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Posts posted by taanja

  1. 37 minutes ago, Chaos Theory said:

    I think this show has the same issues a lot of shows do when the kids grow up.   You can make it cute and sad when Debbie kidnaps a baby or Carl is a big bully as long as it’s funny as well.   A bunch of teenagers robbing a truck can look funny if the guy driving the stick is a douchebag.      But  when kids grow up it becomes increasingly harder to figure out what to do with them.     Debbie has a good paying job that she just lost because everyone went on strike so now she has to find a new way to pay for Frannie.   She can either take eight jobs like Fiona did abd it still won’t matter or demand the father pay his share.    You have Carl in the position of letting people who are even worse off them him staying in the house just like he did with the family that loved in the van.   You have Lip who has always wanted to prove he could be a better father than Frank actually trying to accomplish that.   You have Liam seeing his other side of the family and being freaked out by their niceness.     

    I thought it was all done really well

     I agree. This show still entertains me and makes me laugh.

    Frank and Mikey are like soul mates. They truly understand one another. and that little kiss Frank gave Mikey? Ahhhh. My cold dead heart grew a little warmer.

    I've always thought Debbie deserved child support. Takes two to tango and create a child -- I always felt Derek should help support Frannie. I hope Debs gets some of that money from Dereks widow-- but being Shameless and all I won't hold my breath!

    I laughed at the end when both Tammi and Kelly walked in! Ha! Lip and Carl were already moving on to the "next one" So very Gallagher of them.

    I was liking that Lavar (sp?) dude showing Liam how to be a black man in a white man's world but Liam was suspicious of his niceness! Once again -- so very Gallagher!

    I really miss Fiona. I keep hoping at the end of each ep -- Fiona will just show up and all will be right with the world.

    • Love 2
  2. On 11/14/2019 at 4:47 PM, chabelisaywow said:

    Lol what do I know? I liked JimmySteve. 

    I loved Jimmy Steve! Sure he was a liar and a thief but he and Fiona were HOT! (I fanwank that Fiona ran off and met up somewhere with Jimmy Steve and she's laughing and having fun with him right now)

    I didn't start watching this show until the final episode of season 7. (Monica's funeral) I went back and binge watched all the prior seasons until I caught up.

    Fiona is, was and always will be my favorite character on the show. But I also love Frank. I love that he is consistently a fuck-up. When you are old like me you will have met quite a few people in your life and sometimes they are people like Frank. They never learn. They never grow up. They never change. Such is life.

    Debbie was never my favorite and I don't think she will be able to fill Fiona's shoes.

    I've always found Lip to be a self righteous prick. 

    Not sure what's up with Liam?

    • Love 1
  3. 1 hour ago, iMonrey said:

    Yes, it's the same actor, and he was a similar asshole type on that show too. And I don't get why either show seems to think he's so hot either. I'd stick with DeLuca any day of the week.

    That's Ok. Mere seems to like dicks (pun intended)

    • LOL 1
  4. 13 hours ago, Lady Calypso said:

    Urg. This whole episode brought out some really bad plot points.


    Bailey miscarries. Goddamnit.

    And some ok points:

    Meredith makes Googly Eyes at her package AKA New Hot Irish Doc. Better than Deluca.

    Maggie quits. I mean, it sucks because she's having a crisis, but I'm interested to see what she ends up doing next.

    LOL at the ending. So, who was all there and in trouble for the Station 19/Grey's premiere in January? Captain Herrera, Ben, the interns and Nico? Or did Schmitt/Nico take off right before? I'll have to rewind and watch.

    But seriously, fuck you, show, for going the Amelia is carrying Owen's baby twist. I'd rather she was having twins or something. 

    McWidow!  God! I miss Christina!

    Isn't he the dude who played Fiona's love interest on Shameless? Ford maybe? Anyway he seems a better match for Meredith than Deluca I suppose.

    How is Maggie even a doctor? I mean seriously. She comes across as an emotionally fragile 12 year old--and NOT in a good way. I just cannot suspend my belief far enough to accept that she made it through medical school much less is a world renown surgeon. Nope.

    Another baby for Owen? say it ain't so!

    Poor Bailey - that sucks.

    Did Jo steal that baby? I mean I know she was the rescue contact but wasn't she supposed to hand it over to a social worker?  Cuz she seemed awful sketchy when she was showing Linc the baby in her apartment. Anywho, Alex is in for a shock when he gets home.

    • Love 9
  5. 1 hour ago, statsgirl said:

    Good saying. The problem is, Meredith actually does need someone to hide the bodies that she screws up on for her.

    True that. It makes me love her just a little more.

