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Everything posted by apinknightmare

  1. Yep. If it was important that he lie, then the lie is the reason for the breakup.I would give anything to be a writer on this show. Ugh. To me a more in character split reason is because Oliver has a kid out there that he's NOT being a father to. That would cut Felicity deeply, and there's no need for some dumb ass lie.
  2. I'm sure he could do something else, I'm just a little confused as to why they'd make the mayoral campaign such a huge storyline, with no one challenging him but a villain's wife, if he's ultimately going to lose, throw his hands up, and then go do something else. I mean, they very well could do that, I just think that ultimately, somehow, he's gonna become mayor.
  3. There would for sure be some logistical challenges, but I agree. He needs a job, and it would be interesting watching him juggle the two things. I miss him having to do that with QC.
  4. Well, I suppose it all depends on how the kid secret comes out - if this woman is threatening Oliver with that secret, or is somehow connected to the kid's kidnapping, I would hope she wouldn't stop funding him so that someone who would do such a thing would win. Either way, *we* know she's evil, and outside of the story, I'd really not give people more ammunition to hate her. But that's just me. She should cut him off personally, but it seems uncharacteristically petty to stop funding his mayoral campaign when it's in the city's best interest (not to mention the team's) to have someone on their side in charge.
  5. So that a woman who wants to kill everyone so they can repopulate the world can run unopposed? No thanks. Even the height of anger, I can't see her doing this - she lives in Star City too, it's in her best interest to have someone who cares about it running the place.
  6. This is the first I've heard of that, too.
  7. It's not a real wedding. The whole point of Oliver lying about the kid was so Oliver and Felicity would break up. SA said this weekend that the last scene of 4x15 isn't a good one for them, so I highly doubt they have an actual wedding one ep later.
  8. Not to sound like a broken record, but CAN MALCOM PLEASE JUST FUCKING DIE ALREADY
  9. Staging a wedding to draw her out only makes sense if she knows that Oliver is the Green Arrow. She had the hots for Arrow, not for Oliver. Otherwise I'm not sure why she'd care if he was marrying Felicity (in a wedding that is for sure not real).
  10. I truly don't mean this as snarky as it's going to come across, honestly, but what exactly over the course of the past three and a half years of this show would make you think this would be given time and sensitivity and quality writing? If that's something that you expect at all from Arrow, you're just always going to be disappointed.
  11. She totally is, but it entertains me. I get why some people might not like the character though.
  12. I'm okay with this prediction though - I like her, haha.
  13. I think the majority of casual or "general" viewers - however you want to phrase it, don't go looking for advance ep descriptions, seeking out spoilers, or searching for stills. Maybe they'd click on an article if it happened to be in a sidebar, but for the most part they just watch the previews on TV and tune in at the same time every week. I seriously, seriously doubt most people would look very deeply into what they're promoting and think there's an intentional push to make Felicity look incompetent or "less than" anyone else on the team.
  14. That's true. Everyone I know IRL who watches Arrow - which is only about 3 or 4 people - don't watch promos or pay attention to stills and such. Those things are for us. Any time I ask one of them if they've seen whatever promo, the answer is always no.
  15. I promise you, casual viewers are probably like, "Yes, I want to tune in and see if she can be trusted!" and give zero thought about it past that. They don't examine things like we do.
  16. That ep description was written and distributed when we were supposed to wonder whether or not Felicity survived - there's a reason she's not in that one, or the other ones that were released before ep 4x10 aired.
  17. If the set photographer was around the day they were shooting Felicity's scenes, there probably would be a few pics of her in here. And it seems like some time has passed since the last ep since Felicity's out and about, and being treated like a special snowflake who has to be monitored all the time is probably the last thing she wants. I wouldn't be surprised if she asked Oliver for some time to herself, or if she told him she didn't want him hovering.
  18. So, is Diggle just lurking in the shadows, following her at work? What a couple of maroons.
  19. Hopefully a couple of those broken hearts belong to William and Samantha as they leave their beloved Central City to start a new life in parts unknown.
  20. I don't care about the when or why of O/L sparring. For all we know, Felicity asked for some time to herself and he's giving it to her. I am amused that he's doing it in his good clothes though. Lol.
  21. So there's for sure not an ep on 3/2? I'll be on a flight that evening. How handy!
  22. Unless she tries to claim there's some LoA magical bond over them that will somehow injure one or both of them if he tries to marry someone else (LOLOLOL), I'm not sure what kind of leverage this marriage is worth.
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