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Posts posted by taanja


    It didn't really register at the time (believe it or not I was into B/A then), but the flashback to the time when Angel first sees Buffy screams pedophile at me now. There he is, hair all long and greasy, watching the little HS chippy from a car with blacked-out windows. E-e-ew.


    I never really liked the character Angel and I never bought into the Buffy/Angel twu lurve relationship. he was a creeper from the get-go IMO.


    But in "School Hard" when Spike watches Buffy dancing with Xander and Willow at the Bronze all slo-mo (The first time he ever lays eyes on Buffy) I thought that was sexy -- not pedo.


    So I may be coming from a place of personal prejudice. It's possible my love of Spike colors all my opinions  ;-)


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  2. I don't know? maybe I just take "Girls" at face value and watch it as it was meant to be watched ---as entertainment. All I know is I am always entertained.


    And it's not like Hannah's self-absorption is something new. That seems to be a running theme for the entire series. An only child who thinks the universe revolves around her? check.


    I kind of like that basically everything is handed to Hannah on a silver platter. And that basically she is her own worst enemy and will somehow fuck it up.


    Usually on a show with multiple characters there is one I don't like (or even can't stand which has made me quite watching several shows) but on Girls I seem to like all the characters for the different personalities they represent. No one bugs me so much that I have to turn it off. So for me -- that is a plus.

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    Why the romper?


     Ummm...?? because they are awesome!


    Hannah looks amazing in anything she wears --- even when she opts to wear nothing!


    One of my favorite things about this show is the cloths -- especially the ones worn  by Hannah and Jessa. They always make me smile.


  4. I Dream Of Jeannie!!!!!


    One of my all time favorite shows.


    Yes. I am old enough to have watched the original shows when they began in black and white.


    I think some of my favorite were with Roger and Tony being buds. Or when the Blue Gin would come and add some chaos. I always loved the way Tony and Jeannie would make Dr. Bellows think he was crazy.

    Gosh. Good times.


    I have no clue if it is on in syndication here? I haven't seen an episode in years...


    it's because Joss is Geekspeaking and the writers didn't quite transplant the idea gracefully.  Hope that's not too off-topic for the TV show


     For whatever reason this made me laugh out loud. But I agree. Joss had some vision in his head but perhaps didn't articulate it well or the writers interpreted it incorrectly or whatever. But for the most part I think the whole team did a pretty good job. I was/am always entertained by BTVS.


    It's also nice to know I am not the only one who thought all the actors did their own stunts. I try not to notice---but like I said ---sometimes I can't "un-see"



    Word. My personal motto is "They ain't dead until I see the corpse!" I have a deep affection for the Hound, and therefor, for an entire year I will be waiting for Sansa and Littlefinger to discover him. Sansa will take pity because the Hound saved her, and they will bring him to the Eyrie where he will receive medical attention. Then, he will eventually get to kill FrankenMountain. This delusion will make me very happy until the show confirms otherwise.


    That is my thought exactly! The Hound was still alive when we saw him last so he ain't dead dead. ---he just looks to be a gonner--- but he could still be saved! I will look forward to seeing him and Arya meet again in the future. Good times a comin'!


    God! This was an awesome episode! So much better than last weeks tedious battle ep.


    I love that the odious Tywin got offed ---by Tyrion no less! The character deserved such an unglamourous ending. Oh how the mighty have fallen.


    I agree with those that are saying when Bran "flies" it is going to be on a dragon! That will be cool.


    Ah and Arya! I love her! I love that mask of a face as she watched the Hound beg her to kill him. and it was laugh out loud wonderful whe she took his gold and just left him there! I am so glad she didn't go off with Brienne.(sp?) She will become a better killer away from things like morals and feelings and such.



    The big difference between Angel and Spike is that Angel felt guilt for what he did as Angelus(even tho he really shouldn't because him and Angelus are two different peoples sharing a body),


    Different opinion here!


    Angel and Angelus were the same person. Maybe that's how Angel justified to himself and others that he preferred to be evil and fought each and every time against having his soul restored. When he "lost" his soul (what was it? two? three times at least?) he reveled in the evil of it all. He reveled in his acts of violence. and each and every time he had to have his soul forced back in! He never sought it out.


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    The stunt...singles, I guess I ought to call them It is what it is given that Gellar and Boreanaz couldn't do their own stunts (or not all of them), but when they don't even try to match the hair, or the fight double is, like, an African-American...I mean, if you don't look too closely, it's not that bothersome, but 1) HD now exists and 2) once you start looking, you really can't stop.


    It's funny that you mention the stunt doubles and not matching the actors. I used to never notice. I took it at face value that the girl doing the flips/kicks/whatever was really SMG. I know! Right!


    But the a friend and myself were doing one of our re-watches once upon a time and she slow-moed it down for me so I could see the hairy man arms of the stunt double. I was shocked I tell you! Shocked! and now I can't un-see!


    Oh and I used to let my daughters watch BTVS (Age 7yrs and 8 yrs old respectively) at the time Buffy originally aired. They were NOT traumatized.  They watched every episode. Every season. In fact they are grown up productive members of society now. So no worries. No lasting damage.

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    How does one go about hopping into this rewatch?  I have FX on demand and know that they have Buffy on it, how do I know which episode and when?


    I don't know either. I too have FX On Demand and just started watching randomly. They were airing season 2 as of a few days ago  (but they all said "ending 6/2/2014) so I don't know what season is now available?


    The last one I saw was "Lie to Me" ---Where Buffy's friend from LA comes to town (His name is Ford) and tries to exchange her to Spike for becoming a vampire. It is where we meet "Chantell" (sp?) who we later meet in the Ep called "Anne". In this ep she is calling herself "Lily"----  (First ep of season 3)


     So anyway after my ramble---I don't know? I just hopped in and started watching whatever ep was available. HaHa!