  6. 10 hours ago, WinJet0819 said:

    Bailey was dead on. Meredith could commit murder, and Richard would hide the body. Yes, there's stuff you do for family, but if you keep covering for them, how are they ever going to learn to face consequences for their actions. He perjured himself when talking about the medical trial. Everyone in that room knew he was lying. Bailey would have probably done anything for Richard, as long as it wasn't illegal. I care deeply for my best friend or sibling, but I'm not about to hide evidence or commit perjury for them

    Well then -- in this shows logic-- you don't really LOVE them.

    Remember in the very early years -- Mere and Christina were each other's "person" because they would help one another hide the body.

    And obviously per Richard -- he is Mere's "person" because he would help her hide the body.

    Hey! it makes sense to me! 

    and makes me laugh and laugh and laugh....

  7. On 11/15/2019 at 9:22 AM, AriAu said:

    If you are watching for reality, or even some semblance of how real people would act, you should have tuned out right about the time they cut Denny Duquette's LVAD wire.

    By the way, pretty funny listing all the things the SUN has been disciplined for....maybe she shouldn't be a doctor!

    Oh....shut up Judith. What interesting stunt casting. altho having Marin Hinkle play a shrew is pretty much type casting at this point.


    I laughed and laughed and laughed. It's a parody of itself now. Absolutely hilarious! I loved hearing the litany of crazy things Mere has done or has been involved in over the years!

    I am laughing just thinking of it!

    • LOL 1
    • Love 1
  8. 52 minutes ago, deaja said:

    DeLuca is one of my favorite characters still on the show (oh how this show has slipped that someone relatively bland is a semi-favorite of mine) but he and Meredith just weren't right.  And he was obviously more into her from the start, even going to jail for her.

    Actually that's kind of what I liked about them,. The lopsided aspect of their relationship. But I tend to like that kind of stuff in relationships on TV dramas -- messy and unrequited and impossible. There is NO way after Derek the "love of her life" that Mere is ever going to feel that kind of love for anyone else.

    • Love 1
  9. 3 minutes ago, Ohwell said:

    So DeLuca finally got a clue and realized that he was a fuck boi and occasional nanny for Meredith's kids.  I don't feel sorry for him being all butt hurt now.  Not at all. 

    I don't hate the character like some do -- but I agree --  Mere was never going to love him like he loves her. 

    • Love 2
  10. 14 hours ago, Ohwell said:

    OF COURSE The Sun got her license back.  She shits rainbows and pisses sauterne.

    This episode made me wanna hurl.  I hate everybody on this show except the bartender.

    haha! I loved it! haha! This is the kind of episode written just for me I swear! When Alex was reading the letter from Christina and she called Mere the sun -- Haha! I laughed out loud!

    And when the doctor who killed Saint Derek collapsed, I literally stood up and laughed even louder! Too freakin' funny! Like over the top soap opera funny!

    I loved hearing all of Mere's crazy actions over the years and then seeing all the patients she saved -- including that girl from the very first ep. And color me shocked! Richard made it so Mere went to Seattle Grace in the first place???!!!

    Ahhh! I have always loved their relationship -- Richard was always more of a father to her than her real father ever was. And Bailey is jealous of that! yup.

    She spoke truth to Deluca when she told him she wouldn't respect him anymore if he could be a surgeon and she couldn't. She tried to walk it back later but I think he's beginning to understand that he'll never be to Meredith anything more than a fuck buddy. She likes him but she will never love him.

    Anyway, after 16 years watching this show I have learned not to take anyone or any situation seriously. It is after all a nighttime soap. Period. it doesn't even pretend to be anything else.

    • Love 9
  11. 1 hour ago, dmc said:

    Richard should just tell Catherine the truth, he didn’t do anything wrong.  Why do people keep dumb secrets

    I think the episode recipe for success is little to no Meredith

    Totally opposite here! This was a failure of an ep for me. BECAUSE there was so little of Meredith. She (and Alex basically) are the two characters I still care about and why I still watch this show .

    So that was the actress who plays Maggie's true life sister? They did kind of look alike and so did the dude who was supposed to be Richard's brother - he kind of resembled Richard. But that whole story-line made me impatient. Girl cousin was doomed from the moment she walked through the door. The show practically screamed it.

    Don't care about Owen or his issues.

    I have nuthin' else to add cuz it really was a filler ep IMO. Kind of a waste of my time to be honest.

    • Love 3
  12. 16 hours ago, statsgirl said:

    I suspect that Ellen has made enough in 16 years on this show that she doesn't need to work again other the occasional guest starring role.

    It seems like she's not interested in stretching herself any more dramatically or moving into directing or producing.  Unlike Stephen Amell who said that after seven seasons he had taken his character as far as he can and hung up his quiver, Ellen seems to be happy just sitting where she is for as long as they'll pay her.

