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Posts posted by taanja

  1. On 4/20/2019 at 6:19 PM, MarylandGirl said:

    Yep, my husband is a redhead, I'm a brunette, and our daughter is blonde (dark blonde, but still). And H has blue eyes, I have brown eyes, and D has hazel/green eyes. Genetics are fascinating. 

    I'm not disputing the fact that Derek and Mere's children could have the straight blond/dirty blond/ brown hair-- I am just making an observation that  TPTB decided -- on purpose perhaps????? -- to NOT chose any little actors that resemble Patrick Dempsey.

    • Love 4
  2. 13 hours ago, Joimiaroxeu said:

    nne with her two ersarz suitors eyeballing each other. What an embarrassment of riches. Girl, you could've been the creamy filling in a delicious Jaime and Tormund cookie sandwich.

    You go, Arya! Get you some Gendry! Be funny if when the war is over she and Gendry are alive and expecting a baby.

    Haha! Best line ever!

    Tormund telling his story of killing the giant and sleeping with his wife! ha! Suckling at her breast for 3 months because she thought he was her baby! OMG! I laughed out loud! Giants milk is what made him strong! Then he proceeds to slurp down the fermented goats milk!!!!

    Tormund never change!

    • LOL 2
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  3. On 4/19/2019 at 7:38 PM, Nanrad said:

    Back to Arya, she is young when she developed a crush on Gendry. She doesn't know how to feel about those feelings and, to her, liking a boy is considered girly (like Sansa), so she isn't really obvious about her crush. But, she clearly has a crush on Gendry that she's trying to hide in the scene where Gendry is shirtless. She didn't have those same moments with Hot Pie nor did she flirt or do a little twirl for him. Gendry has never been played or presented as a brother like figure for Arya. He was a friend who she developed a crush on, but one that she didn't actively entertain nor could she.

    I never read the books and I am not spoiled in any way. The show itself never seemed to "go there" IMO Arya and Gendry were portrayed as friends bordering on brother/ sister sibling vibes. Nothing sexual especially since the last time we saw them together Arya was literally a child.

    I NEVER saw a crush developing.

    I am not sure what the age difference is between them is in the books-- but in the show he looks to be a good 10-15 years older than Arya.

    • Love 1
  4. On 4/15/2019 at 9:09 PM, Ottis said:

    Jonah continues to be comedy gold. I don’t care whether he makes sense in our real world. He is worth multiple laughs an episode because he is such a child dick. 

    Why was Mike smart all of a sudden?

    So many good lines in this episode. 

    Totally agree! It's the absurdity that makes this show so amazing!

    Love everything Selena!

    At the end Amy was starting to doubt herself/abortion decision then she gets the call to be Jonah's campaign manager-- and she perked right the fuck up! Too funny! So Amy!

    I love that every single character would stab someone in the back if it meant they themselves got some sort of promotion/advantage. Politics! Ain't it grand!!!!

    • LOL 1
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  5. 1 hour ago, nokat said:

    That can happen. Although is Mere really a blond? Has been watching earlier episodes and she goes from blond to brown.

    it's more the straight scraggly hair I was referring to-- where are Derek's thick dark curls?

    56 minutes ago, dmc said:

    Unless I read it wrong which is possible, I didn’t read this as Meredith is unattractive but that she and Deluca don’t look good together or their looks don’t compliment each other.  

    IMO I think they not only look good together -- I think their banter is kind of cute.

    • Love 3
  6. 38 minutes ago, Marley said:

    If Meredith was just having a fling with Deluca I might be able to stand it. Instead they are trying to force this serious thing where Deluca is great with kids and he somehow has some swanky apartment all of a sudden. He’s also meeting her kids. I can tell when this show is forcing a couple on me and that is Meredith and Deluca to the max. I hate them more as a couple then Maggie and Jackson and that is saying something lol.

    Hm? I guess it all comes down to perception. I don't feel the show is forcing anything. In fact -- I find the whole Mere/Deluca thing kind of cute.

