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Everything posted by apinknightmare

  1. I don't think they'll be married or even together in 6x01. I think there will be some reason - like Oliver dedicating his time to William over the summer because Samantha is injured and unable to (pls not dead), so he and Felicity have an ~understanding to just take things glacially slow, and that will change at the beginning of the season for whatever reason.
  2. SA said at a con that Oliver and Felicity would take it slow, didn't he? I'm assuming he meant over the summer and in the first couple of eps, which would line up with MG talking about their lower case "r" (so stupid). Seems like SA and DR were giving people something to look forward to beyond that.
  3. Here's the only usage of "relationship with a capital "R" (that I can find) from him: Seems like he thinks that a lowercase "r" relationship is what two people who have romantic ~connections are in before they decide to be together as a couple, which then puts them in a capital "R" relationship. So...absent any context of the article minus someone's dictation of it, my guess is to expect O/F to be in that before capital "R" place where they aren't fully back together yet.
  4. Yes, it was here: He also used it when referring to Felicity's lower-case "d" dark path.
  5. If O/F are getting married this year, then it would make sense for them to shift the romantic drama onto the newbies they're pushing.
  6. Looks less off the rack at a Halloween superstore there than it did in the other shot we got.
  7. With the posting schedule she's on, I tend to think she's probably written ahead if not finished it.
  8. Yep - when he attacked the mayor's limo (during the impeachment trial, I think?). ETA: I just noticed you wrote BC - I'm actually not sure about that. I think maybe he just encountered her as a member of Oliver's security detail.
  9. New FBI guy or Vigilante or her boyfriend turns up alive (or a combo of the FBI guy being Vigilante/her boyfriend being FBI guy or Vigilante). That's my best guess.
  10. I watch the show intermittently, because I got to the point where I pretty much hated everyone BUT Harvey and Donna (independently of their would-be relationship).
  11. Please don't die, please don't die, please don't die.
  12. I hated it when they implied Laurel was interchangeable with her E2 self, and I hate the implication that E1 people are interchangeable with other Earths' versions. I mean, them fighting against someone who looks like the person they loved and his clearly not that person is interesting, but they covered that in 10. Dragging it out is ugh. That being said, this is Wendy so it's either complete BS or 75% BS.
  13. Oh no- I was responding to @leopardprint's comment that it was OOC for Oliver to call her that since he's done it before. I forgot to quote!
  14. Looks like a pic that's hanging in the production office or something (given the partition in the reflection).
  15. I think she might just not understand how love triangles work. One person has to love both the others. It doesn't count if one is secretly in love with another while that person lives their life not caring.
  16. Yeah, there seems to be some kind of unrest about everything over there. Olicity, Laurel, BS vs. Dinah, etc. I totally get complaining about something you don't like, but it's been going on 4 years of Olicity. Accept that it's happening and decide that it's worth it to you to stick with the show despite that or move on - short of Emily leaving the show, Olicity is the pairing. They're just so obsessive in their hatred over there - I cannot imagine spending that much time complaining about something you hate. It must be maddening to be so obsessed and unable to let go.
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