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Posts posted by taanja

  1. On 11/13/2020 at 3:45 PM, statsgirl said:

    Who would look after Meredith's children then?

    If Derek is there to tell Meredith to live her life and be happy with McWidower, I will throw things at the TV.

    Even though I forgot Grey's is back and didn't watch on Thursday -- I did record and watched this past weekend.

    It was lovely to see Derek waving at Meredith at the end. Mere totally has The Rona (COVID) and Derek is her "dream"  My first thought was -- yup. They will have a lovely conversation where Derek tells her to move on with the McWidower dude (I can't remember his name but the actor doesn't really excite me and I fail to see any kind of chemistry between him and Mere) I guess I was one of the few people who didn't mind Mere's little fling with Deluca --- which I am guessing is over now?

    Don't care about Teddy or Owen.

    What did Amelia and whatshisname name the baby?  What did they talk about for 9 long months? Never once did they discuss names?


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  2. 21 minutes ago, Anela said:

    I was spoiled on the ending, and am watching it now on hulu. I no longer have cable. Someone mentioned a brain tumour - covid makes some people hallucinate, I'm commenting without having watched that part yet. 

    I forgot the damn show was even on! It's been soooooo long! *hopefully* I recorded it?

    I read all the comment cuz I don't care if I'm spoiled and all I have to say is-------------


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  3. On 11/2/2020 at 2:39 PM, eejm said:

    Does anyone else think Cait is (or will become) Bouadica?

    Oh I hope not -- it doesn't end well.

    Actually I didn't mind the Divis wet dream. He said something about how "they" will find the tiniest weakness and exploit it. I'm not sure who "they" are  -- the bad guys? and Divis having any kind of feelings for Cait would most deff be a weakness that can and will be exploited.

    I'm a little lost on the religious lore. And Phelen is just the walking dead now huh?

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  4. On 10/27/2020 at 3:22 PM, eejm said:

    I’m very curious as to why Divis seemed so disturbed by Cait’s vision.

    I kind of like the gruesomeness of this show.

    I dunno? Cuz Harka is death? And if Harka and  Pweeka (sp?) join forces bad things happen? Did we find out that Aulus isn't really Auluis but Pweeka in disguise? Something like that?

    I knew those boys were gonna be sacrifices. They had the "look" and this show does love a good bloody sacrifice!

  5. On 10/14/2020 at 11:36 AM, meowmommy said:

    I can't watch the hearings, not because I don't care, but because I don't care to watch a movie where you know even before the movie starts that the monster eats the entire family.  And that includes coverage by Rachel and anyone else who's talking about the hearings.

    I think Rachel is starting to get that same glimmer of hope that the rest of us have that our long national nightmare may be really, really almost over.  People are risking their lives to get out and vote, in droves.  There will be some scary moments along the way, but unlike the Barrett movie, this movie may have a different ending.

    You phrased that so succinctly that I can only quote you (no improvement necessary!) and applaud! ^^^ that is exactly how I feel. 

    • Love 4
  6. 12 hours ago, Dewey Decimate said:

    Jon Batiste is very crushable, but I'd like to give a shout-out to the beautiful lady who plays the bass (I think both stand-up and electric). I'm a straight female, but have such a girl-crush on her cute facial expressions, her shoulder shimmies, and her magnificent boobs. (I hope that's not offensive - the girls deserve some adoration!)

    Yes! I love her too!

    But my focus is always on Jon's beautiful hands.. I would like to draw/paint them...over and over again...

    I always record Stephen Colbert so have not yet watched the "live" ep from last night. I did however watch the debate so I am prepared. LOL

    • Love 3
  7. On 10/9/2020 at 11:00 PM, Annber03 said:

    He's not wrong.

    I feel like I'm probably one of very few people left on this planet who hasn't seen "The West Wing". How I've gone this long without seeing this show, I honestly don't know. But I clearly need to remedy that. This interview with the cast and Sorkin is fun (and it's nice to see Schiff here-Dr. Glassman from "The Good Doctor" :D!). 

    You are not the only one. 'cept I have no interest in watching it.

    Jon Batiste is my television boyfriend. Those hands! and he is writing a song for Kamala Harris. < that makes my cold little heart go pitty pat!