    What about the dude who plays Alex? hell! he practically phones it in week after week.

    This show is a gravy train for many of the actors -- why shouldn't they collect as long as they can?

    • Love 3
  13. On 11/1/2019 at 1:17 AM, chocolatine said:

    I don't think the cell mate is a con artist, but I'm sure one of her kids will develop a rare/mysterious medical condition and she'll seek out Meredith for help. Or maybe I'm just biased because the actress (Isadora Goreshter) played a shady character on Shameless for many years, so I don't want to see her in the same role on this show.

    Svletana! I thought she looked familiar! Whatever happens I am down with it. Good bad or ugly. I honestly have no clue where the writers are going with this story, Will Mere lose her medical licence? Will Svetlana murder her in her sleep? Stay tuned and find out!

    I thought Deluca and the little girl .. what's her name -- were cute. Derek died - what? 3 - 4 years ago? That child doesn't look very old now so she was even younger then. Her memories of Derek are slipping away...it was nice of someone to take the time and find out what was the matter and talk to her about it. In other words I guess I don't hate the character like some seem to do?

    I thought when Koracick was telling Bailey about his dead son -- that it sounded insincere somehow and he was going to end the story by saying -- "Psych bitch! Happy Halloween!" or something like that.

    Amelia still has diarrhea of the mouth -- she just spews forth information like a fountain. That is always borderline annoying to me.

    There is no way Bailey is making it through this pregnancy without major problems.

    • Love 2
  14. Just now, kariyaki said:

    I would almost dare to suspect that they're doing a Lori Loughlin storyline.

    oh right! That makes sense.

    I don't care how they write Mere -- I will never hate her character. I actually like how Ellen is playing her totally in denial -- totally flippant and dismissive of the consequences of her actions. Pride goethe before the fall--- they say.

    • Love 3
  15. 4 hours ago, UNOSEZ said:

    I'll take everyone's word that the Jo/Therapist scenes were great.. I skipped them.. As I do most Jo related things... I did like Ben and Bailey at the end... I liked the sisters telling Meredith she was being ridiculous.. I also liked Meredith owning.. She was being ridiculous.. But waiting for her gut to tell her.. That.. While annoying does kinda ring true.. If she takes the plunge with this guy he will be around her kids while they are turning into real ppl and she admits he's great but still isn't sure about him... So at least she knows its her issue... I hope they don't have Richard cheat... Because thatcher and adele were the aggrieved parties and  Ellis was a shell by the time the show started  Richard has had to take the brunt of the cheater mantle... I don't have much of an issue with Catherine... And I def don't want her cheated on... Not much else to say but this epi

    This! ^^^ Plus the actress who plays Jo is atrocious. Almost unwatchable. (and she drags Alex down with her -- he seems a nonentity when they share scenes.)

    I didn't mind the "sisters" talk. I make no secret that Mere is still and by far my favorite character and I like that she can be a bitch. I thought it was funny owning her shit. And yeah. I have been saying all along -- she has fun with Deluca-- he makes her laugh-- he likes her children and is good with them -- but that "feeling" that "knowing in your gut" just isn't there.

    But I sure didn't see any kind of attraction or chemistry when Mere and Koracik had their scenes together. Hm? *** shrug***

    I have no problem if and when Richard decides to cheat. Cheaters gonna cheat and this show knows it's a glorified soap opera and cheating on ones spouse is seriously soap 101. Go for it show! I dare you.

    Do not care about any of the pregnancies. Nope.

    • Love 6
  16. 2 hours ago, RoxiP said:

    No issue with her doing community service - I just think that they would get more value out of Meredith doing something with her medical abilities...although my daughter told me that the judge at the sentencing specifically forbade her to do community service in a medical facility so I obviously missed that part!

    Oh! I missed that part too!

    I was also thinking -- why wasn't she doing community service in a clinic or a jail .??? 

  17. 1 hour ago, RoxiP said:

    .I believe that this episode was the beginning of the end for Meredith and Deluca.  I also hope it was the beginning of Meredith getting off her high horse and start using her intellect and position as a force for good instead of self-destruction.  And quite honestly I think sentencing her to community service on a trash pickup gang is a stupid move - she's a highly qualified doctor - she should be working in a free clinic or women's resource center or crisis pregnancy center.  Having her pick up trash on the side of the road is a waste and the writers made themselves look stupid.

    Am I the only one who hopes both Amelia and Bailey's babies are born healthy?  I realize that isn't true Grey's format but one can hope!  

    Mere picking up trash as community service is one thing that bugs me about this story line. it seems so ... over the top ie doesn't make sense. But then I just shrug because if one thinks too hard about most of the stuff on this show -- one would be unable to watch. 

