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Posts posted by taanja

  1. Ahhh. I'm just going to say -- all the feels.

    God it was so nice seeing the fab 5 again! MAGIC indeed!

    I personally thought that was a lovely way to say goodbye to Alex! Very well done! Now I can picture him happy with Izzy and his children living the dream. 



    • Love 10
  2. Well I freakin' loved it!

    This season has really made me love this Doctor and I actually like all the companions (after a slow warm-up)

    The Doctor is the original timeless child? Or is She/He?

    Cuz the Master is an unreliable narrator so we really can't believe a word out of His/Her mouth.

    Either way I am down with it!

    Oh and I'm just going to add that I thought having to Doctor locked up in prison (probs cuz the universe thinks she is the one that blew up Gallifrey when we--- the audience---- know it was the old Dumbledore dude!) 


    How will she escape! Tune in next season!!!!!


    On 3/2/2020 at 9:17 AM, Chaos Theory said:

    Besides like it or not The Doctor has always been an unreliable narrator.    

    and so is the Master!

    • LOL 1
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  3. 11 hours ago, ferjy said:

    Can't blame Brianna though. If you had a chance to stay with Claire and Jamie or go back and be alone with Roger, which would you choose? 😁  (I really dislike Roger. A shame too, because I like Richard Rankin and he's doing a great job, even with the awful material he's given as the character.)


    I personally think Claire is absolutely insane to chose to live in the past for some dude. Think of all the knowledge and expertise she is missing out on in her own time. The advances in medicine! The advances in technology! (In her own time it is the precipice of the technological revolution)

    Brianna won't be alone with Rodger-- she will have that boy/girl child too - they are a family as Rodger said. That should be her priority -- the well being and safety of her child. 

    • Love 3
  4. On 2/23/2020 at 8:54 AM, ElectricBoogaloo said:

    Oh, boo hoo. Roger whining about how Jamie doesn't respect him and left him behind to "protect" Claire and Bree just made me roll my eyes. You ditched his daughter before you finally came around and you can't hunt, shoot, or do anything to provide for your wife and child in this time period, so why WOULD Jamie respect you?

    If you're actually interested in earning his respect (as opposed to just whining about it), the first order of business is to improve your skills so that you can feed and protect your family. And that means more than strolling around the woods and occasionally aiming at a squirrel. Stand in front of a tree and keep adjusting your aim until you actually hit it. Practice makes perfect!

    I know I'm a modern city girl and that going back to a time before electricity and grocery stores would be quite a wake up call, but I KNOW THAT and if I chose to time travel then I would make damn sure I trained and practiced and learned enough to at least survive on my own. Roger doesn't know how to farm or hunt or have a marketable skill that will pay him, so why is he at all surprised that Jamie doesn't think much of him? How does he think he will provide for a family of three? Jamie has legitimate concerns about his daughter and grandson.

    Roger has a shitty attitude about family for someone who is married. I consider Mr. EB's family to be my family now too. Family by marriage is still family and it's terrible to tell your wife that her family, who she loves, is not your family.

    Heh, but he did win some points for his Nancy Drew joke.

    Oh, Claire. It was dangerous enough to do an autopsy on a local but then to keep the body in the house? That's just asking to get accused of witchcraft!

    I'm actually with Rodger on this (Yes I purposely spelled his name with a G) cuz he and Brianna and that kid (What the hell did they name it? Jemmy? Is it a girl? I thought it was a boy child?) Need to get the hell outta Dodge!

    Like Claire said -- the time they are in is dangerous! Disease! Accidents! War is a coming! Get the hell outta Dodge!

    I am interested to see whatshername and Claire working together. That might be fun.

    Steven Bonnett is alive and looking for his baby mama! haha! I just love what a piece of shit he is! He is mad, bad and dangerous to know! (Right<<< anyone get the reference?? anyone?)


