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Posts posted by taanja

  1. Who was the dude who met up with Meredith? Was he once upon a time a patient? I don't remember but he is cute and they had more chemistry in their little cute meet than she has with that doctor back in Seattle (I can NOT remember his name!) the one whose kid hates Meredith.

    So? Jo has a baby? That happened last season right? and let me get this straight - she sat in the car all day with a tiny baby -- who looked like it spent the day strapped into it's car seat? Um? What? My first impression was that Jo lived her her car but I believe at the beginning of the ep she was shown in an apartment?

    Teddy and Owen got married? Ok.

    Amelia doesn't want to get married-- that doesn't mean she doesn't want a relationship with Linc -- but she sucks at communicating so I am sure this whole mess will be long, drawn-out and painful.


  2. 21 hours ago, DoctorAtomic said:

    I don't know if the show is going to hew to actual history and throw in all the bonkers talking with rabbits within those guidelines. So far, the real Romans did invade in early 40s AD. As we all know, Britain was a Roman province until the 400s. 

    It may be that Aulus is really Lokka and the real victory is banishing Lokka to the underworld and the Celts and Romans live peacefully until they leave. That's kind of banal for this show though. 


    Actually I wouldn't mind that.

    Take a look at Boudica and her daughters and their history. I would not wish that on anyone.

    Cait and Divis are my two favorite characters and I want them to LIVE damnit!

    • Love 2
  3. 20 hours ago, raven said:

    There's a trailer and release date - Aug 24.  What that means for U.S, watchers,  I don't know.

    Divis and Phelan together at the end of the teaser!  I need to see this.


    Ok! Totally excited!

    That must be why EPIX is suddenly advertising Britannia. Though last night I went to look and only Season 1 was available. Which made me think -- did I dream season 2?

    No! It was real (****disclaimer-- this show has been off my radar for like months and months! so it is entirely possible I dreamed season 2)

    I am hoping EPIX does a mini marathon to reacquaint me as to what the hell is happening!


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  4. On 7/25/2021 at 4:45 PM, DoctorAtomic said:

    This showed up in my Amazon prime video suggestions. There's only the season 1.

    I watched the first episode last night, and there is a LOT going on. I'm definitely watching more. I barely could follow it all. 


    Oh! So glad someone else discovered this show.

    There is actually a season 2 as well. I think I get it through EPIX? maybe?

    I suggest Closed Captions! Seriously! Especially when dealing with unusual names.  and places and accents!

    I am hoping a season 3 is in the making? or complete? (damn the pandemic for halting the production of my shows!)

    You have reminded me how much I like this show- I think I'm going to go back to season 1 and begin again.

    Oh and I just discovered a show on EPIX/Sky Atlantic called Domina. Cool as shit! I recommend!

    • Love 1
  5. On 7/2/2021 at 5:38 PM, lembergwatcher said:

    You stressed that being "in love" with Buffy somehow makes Spike "special", i. e. not like some average Joe Vamp. That's more or less redeeming quality. Otherwise there are zero reasons for Buffy not to dust Spike for attacking two of her best friends in this particular episode. 

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    Or for the Scoobs to tolerate his presence for the remainder of the series.


    I also said in my opinion.

    Liking or disliking certain characters is subjective. Spike was my favorite from the moment he appeared. Good bad or ugly I was in all the way.

    He continued to endear himself to me until the end (on Angel no less--I only faithfully watched the final season because of Spike)


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  6. 22 hours ago, lembergwatcher said:

    The reason Spike kidnapped Willow & Xander and then threatened Willow or tried to blackmail Buffy & Angel into helping him was his obsession with Drusilla. Love for Buffy? 

      Reveal spoiler

    That came much later.


    That's hardly a redeeming quality... 🙂

    I do not look for redeeming qualities in my fictional characters. I take 'em how I see 'em. Flawed!

    Besides at this point in time in the series-- Spike is still in denial. The truth will set him free -- and eventually ...


    give him back his soul.


  7. On 7/6/2018 at 11:43 AM, Joe Hellandback said:

    Lover's Walk

    The Good; Spike is back in town and emotional hell follows with him for the rest of the cast! I think it's at this point that Buffy really stops being about the demon of the week and starts being about the relationships.

    The Bad; Are you kidding?

