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Everything posted by apinknightmare

  1. It's not Andy. I've never seen this dude before.
  2. I just noticed, is it just me or does Thea look like she's purposely going over that ledge? Like she can't help herself?
  3. There's supposed to be a flash forward to the day of the death. It could be that.
  4. I wonder if Goth!Felicity pushes IRL Felicity to do crazy shit to help her walk again.
  5. Is Oliver wearing his funeral suit in that clip with Thea? Also, Jesus, Thea's in the hospital AGAIN? And LOL @ Felicity hallucinating herself. I don't think any of us guessed that. I wonder what Goth!Self is going to tell her to do.
  6. I like Nyssa, but 100% do not care about the LoA or anything that comes along with it. I want her to beat Malcolm's ass, but I don't need to see a whole storyline about it.
  7. He could've meant that since he made sure to mention he was keeping his Canadian citizenship. Not sure we'll ever know, though!
  8. I *think* the three years is a requirement for citizenship, not a green card.* *could also be wrong about this And I'm not sure what this trailer will be, since yeah, they probably won't show any of Felicity's storyline. I'll be pleasantly surprised if they do though!
  9. I think you can get a conditional green card when you first get married, but have to stay married for at least two years for the conditions to be lifted. You have to apply for it, though. It's not something you're granted automatically when you get married.* *could be wrong about all of this
  10. In my last review I mentioned that I admired them for taking on something like time travel, because just trying to work out the logistics of it makes my brain hurt. I read a time-traveling kid fic for ash818's Legacy series, and in that one Barry told Oliver and Felicity that they'd forget about the kid when the timeline made adjustments for his absence, so maybe they'll go that way? I'm not even going to try to speculate, haha. I'd be really surprised if they take it past the end of S2, though.
  11. They might try to hint in-show that she's still the one in the grave, but I doubt we're going to see these ridiculous commercials with Oliver at the grave attached to anything at all to do with Felicity. They are playing right now like she's dead in promos. I really don't think they're going to keep doing it after this ep.
  12. I think we're done with the Felicity teases after this ep. They'll start teasing someone else once it's clear she lives.
  13. During the crossover, yes. Malcolm said something to Oliver about basically unleashing hell if his recklessness wound up getting Thea killed. It wasn't exactly that - I don't remember the exact words.
  14. I think maybe we're talking about two potentially different things here - I agree that it's probable that Felicity being paralyzed is the huge spoiler, but there was also another tweet that mentioned a scene that would set the fandom on fire and get them speculating - that's the one I was referring to above. Not sure that's Felicity related at all - could be about whoever's dying. Then again, both reviewers could be talking about the same scene.
  15. Yeah, I get it. The only reason why it even pinged for me is because I just recently watched these eps, and in the one right before the ep where this fic is set, Slade, Blood and Isabel are all hanging out after hours discussing their nefarious plans in Oliver's old office at QC. I just feel like even on her worst day Felicity is too smart to even chance going into that building with the kid knowing that Isabel is working with Slade. But, I know it was all set up so she could run into Moira. I've been wanting to see them interact, so I'm glad for that, at least. And I'm letting this go!
  16. I'm crossing my fingers none of y'all are ever on the run from someone. I worry for your safety, haha.
  17. Could be! I wonder if it would be DD's wife, or Alex. I feel like Alex would be the more intriguing option, considering Oliver thinks he's on his side.
  18. They do seem to have a conversation about what he promised her. Maybe a big part of their plan comes to light? Or maybe this is when they start hatching a plan for her to oppose Oliver. That doesn't seem like a huge spoiler to me, but who knows.
  19. Someone responded to that reviewer and wrote, "Felicity being paralyzed, I assume," and the writer wrote to never assume. So maybe it's not that? Or maybe it is and she's playing. I hate screener day, haha.
  20. There's the possibility you missed it because it didn't happen, haha. I thought I read it in an interview with her that was fairly recent, but for the life of me I can't find it.
  21. It's tough to say, since I don't think we can assume that this particular reviewer even knows about Oracle to think people would speculate it would be Felicity.
  22. She did, but I thought she recently mentioned it being in 4x15 or somewhere around there. I could be making that up, though, but I really thought it was going to be later.
  23. At least if we get a FF like WM promised (although I thought she said it would later in the season), we'll have a little more to go on than just a grave scene, since we're supposed to find out where everyone was/what they were doing when someone bites it.
  24. Yep, probably. I like the idea of Firewall. It also wouldn't surprise me if it's Falacity. jkjk
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