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Posts posted by taanja

  1. 1 hour ago, DoctorAtomic said:

    Showrunners shouldn't be explaining anything. It's a way overused device nowadays, but that's a whole other conversation. I also agree that you have to show what you want to show when the show airs or it doesn't count. 

    This is kind of unfair now because most of us haven't seen the dvds so the traveling makes no sense unless you have the there is internal consistency. 

    The whole thing is stupid anyway. They could have had one scene where Roger decides to stay and that's it. 

    I don't know why it bothers me so much, but the entire plot has turned into garbage now. 

    Initially it was the time travel aspect of this show that made me want to watch. It annoys me when the show makes it a big deal to travel through the stones (Hell! we even had a new character that said he was from 1968!!!) but then skims over or does a complete fake out with Roger and Bree.

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  2. 4 minutes ago, sas616 said:

    Happened before, though the scene never made it into the episode. In Season 4, when Roger decided to follow Bree into the past, he didn't make it through on the 1st try (I believe the scene is included in the DVD set).  He successfully goes through on his second try.


    How would I know that since the show didn't "show" that? No character on the show ever mentioned that out loud either. That is even lamer that I initially thought. 

    • Love 3
  3. 23 hours ago, Lola82 said:

    My take on the last scene was that they did have sex. Claire made a whole speech how this will not be the thing that breaks her. Sex has always been one the best ways Claire and Jaime connected so she wanted to reclaim it for herself as a nonviolent act. That's why Jaime called her brave during that scene and she said she felt safe.

    One unintentional moment of comedy for me was the Indian asking if she knows who Ringo Starr is. Why not pick a more popular Beatle?

    I can't seem to remember what the orange symbolized. Was it in a past scene?

    Yup. I thought immediately that was an after sex scene -- with Claire "reclaiming" the one thing she likes most (especially with Jaime) and when he said she was a "brave wee thing" or whatever he said that kind of clinched it for me.

    The flashback scenes in that cool as hell tract house were the highlight for me. I know it was Claire's way of dealing with the reality she was going through at the time -- but it made me wish they could all go through the stones and live there. They all looked so damn good! The cloths! the hair!

    Do Roger and Bree die in a car accident in the future? Is that what that was supposed to be?

    Speaking of Roger and Bree-- so? what? wait? WTF? they just...came right back? didn't go anywhere? What? that was lame as shit.

    • Love 4
  4. On 4/27/2020 at 1:27 AM, buttersister said:

    Our Comcast must have added Epix for real (maybe to soothe the screaming over losing TCM to some $ports package). I’m feeling very bad for Mr. Trenchard is an ass on many levels. And you know giving away his grandson was to protect himself, no matter what he blathers on about. Selfish asshole. Rooting for Mrs. T.

    Yeah. I went ahead a freaking purchased the sports crap (I don't watch any sports ever-- they are forbidden on my television) but I need Turner Classic Movies in my life. So... well worth it.

    Oh and the actress from Sweetbitter is Mariah (or Maria) Grey-- I knew I recognized her from something!

    I don't hate any of the characters. They all have something to offer.

    • Love 2
  5. On 4/13/2020 at 10:30 AM, Frost said:

    I loved the first episode!  I really enjoyed the book and I thought they were very true to it so far, although Lady Brockenhurst wasn't as waspish in her first meeting with Mrs Trenchard as I remember.  I teared up when Sophia died, although the pronunciation of her name kept tripping me up every time I heard it!

    The nuances of navigating society in those days were so complex.  And poor Mr Trenchard was so bad at it!   It's easy as modern day American to laugh at that stuff but I still remember as a student at university in England in the '80's that some of it was still around.

    At first my American ears thought they were saying -- Saphira << or something -- it took me several eps to realize they are saying Sophia! Duh!

    Anyway-- customs and old timey manners? I am in! 

    • Love 1
  6. On 5/4/2020 at 12:01 AM, enchantingmonkey said:

    Yeah, my other thought was that they were playing their little games with time...again.  It does seem odd, though, that the owners of the motel would never move him from his room for years or decades.  

    Don't let the haters get you down.  I've appreciated your enthusiasm throughout the season.  It allows me to see some of the scenes through different eyes.  

