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Posts posted by taanja

  1. 17 hours ago, WatchrTina said:

    ETA: I was reading the Vulture interview with Sam on this episode (link in the Media thread) and it reminded me of something.  The edit of the episode inter-cuts the neighboring Indians holding a ritual with Jamie's fight with the shunned bear-man.  I can well imagine a non-reader to have assumed that the bear-man had been sent by the tribe to attack the settlers and that their ritual was intended to aid him in that effort in some mystical way. If that's what they had been doing, then Jamie's dragging the body into their camp would have been even more bad-ass.  But since I've read the book and I knew they were destined to become friends to Jamie & Claire, I chose to think that the ritual was actually a curse on the bear-man, meant to weaken him, and that by conducting the ritual they aided Jamie in the fight.

    That is exactly what I thought! I thought the ritual was sending the bear man to kill Jamie and the rest.

    So the books state that Jaime can't "time travel" because he can't hear the buzzing? in the stones?

    Hm? The show does NOT do a good job explaining the rules and regulations of time travel. Maybe the books do a better job? Because a s a viewer I wonder every ep why the hell they don't just go to more modern times and avoid all the violence and terror they seem to encounter on a regular basis. hell! I would PAY to see Jamie encounter the modern world! And to watch Claire show him the wonders of modern technology! 

  2. 6 hours ago, ElectricBoogaloo said:



    Ha, I was going to jump to wool's defense too! Wool is awesome. It naturally wicks moisture away from your skin, it absorbs 36% of its weight in moisture, and it dries quickly. It also prohibits bacterial growth which means you won't stink from sweating (most of the smell associated with body odor is caused by your sweat getting on your clothes and then bacteria breeding). I have loved seeing Claire wrapped up in wool shawls and the like because it's accurate as well as practical!

    But was her skirt and blouse and undergarments all made of wool? Cuz it looked like only that wrap thingy she had on was wool -- all the other clothing looked cloth-like-- which would get soaking wet and smell to high heaven! Because let's face it-- bathing was a chore -- so was washing cloths. and it didn't look like Claire had washed or bathed since that night.

    Which brings me to the boots-- so are the soles made of synthetic material?  Seems I remember my patent leather boots from about 1968 had synthetic soles--- like rubber. Forget the zippers!

    Rubber/plastic would be unheard of thing in 1768! (kind of like that clear plastic baggie Claire had the pictures in. The clear plastic baggie that NO ONE remarked on-- like they had seen clear plastic baggies all their lives!) Every time Claire pulled out the pictures of Brianna and removed them from the clear plastic baggie -- I was like-- anyone??? Anyone??? You would think Jaime would marvel at such technology.

    • Love 1
  3. On 11/26/2018 at 12:28 AM, Llywela said:

    Don't mistake a throwaway gag in one episode for a permanent feature of the show. The TARDIS has never 'disguised' its occupants to look appropriate in any given timezone before - if they know they are going to the past, they usually dress accordingly. And have fun doing so - remember Rose's excitement at dressing up for the Victorian era, her first trip to the past.

    I have decided that the biggest problem I have with Thirteen is her overuse of the word 'presumably'. She says it All. The. Time. Like, twice in one short speech, so that it really stands out. And sure, the Doctor is usually guessing, extrapolating, making explanations up as they go along, but they aren't usually so obvious about it! It makes her seem really uncertain, where the Doctor would more normally project confidence.

    That is what stood out to me this ep-- the Doctor came across and confused and fearful. The Doctor-- no matter the situation or the trouble or whatever-- was always the smartest one on the room. Always winging it-- always in control/confident even when he/she wasn't. YKWIM?

    The not changing into time appropriate clothing took me out of the ep. Especially Ryan's big puffy jacket.

    Though don't get me wrong -- I did like it.

    • Love 1
  4. 5 minutes ago, Cdh20 said:

     Oh you meant that convo where Jamie says they'll make America  a good place for Bri?

    I thought Claire learned a lesson about changing the world so I wonder going forward if she tries again? 

    Didn't all girls in the 60's take home ec-sewing?

    Sure. I did. But I can't sew a button back on much less an entire outfit! haha!

