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Posts posted by taanja

  1. 16 hours ago, chocolatine said:

    Nope, same character: https://shameless.fandom.com/wiki/Tony_Markovich

    I didn't say to the right of the Gallaghers - that's an empty lot - but to the left of Kev & Vee, so three doors doors down from the Gallaghers. At least that's what I thought, that the house JimmySteve bought wasn't right next door.

    In Nana Gallagher Had an Affair, he (Jimmy Steve) buys the house next door so that he and Fiona can move in together but still stay close to the family. He faces a new problem with Debbie now aware of his true name and threatening him if he hurts her sister

  2. 13 hours ago, suzyq8017 said:

    I feel insulted by the writers in giving us this stupid Tammy storyline without even a mention of Lip’s experience having an affair with a professor? I’m heartbroken they don’t know how to write for Lip anymore. 

    ^This! It was weird. Like they totally forgot about Lip's affair with collage professor. (Obvs Lip has mommy issues!)

    The other weird thing -- The Milkovich's move into house next door. Okay

    In season 1 or 2 -- Jimmy Steve buys that exact house and then eventually gives it to that blond cop dude as a bribe. So when was that old lady living there? Are we supposed to believe a 90yr old lady buys the house from Blond cop dude and has been living there ... since... a few years ? (I can not remember Blond cop dude's name -- Fiona fucked him that one time and then later he "turns" gay)  Or did Jimmy Steve buy house with old lady included and then blond cop dude gets house (from Jimmy Steve) with old lady included?

    Anyone? They acted like that house hasn't been featured before. They acted like Jimmy Steve never owned it or that blond cop dude never lived there for a year or two as well. The whole thing took me right out of the ep. 

    Who was that old lady?? and where did she come from????

    also--- anyone notice for the past 3 - 4 seasons now it has been perpetual summer in Chicago?

    • Love 4
  3. On 1/20/2020 at 1:44 PM, Llywela said:

    And with this group, it really was too little too late. So Ryan checks in with his mates from time to time? Yaz has got the Doctor falsifying paperwork for her, so she can have her cake and eat it too? How much more satisfying would it have been if we'd watched those developments as they happened - for Yaz, especially. After a full season of next to nothing, when we could have watched her wrestling with herself all along, energised by everything the Doctor has to offer yet also desperate not to give up on the career she's been working toward, maybe confiding her fears in Graham and Ryan separately along the way, not wanting to worry the Doctor, finally getting tripped up and having to admit her concerns, the Doctor understanding and asking what she wants to do, the two of them coming up with a plan together, and so on. I mean, falsifying paperwork seems a bit out of character for both Yaz and the Doctor, but if we'd watched it all unfold on-screen, it would have been far more satisfying than a single scene tacked on a full season later, as if someone suddenly realised they hadn't really explained anything that was going on with the companions and their home lives.

    That sounds a little too much like a soap opera to me- No? I don't need nor want to know more about the companions than we already do. The problem with the "Fam" IMO- was there were too many of them.

    Two companions is almost one too many. The show works best for me when the Doctor and one companion travel and bond. 

  4. On 1/5/2021 at 2:19 AM, Llywela said:

    But anyway, we're off-topic now. I really hope Yaz develops away from her obsession with the Doctor and comes to realise that there is a whole wide world out there for her and she doesn't need the Doctor to prop her up, she is capable of building a life and a future for herself, on her own terms. That would be the most positive outcome for her story arc. No more tragedy, please, show.

    That's why I love this show- we all watch for different reasons and see things differently. The companions you saw as "co-dependent" I saw as being the "special or favored ones" of the Doctor. Those specific companions feelings were very much reciprocated by the Doctor-- at least in my view.

    It seems perfectly in character for Yaz to be a companion that will develop/has already developed feeling(s) for the Doctor. And like I said -- I think the Doctor knows this when choosing certain companions and does so on purpose. Love is love and it's for everyone -- even Doctor Who!

    I have no problem with tragedy on this show. Or death. Or destruction. hell! I remember when Adric blew up! << that was the 1st companion I can remember dying. THAT!! was shocking!