    Deluca comes across as an affable kind of guy so of course children love him. And I don't give a shit if it's plausible that he travels back and forth to Italy. Half the crap on this show isn't plausible- if I let that stop me I would have stopped watching long ago. Plus he must be good in bed cuz Mere seems happy.

    Oh and has anyone else notice how Derek's two children look nothing like him??!!! Haha! They both got Mere's hair for sure.

    • Love 4
  7. On 4/18/2019 at 9:30 AM, funnygirl said:

    Watching this show has become a chore. But jokes on me, because after 14 years - 8 of them exceptional - I'm not going to get off this ride in the hopes that the end is near (like next year, near). 

    Meredith looked terrible in bed with Deloser. They do not compliment each other. 

    What? Beauty is in the eye of the beholder indeed! I thought she looked great! and her laugh is a delight. I love smiling happy Mere. I love that she is having a fling with a younger guy and that younger guy seems to make her happy. I thought that whole story line was cute -- how to introduce your boy-toy to the children! Haha!

    Poor Alex. Jo is gonna break his heart and drag him down. Alex DOES have a type--- broken woman. Sigh.

    I haven't even learned the name of that doc that killed that young dude -- so I don't really care if he stays or goes.

    Owen? no thanks.

    • Love 3
  8. 19 hours ago, Nanrad said:

    Well, things can change for people when a few years are removed. But, in the case of Arya and Gendry, you have to rewatch their scenes for a refresher. Arya is clearly ogling his body during a scene where he is shirtless. That doesn’t mean she has all of the feelings in the world for  him, but that something, physically at least, is doing it for her. There is no other way to read that scene.

    Gendry, for his part, never shows his hand, but shows that he understands the delicate ness of the situation. Arya tells him to stay and that she can be his family (she’s not referring to a brother like thing, but definitely not boyfriend—she’s unable to comprehend the complexities of her request) and Gendry tells her that she wouldn’t be his family, she’d be his lady. 

    There was never romance, but there was moments where Arya had a crush and Gendry doesn’t give away much because 1. Age difference 2. Class difference 3. Social norms that he understands and Arya doesn’t.

    The scene doesn’t come out of no where, it’s built upon their past interaction. For example, the”m’lady” conversation. When Gendry found out she came from a “ruling” house, he cracked jokes about it, but never saw her any differently, which Arya appreciated/s. When he sees her again, he makes the same joke as if she’s the same person, but to him, she is and always will be. 

    And Arya always has to give him shit, which the “you don’t know any other rich girls” comes in.

    Their way of joking around in the past has evolved into their way of flirting now.

    I have watched the series from beginning to end several times... especially any and all Arya scenes.

    In my perception of Arya' and Gendry's relationship -- it WAS like brother/sister.

    When Arya says stay and be my family -- I took it to mean like siblings. At this point in the story -- she had basically lost her real family. She felt alone in the world.

     I never picked up on any sort of romantic vibe-- and besides--- the characters haven't laid eyes on one another in years. So that's why the sudden flirting and pointed looks took me out of the scene.

    • Love 1
  9. 13 hours ago, Nanrad said:

    When doing a side by side comparison, arya’s features are clearly more mature. Her baby face is gone, but her features haven’t drastically changed. I’m also not sure with her wearing masculine clothes has to do anything about how gendry (May) view her romantically. There connection has primarily been centered around their friendship and how they understand one another. 

    Still, in my opinion, that scene was weird and seemed to come out of nowhere. I never -- from what the show showed me and told me --- Never ever ever thought those two had any romantic anything toward one another. He was an older dude (not in a creepy way) who befriended a young girl pretending to be a boy. 

  10. 22 hours ago, BitterApple said:

    I agree. Everyone across forums and social media was making such a huge deal about the Jon/Arya reunion, but for me that paled in comparison to Sam/Dany. Watching that "Oh, shit" expression on Dany's face as she realized her P.R. problems were about to get a hell of a lot worse and Sam struggling not to breakdown was gut-wrenching. I didn't expect Dany to apologize because it would've been disingenuous, but Sam's such a lovable sweetheart it's hard not to feel like a complete asshole in that moment.

    Sam's quivering lip! He's so teddy bear tender and tragically sweet.