    Tonight I believe Stephen is going to be live during the debate? or right after?

    Yes! he is really drinking bourbon! that's my story and I'm sticking to it!

    • Love 4
  8. On 10/4/2020 at 4:57 PM, raven said:

    Is anyone else watching this batshit show?  Druids!  Evil Romans!  People with great hair and bad hygiene!

    Anyway, it's fun.  I'm here for the Cait and Divis show "AS THE BREEZE BLOWS ACROSS YOUR FACE, YOU FEEL SLEEPY" lol but really, everyone is entertaining in one way or another - is Phelan just a loser or does he have a greater purpose?  What new evil thing will Aulus do? that lead Druid guy needs a sandwich and Zoë Wanamaker's Queen Antedia is scary!

    I just finished S1 on Epix and S2 will premiere on it today.  S1 is also on Amazon.


    I discovered this show quite by accident and quickly watched season one! Season 2 is now into it's third ep. and yes! The Cait and Davis show! Last week the argument in the reeds was funny! haha! 

    Dude! Phelen (Rolf!) is now the father of two sons. One blond and one dark. That is gonna mean something! Right? Like Cain and Abel or some shit? And Phelen was totally eating that apple that (dead) Harka offered him -- like the serpent in the garden of Eden reference.

    Also Harka sent Phelen on a mission last ep to bring back 3 blond brothers (Harka specifically said "blond") -- well we saw whatshername -the mother of Phele's son Phelen -- giver her baby to that druid woman. Is Phelen going to fetch those boys and one of them is his son? What does Harka want with them? My mind immediately goes to sacrifice cuz that seems to be how this show rolls.

    Aulus rules! He is my favorite. Dude is one complex piece of shit! I'm kind of in love with him.

    • Love 1
  9. Finally just watched the 6th ep of the series.

    Haha! I hope Freddy gets away!I really do! To kill another day! 

    Anyway Baba sacrificed himself for Freddy and I wasn't sure the entire time in that cabin/house where any of that was going -- I kept expecting Freddy to somehow split and leave both those dudes far behind. But that final scene with Baba was good. Freddy admitting that she wants to love him but is incapable of such emotions. 

    I loved Freddy's smirk and wink to Lola at the end! Bwaa! I don't know who the little actress is but i just loved her.

    So I take it this show's premise is really about the two detectives and how they solve crimes? Ha! I of course was diggin' on the Freddy/Baba shit and the detective solving crime stuff was just background noise. 

    Anywho... will there be a second season????

    • Love 1
  10. 23 hours ago, atlantaloves said:


    I am watching! But I always seem to be drawn to obscure series/shows.

    Love Eve Myles ever since Torchwood.

    I, of course, am rooting for Freddy (Lily) and Baba. They are certainly not masterminds but Freddy is a hot mess and those are my favorite kinds of characters. I think I have one more ep left? Looks like they are not going to get away because the end of the ep had that one dude pull a gun on Freddy and Baba as she was trying to steal the truck.

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  11. 19 hours ago, ElectricBoogaloo said:

    I knew they weren't going to follow through with Kiesha having an abortion. Even though it's 2020 and abortion has been legal for decades, it's very rare for television characters to have abortions. They might talk about it but either they end up keeping the baby, conveniently miscarrying, or the abortion is retroactively/done completely off screen without any discussion (like the way we found out that Tiff had one way after the fact). I can count on one hand how many tv characters have openly had abortions starting with Maude.

    Erica - on All My Children--- had the first TV (public) abortion in the early 70's (I think?) but it all got re-conned in later years when we (the audience) learned the "abortion" had been transplanted into some other womb or some such shit.
    I call BS!

    Like Keisha is gonna keep that nasty rapist's baby?  


    • Love 1
  12. 23 hours ago, Melgaypet said:

    I envy you having missed that delightful time on GH when the "Stavlu" embryo was a thing. An embryo created from Lulu's stolen egg and fertilized by Stavros Cassadine. Stavros, who was Nikolas' father. Nikolas, who is Lulu's brother. And get this, Lulu was not obsessed with finding this embryo and DESTROYING IT, because that would make sense, nooooo, she had the baby rabies and wanted a biological child (though she already had a bio kid with Dante) so badly that she was willing to have a child fathered by her own half-brother's father/her mother's rapist*.  Which is FUCKING INSANE.