    • Love 1
  5. On 1/3/2021 at 3:17 PM, Llywela said:

    But I get that this is a perceptual divide between people who grew up watching the Classic show and people who started out with New Who. New Who fans were trained from the very beginning to see Doctor-companion co-dependency as not only normal but romantic, whereas to those of us who grew up watching the Classic show, that exact same thing just seems jarringly out of place!

    My first Doctor was # 4 - Tom Baker -- I loved Leela and I always felt there was something something going on in the TARDIS between those two -- and what about Romana?  <<Those two were doing it all over the galaxy and beyond!

    Anyway - what I am saying is I am a Classic Who and a New Who fan and I LOVE me some Doctor/Companion love. It is one of the reasons I have watched/still watch this show.

    I do not see it as codependent. I see it as the natural progression that some companions will indeed fall in love with the Doctor. They just will. And maybe just maybe the Doctor knows this and chooses certain companions accordingly?

    • Love 2
  6. On 1/2/2021 at 4:20 PM, WatchrTina said:

    I just tried to watch what I thought was "Rose" and instead it was "Rosa" (the Rosa Parks episode.)  That was a very good episode but also a very upsetting one and I am not in the right state of mind to watch it.  (Sigh.)

    Oh! My bad.

    I just scrolled through the episodes and "assumed" it was ROSE --- not ROSA << I too will not re-watch that ep.

    I did notice that they did NOT rerun any eps from #9's season.

  7. 10 hours ago, Chyromaniac said:

    Man, I know doing a multi-day 24 hour schedule must be hard to set up- no one wants popular episodes running at 3am or whatever- but the bbca marathon has been super random this year.  Like, they just followed up a run of Capaldi shows with Army of Ghosts.  Okay- but are they running Doomsday next?  Nope- Daleks in Manhattan/Evolution.  Then it’s back to Capaldi for Season 8, but kind of out of order.  It feels like it’s been this way all week.  It would be one thing if they were trying to keep seasons in order, or even do themes- like a block of Cybermen shows or historicals- or if it was just some “fan favorites” countdown.  But as it is this is a big jumbled up mess.

    And, if this is all supposed to be promoting the Special, shouldn’t they be showing at least some of Jodie’s shows?  The first of hers I see is at like 2:45am on 1/1 with Rosa- followed by Arachnids, but then switching back for Woman who fell to Earth.  At least it looks like they are planning to do most of season 12 in order leading up to the new show, but man- this is a weird way to build up the show.

    I have had Doctor Who on a loop since Xmas eve. They are jumping all over the place with eps and repeating some a couple times.

    "Rose" is the only ep from the 1st season (#9) 

    Seems they are only playing a select few eps from #13's repertoire. I figure it's cuz they don't want the viewer to be able to record entire seasons for free? Dunno?

  8. On 12/22/2020 at 12:55 AM, chabelisaywow said:

    I hate Tami. Who the fuck is she to expect the Gallaghers to chip in for her sister's kid?!

    I know Lip has some sort of obligation because he is married to her - but more for his feelings for Brad.

    If something happened to my daughter no way would I start counting my sister in law's family's assets.

    Not to say she wouldn't offer - but I would never expect.


    Are Tami and Lip married? I am thinking the only married couple is Ian and Micky

  9. On 12/21/2020 at 12:36 PM, iMonrey said:

    I thought the story with Frank and Franny was surprisingly sweet, and I say that as someone who grew weary of Frank's shenanigans years ago. I think the story about his father making him wear a dress put a fine point on how messed up his own childhood was.

    Have you ever listened to some of the stories Frank has told of his childhood? The wearing a dress story is pretty tame compared to some of the stuff Frank has divulged over the years.

    My big "take" from the Franny/Frank story is that Frank is going to get/ already has dementia/Alzheimer's. He will end up not knowing any of them by the end. JMO -- I am spoiler free and am just speculating.


    With Jimmy Steve's dad dead from the COVID -- will Fiona return?

    Carl's whole life has led him to be a cop in Chicago. 