    • Love 1
  5. 52 minutes ago, LadyArcadia said:

    It can't be two years since the last season as Jem looked to be about six months old.  Although the rest of it makes sense. 

    Exactly! and as I said before -- Claire's voice over said "seasons' had passed -- but that was NOT reflected in the age of the baby. Jem or whatever it's name is looked to be about 9 months -- not 2 or 3 years old.

    But Fergus's kid looked to be about 3- 4 years old and last time we saw it was when they were rescuing Murtagh from prison (Brianna was greatly preggers and had the kid soon after) and he looked then to be about 9 months to 1 year old.

    So... they aged progressed one kid and kept the other a baby?

    • Useful 1
  6. Just now, Cdh20 said:

    🤣🤣🤣thanks for calling me young. Today is my birthday & I wish I was 25! 

    Happy Birthday!

    I Dream Of Jeannie premiered in 1965 -- I was old enough to appreciate the chemistry between the two actors (They were the first couple I ever shipped) so that ought to tell you what an old lady I am!

    Don't get me wrong -- I like Claire and Jaime -- I really do. 

    • Love 1
  7. 11 minutes ago, Cdh20 said:

    To be fair no one in the history of tv has the chemistry that Sam & Cait have. 

    Oh child! You are young!

    Barbara Eden and Larry Hagman! ( Jeannie and Tony) <<< they were so smoking hot they had the TV censers in an uproar most of the time!

    Anthony Geary and Genie Francis!!! (Luke and Laura!) <<< College campuses came to a standstill on the day they were married! (November 16, 1981; the event was watched by 30 million viewers and remains the highest-rated hour in American soap opera history)

    ^^^ and that's just off the top of my head.

    I like Jaime and Claire well enough but chemistry is subjective to say the least. I have seen hotter couples in my time is all I am saying.

    • Love 4
  8. 15 hours ago, toolazy said:

    I liked the episode a lot. I realized that it's the first Outlander episode in a while that didn't piss me off.  Except the house. That pisses me off.  

    I watched again and yup. me too. That where did it suddenly come from house!

    Cuz they have Claire in the background saying crap like ... Fraiser's Ridge filled up with people and as the seasons pass blah blah blah and the camera pans back and there's a big mansion.

    Um... what seasons?

    The show left off literally the day Roger returns -- the baby looked to be about 3 - 4 months old. It now looks to be about 9 months old. 

    again I ask ... what seasons? How can there be "seasons" when the kid isn't even a year old?

    Took me right out of the show.

    • Love 3
  9. I'm not even going to read anyone's comments until I comment myself.

    I thoroughly enjoyed this ep-- from beginning to end. And no crazy quick resolution at the end that didn't make sense! 

    Loved the dude playing Byron. Love the chick playing Mary Shelly! In fact I loved everyone. They were all so cute!

    Graham saying -- food? There's never food! (Paraphrasing here) haha!  Oh and the house that kept shifting was pretty cool.

    So.. the lone Cyberman that Jack warned about. Hm? Looks crazy cool! and I love those impossible kind choices like The Doctor had to make. (Reminds me of Children Of The Earth where Jack had to make an impossible choice -- bittersweet y'all!

    Anyway this is an episode I will watch again.

    • Love 4
  10. 19 minutes ago, greekmom said:

    I did like the part that Roger sang L-o-v-e (L Is For The Way You Look At Me) song to Brianna. 

    But seriously the guy has no skills, what will he do besides mooch off his FIL to make some cash. 

    Well to be fair to ole Rodge-- he has 20th century skilz-- 18th century? not so much. He is a man out of time to be sure.

    There is no way I would survive a month in that time period. I feel for Roger.


    • Love 8
  11. 12 hours ago, cardigirl said:

    The basket dealio is by Fergus and Marsali's feet during the ceremony. I rewatched it too.  When Brianna and Roger are saying their vows and Claire and Jamie are sitting there watching them, there is no basket at their feet.  Claire walks down the path ahead of Brianna and Jamie and sits by herself until Jamie brings Brianna to Roger, then he goes and sits with Claire and they have no baby with them.

    haha! I'll have to watch again -- this time specifically looking for that baby!

