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Everything posted by apinknightmare

  1. I think that pink dress is worlds better than anything else she's worn on the show. Especially that tacky yellow thing with the rhinestones she was wearing in 3x18.
  2. Being the internet message board lovers that we are, I think it's easy to forget that the majority of people who watch Arrow (and most shows, for that matter), are casual viewers, and never bother to comment on message boards or articles, and don't make a habit of liking Facebook pages and posts. Networks have stats to show what is and isn't popular, and while online response is a factor, they've got access to statistics and data for what the audience does and does not like that we will never, ever see.
  3. It was the snaps that made me wonder. Those look like crotch fasteners to me, haha. But yeah, they're probably just metal eyelets on a sweatshirt.
  4. Isn't she too old for that now? I thought maybe it had something to do with baby Sara, but who knows.
  5. All I know is I got to see SA's arms up close recently, and was lucky enough to have one of them wrapped around me, and it was an A+ would do again experience. Whatever he's been doing there, he needs to keep doing it IMHO!
  6. I like Sara, but I think the number of people who permanently tuned out because she died is probably very small, relatively speaking. More people probably peaced out because they thought the rest of the season would be depressing as hell. And they were correct.
  7. Yeah, I agree that it would be crowded with Sara. That's why I don't think she would've been brought back if it wasn't for LoT, so I can't really see bringing her back as a way to rectify a mistake, since they wouldn't have done it otherwise. Nothing that they've done on Arrow is changing to accommodate her return - Laurel is still BC, etc. I mean, I'm sure they love Caity - I'm not doubting that, but I think they're taking an opportunity to bring someone popular who fans know over to their new venture, and hope the fans will follow.
  8. That doesn't negate my point? Why wouldn't they bring her back on Arrow? The majority of her family's storyline last season was about her. Her fanbase grew there, and those people will be anxious to see her back, and will follow her and her storyline over to LoT. I just don't see how bringing her back for another show is admitting a mistake. If the LoT opportunity hadn't presented itself, what are the chances that she would've been LPed? Pretty small.
  9. Yeah, people were upset over Sara's death, but the ratings for the season were up overall. I just don't think they see killing her off as a mistake - I think they saw the outcry and desire to have her back and decided to use that as an opportunity to gain a following for their new baby.
  10. This is probably an unpopular opinion here, but I don't think they're admitting that killing Sara off was a mistake, not really. If they were, I think she'd be staying on Arrow. They're bringing her back and shipping her off to another show. If I had to guess, TPTB didn't realize that Sara had the fanbase that she does, and decided to cash in on that by bringing her back and sending her off to LoT - a show that they desperately want people to watch - hoping those fans would follow Sara over there.
  11. I guess maybe Quentin could've made a deal with DD to bring Sara back, but it goes wrong and they have to go to Malcolm for some reason. But IDK how that would work. Nothing so far indicates that Quentin is involved in it at all, and they've all but flat-out said it's Laurel. I suppose the show could throw us a curveball with that, though. Quentin, at least, doesn't seem to be present when she comes out of the NP Lazarus Pit. Laurel does, so...
  12. I mean, there's no reason for anyone to bring Sara back at all, but it seems as if Laurel (from what the EPs have said about her making decisions about Sara that she's going to have to live with) is the one who does it. For whatever reason.
  13. It's been pretty strongly implied that it's Laurel.
  14. I thought he called him Speedy at some point this season. And IIRC, Oliver called him Speedy in the comics once, too.
  15. Tough to say exactly what it means since she wasn't directly quoted.
  16. From the CW's Tumblr page: They both have the same goal… to protect their city. Own the ‪#‎ArrowS3DVD‬ September 22, just in time for the season premiere October 7! These are all so terrible, haha.
  17. The fact that Thea tried to kiss Tommy was brought up in the context of what the writers believe to be risqué content, so in context, I don't see how it matters if she tried to kiss her brother, or actually did kiss him. It's risqué either way. Although I'm not sure that's the best example considering the writers didn't seem to know that Thea was going to be Tommy's sister when they wrote that storyline.
  18. Thea tried to kiss Tommy. Given the fact that he's her brother, I don't think it matters whether she actually managed to do it or not.
  19. Either it's new or she wasn't aware that was a term in her contract and someone from higher up told her to knock it off. I don't think it has anything to do with concerns of people defacing the pic or whatever. If someone wanted to, they could do that for any pic of any pose she was doing. Seems like this is something DC doesn't want her doing for whatever reason (or she doesn't want to do it, and is saying it's a contract thing - although she seems pretty accommodating, so I doubt that's it).
  20. Maybe they have told Henry Cavill that he can't do the Superman pose in pictures.
  21. I don't think the bow and arrow thing would matter, since archery isn't a hobby that's specifically attributable to Oliver Queen/Arrow/Green Arrow, but the Canary Cry is (I guess) DC property and specific to Black Canary? IDK.
  22. How strange that she can't do it. I wonder if it has something to do with legalities regarding the "Canary Cry" or something? If it's in her contract, I don't blame her for not doing it, especially since those pics get posted everywhere now. That's a great account, though. Sounds like KC was really nice to that person.
  23. SA's personal style leaves a lot to be desired on almost all occasions, haha.
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