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Posts posted by taanja

  1. 22 minutes ago, nodorothyparker said:

    "Death by misadventure" remains my favorite official cause of death in all of history or historical fiction.  It covers so many things.

    Right!!! ^^ It's my new favorite thing!

    I think Geoffrey Charles only said that the little boy Valentine looks like Ross because the boy was on a rocking horse pretending to shoot a pistol -- just like Geoffrey Charles had just seen Ross doing  -- not that he meant the spitting image of. But of course Elizabeth and George especially, took it to mean the spitting image of --as in physically looks like.

    The Demelza and the smarmy dude scenes were weird because we have seen Demelza behave less--ditsy-- in earlier seasons. She suddenly regressed to an inexperienced 16 year old girl or something.

    I actually liked the duel even though the whole premise is just so-- stupid man pride bullshit. 

    • Love 7
  2. 1 hour ago, Chaos Theory said:

    I don’t understand what people mean by fun fantasy show?  Do they mean a show with no real meaning to it?  An empty show That says nothing and does nothing?  What show were you watching?  Then again people have a lower tolerance these days for knowledge in their tv.  Learn stuff and you feel cheated. 

    Its not like Doctor Who  a time travel show has ever....gone back in time before and met people in history.  It is just slightly more serious about it now.

    Shhhh .......  their little bubble worlds are being pricked with harsh reality and truth.

    • Love 9
  3. 3 hours ago, WatchrTina said:

    Quoting myself because evidently I DO have to say it.  The ugliest thing in this episode is slavery and all the cruelty implicit in that deplorable practice. 

    Not ... the WIG???????

    • Love 5
  4. 45 minutes ago, iMonrey said:

    This episode seemed to be signaling a Meredith and Koracik pairing. Where is everyone getting the idea it's going to be Meredith and DeLuca? Did the writers say they were headed there in interviews or something?

    It's all the longing looks Deluca has been giving Mere lately. Combine that with her dream she had at the beginning of the season where she was having sex with him and Volia!

    That is Grey's way of practically screaming a  Mere and Deluca hook-up.

    • Love 2
  5. Well most of that ep was decent.

    Loved all the Mere stuff-- but she is my favorite character (after 15 years together we are "in a relationship") I have loved her through the good the bad and the ugly. I ain't going anywhere! Haha! I liked her with that Koracik dude. They weren't all in my face twu love 4evah kind of shit. They were just 2 colleagues working together and getting to know one another. I liked it.

    My objection to hooking her up with Deluca is that he is her subordinate and she is in a position of power-- It makes me uncomfortable. and that Link guy is just... vanilla.

    Anyway-- Maggie and Jackson? Not even worth commenting on IMO.

    I love when fictional characters smash shit up and act all drama crazy -- cuz it's fun to watch. But in true life-- I would find that kind of behavior unacceptable. But I love me some Richard and I love his relationship with Meredith. I love that he called her--no one else-- but his daughter from another father. They are SO cute!

    I have always liked the character of Katherine (Catherine?) and the actress so I am interested in the story line.

    I didn't like the whole thing with the nurse we were supposed to care about but a character we have never really seen and have no investment in. -- That was a waste of time .

    • Love 7
  6. 14 hours ago, shapeshifter said:

    This may be the definitive example of "milage varies." (I was creeped out a bit.)

    Always! To each his/her own!

    (Paraphrasing ) >>>>  I loved when Penny was trying to justify -- oh we just hang out without telling anyone -- and Amy was like-- how can you say that with less words ??? like a Secret fort?? and Penny was like-- yeah a secret fort!!!! Hahahaha!!! The expression on their faces and the delivery was excellent. 

    Dayam! This show still makes me laugh

    • Love 2
  7. On 11/2/2018 at 8:41 AM, Frost said:

    .  I also liked that Amy and Sheldon are secure in their relationship that they don't have to lie to each other to get personal space.  Although Amy jumping on Penny in the hallway and insisting on knowing where she was going was rather disturbing.  Amy's FOMO radar was funny but the interrogation was cringeworthy rather than humorous.  Writers, you need to find a lighter touch!

    I do not know of what you speak? That scene was hilarious! Like Laugh out loud funny.