    All I know is when Fergus and whatshername rescued Murtagh from jail -- their baby was small enough to lay in a basket in the back of the cart/wagon and then 6 months later he looks to be about 3-4 years old.


    • Love 3
  12. On 2/16/2020 at 1:36 AM, cardigirl said:

    They were holding Brianna and Roger’s son during the wedding. I think. I think they’re at one and a half kids still. 

    I thought that at first but upon re-watch -- nope. Brianna and Rogers kid is in the basket dealio by Claire and Jaime.

    Fergus and whatshername look like they had the older boy -- who literally grew a few years in the time jump of what? six months? and another baby plus one on the way.

    also the house? suddenly became a mansion? huh?

    Other than that weird time inconsistency == the dress Brianna wore was amazing! Loved it!

    • Love 4
  13. 2 hours ago, txhorns79 said:

    I think you are making the mistake of treating Pac North's purchase as though it was made in the real world.  You have to think of it via Grey's reality where it's totally normal for a person to make a spite purchase of a hospital, even going so far as to shut it down, to get back at an estranged spouse. 

    Haha! Yes! This^^^^ The only way I can keep watching this show after 100 years is to suspend my belief in almost everything logical!

    Also the thing that stood out the most to me was when Meredith told Amelia (In so many words) that the reason she is still with Deluca is because the sex is great. haha! yup. I am an older woman (and a widow) about Mere's age and I can totally get behind dating someone who is otherwise perhaps age and life experience inappropriate but the SEX IS GREAT - so yeah -- you keep seeing him. 

    Anyway, so Alex isn't coming back huh? Bummer. But I actually liked Jo better this ep because she wasn't dragging Alex down. Go figure.

    • Love 5
  14. Yeah... this is one of the kind of eps I just skip.  

    A dinner party with characters I care nothing about? check

    Scenes with interns/other characters I don't even know the names of? say what? 

    Was that Grey's Anatomy?

    • LOL 1
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  15. Finally watched the ep.

    I have never been a big fan of Derek's sister whatshername -- Amelia! (there it is.) Anyway -- she is off putting and crazy and has never really been likable IMO so I understand Linc saying -- "believe it when someone shows you who they are"-- Amelia has shown him from day one that she is unstable at best and a psycho at the worst. If that kid ain't his-- run!

    That dude that's playing the new doc -- McWidower --I feel like I've seen him before... wasn't he the boyfriend of Fiona on Shameless? I didn't like that character but I am willing to see how this plays out. I suppose he will eventually hear stories of the Twisted Sisters. That ought to be funny.

    Ummm... Maggie and Richard? I like Richard but Maggie's whinefest hurts my head so I FF'd through a lot of their shit.  Oh and yeah as someone else said -- the red-haired chick with the heart issue will be the patient that gets Maggie's grove back.

    See I never hated Deluca and Mere and their scenes together were cute but also highlighted their age difference. But I didn't hate it. That used to be Derek and Meredith once upon a time. and I hate the double standard that an older guy can date a younger woman and no one bats an eyelash but let an older woman dare to date a younger man and the internet explodes! (Just kidding but you get my drift)

    Don't care one iota about Owen and Teddy.

    I had read here that Koracik acted like a dick to Bailey but when I watched my perception was that initially he was acting like her boss - like why did you take days off without clearing it with him. But when she actually used her words and explained -- Koracik behaved as a person -- not a boss -- and sympathized with her loss. I rather liked the whole exchange.



    • Love 1
  16. On 1/29/2020 at 7:33 PM, Eulipian 5k said:

    I don’t know what the writers are doing with the Doctors, nobody here does. What I do know is that the new show runner has produced some very enjoyable, controversial, unnerving Doctor Who, not the least being to give women a crack at being the Doctor. The rest, I erase from the dvr.