    • LOL 1
  5. On 11/26/2018 at 12:53 PM, iMonrey said:

    I can't remember if they ever discussed this in the show, but can someone who has read the books tell me:

    Have Claire and Jamie ever discussed the possibility of going back to Claire's time together? Did they ever think of trying that? Because it seems to me that would solve an awful lot of problems. Not only would Jamie get to meet his daughter but they would be spared the weekly tragedies and constant danger they find themselves suffering because of how primitive the times were. 

    I don't even know how Brianna thinks she's going to be able to find her parents. Assuming she can travel back through the stones, and assuming she lands in the exact same time her parents are currently experiencing, she'll have to find some way to get to the Americas and search for her parents. No small task. It would be one thing if they were still living in Scotland or England but the Americas of the 1760?

    Thank you!!!!!!! Thank you!! Like a voice of reason in the wilderness! I have wondered from the beginning-- why not both go to Clair's time? I'm thinking Jaime would adjust pretty damn quick to life in the 20th century. Plus-- RUNNING WATER/INDOOR PLUMBING! Electricity! Telephones! Airplanes! Automobiles!

    • Love 1
  6. On 11/25/2018 at 7:39 PM, Nidratime said:

    Considering the complaints they're getting about CGI-ing the background of sets, I think they're better off not trying to do it by CGI only to have people complain about it. Besides, there's so many groups that are against showing animals being killed, whether CGI or not.

    So it's better/more acceptable to kill a human being than an animal? 

    • Love 2
  7. 1 minute ago, Cdh20 said:

    I think we know that Jamie & Claire haven't died yet as there is 8/9 books, even if we haven't read them all!

    I thought of talking to you in that other thread about Claire wanting to/or willing to live in the 1700's vs 1900's, because  for the first time  it looked sucky (even with the return of hot, dirty, bloody Jamie with a decent wig). I would not want to play Little House on the Prairie so thank you to my English & Scottish ancestors for braving the Canadian wilds years ago! 

    I bet Bri has Gillian's book of time travel that Claire stole from her house in 1968.

    No. This is the no book talk thread-- so No. I haven't read anything past the first book oh so many years ago that I forgot most of it except the premise-- woman goes back in time to Scotland pre- Battle of Culloden. That's it.

    Oh! The book of time travel! I forgot! Ok. So did she make her own outfit like Claire did? Cuz where can one just go to buy an 18th century dress?

    The hardest part for me in my suspension of belief when watching this show is accepting that someone like Claire-- smart and educated --would choose to go back to a time before running water/indoor plumbing (my god think of the logistics just to bathe! The water has to be drawn from somewhere--a well that has to first be dug or a river or lake) then heated! then dumped into a vessel like a tub ,, it's a freakin' process!) <<< and that is just bathing! What about washing cloths/bed lines and such???

    Oh and does Claire still  get her period? Because-- think of that ladies! The "rags" would have to be washed out and reused! Oy!

    Ok ok! I obviously am putting way more logical thought into this than the author.

    • Love 2
  8. 16 hours ago, heavysnaxx said:

    Yeah, Claire has street style where there aren't even any streets. And considering how quickly she keeps ending up with exquisitely tailored separates to go with her chunky knits, I'd say her new name is La Dame de Fast-Fashion.

    I so agree with you about Bree. She's FINE, the country is FINE (you know what I mean) and how often do you literally know that things will turn out FINE? You'd think Claire would get, like, a UTI and realize, "Uh, yeah, Bree's fine, I better worry about the various and sundry ills I'm now vulnerable to." I know it's mean but I'm dying for Claire to have epic hot flashes that [INSERT CONVENIENTLY AVAILABLE HERB] aren't helping with.

    Re cold: How exactly was Claire not shaking with cold after being out in last week's storm and weighted down by soaking wet woolens? Don't they all reek of mildew?

    Opportunity: Ok, I'm crabby but wouldn't, oh, CANADA be a better place to settle? There's room to avoid the colonial rebellion that spills into Quebec and it seems far safer, plus being a much better place, slavery-wise. Jamie's aunt wouldn't help them get set up? 

