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Posts posted by taanja

  1. 18 minutes ago, iMonrey said:

    Please don't tell me it's going to turn out that Jo and Alex are related.

    I can't be the only one who thinks Linc is creepy. There's just something inherently sinister looking about him. I keep expecting him to turn out to be a serial killer or something. His looks are more suited to playing a villain.

    *raises hand!****

    That's why I didn't/don't want Mere anywhere near him- he has a skeeve factor-- something is off putting about him.

    • Love 7
  2. 14 hours ago, Layne said:

    Except in Meredith's case where they're still obsessed with her until the day they die (literally). 

    As it SHOULD be!

    I am loving the way the Mere/Deluca relationship is playing out -- he obviously likes her way more than she likes him-- it showed in the whole "chase" scenario. Ha! and then when he didn't come out and use his words and ask her to stay at the end (I guess she was supposed to know he wanted her to stay?) the disappointed look on his face made me LOL! seriously! The whole thing is gonna end in a fizzle! So no worries about "end game" cuz they were never meant to be more than a fling!

    Amelia and Linc? maybe?

    Jackson and Mere's scene was cute-- I wish they put those two together more. They play well off one another.

    Don't care about Jo-- at all. Or Maggie. Or Owen and Teddy (GOD! make it end!) 

    I was interested in the sheep in a bag -- and that whole story was OK. Though I am glad Poppy Deluca went back to Italy.

    • Love 2
  3. 2 hours ago, iMonrey said:

    There are far too many loose ends, like ownership of the house and guardianship of Liam. 

    I believe Frank still has "part ownership" of the children -- those still minors anyway. Fiona got guardianship but so did Frank -- or he didn't get his rights as a parent revoked.

    Liam is fine. he is obviously a survivor.

  4. 20 minutes ago, WhosThatGirl said:

    I understand that but it still didn’t work for me and it really just felt like WHM and ER wanted scenes together. Kind of like when frank was going to pay for Fiona’s wedding to Sean a few seasons ago.. and that was because ER and WHM had asked for an episode of scenes together. I wouldn’t be surprised if that’s what happened this season. 

    I don't follow actors or behind the scenes shit. I only go by what I saw-- and what the show "showed" me worked quite well I thought. It didn't feel inorganic. 

    • Love 2
  5. 10 minutes ago, WhosThatGirl said:

    It made me sad that Fiona left without a proper moment with everyone but I get that that was the point. I guess I’m also alone in not liking her moment with Frank either. But again I’m also one of those people who hates that episode a few weeks back when Fiona and frank were partying it up together because it felt random that all of a sudden they were great and she was taking advice from him. I don’t get why the kids even ackowldge Frank past season three. He called cps on them because they threw him out and yet.. no one mentions that. I’m just over the Frank character. 

    That is when Fiona hit "rock bottom" -- she woke up beside Frank in the abandoned appt building -- puking her guts up. She was always the first to condemn any Gallagher for listening to Frank and then she went against her own advice and paid the price. Hence-- rock bottom.

    • Love 2
  6. I loved it. What a lovely send off for my Fiona. She looked around. She watched. She noted that everyone was living their lives -- without her. Even Liam is taking care of his own needs. The only one who will need Fiona perpetually is Frank. It came across to me that Fiona figured out that little detail on her own and decided it was time to get the hell outta Dodge!

    The only thing is-- she can't just fly out of the country on a whim-- Hello!!! passport!

    She mentioned this was the first time she has ever flown. This whole thing seemed like an act of spontaneity. One does not get a passport on the fly. So that tells me she is staying in the states -- maybe SoCal or AZ or Florida? Someplace warm.

    Loved seeing Ian! I am glad he was supportive of Fiona's choice to leave.

    Not sure what the next season will be like with out Fiona? I can't even imagine the Gallagher's without her.

    • Love 2
  7. 2 hours ago, Chaos Theory said:

    It’s kinda funny the reason people hate the show episodes is kinda the reason I like them.  

    I thought the Liam stuff was hilarious.  Him mentioning to his friends that his family hasn’t noticed for a couple of days that he was missing so he was ignoring their texts and calls.

    I get that people don’t like Debbie was getting that guy drunk and then having sex with him because that whole relationship was one big red flag on both their parts.    The bigger issue was the pregnancy but then she is hardly forcing the guy to be a parent.  Debbie has always been lonely and once she figure things out she is a decent parent.  She just needs to find someone who isn’t too old for her or isn’t already dating Carl.

    I loved the Al-Anon qyestolnare because yeah it is all Fiona.  She is only happy when things are crazy and she tends to self destruct when things start gling sell. That being said her does her ws stupid.  I never thought she was an alcoholic but more addicted to men who made her life crazy.  Drinking is just a symptom.

    Only a moron would pull a gun on Carl.