    Best line; Spike; "I may be love's bitch but at least I'm man enough to admit it"

    Character death; Bye bye to another magic shop owner. Spike's killing her is horrible in the extreme, the sheer brutality of it. The scene where Spike threatens to push a broken bottle in Willow's face is also horrible (pay attention Spike fans!). I remember watching this ep for the first time and thinking "NO! They can't kill Cordy!"

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    but eventually they do.

    Presumably the funeral we see is of the Magic Shop owner?

    Knocked out; Cordy and Xander

    Women good/men bad; Joyce wants Buffy to go to parties with kegs and boys, as it happens neither will work out well for her.

    Kinky dinky; Willow thinks bowling and rented shoes are sexy which is a whole level of kink beyond my ken, my barbie and all my action figures. . He also talks of 'having a woman' which implies that a vamp feeding is akin to a sexual act. Spike says he's going to torture Dru until she loves him again? Spike also seems to be quite enamoured of Willow (Spillow?) 

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    which will be referred to again in season 4

    Calling Captain Subtext; How much do we adore the scene between Spike and Joyce?

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    Of course when we see Spike's relationship with his own mum, we understand why.


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    Buffy comments that for some reason she can't fool Spike hinting at their relationship to come and possibly Spike's hidden sensitivity (realising in season 4 that Willow is falling apart, empathising with Dawn in season 5).

    Spike also refers to Angel as 'peaches' and a 'great poof' which must have had Spangel fans working overtime.  Plus Dru senses that Spike is infatuated with the Slayer.

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    which will also come true 

    Guantanamo Bay; Buffy and Angel beat up and threaten to kill Spike for info

    Questions and observations; Willow refers to Cletus the slack jawed yokel from the Simpsons. Weirdly Buffy has never even been referenced on that show as far as I know? Xander refers to Buffy and him working at the drive-in, both will but not at the same time. Surely the Mayor wouldn't have let Spike and co run rampant last year and destroyed the world? Xander recognises the ingredients for a love spell from his experience in BBB. Note Xander refers to wanting to be a fireman which will also feature in 

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    The Replacement

    (Nic later plays one in a very bad Syfy movie Fire Serpent) . Weirdly Buffy says that Spike's not known for keeping his word but to judge by 'Lie to Me' and 'Becoming' he actually does? Or does she mean that he'd promised that he'd never return to Sunnydale? Note that even Angel with a soul still knows how to push Spike's buttons? Cordy's expression upon seeing Xander and Willow together is just heartrending.

    Buffy scores remarkably well on the SATs once again showing us there's brains behind that blonde hair. Love Cordy's bizarre leap of logic that Xander has been kidnapped by Columbian drug barons?

    Really you get the idea that they're toying with the idea of Spike as a regular character and this was a test for it. Of course the rest is history

    10/10 no question

    I am just going to pop in and say -- one of ,my all time favorite episodes! But I always loved Spike from the first moment he was introduced -- School Hard-- the way he watched Buffy dance in slo-mo-- hawt! hawt! hawt!

    I love that he (Spike) is cruel and kind and evil and complicated. But I never doubted his love for Buffy. Angel only loved her when he had a soul. Otherwise Angel was a real asshole.

    Spike never pretended to be anything but a piece of shit -- but hey! a love sick piece of shit at that.

    All only my opinion of course.

    Carry on.

    • Love 1
  8. On 6/13/2021 at 3:32 AM, LittlePeas3 said:

    Didn't Meredith do the online thing when Alex and Jo tied the knot on the ferry boat? 


    And weird. I didn't stop to think about Richard officiating at the wedding.

    It's Grey's Anatomy -  everyone is everything when they need them to be...I mean world renown surgeons do the grunt work like shave heads and put in IV's etc...

    • Love 3
  9. 2 hours ago, PrincessPurrsALot said:

    OK, I was able to put a nickel on my chest without it falling off.  I must be magnetic!  Oh, and if I make it sticky it will stick to my neck too.  Damn you, Covid vaccine!!!!! 🤣

    Maybe we should counter by pointing out that magnetizing them will mess up the chip that Bill Gates had implanted with the vaccine.  You know, fight ludicrous with ludicrous.

    Hey! The TV remote now sticks (magnetically!) to my chest -- I'm never gonna lose that bitch again! Thank you Moderna!