    Almost forgot: This episode, with Claire hauling logs, etc., made me realize: How is all of the very-difficult "women's work' getting done? Claire's been in homes with servants, mostly. It's hard labor and time consuming!

    I finally got around to watching the ep.

    haha! yes! Claire only brought so much penicillin with her (plus it must have all gone "bad" by this time. No refrigeration!) How did she not get malaria while running around on that island last season? Penicillin wouldn't help with that.

    Claire was soaking wet last ep and I thought -- ugh! smelly and wet -- that is lovely! But they are all so dirty I guess no one notices (But of course I question Claire's sanity for the 1000th time)-- why would anyone chose to go back to pre-industrial revolution times? No running water! No electricity! No god damn conveniences of any kind. The first time she "fell" through the stones was an accident -- but doing it again on purpose? what? Why? Sorry Jaime isn't all that.

    And let us NOT FORGET Claire and Jamie are well into middle age by now. Hauling logs all day? yeah sure.

    Which brings me to Brianna--so she went all the way to Scotland to go through the stones?????--first--how does she know she will go back to the same time as Claire?  and second-- how will she get from Scotland to America? Like it's a long ass troublesome journey to get from one continent to another.  So very convoluted I must say. The whole time travel thing doesn't make any sense. So that skull with the silver fillings came from Scotland too? and crossed the ocean to the very spot where Claire happens to end up?

    How do people know that the story of Claire and Jaime dying in a fire is a fake? Did the show gives us some kind of clue?

  9. 1 hour ago, Cdh20 said:

    Lol, I wouldn't last a day in any century other than the one I was born into, & everyone knows it-maybe that is what makes it an extra good fantasy??


    And I forgot to ask do you still feel that way now? I mean seasons later?

    Yes. I like the show-- I love love love the costumes -- the characters are fun and engaging. For the most part I even like the story being told.

    I just cannot understand the main characters motivation of going back to a time where it is mostly primitive? I know-- tru luv! But still Jaime is sweet and all but dude! Electricity! Freakin' running water/indoor plumbing! Those are also tru luvs! LOL

    • Love 2
  10. 1 hour ago, Cdh20 said:

    I am so surprised that so many people would have returned to Frank & 1945. Maybe I too am a hopeless romantic, but I didn't question that she would choose Jamie. Since she was last at the stones & wanting to get home this happened: he's saved her live twice, at the risk of his own, he made that pledge , which she knows he doesn't take lightly, he believes she is from the future, & although she might not be sure how in love with him she is yet, she knows he's head over heels, & has just offered her her old life back, despite that! And there is the sex. 


    The one time in the show where Claire's POV voiceover was needed was at those stones! 

    To me it's not just choosing Frank-- it's choosing her own century -- her own time. Her own place.  I can not understand going back to a time before no running water/no indoor plumbing/no electricity/no modern transportation./ no mass communication-----  Pre-industrial revolution? No! Thank! You! Jamie ain't all that!

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  11. 3 hours ago, kwnyc said:

    But she DOES! That's our Claire! ;-)

    One of the things I am loving this season is how Jamie and Claire are both mature enough to talk about what they need in their relationship, and to ask each other the hard questions: are you doing this for me? What do you really want to do? It's an adult relationship, and they are clearly in it for the long haul (as if Claire traveling back 200 years didn't prove that...)

    And Geez, clearly feminism has not reached the Highlands in 1970! Roger, your great-great-great-great uncle treats women better than you do! And hey, Roger slept with other women BECAUSE he didn't love them! He has to wait to have sex with Brianna until they are engaged...I'm judging Roger by 21st century standards, but for 1970, he's already beginning to fall a bit behind.

    And when Brianna was setting HER boundaries she was very like Claire, and I assume as a woman at MIT in 1970, she's probably one of the only women in her class *\(like Claire in med school.) She's definitely Claire's daughter.

    Jocasta is absolutely true to her high-born roots, to the disgusted sound she makes at the thought of Jamie as a printer. And while she blames Claire for him walking away from the estate, she really seems to think that Jamie could get used to "our ways" (slavery). 