    I liked the Doctor.  He was essentially right.  The next Appocolpse will leave cockroaches and Frank Gallagher 

    Right there with you! I love this show and I love Fiona and will be sad when she's gone. I felt there was a lot of foreshadowing about getting shot-- so I hope Fiona doesn't end up getting killed in that plastic gas station box thingy.

    Frank and his shit always makes me LOL

    That one twin of Kev and Vee-- don't know which one it is-- has the greatest stink face expression!

    Karl and his shit always makes me laugh too! But I was sorry to hear he didn't make it into Westpoint.

    and Hahaha! Liam is at then house of that boy from school who is his "bodyguard" right? Isn't that the same kid? anyway yeah. Liam deff has a disconnect

  8. 4 hours ago, shantown said:

    For a show that prioritizes "sizzling hookups" and "epic romances" above all else they certainly do make some bizarre choices. Every couple is either boring or incredibly bad for each other. All the couple are on such solo islands of story that it makes the whole show suffer. That's why I wanted Meredith with Linc, it strengthens this circle of Jo/Karev/Mer/Linc and could have some fun group storylines. I miss when couples hung out and were friends. I think Teddy/Tom and Owen/Amelia are the only couples that really interact, and only in a terrible way. 

    Linc is just so skeevy!!!! ... ummm... NO!!!! At least Deluca is cute -- and young! and I imagine well hung. Plus he's been on the show longer and we at least know a little about him.

    And after meeting his father at the end of the ep -- I am down with a Deluca father/son Mere triangle. Might be fun.

    • Love 1
  9. 11 hours ago, calipiano81 said:

    Big Meredith/DeLuca fan here...thought they were HOT this episode, yet adorable at the same time. MERLUCA FTW!

    As for the rest of the episode, I enjoyed it a lot. There were a lot of funny bits from everyone. Especially Alex being so thrilled that "It's a real fire!" LOL

    Hello!!! Me too! I thought they were adorable. I don't care about "end game" or any of that shit-- I just want cute and flirty and maybe Mere getting some hot sex. Deluca looks like he either has great stamina and can give Mere many orgasms-- or he's a wham bam! thank you ma'am! quick shooter and Mere will be all like  -- what the hell was that?

    Either way I am in!

    The party was ...odd... but anything Jackson and Maggie is always odd.

    I like Katherine. I love her life's motto -- eat cheap food and drink expensive champagne in the back of the limo! yeah baby! Take me for a ride!

    I liked Mere meeting Alex's mom. and I liked Deluca's dad showing up at the end. 

    • Love 1
  10. Fiona is breaking my heart. My girl -- down so low. Her story has been bittersweet.

    I did love Frank telling her that she's a mean drunk. and yup-- there are two kinds -- the happy go lucky type like Frank himself and the angry drunk who gets in fights and yells and screams and it never ends well. 

    I don't know how I want/hope it ends for Fiona??? and I am unspoiled but I hope it all ends well for my girl.

    • Love 1
  11. On 2/23/2019 at 9:32 AM, ICMstories said:

    I mean both, tony and jeannie and barbara and larry.

    This got me to re-watching the entire series ... again.  I haven't seen season one (black and white!) in a really long long time. I forgot some of the early shows where Tony and Jeannie look and feel almost like a coupe that are dating/maybe even married? Oh and the fiance! haha! Tony had a fiance-- Melissa something. 

    I forgot what pretty eyes Larry Hagman has/had-- especially as a young man. And the way he looks at Jeannie (Barbara!) Wow! Hot!

    • Love 1
  12. I thought it was weird that Maggie was all over the place saying how much she needed to be there for her "sisters" and yet-- in the end-- she wasn't.

    When Mere came out of that very long surgery and could barely stand-- Maggie notes that (the camera even panned to the expression on her face when Mere is leaning against the door jam sound asleep) -- and the next scene is Mere asleep on a gurney somewhere in the hospital. So? Maggie didn't drive her home like a good sister? She just dumps an exhausted Mere onto some random gurney in some random hallway and leaves her? say what?

    I hope the Betty shit is finally resolved. Sorry I didn't care whether she lived or died.

    Glasses and Asian doc? I don't know enough or care enough about them to care about their relationship. I don't even know the characters names! They are just strangely arbitrary.

    Alex's reaction to the father /husband of druggie wife was realistic. Look out for the child indeed! 

    • Love 13
  13. 1 hour ago, ICMstories said:

    i first started watching it when i was 11, I'm now almost 16. I love how proactive it was for its time. IDOJ is overall a great show. I own the whole series. I would love to talk about the "friendship" of larry and barbara. we all know it's more than a friendship

    Do you mean the actors? Larry Hagman and Barbara Eden? or the characters Tony and Jeannie?

    I don't know anything about the actors ( I rarely if ever follow actors) but the characters had such a cute chemistry and the way they looked at one another! Sometimes Tony would give Jeanie these looks that said to me-- wait til the lights go out!   oooooh! haha!