    Popping in to say I liked it too. I was a little leary of the finale-- like I was kind of dreading the chick fight trope but was actually pleasantly surprised. Adios Dolores. or is it...???

    • Love 4
  7. On 4/26/2020 at 4:05 AM, Chas411 said:

    I do agree that it would have limited Jo’s storyline potential massively. Ironically I think this has been one of her best seasons. The best Alex exit would have been for both of them to leave together. Had Chambers given any notice of his plans maybe they could have done that. He didn’t though and unfortunately there were limited options. I think having Jo more involved in his decision would have been more realistic though ie they mystery being she disappears herself for a few weeks and comes back with the letters and admitting her and Alex both agreed he should stay leaving him status with Izzie open ended. At least that way we could buy they came to the decision together and there could have been better closure for Jo then what she got.

    Nah. I think the route the show went was the right direction. I think Alex would have done exactly what they made the character do ... just up and leave and finally send a note/letter/text explaining the why and wherefore. 


  8. On 4/27/2020 at 12:40 PM, CatWarmer said:

    I fully admit I have no idea what’s going on this season or how anyone relates to anyone else - until I come here and read the threads!  I’m usually pretty good at following alternate reality/memory/timeline/dimension storylines, but this show left me in the dust.  I watch because I have nothing better to do, watched the last two seasons, and do like all the sets and special effects.  And cute guys; I’m shallow.

    We are same same

  9. On 4/26/2020 at 11:15 PM, Growsonwalls said:

    Rapidly losing patience with this show. The Dolores/Maeve showdown isn't organic. Why are they battling against each other? Maeve now is just a waste of Thandie Newton. She has no story arc, no motivations. Season 1 she gained consciousness. Season 2 she wanted to find her daughter. Season 3 ... she's a pawn for Serac?

    I've said it before and I'll say it again -- I want Delores and Maeve to join forces and kick Serac's ass! I hate the trope of pitting two strong woman against one another. And of course big white man (William) will save the world.

    There always seems to be a lot of jerky/splotchie camera scenes and ginchy flashbacks-- or other words -- like the show is trying too hard to be something "special" 

    Half the time I'm not sure what is happening but I keep watching week after week -- cuz--- well I like most of the characters (and the actors) and the scenery is pretty. So there is that.

    • Love 4
  10. 19 hours ago, CarpeFelis said:

    I was surprised she didn’t—it would have been very much in character for her.

    I had a bad feeling about Rudy’s mother before we even saw her because of that huge portrait of Rudy she had prominently displayed upon entering the house. That was cringeworthy. Then the look on the mother’s face later when Lyn was sitting in Rudy’s lap telling self-deprecating anecdotes made me think Lyn may have won this battle, but she’ll lose the war. You just know he’ll be one of those guys who won’t stick up for his girlfriend if his mother doesn’t like her. (I really wish I understood more Spanish because I’m sure the comments the mother was making when they were introduced were backhanded AF.)

    Right! I really thought Lyn would go for it and then of course get caught by either mama or Rudy or both. I liked the way it turned out. But yup. Mama is gonna get the last word and No! when it comes to choosing mama or Lyn? Rudy will pick mama. 

    Uh oh! Johnnie doesn't look happy. He loves his baby--- but Karla? Trouble is brewing. <<<and personally I can't wait! If this is indeed the last season -- I want to see Johnnie and Lyn end up together!

    I really like Mari and I like her story. I am interested to see where it goes.

    Nico is the best!


  11. On 4/19/2020 at 8:52 PM, Lola82 said:

    How convenient that the buffalo wonders into their backyard, they didn’t have to carry all that meat across the Ridge.

    Nice engineering of the snake syringe, would have been some dark humor if Bree came in with that 5 minutes later.

    ...as far north as New York and south to Georgia and, according to some sources, down to Florida, with sightings in North Carolina near Buffalo Ford on the Catawba River as late as 1750. << taken from wikipedia

    Aren't we in about 1870's in the show? Cuz the buffalo walking into the year was... unrealistic. By 1870 in North Carolina there were no large herds of bison roaming -- sure out west in the plains... anyway that took me right out of the show.

