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Everything posted by apinknightmare

  1. It's a structure of some sort - there are support beams around them.
  2. I'd like that too, since they're acting like Felicity is some evil mastermind who'd eliminate the kid if she found out about him, or someone who can't be trusted with huge secrets, which is clearly not true. The first words out of Thea's mouth should've been, "Being your kid isn't safe. If it's his safety you're worried about, tell the team, *especially* Felicity." This show, lol.
  3. I'm going to voice my fear now: I don't want the kidnapping ordeal to end with Samantha and William knowing that Oliver is the Green Arrow, and some "heartwarming" hug where Oliver promises to introduce the kid to The Flash or something, before everyone trots home to Central City like Oliver isn't a terrible father who repeatedly endangered his son to keep a promise to said son's terrible mother. I don't think I'm lucky enough for them to do the sensible thing and disappear to a new life with ARGUS, but...I can't handle gooey, mushy, father/son bonding time. I'll actually actively be rooting against Team Arrow for the first time in my viewing life, that's how badly I want this storyline to disappear. But alas. Anyway. Please don't do that, show.
  4. Maybe, like a lot of Laurel's stuff, a stunt got cut for time?
  5. I think the writers did her dirty in this past episode too, with her support of the Donna/Quentin thing, and talking to Donna about trusting Quentin's intentions. I know they're different situations, but if I didn't know better, I would've thought they were setting her up to be immediately forgiving of the lie despite the minefield of anvils about secrets and whatnot that rained down last night. Unless the writers are going to throw us an idiotic curveball and have Oliver do something additionally stupid that compounds it.
  6. I think it might be questionable if she ditched him in the middle of the ep and refused to help him find his son, but if she does it after the kid is home safe then I don't really see what the issue is. I mean, I know people will find reasons to hate on her anyway, but there isn't anything bad about that timing IMO.
  7. At the Dallas Fan Days this past weekend, SA apologized to an Olicity fan for what's coming up in the show, and we know that there's a scene at the end of 4x15 (per SA - can't remember when he said it) that shippers won't be happy about. She's not wearing her ring in the flash forward - I think it's safe to guess that they break up at the end of the next ep.
  8. He definitely did, because I tweeted my response to him and he @ replied that I was the first one who guessed it (although I'm guessing my response was just the first one he saw).
  9. It's a pretty good lesson in what not to do though!
  10. He tweeted asking people to guess, and did confirm when someone guessed the title. It's how cops (and other law enforcement/military) signal the end of a shift.
  11. Yeah, I think we will too. Hopefully MG will give us the beginning letter to figure it out, like with Public Enemy.
  12. Hopefully they name 4x19 "REST IN PEACE" or something like that so we know for sure, haha.
  13. They're actually just a few posts up in this thread. :)
  14. There were tweets posted (in this thread, maybe?) about Laurel filming something campaign-related, and then another about Laurel and Lance having coffee together in 4x18.
  15. He doesn't remember that, though, because Barry undid that timeline. All he knows is what Barry (the only person who remembered the original timeline) told him, which was that Felicity found out about the kid and broke up with him. He didn't actually hear their conversation. There's not any indication at all that Oliver ever worried about that though, but if the writers had wanted to have that be one of his issues, they could have.
  16. I really would've liked to see the debate since I'm pretty sure Ruve didn't really bother to prepare because she thought the venue would get all blowed up!
  17. Isn't that the problem this flash-forward death is supposed to solve, though? Bringing back "stakes" or whatever in the hell MG said about it.
  18. I have two! One small, one large-one's programmable, one isn't. Good 'ol Laura has probably schooled Oliver on the virtues of both.
  19. I wrote this before as a joke, but it's probably true. World's best mother Samantha, by allowing William's father to introduce himself as "a friend," and letting Oliver come around basically whenever he wants to has opened this kid up to thinking that anyone who introduces himself as her friend is also trustworthy. And historically she's allowed her "friends" to meet and play with him without her being around, so there's no reason he'd think DD coming up to him without his mother around would be weird. Add to the fact that DD also seems to have treated him well, and the fact that he's Oliver's kid so he probably has two, maybe three brain cells to rub together...it's the perfect storm for a kidnapping victim!
  20. DD probably told him he was a friend of Mommy's! He knows from experience now that those dudes are a-okay.
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