    • Love 1
  11. Yay! My show is back!

    I loved just about everything...except Arya and Gendry? say what? where did that come from? that was weird and took me right out of the scene. She was a freakin' child last time they saw one another!!!!. Seriously.


    The characters/show make a point of stating that the dragons are barely eating and hate the north/snow -- then Dany and Jon get on dragons and go for a ride and I' thinking -- oh good they are taking them somewhere to hunt -- BUT NO! -- they take them to a snowy landscape to make out?

    • LOL 2
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  12. On 3/23/2019 at 10:26 AM, BaseOps said:

    Virtually every character on this show has an outrageous background. And, on top of that, think of all the things that have gone on during the series. Meredith is perhaps the most storied lead character of all time: her mother resented her and had an affair, her father left, her mother attempted suicide in front of her, she became an intern at the same hospital where her one-night stand AND her mother's ex-lover (who she also had a secret lovechild with!) happened to work, her one-night-stand became her boyfriend who she later discovered was married, she was nearly killed by a bomb explosion, she drowned and went to purgatory during a ferry boat accident at the same time that her mother died, her friend (who she had slept with) was dragged by a bus and killed, her other friend got cancer and then left town, she discovered that she had sisters VIA her father, one of whom showed up to work with her, they finally got close just before a horrific plane crash killed that sister, as well as Meredith's husband's best friend, and injured everyone else (Meredith included), AND OH I forgot the shooting, where she watched her husband get shot in the chest and later had a miscarriage. IS IT OVER YET!? Nope. Her husband died in a car accident, she was brutalized by a patient and hospitalized for weeks, her absentee father died in her arms, and now she has perhaps the worst punishment of all: having to listen to Maggie talk about sex a lot.

    ^^^This is amazing! and why I love Meredith Grey so much. Poor darling IS a soap opera all by herself.

    • Love 1
  13. On 4/12/2019 at 8:35 AM, bunnyface said:

    That family as presented?  No wonder Amelia avoids them like the plague.  And Meredith is doing well to keep her kids far, far away from them.  Although since Meredith is never home, between actual work and romantic dinners with boy-toy (can't remember name)  I'm surprised those kids aren't completely feral by now. 

    Ha! Maybe they are? we never see them! To my eternal sorrow they saddled Mere with a gob of brats so I have always been OK not seeing/hearing them. Just like Mere -- I like to forget they exist!

    • Love 2
  14. 36 minutes ago, pvandal said:

    As someone who likes to look at scars, (I'm a weirdo I know) if she did that to me, even if I was eating lunch, she better be prepared for me to put down my sandwich and come over to examine those stitches like a grandma cooing over an 8 month pregnant lady.

    Don't invite me to your situation and expect me to ignore you.

    OMG! I LOL'ed at that !!! Right!

    Don't like Jo so her shit just annoys me. But I feel bad for Alex cuz she is gonna drag his ass down! Run Jo and don't look back.

    Anything Owen is also -- yawnfest. and Meghan? is Owen's sister? Do I remember that? I was like-- who the hell is that? Then I didn't care.

    Deluca and Richard made me smile. And Mere always makes me happy. But I can not for the life of me remember what else happened in the ep? I may have done a lot of flipping. I know I did last week and didn't even bother to comment.

    So yeah.

    • Love 2
  15. On 3/30/2019 at 12:39 PM, link417 said:

    The ending scene was not what I expected and it was absolutely perfect. I, too, got ready when they started crying during their final goodbye. I can’t believe I won’t have new episodes of this show anymore. 🥺

    During my original viewing of “Along Came Molly,” I noticed some poor, injured, downtrodden soul on the subway was the same eager, first-time-in-New-York, armpit-in-your-face guy that Abbi met on the subway earlier this season. I love little details like that that are a whole story unto themselves and this series is full of them, so I guess I’ll have plenty more to discover when watching the seasons over and over and over again.

    I noticed that too!

    Oy! My girls are gone. I will miss them. They always made me smile.

    I htink I need to do an entire series re-watch!