    Very good ep. Loved the playhouse (and the old easy bake ovens worked fine-- that light bulb actually would burn you if you weren't careful.) and that Howard knew Bernie had been using it for alone time. 

    Didn't see Leonard picking himself but yeah! Carry on young man!

    • Love 2
  8. 20 hours ago, toomuchtv47 said:

    I get the impression from this piece in Buzzfeed that they're going ahead with Mandrew (not sure what Meredith and Andrew mash up would be). Don't know if it will stick but they're trying.


    A “Grey’s Anatomy” Showrunner Said Meredith And Derek’s Relationship Would Look Different In Light Of #MeToo And Time’s Up

    That pic of Derek and Mere staring longingly at each other is just---powerful --  in a god they were so dynamic back then kind of way. Those two actors had some of the best chemistry I have ever seen. I remember....

    Somehow I don't think the actor who plays Deluca is going to cut it.

    • Love 4
  9. 17 hours ago, toolazy said:

    The problem is translating that to television and making a show that a lot of people want to watch.  I could read all day about Claire puttering around in her surgery, grinding things and examining bread mold.  Hell, I would enjoy watching that, too.  However, most people wouldn't. 

    One of my least favorite things about the show is that every single conflict is amplified.  It wasn't enough that Jenny was skeptical of Claire and a little bit leery of her when she came back 20 years later.  No, they had Jenny go full-on shrew to the point where Ian had to say something to her .  Get ready to have Claire & Jocasta having a lot more conflict than there was in the books. 


    Yeah. I am thinking those kinds of scenes would be like watching paint dry. They would NOT translate well to television --which is visual so the more action the better.

    I watch this show to be entertained -- and generally I am. Since I haven't read any books except the fist one -- I have no expectations. I go with the flow. 

    Bring on the conflict with Aunt Jocasta (<<<what a cool name I must say)

    • Love 1
  10. 44 minutes ago, iMonrey said:

    But that's simply not true. There can be plenty of drama to their story without making it a personal tragedy for one or both of them every time. There was plenty of drama and intrigue for them in France during Season 2, for example. There was plenty of drama for them during their search for Ian. They can experience drama without being whipped, beaten, raped, kidnapped, tortured, robbed, and otherwise molested and traumatized every damn time.

    Haha! I guess I meant the author feels the need for big messy drama all the time for Claire and Jamie. Like seriously. I only ever read the first book because mainly -- when I found out the next book was a 20 year !! 20 freakin' years separation!!!????!!!  -- I was like-- way too much drama.

    But I love the actors and I love the scenery and the costumes so I keep watching.

  11. 23 hours ago, iMonrey said:

    I mistook him for Ian for a minute there too. Then I had to look him up on IMDB because it was driving me crazy where I knew him from. (Downton, obviously.)

    I honestly didn't notice anything amiss with the wiggery but I did notice the crappy CGI on the river.

    I didn't really have a problem with the song at the end, per se. I objected to the attack itself because it's one thing after another with Jamie and Claire. It wouldn't have mattered to me what song they chose to use.

    DRAMA! seems to be Claire and Jamie's shtick. With out it-- they don't have much of a story I am thinking.

  12. 15 hours ago, TarotQueen said:

    I thought it was a fairly solid opening episode.  Bonnett does look like Heath Ledger, but I never saw that similarity back when Speelers on Dowton Abbey so I think it’s the hair.

    Seems like everyone has a distinct feeling on this but count me in the hate for Ray Charles “America the Beautiful” being used as it was.  I found the anachronism jarring, not charming.

    Do the sets look kind of cheap compared to prior seasons to anyone else?  Like backdrops where they used to have actual real places, especially outside.  It’s not a big problem to me as a viewer but I am wondering if their budget is tightening and what that might mean for the implications of the show.

    Nope. I didn't notice. But i watch it all at face value-- I "believe" what they show and tell me without question usually. It has to be really atrocious to pull me out of the moment.

    I adored the Ray Charles singing America the Beautiful while all the violence and horror were taking place. GOD! That was powerful! IMO.