    • LOL 5
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  10. On 6/5/2021 at 10:37 AM, windsprints said:

    I think Meredith has made reference to a nanny in the past couple of seasons so I guess she hired another now that Amelia & Link aren't there caring for her kids. I know Maggie was there too but Maggie wasn't shown as being the primary caregivers like Amelia and Link were. Seasons back there were many times where they were all at the hospital and who knows about the kids. There were always jokes here about it.

    Like good television children everywhere -- they "disappear upstairs" until their existence is required for a scene. 

    • LOL 6
  11. On 5/28/2021 at 5:27 PM, KaveDweller said:

    Amelia has to stop this habbit of not telling her partner she doesn't want (more) kids and running away instead. 

    That is soap opera 101.

    A simple conversation could solve all the misunderstandings/issues - but of course = no covo leads to BIG DRAMA! and there must always be drama.

    • Love 3
  12. On 5/31/2021 at 8:27 AM, Chicago Redshirt said:

    As to what Amalia did to Sarah, obviously it was a betrayal. But I am not sure how many options she had.

    And Amalia was still very much in Stripe mode-- it came across to me that she did what she felt she had to do to survive. Period.

    • Love 3
  13. 1 hour ago, dmc said:

    This episode was awful.

    First off I don’t ship Owen and Teddy their relationship is a mess.  

    I’m glad Meredith woke up but sad Koracick and Avery are going.


    Succinct and to the point. Yup. That's all I got too.

    • Love 4
  14. 15 hours ago, WatchrTina said:

    OMG, the radiant Aeryn Sun (a.k.a. Claudia Black) is IN DA HOUSE!!!  Can I get a”Hell Yeah!” from the Farscape fans?

    I have never watched Farscape nor have I ever heard of Claudia Black -- but it only took a second and I am in love with her! wow! she made an instant impression.

    I will go back and binge watch the entire season because I find it makes more sense back to back than week separation between eps 

    • Love 3
  15. On 5/16/2021 at 10:06 PM, CouchTater said:

    This has been a wild series for me, so far.  As I've mentioned before, I loved ep 1, then lost interest but felt obligated to see it through (2-4), then ep 5 brought me back.  And episode 6 was...wow!!!!  Very good, I think?  There was enough explanation to keep me hooked, but I do not understand the Galanthi's method at all.  Were the Victorian touched a mistake?  True/Stripe/Zephyr mentioned that spontaneous powers don't normally happen.  Also, had the Galanthi been scouting Victorian London before Zephyr was transported there (the Victorian artifacts Zephyr and the other woman found in the lab)?  And so many more questions.......

    Also, if this had been episode 1 instead of #6 I may have enjoyed all 6 episodes even more.  

    I look forward to everyone's thoughts on the episode.

    Does anyone know when the 2nd half of the season will air?

    I swear since Q Tarantino started doing that backward storytelling shit -- everyone in Hollywood/movies started doing it. Personally I like a linear story -- but I am not in control!

    Anyway- I watched twice cuz the first time I am always a bit confused. The creators of Sci-Fi have a concept/idea and sometimes it takes me a minute to figure out their vision.

    So True was Stripe. I loved her! Without taking anything from the actress who plays Amalia -- dayam! I wish (kinda) that she was the lead actress. 

    Also-- I still don't have an inkling what the Galanthi is/are. They seemed as mysterious in the future as they are in the past. Are they good? bad? Indifferent? What the hell are they?????? and WHY? 

    Oh! and others "hitched" a ride when Stripe/True/Zephyr got flung back to Victorian London. Crazy! and compelling cuz I want to know more!

    It makes sense now when Lord Massen said -- referring to Mrs. True -- "She isn't a fucking baker!" No- Molly isn't a fucking baker any more! Ha!

    Another quick thought-- Sarah aka Maladie seemed almost gentle/normal when Amalia first met her in the nuthouse. And then she (Amalia) threw her under the proverbial bus when she let that psycho Doc have at her. So he must be the reason Maladie is they way she is? He must have done experiments on her. Or some other heinous things.  Hm? Interesting. I want to know more.