    • Love 3
  16. God! I love theses girls! I LOL'ed through the whole molly trip! That was awesome! The camera angles and close-ups-- like doing molly! haha! God I could feel the speed! and the coming down when they were at Abbi's barren apartment and Ilana wants -- juice? nope-- then she asks for bread -- and Abbi goes - no dude I'm not crazy! haha!

    Just perfect!

    I am going to miss them when they are gone.

    • LOL 1
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  17. I thought the end with Mere and Deluca was cute. Mere was smiling and looking beautiful and in the end that's all I really care about. So fling on my dear! Have a little romance with a younger guy. Mere deserves to have a little fun.

    I liked the scene of Alex and Mere-- they have a lovely long term friendship. Jo? Don't really care about her issues but it will affect Alex so... we'll see. This is pretty much a soap opera so she will probably be Alex's long lost sister from another mother (same father) or some shit like that.

    Anything Maggie is just annoying.

    Oh but Linc and Amelia were ... ok. I didn't hate them.

    • Love 2
  18. 1 minute ago, Chaos Theory said:

    Fiona was always their mother but the judge actually asked her if she had thought about what she would want down the line but Fiona kinda just shrugged it off saying it didn’t matter.  My guess is that what the judge said would happen actually did happen.  Fiona self destructed because she got to a point where she wanted her own life and started to resent everyone.  That doesn’t mean she hasn’t been theur mothers.  She said it all (too much to repeat) aft Monica died.   Fiona has been the one to take care of everyone since she was a little girl herself.

    I remember watching that scene where the judge was asking her if she really wanted to be the children's guardian because it meant years of sacrifice to her on a personal level-- but I knew then --that Fiona as a Gallagher-- would in some way self-destruct. 

    But we can agree to disagree because I never saw her as a mother-- only a big sister doing motherly things. She stated over and over through the years that she was NOT her siblings mother nor did she want to be. I took her at her word. She did the best she could trying to be like a mother -- so I don't fault her wanting to get out and make a life for herself by herself.

    • Love 3
  19. 16 hours ago, Dee said:

    This is a show that had Fiona fight to gain custody of her younger siblings only to ditch them a season and a half later.

    In my vision of the character Fiona-- that is just par for course-- so to speak. She got custody (shared with Frank don't forget) so the kids wouldn't be taken into foster care again. But Fiona was NEVER their mother-- nor did she want to be.

    • Love 1
  20. On 3/18/2019 at 11:41 AM, Chaos Theory said:

    If you want healthy and functional relationships this isn’t really the show for it.   I just think Mickey and Ian had so much chemistry which is why I like them together.   Lip and the girl  he got pregnant who I still don’t know her name (which says a lot by the way) have zero chemistry which is half the problem.    I wouldn’t mind if Mandy came back as well...because again maybe unhealthy but chemistry.   

    You are correct!!!! That's what makes Shameless -- shameless! The dysfunction of it all!

    • Love 1
  21. On 3/15/2019 at 3:17 PM, Gemini Gipsy said:

    I know I am late to the party but I have to say that ER and WHM's final scene was fan-fucking-tastic! Absolute tear jerker and very well done. Her departure overall was just right, it wasn't over the top and campy and I didn't need to know where she was going to make it or break it for me. She said somewhere close to the equator and the plane had little palm tree logos on the seats, that was good enough for me.

    I have 2 questions if anyone is still around.

    1) I don't follow the actors, obviously it was apparent Fiona was leaving because it was advertised, but is Ian no longer a part of the show? Did he just come back for the farewell epi?

    2) Did we ever get closure on Carl's crazy girlfriend? The one living in the tent with a bullhorn? I really don't think we know for sure, so I wonder if it is just sloppy writing or if it will come back eventually. 

    Right! I loved that scene.

    I was wondering about Kassidy (sp?) the girl Carl married last season. That boy (one of the other soldiers) said he had "taken care of her" -- which??? did he murder her? did she just leave and go back to her rich family? Seems that family would be looking for her if she just disappeared. I kept thinking she was going to come back at the end of this season and mess with Carl and new girlfriend Kelly. I suppose there is always next season? She was way too loud to just go away so quietly. YKWIM?

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