    I think it's interesting that Claire tells Jamie she'd prefer not to go back to Boston, both because she's been there AND because revolution is fomenting there. Certainly they'd need a printer of seditious materials!

    But Jamie clearly loves the mountains; and 200 years later, all the Scots who found them are still evident in the festivals and their descendents.

    Woman still couldn't get their own Credit Cards in 1970. 

    I finally got around to watching the ep.

    I didn't find Roger out of line nor did I find Brianna's refusal of the proposal out of line. I just saw two people at different places in their lives that's all. Different views -- different goals. No one was wrong. No one was right. 

    The ghost shoes/skull thing was weird. What does it mean? anything? So there are other time travelers? Wait! What? How? I need to know more!

    • Love 8
  12. 17 hours ago, BaseOps said:

    I find it hilarious that everyone is clutching their pearls over young guys pursuing Meredith and acting like it's the most insane thing on television. We know that men and women don't exclusively fuck people their own age, right? Also, TV and film are full of beautiful young women dating older, fatter, less attractive men. What's wrong with the show flipping the script and having a female lead being pursued by younger guys? Meredith is also a total catch; she's a beautiful woman and an incredible surgeon. I'm 27 and if Ellen Pompeo winked at me I'd be following her into an on-call room.

    Clutchin' those pearls...clutchin' those pearls! << hey it plays like a little ditty in my head!

    I am older but I am right there with you! I LOVE the actress and the character! I really like giving Meredith many men and letting her decide who and what she wants. After seeing her with Deluca this past ep-- I say bring it on!

    2 hours ago, Ohwell said:

    All I can say is, mileage definitely varies on this.  Plus, her lisp is annoying as hell.  

    I love that lisp! I want to lick that lisp!

    • Love 1
  13. 10 hours ago, Neurochick said:

    I loved when Ross asked George, “You have everything.  What more do you want?”  Because George is an addict, his addiction is More.  He will never be satisfied because all he wants is more, more, more.  Yuk.

    He's got a great big hole right through the middle of him. He can never kill enough, or steal enough or inflict enough pain to ever fill it.

    • Love 12
  14. 16 hours ago, Driad said:

    Ross is decorative but tedious. "Chicken for supper? When it died, did you think of Hugh?" If I were Demelza, I'd be thinking of a cleaver and a taxidermist. "Ross is so pretty ands quiet now."

    OMG! I am rolling on the floor over here-- laughing like a fool!

    • Love 4
  15. 2 hours ago, dmc said:

    I know LOL my point were more or less Delucca lied to Maggie to get rid of her


    Sorry but I can't stand Korasic and didn't he sleep with Amelia?  I mean can't we get a fresh love interest

    I don't feel I've seen enough of the Korasic dude to judge either way?  I mean-- what is his first name? Have we ever heard it spoken?

    Thanks for reminding me of Deluca's tru luv chick -- he sure got over her lickity split huh?

    • Love 1
  16. 2 hours ago, Palomar said:

    Plus, wasn't Delucca just last season going through reconnecting and breaking up with the love of his life?  He sure got over that relationship in a hurry.  I know they need a love interest for Meredith but why not bring in a new "doctor" that is a little older with some life experience.  I know they did that with the guy that she lost to his "dead" wife coming back and DeLucca is more cost effective but can we get real here?  Plus Meredith does have 3 kids.  Hell yeah that is a factor that no one seems to bring up.

    Obviously the show is going with the Mere/Deluca hook up. Oh! Yeah! They are SO going there.

    Besides all the logical reasons not to go there-- they (the actors) at least have a modicum of chemistry -- which I can't say about the one with the weird hair (Can't remember his name)

    • Love 2
  17. 7 hours ago, dmc said:

    I actually thought this episode was good.  

    I don't want to stick up for Maggie but I feel you guys are not calling out Avery enough here.  Yes Maggie is annoying and selfish but Avery is sort of mess.  He's not over April and I don't think he thought she would get married to someone so quickly.  Also Maggie is right, texting random girls while you are in relationship is sketchy.  He could be talking to a therapist about the same issues.  

    Meredith and Delucca:  I am into it...I know...

