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Everything posted by apinknightmare

  1. I hate Barry Allen with the fire of a gazillion suns, but him drunkenly crying about Rose not making room for Jack on the door made me laugh. Drunk Barry for every episode pls.
  2. Agreed. Also, someone please explain to me how the whole Killer Frost thing works - is she just not Caitlin at all anymore? (ETA: watched that clip right after I asked the question so I guess she is still Caitlin, at least a little).
  3. Sara. She's wearing the same dress in that pic of the group standing in the STAR Labs meta prison.
  4. At least if someone mentions him looking like Oliver they'll be in the ballpark, unlike unfortunate Ralph Dibny.
  5. Yeah, he's frequently referred to as "Diggshit" (to Felicity's "Felicishit") - LOL
  6. May I just say that I loved this episode on its own merits, but the absolute meltdown it's caused on reddit is...::kisses fingers:: perfect.
  7. “Finish him girl, yassss. Make those kids orphans. Queen!!!”
  8. Yeah, I think their biggest mistake with promo here is keeping Michael Emerson a secret. It really doesn't make any sense.
  9. I’m really surprised that the DC All Access guy doesn’t like it! LOL
  10. I think maybe it's a case of not quite being sure of whether you're going to get a 4A ep or a 4B/S5 ep. Hopefully once
  11. I think that the show is at its best when it focuses on Olicity in a functional, happy, constructive way. Last night was just that - I don't think they could've done it any better. They have, however, done it much, much worse, so I could agree with the EW quote, haha.
  12. I don't think it's permanent, either. I think using Helix is just a means to tie her into whatever it is that Cayden James has planned for her.
  13. I don't even care that the blow up the internet plot was so achingly dumb because that episode was so much fun to watch. And I wanted to quit 2 weeks ago - LOL @ me x infinity.
  14. I know I shouldn't, but I find this all so cute. Oliver trying to save them, barging in, messing up. Bless him.
  15. What kind of moron hits on a woman at a bar and gets to an alley outside with her without taking off his ring. C'mon.
  16. celebrates Thanksgiving with his family his family his family family
  17. I was at sea during 5x19. I (kinda) feel your pain!
  18. I get wanting to know what's on the menu when you arrive, just so no one's disappointed, haha.
  19. After sitting through that I feel like I should've gotten the satisfaction of watching one or both of them die.
  20. I don't even want to think about what Thanksgiving's going to look like for Arrow, LOL.
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