    I knew Jaime wasn't going to die (hey! this aint' Buffy!) and I knew that leg wasn't going anywhere so IMO there was no real suspense. Speaking of which-- did Clair jerk him off and that's what saved him?


    • Useful 1
  12. 16 hours ago, statsgirl said:

    If you help someone commit a crime, you're guilty of aiding and abetting. Which Koracik definitely was.

    He said that he didn't want to be "that guy" and technically he isn't since Teddy isn't married yet but I wonder if he would have stopped sleeping with her once she was.

    Poor Owen. He's tied to Teddy forever through Alison.

    Cheating is not a crime. 

    • Love 1
  13. On 4/10/2020 at 3:58 PM, dmc said:

    Koracick is single so he isn't cheating on anyone.  Teddy made the commitment, she is the cheater.  The person with the obligation is the person in the relationship.  He technically owes Owen nothing here.  

    I completely agree with this. ^^^^ Teddy is the one in the relationship -- she is the one cheating. Period.

    • Love 3
  14. 14 minutes ago, iMonrey said:

    Derek is dead so technically Amelia is no longer Meredith's sister-in-law. There's no reason to re-hash all the "are they or aren't they sisters" crap though. If they want to pretend they're all sisters then fine, just don't expect me to ever buy into it.

    My husband is dead but my sister-in-law is still my sister-in-law and her daughter is still my niece. That's how it works in the real world so I have no problem with it working that way on Grey's.

    I laughed and laughed at Owen finding out about Teddy and Koracik. Just too freakin' funny!

    I like Jo better now that she isn't with Alex.

    I like Deluca and Mere but I don't think it's her responsibility to get him help. She doesn't own him -- they aren't married -- they are just dating (sort of) it's up to his family to do something. He's got a sister right?

    Richard! I love you! Don't ever change! Keep doing you.

    Season finale huh? ok. 

    • LOL 1
    • Love 14
  15. On 4/2/2020 at 11:38 AM, ABay said:

    Maybe isolation is getting to me, but I've actually enjoyed these shows more than the regular ones, and I enjoy those a lot. Usually I tune out after my favorite parts--the monologue and first desk bit--but this week I've watched to the end. I like the one-guest format and the set-up makes the interviews feel more intimate, which is weird considering they're not in the same room.

    ETA: I already knew the origin of quarantine and I remember Eddie Shack well.


    I've been thinking the same thing! At first I wasn't sure if I liked this format -- but I find my self watching the entire show to the end -- it's almost like entire episode of the monologue.

    Plus the camera panning (at the end) over Jon Batiste and those amazingly long-fingered sexy hands playing the piano is the highlight!

    • Love 5
  16. On 4/5/2020 at 11:10 PM, showme said:

    I actually think it is brilliant. If you want something done right, do it yourself.  I hope she kills that arrogant Serac and replace him with a host too! 🙂

    Too bad she didn't cut off Maeve's head and get her pearl too.


    Right! The killing of Serec that is!

    As to Maeve??? ... ???  I want Delores and Maeve to team up together and RULE the world!

    Like I am serious about that.

    On 4/7/2020 at 2:29 AM, ElectricBoogaloo said:

    I feel like we have this reminder post multiple times every year and we somehow still end up with Delores instead of Dolores all season.

    Does it really matter in the scheme of things?

    • Love 1
  17. 14 hours ago, dmc said:

    The SUN LOL

    Ain't no sunshine when she's gone
    It's not warm when she's away
    Ain't no sunshine when she's gone
    And she's always gone too long
    Anytime she goes away

    ^^^^ Shout out to Bill Withers who just passed away....

    • Love 4
  18. On 3/28/2020 at 4:11 PM, statsgirl said:

    Meredith:  Richard, I can fix you.

    Of course it's going to be something that St. Meredith can fix by operating.

    As it should be.

    The show isn't called Grey's Anatomy for nuthin!

    • LOL 3
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  19. On 3/23/2020 at 3:23 PM, PotterOtherP said:

    I liked the first episode, but not this one, and it seemed to have JJ Abrams' fingerprints all over it. A bunch of stuff happens which is confusing for no other reason than to make the audience wonder what's going on, and then meaningless *reveals* happen. Wink-wink references. Mysterious new characters who promise answers but ultimately tell us nothing we don't already know. Going back to an island. Looking for someone, thinking we found them except it's not really them so we're going to keep looking.