    Jo and Alex:  They still bore me.  I am not excited by them as a couple and have never been. 

    Someone explain to me who Betty is...yes I know she lives with Owen and Amelia but at first I thought she was their nanny...also I can we get rid of her...because all these Bettycentric plots are annoying.

    I am glad Teddy told Owen but Owen isn't into Teddy romantically, he only uses her as an emotional security blanket when he can't have the person he actually wants.  I feel bad for her because she generally loves him but she is his back burner girl.  

    I mean Richard, I love Richard he's the only Grey's character that when he's hurt, I actually feel my normally cold heart melting for...

    I know right? Mere and Deluca's scene together was kind of cute-- and I can't believe I'm saying that! She is his superior and it's kind of inappropriate and of course there was that whole fucking Maggie thing---- but Deluca brought all that up when defending his attraction to Mere. So hell. I am interested to see where the show will go with this.

    Yeah. Jo ruins Alex. Sigh.

    Betty is the mother of the little baby Owen is fostering. And there's some issue with her ... but I can't remember and I admit I zone out when Owen/Amelia are on so who knows?

    7 hours ago, krankydoodle said:

    Did I miss some Nico scenes in previous episodes? Because I don't know anything about him except that he showed up at the same time as Linc and is strangely attracted to Glasses.

    I kept thinking -- who ARE these people? WTF? Why are they getting so many scenes? I don't even know their names? WHO are they?????

    • Love 6
  18. On 11/15/2018 at 2:17 PM, Mrs. Hanson said:

    Yep, she thinks that buy purchasing them in a "lot" and keeping them together, she is doing them a favor.  But you are still owning them, Jacosta.

    But people didn't think like that. Many (slave owners and those that supported the system) thought of themselves as good christians. Seriously. 

    • Love 3
  19. On 11/13/2018 at 7:02 AM, Mrs. Hanson said:

    I agree.   I thought "Well Claire you ARE living in the south in what, the 1770's?  You can't be surprised."  They could have/should have headed north if this was gonna bother them so much.   Poor Rufus - and that was  pretty sanitized version of how slaves were treated.  I did find it jarring when the lady of the manor said "I bought them in a lot to keep them together." - I thought wow, just wow.

    The owning of human beings is justified in myriad ways by human beings doing the owning. Jocasta thinks of herself as a generous benevolent woman. Many slave owners did. It is that kind of mentality that allowed slavery to exist and flourish.

    • Love 5
  20. On 11/12/2018 at 3:22 PM, cardigirl said:

    Moffat didn't ruin the franchise.  Many, many people loved what he did with it, I know you (specifically you, because I've read many of your comments about Clara) did not enjoy his vision of Who-dom, but I did, and this version that Chibnall is giving us does not feel like Doctor Who, to me.  Different strokes.  I did say that I've not watched the earlier versions of Doctor Who, only new Who, but even this version of Who seems sadly disconnected from the previous. 

    It's not that it's bad storytelling, it isn't.  I like the stories, and I like the characters.  It's just not Doctor Who. 

    I enjoyed Moffat's vision as well. I am trying to get into this new Doctor and the sidekicks (companions) but I am still feeling a disconnect. I must admit-- I was originally against turning the Doctor into a woman and I have nothing against the actress-- it's just....something is being lost in translation. ???? It's like not only did the Doctor turn into a woman - the Doctor turned into a completely different person with no memories/or feelings of the past.

    • Love 3
  21. On 11/9/2018 at 7:26 PM, SimoneS said:

    I hope so. Meredith getting involved with a man who had sex with her sister seriously skeeves me out.

    Yeah. That is problematic for me as well. But the thing that skeeves me out the most is the fact that Meredith is his superior -- she is in a position of power and he is her subordinate. It's just all kinds of wrong.

    • Love 3
  22. On 11/11/2018 at 7:40 AM, ElectricBoogaloo said:

    Every time someone said "River Run," I kept expecting to see Jaime Lannister watching Brienne and Podrick silently rowing away.

    OMG!!! Haha! I thought I was the only one!!!! I also kept thinking -- wait! what show am I watching!

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