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Posts posted by taanja

  1. 5 hours ago, Empress1 said:

    So when the reality that Johnny is a simple guy from/in the barrio AND that he's having (had?) a child with another woman set in, Lyn lost interest AGAIN and ran back to Rudy? Did I read that right? Her face fell as Johnny was describing his perfect day, and she pouted and looked stank when he went off to attend to the birth of his child. Then the next episode is Lyn snuggling up to Rudy and Johnny is nowhere to be found.

    I interpreted that as Lyn listening to what Johnnie's perfect day would be and realizing in that moment that they have no interests in common.

    and THEN he gets the text that the baby is coming. I think Lyn wants to forget that Johnnie has other people in his life and other obligations that aren't HER.

  2. 17 hours ago, Empress1 said:

    This is Kate Moennig. Nico does kind of look like her. Moennig also plays queer characters a lot - she's currently playing one now on grown-ish.

    I loved the neighbor telling Lyn that she was selfish and her actions were ugly and she didn't see how her fuckery affected people.

    I don't know why no one seems to be on the "get a job and pay it back" train (if Emma has the cash on hand to pay it off at once, Lyn could AND SHOULD pay Emma back). Lyn would drive me insane if I knew her; I'd have to keep her at a distance. She's that friend you see once  a quarter and she talks incessantly about herself and her problems, all of which are of her own making.

    Half the characters I adore on television I would HATE IRL. I LOVE dramatic hot messes as characters. I love to watch them rail and moan and be all dramatic and basically do things and behave in a way that IRL would be unacceptable. I love Lyn because she is chaos personified. In true life-- I would NOT associate with such a person - Haha!

  3. 22 hours ago, scrb said:

    I still think they made Nico a Katherine Moening clone from both The L Word and Ray Donovan.

    With the look if nothing else.

    I don't know what that means?

  4. 22 hours ago, BaseOps said:

    This is kind of taking her quote out of context, though. She was saying that when it comes to acting, she hasn't really be challenged in the role of Meredith for a few years - which is fair. She's played the part for over a decade, and Meredith doesn't get extremely challenging storylines anymore. When she talked about focusing on goals behind-the-scenes, that means many things: 1) the quality of the series, as she's taken on a hands-on role the past several years, and 2) the work environment. She's focused on keeping the series great, evolving, having important things to say, etc. Just not so much on challenging Meredith's character / herself as an actress. Which is fine. 

    And directing. I believe I read somewhere that she had directed at least one ep?

    I love her lisp. It's adorable. I love that she is a successful, strong, outspoken woman. 

    • Love 5
  5. 1 hour ago, BaseOps said:

    For all the complaints... the fans seems to continue loving what Ellen and Krista are delivering. TVLine just put together the rating stats for the 2018/2019 TV season, including Live+7 DVR playback data, and it's incredibly impressive. It's not surprising that ABC granted them a 2-year renewal. 

    The top 10 shows overall by demo: 

    1 - NBC Sunday Night Football, NBC (5.9, no change)
    2 - Thursday Night Football, Fox (4.4, +3% vs. CBS/NBC avg.)
    3 - This Is Us, NBC (3.8, -30%) * 
    4 - The Big Bang Theory, CBS (3.8, -14%) * 
    5 - The Masked Singer, Fox (3.8, NA)
    6 - The OT, Fox (3.3, -11%)
    7 - Grey’s Anatomy, ABC (2.9, -12%) * 
    8 - Manifest, NBC (2.8, NA) * 
    9 - Young Sheldon, CBS (2.6, -21%) * 
    10 - The Good Doctor, ABC (2.5, -26%) * 

    * = Scripted

    Grey's finished season 15 as ABC's #1 series and the #2 drama on all of broadcast, behind only This Is Us. It was the #3 scripted series overall behind only This Is Us and The Big Bang Theory.

    This Is Us was down 30% season-to-season, Big Bang was down 14% (boosted by the huge finale numbers) and The Good Doctor was down 26%... Grey's was only down 12%. It had the lowest season-to-season decline of any scripted series in the top 10. 