    *No, I haven't forgotten that Lulu's own father is also her mother's rapist. But Lulu (nor Lucky) was not conceived by rape, which Nikolas was. That was the entirety of Laura's "marriage" to Stavros. Just, everything about it was gross.

    We were talking about SWSNBN, weren't we? Before Lulu, Courtney also had her eggs frozen. Not in the Cassadine Ice Princess World Freezing Machine, but in the frigid coastal waters of landlocked Bolivia. Spencer was a miracle baby. Or whatever you call a miracle performed by demonic forces.

    OMG!! Haha! All I can do is laugh! I remember some of that craziness. It may be about the time I stopped watching regularly.

     I have popped in a couple a times over the years just to see what's the what -- and the more things change the more they stay the same.

    I am old enough to be of the original audience of the Luke and Laura days -- hell! Their wedding was like a BIG DEAL! My college practically closed down to watch it.

  13. 19 hours ago, dubbel zout said:

    Spencer's mother is the long-dead Courtney, Mike's daughter (and Sonny's sister). She also goes by SWSNBN (she who shall not be named) on the boards.

    Thank you.

    I literally have not watched GH in years -- caught an ep last week.

    Dayam! The DRAMA! The ANGST hit me over the head like a baseball bat!

    Anyway -- one scene had Elizabeth and Nicholas Cassadine (played by a different actor since the last time I watched) and they were talking about his son "Spencer" -- all I could think was -- wait! Is LuLu Spencer the mother of Spencer with Nicholas -- isn't he her brother?  I mean anything is possible on GH but brother and sister having a kid together seemed a stretch even to me.

    I remember Courtney! (And Mike of course -- obviously I missed a whole lot -- like Courtney having Nicholas's baby and DYING!)

    I will go away now....

  14. On 6/24/2020 at 1:59 PM, Empress1 said:

    Nah, he dead. He was very publicly fired - it would be a TERRIBLE look for the show to bring him back. Really, I thought the only way the show could address it was to kill him off.

    They oughta do the ole soap 101 thing-- character is presumed dead and comes back with an altered face (you know -- plastic surgery = new actor!) I would have no problem with that! I promise will suspend my belief!

    But according to the show runner -- they are not going to replace actor with a new one. Too bad. The character was cool.

    • Love 1
  15. On 6/24/2020 at 11:02 AM, molly said:

    The new stepmother, Dre, is not the same girlfriend, Karen, that we’ve seen Keisha and Kevin’s mom have for the last two seasons. They didn’t mention that, though. 

    THANK YOU!  I thought I was seeing things! I was like -- wait! what? who?

    • Love 1
  16. 3 hours ago, SuprSuprElevated said:

    If you scroll up in this thread, it was discussed back when it all happened.

    I only just discovered this thread yesterday. I didn't know.

    So... no way the show is "faking" Brandon's death to get that Ottis Perry guy (that's his name - right?) in some kind of sting operation?


    I'll have to take the time to read all about it.

    Otherwise I re-watched the ep last night and I'm really worried about Keisha. I hope they don't kill her.

    Edited: Ok I just read about several incidences. Yeah. I liked the character-- didn't know a thing about the actor. Not cool dude. Not cool.

    • Love 1
  17. 15 hours ago, ElectricBoogaloo said:

    I was really looking forward to watching Keisha yell, "BYE!" at people all season.

    All of the characters have suffered losses, which was what made the wedding scenes so nice. We got to see them relaxed and happy and celebrating, even if just for a little while.

    I'm fine with no explanation of how Brandon died. He was an important character on the show, but the actor needed to go after everything that happened so whatever they needed to come up with to justify his permanent absence was fine with me.

    I liked that Brandon's absence has made Emmett feel some responsibility (both to continuing Brandon's business and looking out for Kevin). It's definitely a step up from the kid who was actively dodging all his baby mommas in S1. My concern is that he might stick with catering/food for too long before he realizes that he's not great at it (notice all the comments about the unseasoned chicken and bad mac & cheese). He can find other ways to honor Brandon without doing exactly what Brandon was doing. Or, hey, maybe he'll finally learn how to season his food properly. Either way, he can't keep doing what he's doing.