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  16. 4 hours ago, Chicago Redshirt said:

    6. Maladie is apparently so moved by the rescue attempt that she does not kill Jack or other woman.


    Maladie dressed as reporter lady (Effie Boyle/Doyle) saved Harriet from being trampled to death. She also seemed to notice that Penance/the touched were trying to rescue her. 

    • Love 1
  17. On 5/12/2021 at 1:53 AM, ZeeEnnui said:

    YES. I was thinking the exact same thing. Massen doesn't like that Penance's turn makes her a brilliant inventor. Can't have little ladies upstaging mediocre men, can we? Framing Penance does two things. First, it kneecaps a woman whose turn makes her a threat to men in power like Massen and his League of Ordinary White Men. Two, it's a way to hurt True. With Maladie behind things, it makes sense that she'd want to hit True where it hurts, and the best way to do that is through Penance. 

    I rewatched the series (ep 1 - 5) (it all makes more sense back to back instead of the separation of a week in-between) anyway -- Penance going to try to rescue Maladie from hanging is totally going to come back to bite her in the ass!

    When she first met Massen she told how she "see's' electricity and all those people at the hanging were electrocuted. Penance is gonna get blamed for that! At least that is my speculation.

    • Love 3
  18. 19 hours ago, rove4 said:

    I must be really desensitized because I haven't noted an excessive use of profanity.  lol

    The whole Galanthi thing doesn't really bother me either. I read The Malazan Book of the Fallen series where the author drops readers in the deep end of the pool without so much as a "hello" and a pretty important magical element isn't explained until like book five or something (in a ten book series).  By then readers have pretty much pieced it together.  So this show barely registers on my frustration meter. 

    **raises hand!

    Yes! This show seems to do a lot of backward and forward timey wimey things. I figure they'll explain -- or not -- at some point. Since I am enjoying the show I am not stressed about it.

    • Love 2
  19. 8 hours ago, Bill1978 said:

    When Effie was talking about the coat I thought to myself, her voice sounds like the actress who plays Maladie but then I quickly dismissed it as having ears not exposed to British accents all day every day and thought nothing more of it. I should have listened to my ears.

    I honestly thought the guy was dead, was it meant to be shocking a reveal that he lived (and it was explained in the 'missing' episode) or did I miss something from the actual previous episode that indicated he was alive?

    Last weeks ep had Amalia in the bar and the reason was she was getting info from violin dude about walk on water dude (Odium?) -- he was recuperating at his grandmothers in some attic or something -- they mentioned a place == it sounded Victorian English. Like the "narrows"

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  20. 6 hours ago, 12catcrazy said:

    Another episode which left me confused.  Who arranged for that mass electrocution?  Massen, The Beggar King, Maladie or ???  And did Massen say that he ordered the "hit" on Mary?   I can't understand half of what is being spoken on this show!  And the opening sex scene - ok, we get it, Amalia is a lusty woman, but ick.  Especially in that her lover is a married man.   I agree with Stuffy above - I wish they'd keep the nudity and sex to where it should be - in Swann's sex club.   

    Closed Captioning! There are so many accents -- it's a lifesaver!

    Anyway, even though someone posted a spoiler about Effie being Maladie -- I just didn't really believe it so I was totally surprised by the ole switcharoo! Plus-- I wasn't ready for the crazy one to die yet.

    Also I understood Penance's point of view -- if you allow one touched to be killed -- then all touched are fair game. (The scenes of the touched were being brought to the police station to be "identified" and were made to wear the ribbons) << that reminded me of Nazi Germany with the stars to identify the Jews. 

    Also it seems that public executions in England were not a thing anymore. Like didn't someone say they had been outlawed for 15 years ago? So, by making an exception to hang Maladie, it was setting a precedence. If it becomes a thing to hang one of them --- why not all of them?

    It seems Massen and Swan and Lavinia Bidlow et all are behind the killing of the touched. Massen hired the walk on water dude to try to take out Amalia and may have paid machine gun dude to kill Mary. 

    Hey! I'm just gonna say it -- I watch HBO for nudity and sex and drugs and rock and roll. I don't give a shit about TV fictional characters cheating. The Doc is hot! and Amalia deserves a little something something! She seems like she needs to let off steam. I say more naked sex! 

    This is the only new show out there that I really like. I figure next weeks ep is going to be what happened to Amalia and her team.

    Am I understanding correctly that this is only part one of of a two part season one?

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