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Everything posted by apinknightmare

  1. Regarding the convo the other day about losing some female reviewers for Arrow - looks like a woman - Allison Shoemaker - has taken over for Alisdair Wilkins on AV Club. She gave it a B-: People change, but Arrow stays the same
  2. She told Quentin that he should've aimed for her heart (or something along those lines), so I'm guessing he didn't hit her anywhere major and she just survived the gunshot wound to her shoulder or wherever.
  3. I liked Oliver's apartment more than I thought I would but it kind of looks like a sauna?
  4. I had no expectations, so I was entertained. It wasn't great by any means, but I didn't have any niggling feelings of impending doom like I have in previous seasons, so it was fun...considering.
  5. I thought they'd take the time to show how everyone survived and how they all got off the island - LOL @ me.
  6. Dinah looks good here? Pantsuits all day, everyday.
  7. I was getting a kick out of how much William hates Oliver, BUT IT'S GONE NOW, THANKS SHOW.
  9. I missed what was going on with Felicity - Donna was in town?
  10. Maybe? Right after Oliver talked to them, Chase pulled William out of the cabin, and Oliver spent the rest of the time dealing with Chase - then he killed himself and everything went boom.
  11. I think it makes sense in a state of panic to run toward the danger if you think that's where your kid is. I'm not sure that measured logic to try to piece things together would've really fit in the time crunch they had (the in-show time crunch of not knowing if/when the island was going to blow up), and without knowing where William was she couldn't go along with the team and escape. IDK, it doesn't bother me so much given the circumstances.
  12. She doesn't know that - the last transmission Oliver had with the team, he was with Chase on the boat but Chase hadn't revealed that he had William with him.
  13. They all changed after, except for Iris and Barry. Because marrying him is like going to a funeral. For life.
  14. But she did say it, so it’s disingenuous to assert that a comment like Iris being Barry’s sister-fiancée is “seeping with racism” since the familial connection between Barry and Iris/Joe is one the show did make and continues to make.
  15. If she didn’t think of him like a brother, she never would’ve said “we’re kind of like brother and sister.” She’d just say that even though they grew up in the same house together, they aren’t brother and sister. Seems pretty simple to me? I mean, if I shipped it I’d want to remove it from memory too since it’s a weird way to go, but people making brother/sister comments are doing it because the show does it too.
  16. Nah, the key phrase is that Iris herself said that she and Barry were like brother and sister. It doesn’t matter that they weren’t - because she thought of him that way.
  17. One of Iris’s first comments on the show - to Barry - was that they were like brother and sister. So...yeah, they did.
  18. Except this is a line literally spoken by Iris in the show: Even though we pretty much grew up in the same house together, and we're kind of like brother and sister, because we're not brother and sister, it can get really weird and awkward to talk to me about girls. It’s a weird way to set up a destiny romance, which is the joke. Nothing racist about it.
  19. They all come together for Barry and Iris’s wedding and then don’t even stay for it? LOL
  20. It's not just you - that is what they're doing. They've decided to completely ignore the fact that they had a huge cliffhanger, and to make the audience believe that everyone died instead of using it to their advantage to build anticipation to get people to tune in to see who made it. So we get "everything has changed" promos with shots of Oliver, Williams and BS/BC - no hint of anyone else making it out alive. Of all the dumbass promo things Arrow has done, I understand this the least, haha.
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