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Everything posted by apinknightmare

  1. Yes. I'm hoping it was a slip that she knew about the ring beforehand or something. The scene wasn't great.
  2. Hopefully that scene is better in context. And this scene makes it seem like she knew about the ring, just not when he was planning to propose?
  3. I think the misdirection is supposed to be whatever happens in the chamber, so that when everyone gets out okay we think we've got the all clear and we're surprised by what happens in the limo.
  4. I agree on both accounts. Candice killed it last night, and I'm actually looking forward to the secret kid storyline on The Flash because it was handled maturely and I loved the reunion at the end. Jay is human toast but I find him cute.
  5. Once she shows up again, you'll wish you could forget. And no, I don't think they can fix it at this point. They're already five eps into shooting the secret, and who knows if Oliver's told any lies to cover it up since then. They could maybe try and limit the fallout/reveal, but it seems like WM was way too excited about it blowing up in Oliver's face for that to happen.
  6. Fingers crossed she doesn't try to make it canon by APRIL NARDINI-ING IT.
  7. They showed a preview for The Flash's next episode after hiatus - I wonder if they'll do the same for Arrow. If so....man.
  8. Hey, we can't all open portals to other Earths, okay! Here's hoping the storyline is actually about her, and they're not using her to introduce a new guy into the fold as a new hero/villain ala Ray Palmer.
  9. I can make out a silver/platinum band in the space between her fingers. Could be the light, but it looks like a ring to me.
  10. Why does Iris keep calling Wally by his full name every time she mentions him? It's cracking me up. "Wally. Wally West."
  11. I think it's the light. It also looks to me like she has some major tan lines going on. And a ring on her finger.
  12. WM basically said that Felicity would find out on her own in a post show interview last week - Oliver's not going to tell her. If I had to guess, he'll try to tell her, get interrupted by something terrible, and then she'll be recovering or whatever and he'll not want to add to her burden or something lame like that. Still don't see how Oliver's stupid enough to go visit William after he publicly makes a move against HIVE as Oliver Queen, and even if he IS that stupid, I don't see how #1 Oliver Queen Google alert subscriber BM lets him anywhere near the kid. That would be even more ridiculous to me than the secrets and lies requirement. I'll wait and see how it plays out.
  13. See, "health of the couple" makes me think it's Grey's, haha.
  14. That is the most convoluted blind I've ever read. Could be Grey's - I don't watch The Good Wife, so IDK.
  15. Yep. I don't want a kid on this show ever ever ever, but I think watching Oliver navigate fatherhood could've been an interesting story. They set it up in a way that makes Oliver look terrible, makes BM look unreasonable, and the only believable way for the storyline to go at this point given the whole DD story is that both of them pack up and move somewhere in the middle of the night, never to be heard from again. So, I get that SA was excited for the storyline, they just botched it with the lying. Which seems to be the sentiment over on his Facebook page.
  16. Yep. And it'll be something Daddy-esque, like SINS OF THE FATHER or something ridiculous like that, because that's probably also when Felicity will find out about lil Willie.
  17. It'll probably be easy to forget about it tomorrow, but after that, when they start planting seeds for the potential fallout? Not so much, unfortunately.
  18. Quentin's clap face is cracking me up, especially since Laurel has on such a big smile right next to him (KC looks really pretty in that shot, too).
  19. Yeah, I was going to say. If I didn't completely abhor this stupidity on all levels, then I would like the picture, too. It's cute. Especially since SA posted a note at the top about how great it was to work with the actors and how much he was looking forward to the storyline. Not sure how much we can read into the total # of likes since some of the people who gave it a thumbs up are in the post wishing they could change the lying, haha.
  20. You should definitely hit up a Ham4Ham show at least once while you're there. So fun!
  21. I've only seen Les Mis and Phantom live. And I have tickets to see Hamilton in June, so there's that.
  22. Oh, it definitely could be. It's just that he tends to be such a doubling-down drama queen about stuff that my mind just goes to the negative place first. :)
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