    • Love 1
  10. 1 hour ago, madmax said:

    That's why I quit my rewatch after season 10.  Cristina was gone and it was just Der & Mer being jerky and another surprise sister and more interns that I didn't care about.

    yup. I stopped watching right about that time too. and then one night (some time later - a year or more) I was flipping channels and it was the ep where Derek dies. I didn't know that when I stopped. I was like --Oh I haven't watched Grey's in a while and then BAM! Derek dead! I was like Whaaaaaattt???


  11. 13 hours ago, FnkyChkn34 said:

    I still like the show too, overall.  (I think I'm the only fan of Deluca, and Meredith and Deluca together, LOL.) 

    No! No you are not! I liked the character of Deluca from the beginning and I enjoyed/enjoy his relationship with Meredith. I love that Mere was/is having a fling with a cute younger man. Deluca made Mere smile and laugh and I love Ellen Pompeo's smile! 

    • Love 6
  12. 19 hours ago, raven said:

    I read that they had started filming, stopped because of COVID and then re-started, maybe in September.  So we should see a S3 eventually!

    He was hoping to kill the girl the prophecy spoke of, that we know is Cait. 

    oh? I figured he was making some kind of sacrifice? No? Aulus was just hoping to randomly "find" Cait and kill her? I'll buy that cuz this is is THAT crazy!


    • Love 1
  13. 4 minutes ago, WinJet0819 said:

    Mer would only die if it's the series finale, as it would be a fitting end. She should be fine as the promos said her lung function was improving. It's Tom that might wind up biting the dust.

    Yeah. Too bad -- I like Tom. 

    No matter what this show does --I will NEVER like Owen <<< I personally never forgave him for hate cheating on Christina) and Teddy (<<< a worthless waste of space). Period. No redemption 

    • Love 4
  14. On 11/25/2020 at 3:18 PM, ABay said:

    It is a sad commentary on the current occupant of the office that I was so very comforted to hear a President of this country speaking in complete sentences, expressing rational thoughts, and having a sense of humor.

    Can I just say -- YAAAAS! 

    I was literally just asking a co-worker if she had watched the interview ! Haha! -- OMG! Listening to the intelligent, well-thought out responses was like being in a different universe!



    • Love 8
  15. 35 minutes ago, FnkyChkn34 said:

    ITA.  If she went to Derek, then she would be getting her happily ever after.  But her story isn't done yet.  

    I'm curious to see if we'll get another guest star this week or if she turns the corner and gets better. 

    I hope she gets better. I mean -- how many out of body/near death experiences can one character have?

    • LOL 2
    • Love 2
  16. 16 hours ago, Daisy said:


    I'm assuming because a big part of her hasn't gotten over Meredith's death (no matter how glib she is). and by going to Derek, it really means accepting death and leaving her kids.

    That is kind of how I took it -- if she goes to Derek -- she is accepting death and there's no going back.

    George is more the intermediate character -- I think he is there to help her see that she isn't ready to die. 

    • Love 7
  17. 13 hours ago, raven said:

    Harka - made classic villain mistake - blathering on instead of getting the job done.

    Phelan - still dumb.  Still whiny "no one's been through more than me me me".

    DIVIS - oh how I laughed.  Of COURSE he doesn't realize he shot Harka at first!!!  LOL!  "I thought I was the guardian?" hee

    Cait - damn, girl.  Sorry about blonde kid.  She's coming for your, Aulus. 

    This show is wacky as hell but damn, it has gorgeous visuals.

    This was the S2 finale 😞 I think they're still filming S3.


    Are they filming season 3? I hope so! I hate when I get addicted to a show and it goes away..., like forever! and then I forget about it.

    Anyway -- haha! Harka yes blathering on and the golden arrow through his head was everything! Divis! never change dude! I love ya!

    Yeah right. Like there are a lot of heads just rolling around huh? Or being carried around. Or dropped into the bottom of a lake. You know? as one does with a severed head.

    I want Cait to defeat everyone and everything! 

    Not only do I love the visuals of this show -- I love the music! so trippy! Like we are all on an acid trip together. yo!

