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Posts posted by taanja

  1. 11 hours ago, FnkyChkn34 said:

    Well that was horrifically depressing.  But I bet most people here will be jumping for joy?

    I could tell that I was in the minority of people who actually liked Deluca, and if my two options are him or Irish guy whose name I can't remember to be with Meredith, I definitely choose Deluca.  How sad.

    *** RAISES HAND! ***

    Me too  😉

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  2. 19 hours ago, pezgirl7 said:

    I watched this episode again with that thought in my mind, and it changed the way I look at the characters. They are definitely courting now, even if it's in a bit of an unusual way. It's cute to watch! I was glad that William finally admitted that he had feelings for her, by holding her hand and asking her out to dinner. When she was trying to get him to apologize to Moses, she just kept smiling at him until he did his version of an apology, because he's in love and is probably tired of fighting all the time! And even though they were still teasing each other when he came to her office at the end, she took his arm and they walked away into the sunset, and both looked really happy!

    I watched again too.

    I noticed though the entire 6 eps when Eliza wants something from William -- she looks at him and smiles in that way she has that he does not seem to be able to resist! It's quite cute. I think he even mumbles "Eliza!" 

    I really hope there is a new season but like so many shows I watch-- they have short seasons and then go away for LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOG long time and then I forget about them. sigh

    • Love 6
  3. 20 hours ago, T Summer said:

    Now I'm going to have to go watch this damn thing again! When he was looking down and saw that gold elephant head ... I thought Ganesh (only because I did not know the word Ganapati) anyway, then he sees that coin roll over by the tire of the car on the ice. I remember wondering why he didn't go over and try to pick it up? You know to see if it was real or he was seeing things. Did I miss that?

     I think the show is hinting that the disappeared girl is in that car-- they keep showing the car or mentioning it. I thought the coin was directing/pointing Shadow to go take a look see. 

    • Useful 3
  4. 23 hours ago, rollacoaster said:

    The song at the end was "You Want It Darker" by Leonard Cohen. I had to look it up, those lyrics had me gobsmacked.  


    That song was way cool! Thankx!

    Anyway since I haven't read any of the book(s) I have no expectations. I am not up on the lore of the gods so I just take what they give me and accept. 

    Laure comes across to me as a jaded soul. I liked the scene where Shadow tells her that Wednesday is his father and she's like -- well shit! I didn't see that one coming.

    and yes! I do notice the camera pans to and focuses on that box with Mad Sweeny's ashes. I would like him to come back to life. 

    Shadow is the son of the Alt-Father. What does that even mean? I wonder? He seems to have the powers of intuition and clairvoyance. What other powers does he have?

    also -- damn! Laura just went and made promises I hope she can keep! 

    • Love 3
  5. On 2/25/2021 at 2:38 PM, rove4 said:

    I didn't know that about All Creatures Great and Small.  I've only watched the first episode so far (have the rest sitting on my dvr).  It reminded me of a book I read a few years back, I think it was called An Irish Country Doctor...or something like that.  Seemed like basically the same premise - new doctor heads to small village to start practice with the curmudgeonly town GP -  except it's a doctor for people, not animals.  

    I hadn't even considered the significance of the dinner date for their time period.  I guess I was still viewing it with my modern mind where dinner is just dinner.  

    I agree. If the worse happens and there is no second season then at least the show ended well.  

    I had to look up Mary Elizabeth Winstead.  I had no idea. Obi Wan??😲

    Isn't that Doc Martin? 

    yeah unless you were a "loose" woman -- a kiss was kind of a declaration of serious intent. So a dinner date? hell! They were practically engaged to be married!

    • Love 2
  6. 5 hours ago, nara said:

    Although she is unconventional in most ways, Eliza is very protective of her reputation as a virtuous woman. I think perhaps because her mother died and she had no female friends of her age and class, her view of what is and isn’t okay from a romantic perspective is very, very conservative. 

    The kiss was probably the first time she did anything adult in a romantic sense—intellectually she became an adult quite young. 
    She was likely surprised, scared of new feelings, and embarrassed, and I think the slap was her response to those emotions, as well as reflecting her conservative view point of how she should behave to remain virtuous. I doubt she would discuss the kiss so much if it was truly non-consensual.

