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Everything posted by apinknightmare

  1. It's not completely obscure, but it isn't very common. I don't think I've ever known or met a Felicity.
  2. Luckily it seems like Oliver has learned his lesson, so I don't think he needs a taste of his own medicine at this point. I guess the closest we might get to it is when he finds out that Laurel lied to him about Thea's spa weekend, and took her and Sara's rotting corpse to NP instead. That won't seem like an eye-for-an-eye type thing, because Laurel's not keeping it from him to be petty, she's keeping it from him because what she's doing is a terrible idea.
  3. I don't think a conversation between Felicity and Diggle about forgiveness is out of order, but Diggle being upset to the point of basically ignoring Felicity now (when he's been accepting her help all summer) because he's angry at her IS petty, especially when he's speaking to and interacting with Oliver, the guy he's actually expressed anger at. And I wouldn't mind Oliver being left in the dark generally speaking, if it weren't for the whole "we don't keep secrets" thing they've introduced (which still...LOL). It just comes off as an eye-for-an-eye mentality, and makes the secret keeper look (again) petty and childish.
  4. I never said that the secrets and actions were on the same level. He's endangering the team and the city by keeping information to himself that could be helpful to the mission - one of the things he's angry at Oliver for - which makes him a hypocrite.
  5. All of them have done it, but none have done it immediately after having a conversation about NOT keeping secrets while also being mad at someone for...keeping secrets. I'd also argue that we don't know how harmful this secret is because we don't know what he knows about HIVE.
  6. This is the weirdest debate to me, haha. Oliver and Felicity both call Diggle "John" and have for a while now. It's not the names they use with each other or the friendship between D&L that rings false to me, it's the fact that he's giving Laurel information that he has kept from Oliver & Felicity for two years. Information about his brother, who Laurel DIDN'T EVEN KNOW HAD BEEN MURDERED. ETA: Wait, did she know he had been murdered or just that he was dead? Was her "I didn't know" about the Andy reveal that she didn't know he had been murdered or that she didn't know it was HIVE? I can't remember, and I don't feel like looking to find out. It doesn't really matter. Show, your terrible dialogue. Gah.
  7. I agree in that I expect D&L to be friends and I don't need a friendship between them to feel earned. I do, however, need a moment like Diggle revealing a secret he kept from two people he worked with for two years to a person he's worked with for six months to be earned. Personally, I hope they don't go there, because it makes Diggle seem petty as fuck.
  8. if the wig was just to make her blonde-because comics-then why did Sara-a blonde-have one?
  9. Actually, upon rewatch, Laurel and Diggle were still in the room when Oliver handed Felicity her lunch. They were off to the side when Oliver was talking to Thea-Thea left, but Diggle and Laurel never did.
  10. Yeah, the community service scene is the only scene I recall with all of them together.
  11. Yeah, I get Oliver referring to himself as Ollie to people who actually call him that, but Diggle flat out asked to be called Diggle (or Digg-I can't remember). I can't recall Oliver telling anyone he met to call him Ollie. As for the John vs. Digg vs. Diggle thing, I don't think there's much of an argument there. This ep, Felicity called him John, Oliver called him Diggle. Oliver called him John last season when they were having heartfelt moments. I don't think John vs. Diggle is the same as Oliver vs. Ollie. All of Digg's names seem to be interchangeable. The name usage didn't ring false to me during that conversation, but the fact that Digg told Laurel something he'd kept hidden from O&F for two years-prior to their falling out-definitely did.
  12. They all made it clear that they don't want his supervision, so narratively that doesn't even make sense.
  13. And the whole of the first ep, where they all ignored her. I guess more group scenes with no one talking to her is just what we need!
  14. IIRC, Digg asked to be called by his last name. I've never heard Oliver ask to be called Ollie. That being said, Oliver and Felicity (IDK about the others) use John, Digg, and Diggle interchangeably, so the John vs. Diggle argument doesn't hold up.
  15. I am! And I can't decide if I want the Blue Jays to lose horrifically in the ALCS, or to choke in the World Series.
  16. At this point I'll take Diggle not ignoring Felicity. He's acting like he's pissed at her, for some reason he has yet to express. He acts more sociable toward Oliver, the guy he's actually pissed at.
  17. So basically what you want is for O/F to have less alone time?
  18. That's not anything new though? O/F have had scenes alone in the lair since the first season. It's just that now more people are leaving to make it happen.
  19. She also feels cut off from them because even though they're all in the same room, a few times over the past 2 eps the team (apart from Oliver for the most part) has pretty much acted like she wasn't there.
  20. How does it cut Felicity off from the others? She's there strategizing with them just like she always has been from the beginning.
  21. Girl, use that brain of yours. Malcolm has access to the Pit, and hasn't used it to bring his wife back. He didn't want to use it to bring Thea back from NOT EVEN death. Thea's acting a little cray, you've SEEN THIS. ARE YOU MAKING A TERRIBLE DECISION? ALL SIGNS POINT TO YES. I know it'll all probably work out for her, but damn.
  22. I think the whole point was to get Jessica Danforth to step down. Although I'm not sure what the point of keeping Star City mayorless is in the long run, unless Darhk himself is going to run against Oliver? Or plant one of his followers to run against him? I'm not sure what the point of scaring off candidates is though, unless Darhk wants to run unopposed, or the writers wanted to wait until Oliver announced his candidacy to reveal that DD is going to run against him/have one of his guys run against him. It'd be interesting, since DD doesn't know Oliver is the Green Arrow (yet), so Oliver wouldn't be able to call Darhk out without outing himself. And the people of Star(ling) City are dumb enough to vote for a guy with a name like that, so...possibilities.
  23. I don't think he signed up with DD because of a threat, but only because of an interview I read with PB where he said something along the lines of Quentin doing the wrong thing for the right reasons, which leads me to believe that he started working with Darhk willingly. That line did initially confuse me, and I think it could be interpreted either way, though. I'm choosing to interpret it as a new threat toward Laurel instead of an old one.
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