    She was going to see someone and she doesn't have a car. How else is she supposed to get around? Just because she has plans to go to college doesn't mean that she has to be home by the time it gets dark. Let's stop blaming girls when bad things happen to them.

    Diversity and representation matter, so having a lesbian couple's wedding night is a good thing (especially considering how many hetero sex scenes we get on tv).

    Wait! What happened to the actor who plays Brandon? I re watched season 2 to get ready for the premier-- and at the end Brandon is sitting in a van watching that bad dude (can't remember his name) and the detectives are telling him about the mob etc and then wham! season 3 starts and Brandon is dead-- no explanation! No nuthin'!

    Brandon was like my favorite character! I was thinking -- oh the show is "faking his death" and he will come back with evidence against that bad dude (once again I can't remember his name but I think they said he is running for mayor?)

    anyway-- did Keisha get kidnapped at the end? is that what I saw? 

  18. On 5/26/2020 at 11:33 AM, tennisgurl said:

     I guess Lyn has spent so much time bra-less that she hardly even notices anymore!

    hey that's how I roll. Don't like it? Don't look.

    So the series is over? Just like that? It seems like so much story left to tell. 

    I am glad Johnnie and Lyn are going to try to make a go of things. The actors had/have some great chemistry.

    Emma has the right to be a cold (Ice Queen) bitch. She learned early and quite well to hide who she really is inside. She was my favorite character.

    • Love 1
  19. On 5/24/2020 at 10:06 PM, CarpeFelis said:

    Well, that was a crap ending. What the hell was the point of the whole series?

    I liked it! Very ambiguous! 

    It made me question if this show was just a one shot six episode kind of thing? Will it come back for a second season?

    All I know is--- it is HBO -- so it will go away for like -- ever! and I will forget all about it and may or may not watch if and when it ever comes back.

    That was great though. I wasn't sure what Ruby was going to decide. After the video she just saw -- she made the best decision. How can she trust Billy?

    • Love 1
  20. 13 minutes ago, fountain said:

    I don’t know if I want them to get away with it but it has only been a few days so I don’t feel she abandoned her kids really. I actually understood the whole speech, it made a lot of sense to me really, especially if Ruby doesn’t have a career herself. You can love your family but still want your own identity.

    I thought at the end of the trip they decide if they stay together and if they do I would think Ruby gets divorced and shares custody. If they don’t stay together I figure her spouse divorces her anyway and they share custody.

    I didn't see or hear any conclusions made between Billy and Ruby -- only that they want to continue to the destination. The 'journey" is only supposed to be a week? Then they would decide where to go from there.

    But everything changed when Fiona bit the dust!

    • Love 1
  21. I guess I'm watching a different show cuz I really liked this. Billy's not sure if he 'pushed" Fiona or if she "fell" or if he "just let go" hahaha! 

    Ruby leaving her phone behind (I saw it happen when she set the phone on the porch to fill the bucket to wash away Billy's puke) So I knew that was coming back to haunt them.

    I am completely unspoiled and have no clue where they are going with this show-- half the time I can NOT predict what might happen so I am being entertained- which is a good thing

    I guess I have no morality cuz I don't care if Ruby left her kids (and whinny husband) behind. and I don't care if Billy killed Fiona or if it was an "accident"  I want to see how this all plays out.

    I kind of hope that make it !! I am rooting for Ruby and Billy!

    9 hours ago, Blakeston said:

    don't want them to get away with it all scot-free, though. If I'd contributed to a death the way that Billy did, there's no way that I'd be sweet-talking someone and romping with them in the woods a few hours later.


    Oh I totally do! want them to get away with it!

    • Love 4
  22. On 4/13/2020 at 1:19 PM, whiporee said:

    i didn't pick up that she had kids. I didn't even know for sure she was married. Laurence could have been a boyfriend, but I might have missed it. 

    I found it very entertaining, and a wonderful premise. A much better viewing for me last night than Westworld or Killing Eve. So I'm glad to have something to look forward to. 

    I seriously just discovered this show so i got to watch several eps in a row. Really liking the premise. Really liking the characters. It most def gets better as it goes on.

    I actually like the way it is unfolding and each ep we find out a little more about Billy and Ruby and what motivates them.

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