him an heir? If anything I'm guessing Oliver hallucinates/sees Felicity's face at some point as she's walking toward him.
  20. What trailer are they talking about? Because the person in the wedding dress in the preview is pretty clearly KL. Wait, I just saw that post and now it looks like EBR to me. NO, don't do this to yourself, self.
  21. It being Diggle was a hallucination. He killed a real guy.
  22. Yeah it was either some poor interloper who got lost in the mountains or some League dude. Felicity basically told Thea that she didn't tell her about Roy because Thea had a lot on her plate.
  23. He appears to be, but it's really dark and tough to make out for sure.
  25. She was, but who's to say it wasn't always Ra's plan to disinherit her? He's clearly up to some crazy shit that she's not down for, so it makes sense to me that he might try to install someone with a mindset more like his own. Which is also why I think Oliver's getting played and Malcolm was promised the position again. The earthquake machines set solely under The Glades is a definite hole, but they could always revise that (because I don't think they had this plan all along) by saying that he had other machines set to go off but they didn't for whatever reason. I know Malcolm had redundancies, but...another hole, whatever!
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