    Right! Haha! I am LOST!!!!

    But anyway I enjoy this show though half the time I've got no clue whats happening or who some of the characters are.

    But I do know who Delores is and Maeve and Bernard.  I like all three and am interested in all their stories.

    Is it bad I don't want Maeve and Delores to fight against one another? I want them to ultimately join forces and destroy all of mankind! Bwaaa!!!

    • Love 1
  20. On 3/8/2020 at 8:52 AM, lorbeer said:

    If Pompeo really believe in what she wrote about this being the best send off for Alex, The Sun's ending might note be that decent. 😉

    C'mon! It was basically written in the very first ep-- Mere will end up with Alzheimer's --she will end up in the same home as her mother -- unable to remember her own name. 

    What an actor thinks and says about a show (in which they are the star) is different than the character they portray.

    • Love 3
  21. 16 hours ago, Rose-1 said:

    That’s why I said wishy washy explanation - they might have thought that was good enough, and maybe in some places it could be, legally - I can’t comment because I don’t know the law. But ethically ?? Morally ?? 

    and I think a lot of people’s issue (definitely mine) is that even if she DID have the right to use them, Given the circumstances and the passage of time, and who alex has grown to be, they expect us to believe that not only has he got zero anger whatsoever about how she went about that - he’s processed all of that, rebuilt an entire relationship with her whilst cheating on his wife and fallen in love with her again in the space of a few..whatever it was on the show. 7 years ago - maybe. But where he was mentally and emotionally in his relationship with Jo, having just married her a second time - After all they’ve been through -  it completely defies Belief. 


    I have no ethical or moral issues with Izzy using her own embryos -- Alex signed away all rights -- they were hers to use or not. and she did.

    Deep down Alex didn't really change.  I contend that none of them have really changed. 

    I always felt the show did a good job of showing us that while Alex loved Jo (enough to marry her) and like he said -- at the time he meant it -- that he was never IN LOVE with Jo -- if that makes sense? 

    Plus the letter to Mere made it sound like the moment he laid eyes on his children -- he fell deeply madly in love with them -- enough to give up everything for them. Knowing way too many dead-beat dads -- I was OK with this as well.

    Sorry that Jo is the one who gets dumped. There was no way to write this without someone getting hurt. I am OK with that character being Jo.

    The actor is gone -- that is a fact -- and the writers had to do something to explain the characters departure. Personally, I liked their choice of giving Alex a happily ever after scenario. 



    • Love 18
  22. 1 hour ago, Rose-1 said:

    Also I know we got some wishy washy explanation but I am also very bothered by the fact 5 years after their DIVORCE izzie apparently decided it was all good to use fertilised eggs that were only fertilised by Alex due to her situation with her health AT THE TIME without any discussion with him about it? Is that even allowed/legal?? And he’s just fine with that? And not being told for another 5 years?? LOL

    Alex says specifically in his letter to Mere that he signed all his rights to the embryos away to Izzy -- in other words she could do as she pleased with them-- which she did.
    As I posted earlier-- I liked this ending for Alex. He gets a happily ever after scenario. 

    • Love 5
  23. 11 hours ago, Scarlett45 said:

    Amen. Yes yes I know Claire is white but my fear of being sold into slavery would be too great. At this point I’m not even 3/5ths of a person!

    For Briana I don’t see how the fear of disease or dying in childbirth (what are she and Rodger doing to prevent pregnancy???) just aren’t concerns. She doesn’t miss toilets?? She did get to meet Jaime, but okay she met him. Yes her Mom is in the past but her mom CHOSE to leave her and all of the benefits of 20th century living....


    You are a stronger woman than I. I can’t think of anything worth more than legal personhood, running water & electricity😂

    Right! I didn't even take into account that my mixed race would make me less than a person. 

    I just think of the little things-- like having your period. Makes that saying -- being on the rag - quite literal. And gross. You had to rinse them out  and reuse them.  No tampons. No pads. No corner convenient store to pick up some ibuprofen for cramps. No. Thank. You.

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