    • Love 1
  13. On 11/2/2018 at 9:02 PM, WhosThatGirl said:

    My guess is because some of those actors may have left on not so great terms or are busy . I think TRK still has a good relationship with the show and everyone involved in it, The actress who played Lexie is busy with Supergirl and I’m pretty sure PD didn’t leave on the greatest terms and I’m not sure about the actor who played mark but I don’t think that was a fond farewell either, I think he was let go because of money and certain actors had to be let go. Granted it made sense storywise for him to leave as well but I’m pretty sure he was let go too.

    Plus. They were supposed to be Mere's memories. Mere remembers them the way they were the last time she saw them-- they will never age. They will never grow old.
    In a way I wish they had inserted an original version of Ellis as well. Ellis would still look in Meredith's memory as the way she looked the day/time she died. She would also not age.

    Someone upthread reminded me about the dog. Doc. I almost forgot about it but I do remember in the Mere almost drowns eps -- the dog visits her in heaven. Or she visits the dog. Or whatever. LOL

    • Love 1
  14. I am not a book reader but I don't mind being spoiled.

    I liked this ep! I really liked the character Bonnet. Oh yeah. He is charming and dangerous and despicable and clever all rolled up into one.

    That scene at the end was really powerful!!!  I loved the music playing "America the Beautiful" as all the violence and atrocities were taking place. And Bonnet got Jamie's ring? I always forget the rings are supposed to be important but they made a point of talking about them when Claire was tending to Bonnet's wound. I did quite like that scene. I can tell he is going to be a very compelling character.

    I thought it was a good start to the season. I am interested in seeing how this all plays out.

    I have a feeling that the talk of circles will come back -- like everything coming full circle. All the little ironies and coincidences of life. 

    Oh and I have to say-- wig? The actor that plays Jamie is wearing a wig? I didn't notice but I tend to not notice that stuff. Otherwise I really liked all the costumes. 

    • Love 3
  15. 2 hours ago, Efzee said:

    And... they were separated at birth!!! But they didn't discover this until after they had been on a couple of dates together and were slowly falling head over heels... 

    It was during the McVet time. She met Finn through Doc the dog. He was the widower who she didn't sleep with right away but Derek (involved with Addison at the time) still threw a hissyfit and called her a whore after going to the vet with Doc after hours and Meredith came downstairs (because apparently he lived in the apartment above the clinic) barely dressed, having taken a shower after assisting Finn with some farm animal giving birth.

    And then when she and Derek tried to be friends again, she went on walks with him and Doc. Sort of behind Addison's back, IIRC.  And then there was the awful prom night for the chief's (Webber) niece dying of ovarian cancer or something and Meredith took Finn as her date and Derek Addison and then Meredith and Derek had sex in one of the exam rooms and Meredith left her panties behind which Addison found and pinned to the board and then Bailey threw a hissyfit over someone's panties lying around the hospital and Callie (who'd caught Meredith and Derek having sex on prom night) took the blame and claimed the panties.

    Yes! I remember all that! Wow! I can't believe I forgot the dog. Oh and didn't he come back during the Meredith drowns eps? Like she saw the dog in heaven or something?

    • Love 2
  16. 2 hours ago, Efzee said:

    I disagree in Meredith sharing the blame. First of all, like she said, why should it be on the child to reach out to the parent and then feel bad about not feeling bad for the lack of communication? He's been a piss poor father her whole life and just gave up on her when Ellis wanted to divorce, and moved on with a new wife and kids. Secondly, she has tried to reconnect several times despite it costing her emotionally (and being pushed by both Derek and Lexie and also Susan/stepmom) and her not being ready and even giving him part of her liver, and he's treated her like trash. Even when they were actually spending time together he never seemed that invested in her or in catching up with her, Susan/stepmom was the driving force behind it all. He even mixed up a childhood memory that actually meant something to Meredith and credited it to him and Lexie and insisted it was Lexie, until Susan agreed with Meredith that it wasn't Lexie but in fact Meredith. Then, when Susan/stepmom died, he blamed her (and Lexie) and he slapped her in the face and humiliated and embarrassed her at her place of work again afterwards.

    Meredith doesn't owe him anything and Tatcher should have been on his knees, groveling for forgiveness years ago. And hey, I doubt Tatcher cares about Meredith coming to say goodbye anyway; he couldn't be bothered to reach out to her ever since her sister died (or meet his grandkids) and he's probably leaning on perfect Holly Molly and her family.