    And Eliza was pretty shocked when William suggested she stay at his house. Her reputation would be ruined!

    and basically in the 1880's -- wasn't a kiss sort of a declaration of intent -- like a promise or something to get married? When they were teenagers not so much but now that they are adults - a kiss is serious business.

    • Love 4
  7. On 2/22/2021 at 1:40 PM, ComeWhatMay said:

    Show runners do like to play coy and tease the audience, but isn’t the point here a quintessentially Victorian man comes to see the woman he loves as an equal? Why take options off her table? Or, his? Ivy can be the cook and help with the kids, Eliza can improve her cookery and give and take, and there is no need for a literal brood. FWIW, I think “The Duke” would be a doting father to a child or two and fiercely protective of them. The actor literally smolders. Eliza would be “butt hurt” to quote another user if William moved on and it would not be fair to the woman he did it with either. 

    ^^^That is why I rarely - if ever - read that crap from showrunners/producers/writers - they try to tease and they just end up making me feel bitter and to NOT want to watch their shows!

    Anywho --loved the ep! Those two kids are so damn cute! IMO they (Eliza and William) are at the vert beginning of their flirting. I am not sure if either of them have seriously considered being married? Maybe? William obviously has an idea of how he envisions marriage -- traditional Victorian roles - man/husband works outside of home and is the breadwinner while wife stays home and cooks and cleans and tends to the children. Period. And in that time and place that would be all there is. Once a woman got married any job she had outside the home would be over. She would be expected to quite. Period. There would be no compromise. It would be absolutely expected that the woman would be a wife and mother. 

    So it seems Frank was the mastermind behind the whole forgery scheme and he even killed whatshisname (William's boss) and Eliza's father. So he was smarter and more capable that he looked huh?

    What happened with Rupert's "fiancé"? That scene just ended abruptly.

    On the show it was amusing that William kept locking Eliza up in jail to keep her safe -- but as a woman modern times myself -- that would piss me off! However, I found it kind of a cute little gimmick. What would have been even funnier is if Eliza picked William's pocket or otherwise acquired the key to the jail cell or picked the lock with her handy dandy tools and let herself out. << that would have been funny! And it would have pissed William off which would be even funnier.

    All and all I am glad I stumbled across this cute little show. Will there be a season 2? or was the 6 eps all there is?


    • Love 1
  8. On 2/15/2021 at 5:24 AM, NeenerNeener said:

    So "Duke" is actually a nickname, not his title. I've been wondering for 2 or 3 episodes now why a Duke would be worried about getting promoted at Scotland Yard and I finally went to the PBS site and read the promo material. D'oh! I must have been multitasking when this was explained in one of the previous episodes. I blame Bridgerton for making me see dukes where there were none.

    Ummm.. until I read it here -- I  thought Duke was a duke! If the show explained otherwise I missed it! 

  9. On 2/8/2021 at 2:40 PM, rove4 said:

    What a fun show!  I've been enjoying it immensely. The chemistry between the actors is lightning in a bottle. Showrunners always hope for it but it doesn't always happen.

    All I can say is -- Hell yes! The chemistry is amazing!

    • Love 2
  10. On 1/31/2021 at 7:57 PM, Door County Cherry said:

    Ha.  I quite like it but I have been accused of being soulless before. 😉  

    I thought this episode had some interesting depth to it of things that will come to a head.  Eliza, for one, dealing with the fact that she does often have to wait to be hired by men and what she'll do when she finds out that the Duke paid off Moses. 

    But one phrase I wish they'd retire from shows about the early days of women's rights is "oh I'd rather just leave that complicated stuff to men" or some version of it as her housekeeper said in this episode.  There have to be more clever ways of saying it rather than stating it outright. 

    But women actually believed that -- and said it out loud! Seriously. My grandmother marched with the suffragettes  -- "Votes for Women" in 1918 when she was 16yrs old. She said her own mother (my great-grandmother) did not believe women should vote because it was too complicated and best left to the men folk.