     I’ve learned a lot about Classic Who and many suggested ways recent stories can fit the canon and logic of a show with talking space rhinos. The shows are already in the can, so I’ll wait and watch what the writers give us. Gallifrey is not a democracy.

    I agree. But I also do not spoil myself-- I just watch and enjoy. 

    I discovered Doctor Who in the early 70's and have pretty much enjoyed it since. It did go away for a while and it seems there were movies and such I did not watch - but that's OK.

    I have been a faithful watcher since New Who began. Sure I wasn't as fond of Amy Pond and sleepy Rory and especially River Song being their child AND the Doctor's wife (I still go -- say what???) but hey! I went with it.

    If I strictly went from what I read here- I would think that Clara was a hated companion but luckily this forum is just the opinions of a few. She lasted as long as she did because she was loved by many.

    Anyway, I personally loved this episode. I loved seeing Captain Jack! and this new "other" Doctor intrigues me! Where and how will she fit into the scheme of things???? 

    Tune in and find out!


    • Love 2
  17. 37 minutes ago, Llywela said:

    Nah, the deerstalker hat was just for that one story - he typically wore a big floppy felt hat. And the Ulster overcoat and gloves were specially for the occasion as well, very much not part of his usual ensemble, which looked like this:


    He definitely made more of an effort to blend in for this adventure than he usually did - he even took off his scarf and donned a tie instead!

    Ahem. On topic, I really loved the period gear the gang wore for this adventure - so glad they made the effort for once!

    So the pic I found/posted was the Doctor "blending in"? haha! I remember when # 9 and Rose were in London during the blitzkrieg and Captain Jack looks at The Doctor and says something like -- You're dressed as a U Boat captain? 

    That's how I always remember The Doctor-- the companions dress up but The Doctor never really does. But people always think he blends in.

  18. 18 hours ago, arachne said:

    Okay, how many went "No, no, no!" when the bartender said, "You want rum in that?" Futile, I know, but still...

    Not me -- I like it when fictional characters fuck up. Especially Shameless characters.

  19. OMG! Late to the game but wow! I loved it! Captain Jack! Whooo weeeee! I loved that big fat sloppy kiss he gave Graham cuz he thought he was the Doctor! haha! 

    I loved all the Timey Whimey convoluted mess of the two Doctors meeting and not knowing one another. THAT^^^ is classic Doctor Who!

    The present companions haven't met Cybermen or Daleks yet? Just wait!

    Anyway I really enjoyed this episode. Totally felt like True Doctor Who from beginning to end! 

    • Love 2
  20. 15 hours ago, QuantumMechanic said:

    Talons of Weng-Chiang

    My favorite Doctor ! I remember that ep well.
    Seems to me from the images -- Tom Baker's Doctor is wearing his normal overcoat (that he wore every ep) and that hat he always wore that was kind of like a Sherlock Holmes style.  


  21. 16 hours ago, Bulldog said:

    Well, the show goes to great lengths to emphasize that the earth, moon, and stars all revolve around Meredith onscreen. I don't think its a great stretch to imagine that the same is true of Pompeo offscreen.  

    Actors and the characters they play are two completely different beings.


    • Love 3
  22. 35 minutes ago, preeya said:


    "Back in 2016, Rossum famously went head-to-head with the show’s producers over her salary, which forced the network, Showtime, to delay renewal of the eighth season."

    Full article here:  https://tinyurl.com/y9ljwa5b

    But she got more money. She didn't announce her departure until August of 2018 -- fully 2 years after the salary "dispute" I can't find anything that says her departure was not amiable. Even William Macy wished her luck.

    Edited: to say I found something that the creators/producers are trying to get her back to the series finale. That doesn't sound like any bad blood exists between Emmy and the showrunners.

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