    I make no apologies. I love EP and I love that she is outspoken. I know! How dare *gasp!* a woman and the lead of the show no less -- tell it like it is behind the scenes.??? How dare she!

    Ellen has been there since the beginning and she can certainly tell us a thing or two what it was really like in the early years. As well as now. I like that she and Shonda decided to take matters into their own hands and make things (the work environment) a more welcoming place to be.

    And let us not forget some of the shenanigans that have taken place over the years (from IW to KH etc-- the most recent being Patrick Dempsey.) He and his wife split-- rumors of his infidelity were all over the news. EP and Dempsey's wife were/are friends in real life and the fact that she stated that she hasn't spoken to him since 2015 ??? hm? I wonder why? 

    I am thinking Ellen Pompeo knows a lot of little secrets/gossip/actual events that have happened behind the scenes over the years. If she should ever write a tell-all book--- I would so read that shit!

    • Love 6
  6. 14 hours ago, tennisgurl said:

    Lyn admitting that Vida told her that all she was good for was being pretty was really sad. You can tell how much she internalized that, and while she has a terrible worth ethic and a lot of her problems are of her own making, thats still an awful thing to tell your kid, and you can tell that this bothers her. 

    I like the bartender woman, I think she and Emma could do really well together. She seems like she would be really understanding of her issue but also would not put up with her crap.

    THAT^^^^ explained a lot to me about the character. She has obviously drifted from guy to guy but never finding anyone to love (except Johnie)

    She has a history of being a "kept woman" << I got that from the story Lyn told about the ex boyfriend Juniper packing her stuff and taking away her credit cards--- which leads her to stealing her mother's CC and charging up thousands in debt. She has obviously never had a real job or has never had to pay her own way.

    The bartender woman's name is Nico and she is a great complex character in the little we have seen her.

    • Love 4
  7. 1 hour ago, mtsmvfn said:

    I didn't see this posted but Vida was renewed for 3rd season. 


    I binged all of season 2 already and really enjoyed it. I loved the way they speak. they speak the way my family speaks a mixture of English and Spanish all mixed together. 

    Yes! Mi familia in Mesa speaks just like that! 

    Glad to hear the show was renewed. I did a marathon watch of season 1 then season 2. Loved every moment. Emma is uptight and repressed and GOD! I love her in every way. She is in charge of her own sexuality and it is so refreshing to see. I liked that that dude she was fucking and treating like a sex object spoke up and said --- ummm no! (I can NOT for the life of me remember his character name-- the carpenter dude) anyway then Emma goes to his house to apologize and the old Mama makes her stay and eat! haha!

    Lyn(da) is my favorite. She is a hot mess and those are usually my favorite types of characters. She is beautiful to look upon and totally messed up in the head. I love her and Johnnie. He is beautiful and she is beautiful and together they make a beautiful messed up couple. My kind of television.

    Emma has been called out a couple times on why she wants to save the bar if she hates it so much. She finally admitted that she loves the bar. She learned to walk on those floors. She danced with her mama on those floors. 

    Their poppy is alive! What? Didn't see that happening!

    • Love 1
  8. On 6/1/2019 at 12:38 PM, Tallulah7606 said:

    I for one, am incredibly glad this season is over. It’s like a different writer, one who has never watched a single episode of greys, took over for the entirety of the season. 

    Meredith and DeLuca together is vile, and completely ridiculous! 

    Maggie has turned from mildly irritating to completely, mind numbingly whiny.

    I guess I stand alone but I don't find Mere and Deluca vile. I think they are kind of cute. But I only see them as a fling -- at least for Mere. I do not see them as long term nor do I see them as "end game" whatever the hell that means.

    I agree about Maggie. Oh and Jo too. I can't stand her character and lately I can't even watch her.

    • Love 4
  9. 19 hours ago, scrb said:

    She must have liked him some.

    As the clips showed, she did eat his ass after all!


    Of course she did. But then he packed up her shit and asked her to leave. He doesn't want her. He is now with new blond chicky. Like she said -- she can't compete.

    IMO Lyn wants to be wanted -- she loves to be loved.

  10. On 6/2/2019 at 4:01 PM, scrb said:

    Meanwhile, Lyn's shaken because one of the men who dumped her recently is dating some  Instagram star.  She tries but bemoans that she can't compete with her feed.