    I, too, am soulless. And I just want to be entertained. This show is doing it for me. So far I have no complaints.

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  11. On 1/25/2021 at 11:51 AM, tennisgurl said:

     It seems like William might be more open to Eliza's help now, and now she has hired Moses to join her team to help 

    The mystery of the week was pretty good, if not extremely complicated, but I did wish we got a bit more closure on what happened with 

    Will Eliza getting hauled into court and getting bailed out become a running thing? 

    I am loving Moses. The moment I saw him I was like-- he and Eliza should work together! and they are!

    I personally don't care if the mysteries are weak. I am here for the character interaction.

    I hope that becomes a running theme with Eliza being hauled into court and then getting off! It made me laugh.

    • Love 2
  12. On 1/18/2021 at 3:55 PM, magdalene said:

    Totally anachronistic but kind of dumb fun.  I am sticking around for now because there is good chemistry between the leads.

    Same! I just discovered this show last week and have been catching up. I think I'm on ep 3 or 4 by now.

    Anyway ... I wasn't sure if I would like it cuz I'm not particular about mysteries but I am finding the whole series quite charming. And it's because of the obvious and very cute chemistry between the two lead actors.

    I'm in all the way.

    • Love 4
  13. On 2/15/2021 at 4:13 PM, hnygrl said:

    One thing we need to remember about Shadow/Laura:  She was killed giving another man a blow job while he drove! She was cheating on him for at least a year, maybe longer  (can’t remember).  Of COURSE Shadow is emotionless and "idgaf" around her! She may have changed but she’s (literally) dead to Shadow.  She’s literally his EX wife.  And for him to feel anything at all around the bitch who broke his trust, broke his heart, cheated  with his BEST. FRIEND??? Come on!

    I like the character so much (and the actress!) that I can forgive her anything!

    • Love 1
  14. On 2/14/2021 at 8:00 AM, ElectricBoogaloo said:

    I loved that Bilquis didn't need Shadow to rescue her. And I'm with her - everything is better with french fries!

    Those two actors had some AMAZING chemistry! I mean seriously!!!!!

    I loved the look on Shadow's face when Biliquis just walks out of the water! << pure adoration! and her little quip -- Oh? are you here to save me Shadow?  (paraphrasing) Haha!

    Glad to see Laura and Shadow together at the end.

    I knew Wednesday was just faking the crazy to get inside with Demeter. Dude is working a con.


    • Love 3
  15. 2 minutes ago, ElectricBoogaloo said:

    Unfortunately, you're in the minority. This year's Super Bowl had over 96 million viewers, and that's the lowest it's been since 2006 (last year's game had over 101 million viewers). No one in the tv industry wants to air something that's going up against those kinds of numbers because it's basically a wasted episode in terms of the ratings.

    I know. If I ruled the world things would be different damnit!

    But alas.. I am not a god and I have no power.

    • LOL 3
  16. On 1/31/2021 at 8:26 PM, WatchrTina said:

    I swear this show has gone completely off-book at this point so I feel free to speculate. And I'm speculating that Wednesday's madness is feigned (like Hamlet's) as a way to get into the facility where Demeter is housed.  Except . . . Demeter's facility looks pretty posh.  What "family" is going to pay to place Wednesday/Odin in the same home?  His driver/assistant seems pretty freaked out by everything that happened so it doesn't seem like she's been tasked with having him committed to the fancy funny-farm.  And Shadow is off chasing after Bilquis so he can't play that part in the grift.  So I don't know how this is supposed to play out.

    Oh look, Crispin Glover is back.  Yay?  I guess?  But why?

    I'm glad Bilquis escaped the torture-by-bad-music situation by conjuring/hallucinating a friend but who the fuck is Oshun?  Hang on . . . I'm off to Wikipedia:

     Okay.  That's cool.  I'm all for grrrrrl power.  Now Oshun needs to help Bilquis put those sorry-assed kidnappers in their place.

    I have to say I enjoyed Tech Boy getting his game-face on to demonstrate to Shadow's prisoner in the alley that -- all things considered -- he might just be in over his head.  (Though it was interesting that Shadow implied that he and Tech Boy were aliens instead of gods/demi-gods.  Presumably that's because he figured that guy was more likely to believe in UFOs than in a physical incarnation of technology-as-a-god.)