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    Not only did he know it was wrong, he cared that it was wrong. You can see it in his face, once he's been jolted back to his senses. It's a real wake-up call for him, and thinking of it that way makes it (somewhat) easier for me to bear.


     That is one of the (many) reasons I liked Spike better than Angel.


    When Angel was evil he hated Buffy and wanted to torment and kill her. Every time. He did not want to be redeemed. He always fought against it. In fact he reveled in the evil of it all. He had to have his soul forced upon him ---by the gypsy and Willow (wasn't it twice?) once in the Buffy series and at least once in the Angel series?  if given the choice ---Angel would have never chosen to be good.


    But Spike on the other hand --- sought out his soul after he committed that heinous crime against Buffy. He KNEW it was wrong and went about trying to make himself a better man (Ok vampire---whatever!) He chose his soul to be returned to him.


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    The guy had just gotten STABBED in the STOMACH. That's a serious wound--it's usually fatal in fact.



    Except...people can live for hours  ---even days --with a gut wound like that.  Sometimes it can take a long time to bleed out.


     I assume (I have not read the books nor am I spoiled in any way) that the Mountain will eventually die from his wounds. No way is he coming back from that.


    I don't know? I found that fight scene plausible.

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    Oberyn act and react and the anecdotes of his skill as a warrior did not give me sufficient insight or evidence to be convinced that he would have made that fatal error.



    I have not read the books either.


    I go off the TV show and everything I have seen about Oberyn has shown me that yes---he is a man full of pride and arrogance. It made perfect sense to me that he would be a victim of his own failings. He didn't believe in his own mortality and that is what got him in the end,.

    • Love 2

    I also don't totally buy Oberyn's lapse of judgement.  Yes, he is passionate and he was worked into a frenzy over his sister and, yes, he was drinking, but I don't see him making a mistake like that



    Pride and arrogance my friend. Pride and arrogance. As simple and as complicated as that.


    **disclaimer ---I may be spelling some of the characters names wrong but I am too lazy to look them up---deal with it***


    I am always completely unspoiled when I watch and damn! damn! damn! that was glorious! The popping the eyeballs out and crushing the skull? Wow! I liked you Oberyn but I learned right from the start with this show--- don't get attached to any characters!


    Loved the way Arya just laughed and laughed when she learned another member of her family was dead. It was like---of course Aunt Lyssa is dead. of course she is!


    For the first time I liked Sansa ---so good show! Keep it up and I may come to tolorate her character.


    Loved the look on Tyrian's face when Oberyn got his skull crushed --- he was like ---Oh fuck! Damn that was priceless.


    You did it again show. You made me go wow! what the hell did I just see? Good job!

  14. I am an unapologetic fanatic of Buffy and Spike. Therefore season six is one of my favorite of all the seasons. Seriously. Smashed! C'mon! Buffy and Spike duking it out and sexing it all over and smashing down buildings all the while was gold! I tell you gold! I can watch that scene over and over...


    I loved Buffy's decent into misery and despair. Have I mentioned I love Spike? no? well from his very first appearance in "School Hard" I fell for him --hard! LOL


    Willow was never a favorite so her whole Magic is a drug thing was just meh to me. I didn't care for the Riley return either but that ep had some fun moments so I can forgive his smug face and annoying wife.

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  15. Season one is arguably my least favorite but "Never Kill a Boy On The First Date" is actually one of the better eps in my opinion.


    Give me a Buffy pout and a tizzy fit any time and I will enjoy it! I liked her realizing that her world was dangerous and brutal and anyone in that world was in danger (though I never did understand how and why Willow and Xander were somehow exempt from this?) but whatever. Some things you just have to go with the flow on BTVS!

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    Spike's my favorite character, so I see things a little differently.


    Oh sweet thing! You mean Spike isn't EVERYONE's favorite character??? LOL ;-)


    I own the 7 season box set. I love to pull a DVD at random and watch all the eps on it.

    The Becoming (pat one and two) is always fun.

    Season 4 has it's charms (Something Blue.... anyone...anyone?)

    Season 5 has it's moments as well.


    Oh and season 6? Buffy and Spike? need I say more??? (I choose to forget the "almost rape" ep. I watched it once and once only.


    hey I even like season 7!

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  17. I, personally, love what is happening to Arya. She is learning exactly what she needs to learn in order to survive this world. It is a dangerous, brutal place where people die and are murdered and tortured and downright stomped on just for the fun of stomping on someone. So she needs mad skilz to survive/thrive. You go girl!


    Sansa didn't bug me this ep which is good. I liked her smacking that little brat. She finally did something rather than stand there looking like a deer in the headlights. Maybe she is finally learning to swim in the social circles of deceit, duplicity and pretense that is the world of the Highborns.


    I love the Littlefinger obsession of his little dove. Oh yes! And I am completely unspoiled (No books no previews no nothing!) so color me surprised when he threw his loving wife down the giant gapping hole in the middle of the room (I mean seriously that is some crazy shit right there!) I wonder how this will all play out? Because that seemed more like an act of passion as opposed to a pre-meditated act. And Littlefinger doesn't strike me as someone who let's his emotions rule his actions very often --if ever. So wow!



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    I am so angry right now about this. Really? Serious ret-conning here. I expect it from daytime soaps, but this is making my blood boil.


    I have a theory....she is really a key in the form of green energy and the monks had to hide her from an evil god so they put her in the form of a sister for Meredith. No ret-conning here.


    This show became lack-luster when TPTB decided that Mere and Cris were no longer the "soulmates" of the show.

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