    I like to imagine that Jeannie would pop into Tony's room at night (in his bed) you know? make him believe he was having wild dreams and then pop out before morning so Tony wasn't sure if it was a dream or real!

    • Love 2
  14. 1 minute ago, ICMstories said:

    hey, i'm a young watcher, i caught on fast to the romance between larry and barbara. I really hope this forum is still going!

    I have seen every ep many times-- it still makes me smile. I love Jeannie and Tony -- like seriously. The chemistry between those two was off the charts.

    And sure. We can talk nowadays about the sexist qualities--- but as I said-- I was a young girl/preteen when those shows originally aired and for its time-- an unmarried couple living together *gasp!** it was way ahead of it's time. 

    People (woman) didn't view the world the way we do now. When this show aired -- women couldn't get their own Credit Cards! (among other things)

  15. 5 hours ago, dshgr said:

    This is probably a very unpopular opinion, but I never liked Derek.  

    I'm older than most of you and I always found him controlling.  

    I like DeLuca.  I don't like how they are "Derek"ing him.  We don't need to see that again.  Let him be a nice guy that treats Meredith well.

    I've been over Owen since the Christina days, and I'm hoping he grabs Leo and disappears, never to be seen again.

    Bailey needs to stop acting like Maggie.  It doesn't look good on either of them.

    I never liked the character Derek very much -- he came across (to me) as an entitled prick -- but I did LOVE the chemistry between the two actors (Ellen & Patrick) They sold their love story so that I believed!

    Anyway, yesterday I came here and read some comments from those that get the episode early and going by that I was ready to hate the Deluca and Mere stuff and expecting to see Owen behaving like the angry fool he is... and then I watched myself.

    I liked the Deluca and Mere stuff. I thought it was cute and I like how Mere is keeping the power in the relationship=- Haha! "I have three kids and I don't ride on the back of motorcycles!" ha!  and Deluca is Derek-like-- yes he is in a way. I can see it.  And many people have a type they are attracted to--- Mere just happens to be attracted to men who are Derek-like.

    Plus Deluca is younger than she and virile-- hopefully she gets some great sex before they inevitably break up.

    I was expecting Owen to be angrier or impossible but he pretty much just acted as he always does-- selfish. But yeah. The grandparents can't just walk in and take the baby they didn't even know existed 5 minutes before. It doesn't work like that. Kid is in the system now-- they will have to go through the proper channels. But since I don't care about Owen -- I don't care about his drama!

    The bagpipes were annoying.

    Anything Maggie is annoying.

    • Love 6
  16. On 2/12/2019 at 7:55 AM, DrSpaceman said:

    Yes exactly, that would make more sense.  Not after breaking up with some boring as shit, dull boyfriend, finding out he is married.  They really had nothing in common and weren't that well suited for each other anyway

    Nah. I see it differently. This time Fiona thought she was getting out -- out of the Gallagher's house-- out of the old hood and making something of herself. She was a business woman/property owner on her way up -- and then - wham! back down in the dirt. Stomp! Stomp!

    After she lost it all and she was sitting in the lawn chair in the front yard drinking right out of the bottle -- she cried and said --"Back at the Gallagher's" << that right there said it all.

    Ford has nothing really to do with this new downfall-- except he is just another of her shitty men who treated her like shit. She has a knack for finding men similar to Frank.

    • Love 1
  17. On 2/11/2019 at 3:29 PM, CountryGirl said:

    Seeing Linc with Mere's kids and his laidback attitude but yet so much more mature given his childhood battle with cancer, he's a much better fit for Meredith. Not sure on the chemistry - yet - but IMO, that's the fault of EP, who is seriously phoning it in.

    Except that Linc is so smarmy .. or something.. off putting maybe? I am all for Mere having a fling! and with a younger guy! right on!

    But I don't think Deluca or Linc are supposed to be true love or anything like that. Mere is just having fun. I kind of like that she blew the both of them off a couple different times. haha! I am all for Mere keeping the power in whatever relationship she chooses or doesn't chose.

    I hardly remember anything else. Don't care about .. well most of the other characters to be honest. Alex is still one of my faves but he seems to be on his own show. Like he didn't even have any lines this ep-- right?

    • Love 1
  18. On 1/29/2019 at 1:59 PM, BitterApple said:

    I'm curious to hear how everyone would grade this season? Good? Bad? Middle of the road?

    I'd give it a solid B+. Started out a little clunky, but picked up steam and the finale was decent. I don't think S4 was as good as S1 and S2, but I'd put it even with S3. 

    Oh I give it an A

    I have no preconceived notions of how characters should behave or how the plot plays out. I just watch and enjoy.