    Mari calls her out for milking her beauty all her life and Lyn can bat her eyelashes to get a cake fixed gratis but she seems to pine for men who've dumped her.

     I loved that scene at the bakery with Lyn batting her eyelashes and acting all pretty girl to get what she wanted. She has power in her beauty!

    And I think she is pining for ex boyfriend not because she misses him or likes him or even wants him back -- it's that he doesn't want her. <<< that to Lyn is the sin of all sins!

    • Love 2
  11. 14 hours ago, qtpye said:

    I wanted to look like this show as a woman of color who grew up in an immigrant household. I heard a lot of good things about the first season. The opening scenes seemed extremely male gaze oriented and objectifying of the two beautiful Latina lead actresses. It was off putting to me but that might be a little unfair on my part. 

    Oh? I didn't see it that way -- but I usually don't think in those terms when watching television. I watch certain things because they entertain me. Or... I turn the channel.

    I love that fact that both sisters own their sexuality and are unapologetic about it. And if there was any "objectifying" going on it was from ME! LOL (sorry couldn't help myself.)

    • Love 4
  12. I just discovered this show last week...?? anyway I did a whole marathon watch on Saturday of the first season (only six eps?) and then last night watched the entire second season (minus the last two eps which I will watch tonight)

    anywho... LOVING IT! Wow!!!! Emma! my girl! I love her no nonsense uptight thing she's got going on. and Lyn-- girl! She and Johnnie are my new "power couple" meaning -- they got MAD chemistry!

    Love the Spanglish.--- reminds me of home (Mesa AZ) I miss habla-ing with mi amigos en la Spanglish. Oh my gatos! 

    • Love 3
  13. On 5/18/2019 at 11:23 AM, funnygirl said:

    The season finale was the lowest rated episode of the series to date. 

    1.3 demo/5.99 million.  

    It was up against The Big Bang Theory series finale-- which I did watch.

    I turned to Grey's during commercials and everything I saw made me roll my eyes until I thought they were gonna fall right out of my head. I haven't yet worked up the gumption to watch the entire Grey's ep.

    • Love 6
  14. 42 minutes ago, MJ Frog said:

    And there's also the fact that as mythical creatures they can't really be compared to cats and dogs. We don't know what they think or how much they perceive. For all we know they were doing crossword puzzles in their spare time. I mean, probably not, but, you know.

    There was a scene with ... Drogon?.. a couple seasons ago where Dany flies away with him and he brings her to a mountain top somewhere. There are carcasses of dead creatures (obviously old meals) and the dragon just goes to sleep. Like a big lumbering beast after a big meal. No crossword puzzles (really?) no human activities.  Just like a big ole dog after a big ole meal -- he just wanted to take a long nap.

  15. 21 hours ago, iMonrey said:

     What makes you say they've always been portrayed as big lumbering beasts? They've always shown a psychic connection to Dany. How else did Drogon even know she'd been killed? When Tyrion unchained two of the dragons in Mereen, didn't they both seem to understand what he was doing? They even lowered their heads so he could unlock their collars. I don't think it's much of a stretch to say Drogon understood Dany better than anyone.

    That's like my psychic connection with my cat. Doesn't mean my cat thinks with human logic.

    Just like cats and dogs -- they "feel" connection with their owners but they certainly can not be assigned the thought process of human logic. Sorry. 

    • Love 3
  16. 23 hours ago, Ottis said:

    That has nothing to do with my point. I mean, none of the characters listening to her speech knows who Hitler is, either. The allusion to Hitler propaganda speeches/rallies was for the viewer, not the characters. The show created a setting that resembled something that existed IRL. My point was that it was no accident.

    I really wish the argument over Dany would stop. Her descent into madness was hinted at in season one and shown throughout every season, and the show's mythology more than foreshadowed it. Her arc was the only one that actually made sense, and built on what was done before.  Now, did the shift go downhill fast this season? Sure, and so did everything else. But that's a pacing issue, not a story issue, for Dany. 

    I saw nothing that reminded me of Hitler. It is only here that I have read anyone comparing the two. 