    Am I the only one who doesn't give two shits whether Amelia or Bailey's babies are born at all much less healthy? Yeah Probably.

    • Love 5
  18. 11 hours ago, UNOSEZ said:

    I'm confused.. What exactly has Deluca done for all of these posters to say he's a loser... Did I miss some episodes where he made a huge medical mistake.. Or was really shitty to Meredith... Is he on her level.. No but I haven't seen him be a bad BF... And tonight he gave her some needed words.. Which she got mad at and walked away... I couldn't stand koracik before I still can't stand him now.. He's still blatantly flirting with other ppl's people with like no decorum... I was happy when Jackson pulled a power move.. Which he rarely does and I kinda wish he did more... That said they could had the cams rolling for the surgery and then the aftermath... He was right to stop it when he did.. But in the OR.. It probably wouldn't have hurt.. But the real solution is to do something similar.. But not so last minute.. So ppl have time to prepare 

     I don't hate Deluca either. He seems decent enough. I have no problem with his relationship with Meredith either. Maybe I don't watch enough television (or maybe I watch too much?) but I guess i don't expect certain outcomes like true love forever just because people are dating/in a relationship/having sex. I think the show has actually telegraphed pretty clearly that Mere and Deluca are just a fling.

    I guess I view this show completely different than most people here. 

    I liked this ep. I actually laughed when Jo was asking Bailey if she was "ok" in that patronizing kind of way. It made me momentarily like the character. I even tolerated Owen when he was at that other hospital working with Alex. That has possibilities.

    I don't mind if Mere is entitled. She is the Kween. That is a fact. Besides, at the end of the show Mere said the judge was informed of her leaving. She has to go back to court. I am completely unspoiled so I don't know where the show intends to go with this but I am willing to watch and find out. I have NO expectations. 

    • Love 2
  19. 38 minutes ago, Marley said:

    I don’t care that much about the age difference between Meredith and Deluca because whatever ppl like what they like but it’s just the fact that they imo have no chemistry at all. It’s awkward watching them try to be sexy with each other and I just don’t buy that they love each other. Also they are trying to rewrite Deluca into some hotshot. He sucks.

    I guess chemistry is subjective? Because I think they are cute together.

    Not anything like Patrick and Ellen had (they were sizzling hot together) mind you-- but they come across to me as two people having fun together.

    I don't necessarily have to have couples be "in love" --- just hanging out and having sex is also fun. Especially when you are an older woman with a younger man.

  20. On 10/14/2019 at 9:39 AM, WendyM said:

    I just can't see why else she and DeLuca would be together, aside from his looks. There's no there there.

    Beside the fact the IMO Deluca looks a lot like Derek -- I fanwank that he's hung like a horse and good in bed---- plus Mere is an experienced woman who knows a few tricks to keep him happy enough that he's not looking around.

    It's my story and I'm stickin' to it!

    • Love 1
  21. On 10/11/2019 at 6:14 PM, Court said:

    I actually think in the real world, Mere would have gotten a slap on the wrist. It was wrong but it was one instance and I doubt it would have even be noticed. 

    But if it had been, again slap on the wrist and a letter in her file. 

    Yeah the jail time/community service is a little over the top. But it's Grey's so over the top is their MO. It's all about the DRAMA!!!!

  22. 2 hours ago, iMonrey said:

    What does it say about me that I never learned the name of Head Scarf lady? Or Hot Asian doctor? Or Glasses's real name? Or the chubby blonde girl's name? Is that on me? Or is the show at fault for never fully developing these characters, or giving me a reason to care about them? I had no trouble learning the names of Meredith, Cristina, Alex, Izzy and George when this show started. Now the interns are all nameless extras to me.

    I'm right there with you. all the names you called those characters are what I call them in my head. And the sad part? I don't care enough about any of them to learn their names.

    Anyway I have No problem with Meredith having a fun fling with younger dude Deluca. I also have no problem with Mere getting "special treatment" or whatever -- some people (IRL) as well as fictional characters have 'charmed" lives <<See what I did there? Life itself treats them kindly. I am not jealous of that.

    So was third sister Shannon Doherty??? Haha! I was hoping the actress would make an appearance.

    Hm? Is Richard going to have an affair? Once a cheater always a cheater so I am fine with that scenario. I am personally surprised it hasn't happened before this.

    I laughed every time Koricik came into the room and Owen had to leave. Only makes me love the character even more.

    Linc and ... Amelia!!! (I can NEVER remember her name!) continue to be ok. At least her character has calmed down a little and she isn't so over the top insane.

    Bailey and Mere have always had their ups and downs so it seems in character this strife between them. They have a sort of love/hate/admiration/distrust thing going on. It has been their dynamic for years.

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