    Yay!  Laura's alive again.  And she found a female truck driver to give her a ride.  Hooray again for the grrrrrrl power.  (Sistas . . .  are doin it for themselves!)  It was a messy resurrection but I did love seeing Laura zoomed out of Purgatory again. (Purgatory last week was SO BORING).  Now, do we all realize that the potion would NOT have worked had it not been mixed with the blood of Mad-Sweeney-who-is-in-love-with-Laura?  I presume Laura has figured that out and that she's going to carry Sweeney's ashes around until she figures out how to resurrect HIM in return.  After all, Laura had been reduced to powder just last episode but SHE came back.

    In conclusion . . . this show is so wacky and weird.  I love it.  I'm sorry to see that we won't have a new episode next Sunday.  I presume that's because they don't want to compete with the Super Bowl.  Oh well.


    ETA:  I almost forgot this, my favorite exchange in the show:

    Shadow (after bouncing Tech Boy off a wall):  "That's for lynching me, peckerwood."

    Tech Boy:  "I already apologized for that."

    Shadow: "Apology not accepted. Not now.  Not ever."

    I love that they addressed that.

    Basically all of this ^^^^^^^

    I am just quoting you because -- yup! especially the bolded parts

    On 2/5/2021 at 6:46 PM, T Summer said:

    Has anyone noticed that after s3 ep4 aired Sunday night and would usually repeat until the next new episode airs, s3 ep3 has been airing? Just s3 ep3, not followed buy s3 ep4.


    I noticed that too.

    • Love 1
  17. Zorya Vechernyaya (Cloris Leachman) RIP Cloris!

    Anyway, I have not read any of the books (to be honest I didn't know this show was based on books!) but I continue to enjoy the actual show .

    Dead Wife aka Laura is my fav and I'm glad even though she is dead -- she's not dead dead. She is supposed to face reality . She has obviously blamed herself for her parents fuck-ups but we saw that really she was just a little girl. Just a tiny child. She is not blame! I liked that whole sequence.

    On a side note-- I kinda hope Mad Sweeny is not dead dead either.

    Shadow aka Mike is def gonna figure out some kind of blood sacrifice is going on in that frozen little town.  I mean Wednesday aka Ofnir speaks highly of it so there's got to be something sinister going on! The lady who showed Shadow around mention the founder of the town and how he left all his money to the town with the stipulation that the town continue to honor his tradition -- or something -- it was vague but I don't feel like it was just throw away information.  It's gotta mean something. Right?

    • Love 2
  18. On 1/12/2021 at 4:02 AM, ElectricBoogaloo said:

    Next week's hall of shame is Lip

    S1.E3: Once Upon a Phillip Gallagher


    Original air date: 1/17/21

    I watched this last night. Lip has never been my favorite character. They seemed to focus a lot on the later years and especially his relationship with Tami.

  19. On 1/13/2021 at 11:46 AM, iMonrey said:

    Jane Levy was Mandy in Season 1. I really liked her. Emma Greenwell replaced her starting in Season 2 and I never really cared for her. I just never thought she was a very good actress. It doesn't look like she's done a whole lot after this show either. I seem to recall reading she was basically hired because she was Jeremy Allen White's real-life girlfriend at the time.

    That said - I agree she should pop up somewhere if only for some closure on the character.

    I thought about that too. I don't see how they can really do justice to some kind of political campaign storyline for Veronica with only nine episodes left (if that). But that would surely come up, assuming the current writers even know/remember that.

    They will just do to V what they did t the "character of the house next store" -- pretend the past eps/plots don't exist?

  20. On 1/9/2021 at 9:52 PM, Calvada said:


    To go back to Wednesday's show, I too thought Sen. Klobuchar and Rep. Kinzinger were not as angry as I thought they might be  

    Being from Minnesota myself -- that is normal. It's called "Minnesota Nice" One does not display anger in public! We love Amy Klobucher here - so as always-- I thought she was lovely and spot on. 

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