    Thank you! You expressed much more succinctly than I the way I feel about this! Mere doesn't owe Thatcher nuthin!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Oh and the other sister Molly! I had kind of forgotten about her! Mere does have a lot of sisters for being an only child.

    • Love 4
  17. Hey! I didn't mind the Alex and Jo scenes! First time for everything. I figured true to Grey's angst -- they were going to have one of those soap opera kind of misunderstandings that turn into DRAMA!  I was pleasantly surprised. They were cute!

    I love Meredith and I loved all her scenes. Not sure if I'm feeling her with that new doc who's name I can't remember.. I was actually kind of liking the looks between Deluca and Mere. I know! Go figure.

    Oh a Derek sighting! and George! and Lexie! and Ellis and Mark! and you know what? I am more than OK with Mere deciding NOT to go see Thatcher. He was never a real father to her-- she owes him nuthin!

    • Love 7
  18. 9 minutes ago, The Companion said:

    I still wouldn't say that Americans have guns pulled on them regularly and/or that it is a non-event, which is what I was responding to. I know plenty of people - rural and city - who own guns but they don't go around pulling them on employees, so I think it would be worth remarking on in the US as well.

    True that. But years ago I worked at a a bar (the city shall remain nameless -- but think west ) and the bartender was a crazy mother fucker-- he carried a gun tucked in his pant leg -- he'd pull that thing out if anyone riled him up enough. He never pointed at me and never shot the thing as far as I know...

  19. 21 hours ago, The Companion said:

    For the record, this American has had a gun pulled on her 0 times. I would have a pretty big reaction to having a gun pointed at me. I mean, I also assume London doesn't have alien attacks at Christmas either. 



    For the record-- THIS American has had a gun pulled on her (A robbery at a restaurant I worked at) also I have gone out shooting -- meaning out to the woods or the desert (wherever) and set up beer cans or whatever and shoot at it. Don't forget to bring the booze, Cuz drinking and guns go hand in hand.

    Conceal and carry is real. Depending on where you live -- rural or city-- more people than you think are carrying guns. 

    • Love 3
  20. 20 hours ago, Kite said:

    stock and roadkill here as it's considered kinder) but I guess it's not so bad, considering, to have some nationalist identity around "we don't worship guns here". (We have that same pride at not being like the US in Australia.)

    Liquor and guns baby! The American way! < and I mean together-- hand in hand-- drinking and shooting. Yup Ain't it grand?

    Everyone I know has a gun -- in many cases more than one. I mean -- there is no such things as too many guns? right? It's our national motto I swear! /s

    The spiders looked hokey so they didn't freak me out. The whole ep had a special episode for children feel. Is it just me?

    and the TARDIS ... what to say about the new TARDIS? I get the feeling they are trying too hard to make it look -- Groovy. Spiffy. Funky. Crazy. Special.

    • Love 3
  21. 15 hours ago, Neurochick said:

    And there goes the toe sucking vicar.  A perfectly undignified death.  

    ^This made me laugh out loud!

    I will be sorry to see him go. Sigh. The actor surely did seem to relish the part I must say. I seem to have no sympathy for the little wife (Morwenna?) she's such a sad sack.

    So Drake threw it all away? Before he had even spoken to Morwenna? Mass communication (texting!) would have come in handy!

    • Love 4
  22. 4 minutes ago, Driad said:

    Not getting what was involved in making Howard's "Sheldon" costume. Two T-shirts, which he may have already had. Maybe Bernadette helped Howard make his hair look like Sheldon's but I don't see any other difficulty.

    Raj apparently said his own costume was "not Ruth Bader Ginsberg, but ______ Beder Ginsberg."  Did he say that, and if he did, what was the missing word?  I liked how well he and Anu were getting along.

    Kuth-- a play on his last name

    • Love 7
  23. The episode was...?? 

    I love Mere but since when are she and Teddy friends? That was weird. Kept taking me out of the moment cuz I kept thinking -- what?? what?? why?

    Anyway because the ep couldn't keep my attention -- don't care about ANY of the interns/new docs/ anything Jo and because she taints Alex -- even him-- I kept flipping the channel.

    Big Bang was funny.

    Outlander was repeating last season to get ready for the new one. 

    Grey's? Not so interesting.

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