    • Love 1
  18. 2 hours ago, Daisy said:

    Speaking of Tom....I wish i could say I can not believe that people applauded what Jackson did. It was rude and it was childish but this is a hospital of rude and childish people.  I'm sorry. There is someone sick with Covid, isolation drives most people batty, like. just put up with it for a few minutes. Heck. even put him on mute so you can get through the meeting and then un mute him. but just... flipping him over so the call dropped? and everyone applauding that? 

    good gravy. 

    Completely agree. It made everyone in the scene unlikable to me.

    Teddy for me is the problem. Teddy knew she was cheating on Owen. She is the one engaged to Owen - She is the one who takes the blame ... and what really annoys me is that I am even typing about Teddy and Owen. Two characters I can not stand.

    Tom I have no problem with. He wasn't cheating on his fiancé/girlfriend.  he was just fucking a willing person.

    That said-- Tom is a gonner for sure.

    • Love 7
  19. 1 hour ago, dshgr said:

    They are going to pull the same trick from when George died.  You think it will be Izzy that dies, and it is George.  Koracick is a goner.

    I'm one of those people that loves to re-watch shows that are no longer on the air, especially since the advent of streaming services.  But if a show's ending leaves a bad taste in my mouth, it is dead to me (hello "How I Met Your Mother".  Killing off Mer or Richard or Bailey would be the end for me.


    I feel ya. Black Sails did it to me when they killed off Eleanor. Now I will never re-watch the show - it is dead to me.

    If they kill off Mere it will be the same thing. The entire 17 seasons will be dead to me. Forever.


  20. 13 hours ago, LexieLily said:

    I was screaming at Teddy for only talking to Tom through the door and then leaving the food and walking away and was convinced that when the camera went to Tom's side of the door we were going to see him bleeding from a self-inflicted gunshot wound. He's alone and isolated from the hospital, doesn't have any friends aside from Amelia, and most of the crew is either apathetic towards him or hates him. I'm glad that he's "only" sick and the previews show that he is at least getting help. 

    Maggie, RUN. When Winston was talking to her at the end about how his dad was always so calm but he had a hidden temper I thought that is what she has to look forward to in the future. Winston and Maggie are basically only in a Zoom-phone-text-video relationship, and not even for that long. Why would he think it would be appropriate to invite her to a four (later five) person family dinner?

    Beware the fury of a patient man.

    and .. GEORGE!

    • Love 2
  21. I want Cait and Divis to both come out of this alive!

    But uh... Divis is now the only virgin (Cait lost her V card) and he has the golden bow--maybe HE is the chosen one? Prophesies are kind of convoluted AMIRITE? 

    This show is a trip! 

    • Love 2
  22. On 11/9/2020 at 12:18 PM, eejm said:

    Amena’s story seems to have come out of nowhere this season.  I understand how surviving something like that explains some of her behavior, but I’m not sure if I get why it happened.  Evidently Veran knows about it.  Did he (ugh) arrange for it to happen?  If so...why?  Was her father just a disgusting creep?  

    I loved the whole mushroom storyline from the moment we saw the two sentries dicking around in the woods to the final scene of the heads flying.  Talk about the Romans being literally their own worst enemies.

    I kind of liked the Amena backstory. Like Aulus Plautius said-- their (druids - I think) whole religion/belief is built on a lie. Only three people knew the truth - Amena herself -- her mother and Veren. It will all come tumbling down.

    The mushroom story was awesome! Those guys! I can't remember their names but one of them mentioned something (just a throw away line) about a sorcerer or warlock or something telling them where to fine the magic shrooms. Will we find out it was Harka? That would be cool.

    • Love 1
  23. On 11/14/2020 at 7:13 AM, Avabelle said:

    Krista did an interview with the LA Times. She spoke about Dempsey return. It sounds like when he finished up there was beef with him and Ellen (Shonda too I imagine) but he and Ellen have now made up. 

     I feel like I read somewhere right as all that was going down that Dempsey was having an affair.  Ellen is friends with Patrick's wife so I can see how that created tension behind the scenes.. 

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