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Everything posted by apinknightmare

  1. I was wondering what the significance of BS going by "Siu Jerk Jai" - apparently it means "Little Bird" and is one of Dinah's comic aliases? Someone correct me if that's wrong.
  2. I really hope the missing money is part of a larger setup and that BS stealing it isn't an oversight that they conveniently use to put the screws to Oliver. That way Triple D-ragon is only guilty of one count of criminal idiocy and not two.
  3. The real big bad who doesn't let his setup man nearly destroy the city he's trying to take over? PLS
  4. I would hate that. Especially since a doctored video was revealed just last episode. If Felicity got duped so soon after that it would be incredibly stupid, but this is Arrow, so...
  5. Since she got the money out in bearer bonds, I wonder if they're just going to have them switching hands until Oliver finally gets them back...whenever. Like, Laurel will tell them where she left them at the end and Oliver will go to get them and they'll be gone.
  6. Like...if Dragon set this whole plan in motion by using James as his stooge, how does he not have access to that account? How on earth would he ever let himself lose millions and millions of dollars? Even if Black Siren had been somehow working with him to create a distraction, she took the money out in bearer bonds, so...he's still a fucking idiot. I hate this so much, haha.
  7. Everything about this is so dumb. Quentin got handed the idiot stick this season wrt the "there's a little bit of Laurel inside this doppelgänger" - Oliver hasn't really indicated that he has an issue differentiating between the two since he had the idiot stick in 5x10. Also... HOW DID 3-DRAGON NOT GET THAT MONEY??!? I weep.
  8. I wonder if anyone is actually sending him kill Diggle it Oliver tweets? He’s Reddit’s hero now and quite a few of them want Diggle dead, but not as much as they want Felicity offed. Plus, since good ol’ Kid Vicious (and his wife) got so much mileage off his first like about Felicity, I’m sure Olicity haters send him that stuff hoping for another round of him against the fandom. And he probably likes the stuff hoping for the same. That’s why it doesn’t really bother me personally.
  9. I find him amusing. He seems like the type who always refers to himself in the third person and flexes for himself in the mirror as he pumps himself up for the day. "Lookin' good today, Kid." ::kisses bicep::
  10. Because it gets people in a tizzy and gives him screencap fodder so he can call people out on their spelling mistakes while his fans egg him on. He got a good week out of trolling Felicity fans the first go round. Hopefully people ignore this one.
  11. Yeah. Laurel, Sara, Laurel again, then Sara again, and then they did Laurel the ultimate disservice of having her want him after that AGAIN. So yuck.
  12. The only truly gross sibling connections in the Arrowverse for me are both the Lance sisters still wanting Oliver despite knowing about each other's history with him (and Laurel especially, since he pretty much always treated her like dirt), and Diggle lusting after his brother's wife. I don't think Sara's LI's resemblance to Laurel is too skeevy since I doubt anyone has mentioned it on show (if they have, I reserve the right to revise this statement), and I don't think she was cast for that purpose. Just an unfortunate coincidence, haha.
  13. Nah, I couldn't figure out why he included Kevin Hart. The only thing I can think is because Kevin Hart ran the NY Marathon? But that was in November, so...no, no idea.
  14. Curiosity got the best of me because I wanted to know why Kevin Hart was on there. Looks like good ol’ #KidVicious is shouting into the void about his marathon times. Hopefully Felicity fans ignore him like everyone he @ed in that tweet did.
  15. Yeah, I saw that - just nothing that seemed as if it was an actual network promo. It was all pretty much what I would've expected to see if a character who'd never suited up before was suddenly suiting up.
  16. It doesn't make sense to bring back another drug dealer when the alleged ~mastermind of the season is already a drug dealer. If Vertigo the drug is making a comeback, I'd guess it's 3-Dragon printing up a special batch, unless he recruits Zytle to be a part of his group of lackeys who are apparently too stupid to realize they're following a moron.
  17. Has there been anything promoting this storyline apart from the picture the Flash account tweeted out?
  18. Is teasing Iris's storyline something Flash is doing because she's a woman and they're patting themselves on the back for featuring her, or because she's someone who isn't the titular character? Didn't they do the same thing with Ralph Dibney? Doesn't Arrow do the same thing when anyone who isn't Oliver is in the spotlight? You're conflating respect for the characters (which...I think plenty of people would argue is lacking for women on some Arrowverse shows) with how the show is advertised.
  19. Yeah - Raisa (I'm guessing that's her) is bleeding in this ep. We don't need the context for it for it to be a spoiler, LOL.
  20. I hope that's some kind of hallucination - I'm not attached to Raisa, but unless she winds up being some kind of Bratva operative, someone must shoot her to get to William and no thank you.
  21. Since he posted that pic of Oliver passed out on the floor, my only other guess is hallucinations courtesy of 3-D and his magic printer.
  22. Oh yeah, I figured he was taking a jab at "reporters" for not knowing what they're talking about. But Oliver not having many flashbacks this season so far isn't really a reason to make fun of someone for talking about what might happen in the future, haha.
  23. His reasoning there doesn't make a lot of sense, LOL
  24. I'm pretty sure the comment came across exactly as intended considering the sentiment was reiterated after I took issue with it. It was not at all clear to me that it extended only to these particular characters and not women who dress like that in general, which was why I was responding specifically to the person who made said comment. And I'm glad you didn't intend to imply that you don't have a problem with a real live woman wearing that outfit. I still think conflating the arguments of how women are drawn in comics with whether they can be seen as heroic or good role models while being drawn that way is a slippery argument that can have unintended implications, so...don't think I can or should add more here. Bowing out for real now!
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