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Everything posted by apinknightmare

  1. Since Ra's wants Oliver to take the A/O virus to SC, it's not out of the realm of possibility that he's already in Starling City and Barry contacted Felicity to get some help and Felicity got the message to Oliver. Or, if he goes to Caitlin for help with an anecdote, he could already be in Central City. Ra's is a complete failure as a villain and it seems like he keeps little to no tabs on the dude (he went out to "fight" Nyssa alone), so it wouldn't surprise me if he randomly turned up to help out.
  2. Maybe they use the jet for missions that require 10 or less League stooges and the use the boat when more stooges are required?
  3. How baffling can it be? People are/were upset that Diggle and Felicity (and Caitlyn and Cisco) weren't somehow included in the promo.
  4. Didn't Waller pretty much release him when she told him that Shrieve was doing whatever with the virus and shot her and she told him to GTFO of Hong Kong? Maybe it didn't happen like that - I don't really pay attention to the flashbacks, haha.
  5. You'd think, but I'm not sure how Ra's would've tested it. Does he have a lab out there in NP? Would he be willing to open it up and chance it spreading throughout the city? Also, the League did have a thing about innocents, but I'm wondering if Ra's is just slowly getting more morally bankrupt and losing his damn mind. Maybe we're going to find out that the real Ra's was murdered and Damien Darhk is his TWIN BROTHER and has taken over the League and is going crazy because he's using stolen Lazarus Pit water to keep himself alive. If we're going all soap opera.
  6. Depends on what the rest of the episode brings in terms of surprises, I guess.
  7. It wouldn't annoy me so much here, because we knew Slade's endgame was to ruin Oliver's life, and the "fake" I love you was, yeah, a trick. But I wouldn't mind the team being in on Oliver faking at some point, especially since we really don't know what Ra's (and now Maseo's) endgame is at this point.
  8. Sadly, I think EBR's the overdramatic one in that scene.
  9. Then why bother healing him after he fell from the Cliff of (almost) Doom? Is Tatsu in on it too? Because neither one of them seems to hold anything against Oliver, and he's not really at fault for Akio getting the virus. Maybe the virus is secure and that's not what Ra's has in his possession? Oh how I would love for this moron to be getting played. Otherwise, it's probably like the existence of the spare mirakuru: convenient plot point.
  10. Well, why on earth would Oliver ever think that Maseo would turn over the virus that killed his son to someone like Ra's. Even though he's with the League, Maseo's helped Oliver several times, and even tried to appeal to his better judgment against Ra's. So yeah, he's an assassin, but he hasn't done anything that would make Oliver suspicious, really. Also, that thing better be filled with water.
  11. I can't express how much I need this to be the case.
  12. Okay, that preview has me excited. Oliver's playing and Maseo's into some shit. Don't get too hopeful, self. Don't get too hopeful. How stupid is Oliver though, getting epiphany face when there are LoA members RIGHT THERE IN FRONT OF HIM.
  13. Yeah, I figured as much, but like I wrote, I keep hoping there's more to this thing than him legit wanting Oliver as an heir because his magic hot tub doesn't keep him young anymore.
  14. Assuming he does actually want Oliver for his new Ra's and isn't playing him, which I've been hoping is the case ever since he said the Pit wasn't working so well on him anymore and then promptly dipped his hand in there to heal a cut.
  15. I actually don't think the destroying your hometown thing is that stupid out of all the stupid things about this plot. I don't see why Nyssa would have to do it because she grew up in the League and wouldn't have to burn down her entire life pre-Ra's because her entire life has been the League. I get it on several bastardly levels: you destroy your past life and all ties to it to commit to your new role, and there's nothing left in the world to entice you back to the life you lived before. Honestly, in the whole grand scheme of things it's the part of this idiotic plot that I have the least problem with, haha. I just don't understand specifically why Oliver has to use the A/O virus to do it. There will probably be more to it, now whether that makes sense or not is debatable.
  16. Now that I think about it, Ra's didn't seem all that surprised that Oliver knew that the Alpha Omega virus was called the Alpha Omega virus. Had Ra's mentioned that before around Oliver? Maybe Maseo told Ra's about it and that Oliver had experience with it and that's why Ra's is so hell-bent on getting Oliver as his heir? If that's the case, surely he has bigger aspirations than just destroying Starling City. And if he's been informing Ra's, Maseo's got to be working an angle, because I cannot believe this dude would be complicit in unleashing the virus that killed his son.
  17. Apparently it's a thing when you become the new Ra's to destroy every bit of your previous life (aka your hometown and everyone in it). I'm sure he's going to tell Oliver he has to kill at least Felicity and Diggle, maybe more. Maybe he'll spare Thea because of the pit.
  18. Well, since time travel's a thing on the Flash, I suppose Barry could go and snatch Oliver from wherever he is (maybe back in SC at that point) and then return him to the point of time in which he was snatched. The only thing he'd have to be is not brainwashed, which maybe we'll find out he isn't by the end of 3x22.
  19. How could it possibly? Oliver and Laurel had about two nice scenes this season. The rest of their scenes have involved them yelling at each other or generally being nasty, which is hardly the stuff that OTPs are made of, unless you're a because comics! person, I guess. Even if this person doesn't believe Oliver's in love with Felicity, there's been absolutely nothing at all to show he's still in love with Laurel.
  20. Yes, he said "ceremony." Although I think the "wedding" part of it is implied - I'm not sure why else Oliver would be standing there in a League suit with a priestess while Nyssa's walking down an aisle towards him wearing a pretty dress if it wasn't a wedding. I just think the way MG has worded it that the ceremony might not end in an actual marriage between the two.
  21. I think he might be too. He's being very deliberate with his wording, which is stupid considering we know that Oliver and Nyssa are being forced to wed by Ra's. Why not just admit that they'll be married instead of saying, "the ceremony actually finishes. It reaches a conclusion." JUST SAY IT I also won't be surprised if Oliver and Nyssa are actually married at the end, because it's stupid and stupid seems to be the way this season.
  22. Ray's aerial scenes are in this episode (not that he wouldn't be in the finale necessarily, but they were mentioned for this ep), and the plane scene is in the finale.
  23. Either Stephen's got rescheduled to Saturday or he added a Saturday panel, but KC's is still separate.
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