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Everything posted by apinknightmare

  1. Nah, no one's forgotten. But if you're going to show someone gleefully killing multiple people - like Siren did, and then try to redeem her, you kinda have to have her acknowledge that she was gleefully killing people instead of having an attitude about people aren't immediately buying into her redemption. Laurel brought up Vince once I think? Never any of the other people we saw her off, and she didn't even apologize for trying to kill Dinah, Felicity and Sara. In fact, Dinah apologized to her for doubting her, LOL. It's weak.
  2. "Clearly no one has informed you that I used to play for Team Villain...." #Arrow We don’t talk about that!!!
  3. The CW PR department is such a mess I’d be surprised if *they* know who runs that twitter account.
  4. I'm not sure if she did or not, I only skimmed too. I think she'll acknowledge whichever kids she has scenes with though.
  5. Yeah. Clearly I'm not opposed to redemptions since Oliver is my fave, but his past crimes are constantly addressed while he attempts to do better, and hers just...never are? Even when she had her little ~relapse they excused it away in-show that she didn't really want to kill Felicity, Dinah and Sara, just get their attention or whatever. I know we're never going to get this because they don't care enough about Laurel as a character to put in the effort, but they really needed to do some more legwork there, haha. Anyway...interested to see what her advice to Mia is, hope I don't hate it.
  6. After seeing that the episode was father/son focused and that Laurel gives Mia some advice, and because Stephen mentioned that Oliver tells Laurel that he's glad she's around (he didn't specify it was in this episode, but it has to be coming soon), I assumed that Laurel was doing some heavy emotional lifting with Mia since Oliver's load would appear to be with William this episode. Laurel is just not someone I care to see doing emotional lifting with Mia when the dad she's never met is right there, even if Oliver/Mia scenes are also included. I'll take back my pre-judgement from that reviewer's tweets and wait and see how it goes.
  7. To be fair, he actually got to raise her and watch her grow up. He knew her as an adult, Oliver never got the chance. Diggle's meeting a kid he didn't even know he had. We've already seen Rene with Zoe, so his story gets more movement by her not being there.
  8. Hopefully. Because there isn't a person in the present who could say it who isn't also a dick.
  9. I would be legitimately shocked if that’s ever brought up again considering she never apologized to anyone else on the team she tried to kill. But I hope William brings it up anyway. this makes me feel slightly better.
  10. I can't think of anyone in the present who would have any business saying this. My best guess is...Laurel? I know they have scenes in COIE, but I'm hoping they'll have some one-on-one time together before all that happens.
  11. I hope this is all the spin-off setting up we're doing. Like, I'm glad William is getting some time in with Oliver, but William's already had that. William and Oliver clearing up their issues better make some room for some father/daughter time next ep.
  12. Cool. Just the scene I wanted in an episode where the daughter Oliver left as an infant shows up. Between her and freaking Laurel, LOL.
  13. I wonder if the cliffhanger is that the kids can't get back to their time because whatever's happened in the episode has changed the future to the point where it doesn't exist anymore? Or maybe they just end up in Russia.
  14. Hopefully we’re not getting the last Quentin we saw, who was kidnapping people and desperately needed an intervention.
  15. I never wrote that you had to like it; I was just addressing your comment that if they want Oliver to be the hero of the Arrowverse that they should create their own original story. These shows all exist as a spin on comics canon - this version of Crisis is their spin on that as well, whether we like that spin or not. Is Barry losing his storyline to Oliver? People were complaining about that after the last crossover and it seems like Barry has his own story. Maybe Kara will too? Is there any indication that Oliver's outright stealing anyone's storyline other than getting one of his own in this version of Crisis?
  16. All these shows have "based on the characters from DC Comics" in the opening credits instead of "faithfully adapted from every comics story ever" for a reason. They're going to adapt them for their characters and whatever logistical/creative purposes they need/want to meet.
  17. Yay! Now I'm off to go watch reddit have a breakdown.
  18. I'm so sorry you've been going through all of this. I'm sending all of my positive energy your way for good news next week! ❤️
  19. Arrow 8x05 synopsis: DON’T LET YOUR PAST DEFINE YOU – Upon learning the key to oppose The Monitor (guest star LaMonica Garrett), Oliver (Stephen Amell) and team return to Russia on a mission to gather the necessary materials. Connor (Joseph David-Jones) reunites with a figure from his past. Laura Belsey directed the episode written by Benjamin Raab & Deric A. Hughes (#805). Original airdate 11/19/2019.
  20. Yeah. I think they're going to wind up in some 3rd location. Not our present, not their future, but somewhere else. I'm not really sure what to make of the "new and improved" and "futuristic buildings" reference in the part of the script Katie posted on instagram for episode 9 otherwise. I'd prefer that - I'd like their future to be erased and our present to look good enough that they aren't really needed to stick around (provided the timeline is changed to the point where Oliver and Felicity actually get to raise Mia together). Since the kids would be displaced at that point, why not just stick them somewhere new. Not sure what Dinah and Laurel's story would be for winding up with them, but maybe that's the Monitor's doing.
  21. They don’t know that she did that - they think she’s in hiding.
  22. Oh yeah - I also forgot that Dinah had some Black Canary swag made and gave some to Zoe to encourage her along this path.
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