    It entertains me from beginning to end. I can't say that about a lot of Television shows/series. I like what I like--- and I don't have time or patience to continue watching things that don't please me.

    • Love 8
  19. 1 hour ago, Emkat said:

    Why does this show have THE WORST wigs in the history of television?!?!

    I guess I don't notice-- it doesn't bother me. Their hair all looks ratty because they are all unwashed and uncombed most of the time. Bathing is an ordeal. 

    • Love 7
  20. 12 hours ago, cam3150 said:

    Even as much as Roger has gotten on my nerves this season I was going to be soooo mad at him if he didn’t reunite with Brianna. I mean, he went through hell numerous times trying to get back to her and then he just leaves because the baby might not be his?  Cheesy as it was, I liked their “run through a meadow” reunion. I’m in the minority I guess because I like Roger overall. He’s got his issues for sure but I like him  

    I liked this episode but I’ve liked this whole season more than it seems most have. I always love the time travel episodes and seeing how everyone reacts to the situations and people so this season delivered on that front in multiple ways. I did tire of the Roger/Mowhawk storyline but everything else went at warp speed. 

    I hate to lose Young Ian (and the dog!) but I am so, so, so glad it wasn’t Jamie  who stayed behind. I would not have looked forward to another season of Jamie and Claire being apart. The show works better when they’re together as a team. 

    Jamie is definitely aware of Jo & Murtagh. He was giving them the side eye when she was rushing him off to he slave quarters. 

    I can give Roger a pass for needing a moment to think when he found out about Bree, etc. It was a lot and he wasn’t in the best place emotionally or physically already. expecting to go back home so choosing to stay meant giving up his 1970’s life ....at least for the time being. He hasn’t had the best of luck in the 1700’s. Also it’s not a coincidence that they now have 3 gems. They’ll go back with the baby eventually. 

    I enjoyed the entire season -- no one got on my nerves.

    I was personally urging Roger to get the hell outta dodge! But I guess seeing how much Brianna was missing him.. ok! It made her happy. I liked the cheesy run through the field reunion/hug. It was cute. It warmed my cold cold heart. Plus I wondered if Rodge took a few extra days to get back to River Run cuz he was looking for that stone circle again-- this time marking it on a map so he can find it! (though if I had my druthers-- I would hook Bree and Lord John up and let Roger go home!)

    Don't care about the dog but Ian looked happy that he was accepted into the tribe. And the tribe traded a slave for an active member-- so win for them!

    Why can't the baby time travel? They really need to explain (to the viewing audience) how those stones work. Like have none of these fools done any kind of research? I just don't get how they work!!!!! How does Claire know that baby can't go? Why can't Jaime go into their time (the future?) and Otter Tooth time traveled? Right? How? when? why? I obviously put way too much effort thinking about this! haha!

    Anyway-- I liked this ep so much I will; probably watch again.

    • Applause 1
    • Love 8
  21. 1 hour ago, CrazyInAlabama said:

    I think Stephanie had sickle cell, and had an experimental bone marrow transplant at five or so.    It's hard for me to keep the back stories straight, so I googled it. 

    I didn't bother to google it-- I was just trying to remember.. she had something as a child requiring her to stay in hospital for long time-- I thought cancer?

  22. 1 hour ago, marceline said:

    How can Owen just give Teddy his job? Does the hospital even have a Human Resources department? The way these people just decide among themselves who should have what job is ridiculous.

    I was coming here to ask that same question? Say what? Owen can just give his job to someone else??? just like that???

    Not interested in anything Owen/Amelia (Though she bugs less now that the tumor has been removed!) and Teddy. As someone said up thread--- the actress playing Teddy is anorexia skinny. Feed that poor woman a sandwich.

    I don't mind Meredith dating/having a fling or two. It's nice to see her smile.

    But that Linc dude? no...just no. And they gave him the childhood cancer card? Didn't Stephanie (who got all burned up in the season finale a couple years back ) have the same story? Childhood cancer-- lots of time spent in hospitals -- becomes doctor because of it. Yeah I remember too. Wash rinse repeat.

    And I laughed out loud and little Derek being 5 years old! hahaha! Grey's timeline is so effing funky! How is that child still only 5?????

    • Love 4
  23. 6 hours ago, Lady Calypso said:

    They are giving Link a bit more to do, so that's nice. Finally they show why he's a contender for Meredith's love triangle, since before this episode, I didn't understand. Chris Carmack is charming so that does help, but they've finally given Link some maturity with his role in the birthday party and helping with the kids. The reason I can't see Deluca as an endgame option for Meredith is because I can't see him being a father to her three kids. With Link, it's not like I can completely see it either but at least I don't see him as just a glorified babysitter like I do if Deluca and Meredith ended up together. 


    I don't understand. Why does anyone have to be "endgame?" Meredith can't date/have a couple flings without having to end up with said fling?

    I am asking honestly.

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