    I also beg to differ. I never saw Dany being portrayed as descending into madness. Never. It came out of nowhere IMO.

    • Love 4
  17. On 5/19/2019 at 10:29 PM, Ottis said:

    Her speech to her troops resembled Nazi films. Her half crazy smile as she gazed at the throne was disturbing. Her explanation to Jon that she, and no one else, knew what a better world was was terrifying.

    Dany was clearly mad. I don't see how it can be viewed any other way, given what was shown. 

    Her speech was in a language no one there understands! (Besides the Dothraki and Unsullied obviously) Certainly Jon or Ayra and even Tyrion to an extent -- DO NOT speak or understand! We only know what she was blathering about because TPTB helpfully supplied subtitles.
    The populous of Kings landing speak the "common tongue" and if anyone was there to listen -- they wouldn't have a clue what she was saying!

    In defense of Danny's passionate speech -- she was all afire from her recent killing spree. Her juices were running wild and therefore coloring her words to sound "terrifying" Once she calmed down she explained to Jon that she knows best. All is well. But Jon being Jon -- he didn't like the sound of that and hence the kiss and stab of death..

    • Love 1
  18. On 5/19/2019 at 10:22 PM, Bryce Lynch said:

    Right, Drogon is apparently capable of abstract thought that seeking that stupid chair killed his Mommy, but not the concrete thought that the man who plunged a dagger into his Mommy's heart was standing in front of him.

    Thank you! I guess I am the only one who rolled my eyes at that scene. That was just -- say what? The dragons have always been portrayed as big lumbering beasts--instinctual but not especially bright. To assign it motive and logical thought??? Just no. (but the silly dragons are/were the least favorite part of the show for me.)

    Oh and upon re-watch-- when Dany gives her big winners speech to the Dothraki and Unsullied in that language that isn't the "common tongue" -- ummm... how does anyone but the Dothraki and Unsullied understand what she is saying?

    Jon Snow or Arya and even Tyrion (who may understand a little and speak even less as one scene specifically showed) don't speak or understand the language. So how do they understand what Dany is saying? to the point they decide she needs to be killed?

    • Love 2
  19. 17 hours ago, Artsda said:

    Starks together/Ghost were the best part. tog

    But... but the Starks weren't together -- they were all separated at the end.

    Jon way up Nord-- Ayra going west of Westeros (America) Sansa staying in Winterhell and Bran down in the city (Kings Landing)

  20. 16 hours ago, Barbara Please said:

    What a shit show:

    Drogon’s reaction to his Mother's murder basically sums up my feelings about Season 8. Drogon knew Jon was trouble from the start. Blah blah, you’re my queen, blah... kills her whilst kissing her. Jon needed to be spit roasted.

    Tyrion makes a blathering speech while still in chains, and because he sounds all fancy n' smart everyone says yes to it all. I love you Peter Dinklage, but Tyrion needed to DIE!

    The Dothraki -- where da fuck did they go?

    The Unsullied are sent away on ships to somewhere. Dismissed.

    Bronn the smug asshole is in charge of all the money and it will be gone faster than you can say:  "brothels, wine, and gambling."

    Bran the Creep is King of the six kingdoms because he has a good memory, and can roll his eyes really far back into his head

    Sansa the sulky is Queen of the North. She can spend the rest of her days looking down upon everyone. 

    Arya is Dora the Explorer. 

    Broody Jon gets sent back to the Night's watch as punishment for murdering Dany. When he gets there the wall has magically been restored, and Tormund and Ghost have the hot chocolate and scones ready. 


    I love everything about this post! haha! And right! The fucking wall fell down! So Jon is sent back up north to guard the wall? from... the white walkers that are no more? What?

    After that serious character assassination of Dany's character last week I couldn't even begin to imagine how this was all going to end. Jon literally gives Dany the kiss of death. Alrighty then.

    Bran? Bran the Broken? Fucking worthless Bran!!!!! oy vey! That is some real shit.

    I was kind of hoping The Hound had somehow someway survived that fall last week and would go adventuring with Arya west of Weteros. But then my hopes were crushed.

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