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Posts posted by taanja

  1. 19 hours ago, grawlix said:

    Sorry to disagree, but Amalia says "when".  This is with HBO  closed captioning.


    Mia culpa! Mia culpa!

    I also went back and this time slowed it down and YES! WHEN not where.

    So a time traveler?


    • Love 3
  2. 1 minute ago, Haleth said:

    I thought it said "where" too but then thought maybe I was mistaken.  

    That's why I went back and watched with CC on -- they definitely "type" where and not when

    also when I listen to the conversation -  I hear -  "where I'm from..."

    So I don't know if Amalia is a time traveler but she certainly is not from Victorian England. She has given us several clues like when she was looking at map of London she says she is not familiar with London cuz she's not from "here"

    and she makes that comment to Penance about woman in this place can be killed for speaking their mind.

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  3. On 5/3/2021 at 7:01 AM, MissLucas said:

    There are lots of hints about Amalia being a time-traveler - the line about not owning her face, Maladie calling her the skin changing lady, her calling Penance's device an amplifier and in this episode her line 'We don't do funerals from WHEN I'm from.' Interesting that Penance

    I watch with Closed Captions on (they all have many different accents and it makes it much easier!) anyway -- I watched that scene twice/three times with CC and Amalia says "we don't have funerals where I'm from -- not when.

    Also I wondered why we were seeing that reporter lady. I figured that scene meant something and I guess it does! haha! I did not recognize her. Cool spoiler.

    Yes loving Bonfire Annie (the actress is gorgeous!)

    Edited to add: Cheese! best chess game ever!

    • Love 3
  4. 21 hours ago, owenthurman said:

    We shall see. I think the person locked in the basement is Lord Massen’s wife, not his daughter. It would be consistent with the 19th century British novel tropes that are all over this show, specifically “the madwoman in the attic” of Lord Rochester from Jane Eyre. 

    The headstones stated that the wife was born on 1850 and died 1886 - and that Lillie was born in 1886 (Mother probs died giving birth) and daughter Lillie's DOD is listed as 1896 -- the same year the touched became touched.

    I think Massen hates the touched cuz his daughter has some kind of affliction of which he is ashamed. So he keeps her locked in the basement.

    What did he say to Amalia? Something about them having god-like qualities but being abominations of god. 

    I didn't realize this show now has it's own thread.

    • Useful 2
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  5. Tall girl id def NOT Massen's daughter -- that thing is locked up in the basement. I am sure we will meet the freak that is Lillie next ep.

    So Mary's song was FOR Amalia! Cool! I will have to watch again to listen/read what was said (Closed captions) but hey! I did not see Mary's death coming last ep so that was a shocker for me.

    Haha! Lucy! she is the informant! duh! there were clues but I did not see that coming either!

    The Penance and Auggie conversation was great! She was accusing him of killing Mary and he was confessing that he ditched her at the party cuz his sister made him do it! and at the end Penance says -- so do we think Lavinia killed Mary? Ha! They are cute.

    Still-so far- my fave character is Amalia. When she wasn't at the funeral for Mary (and Madalie was in the coffin giving Mary a final cuddle - ugh!) I knew I loved her more and then we see that she was drinking and fighting! Yup! Love her!

    Oh and we met a new touched -- the dude that creates the trash can lids to use as stairs! haha!

    Personally I am loving this show and re-watch each episode at least twice.


    7 hours ago, Chicago Redshirt said:

    There are others who had the potential to know about Mary and the plans to broadcast at the park -- basically everyone at the Orphanage  


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  6. 3 hours ago, Bill1978 said:

    I'm really enjoying this show at the moment however I am not a fan of Maladie's 'insane speak'. I hated it with Drusilla on Buffy and I'm hating it here. Only because I'm not a fan of the way the speech is meant to provide as clues for the story. I get that she is insane (as was Drusilla) but I just hate when riddles are used as speech.

    I love a good crazy character and Drucilla was one of my all time faves! I have no problem with crazy speak -- I feel it takes me into the mind of their madness. And Madalie is a trip! Like a trip down crazy town!


    "There is pleasure sure in being mad which none but madmen know"  -- John Dryden


    • Love 3
  7. 3 hours ago, Haleth said:

    There were certainly some gruesome things going on.  Poor Elisabetta.  I was hoping she'd be rescued before the doctor cut into her head.  So the evil doctor is employed by Lavinia and has nothing to do with Maladie and that group.  Hmm.  And what is that giant blue orb?  Hmm.

    I love, love Amalia's swagger.  She is fearless.  I really liked that she and the detective shared information (for the most part).  I'd rather see him as an ally rather than an impediment to Amalie's efforts.  And keep his men out of the girls' undergarments.

    I absolutely cringed when the Touched women had to wear blue bows to identify themselves.  (Not to mention entertain the society people.)

    I know!  She was fun and useful, however at the end it looked like she and her son were moving out.

    Yeah, I'm thinking Molly and Sarah were separated when Amalie got married and was not allowed to have contact with Sarah anymore?  Maladie saw that as an abandonment and skin changing?

    I also look forward to this show each week, more than anything else I've been watching lately.  It's fun, it's interesting, the acting is well done, the characters are appealing, the production values are superb, the story is moving along... all good things.

    I was wondering what that giant orb thing is -- is it the "spark" in the touched that the evil doctor is removing from their heads to reanimate the alien spaceship? I am no good at speculating so probs not. And Lavinia says it's = war - not fun -- what does she mean?

    I personally thought Amalia and the detective had some cute chemistry . I would like to see more of that.

    The blue ribbons were my first hint that Lavinia isn't all she seems to be. That was off-putting and I loved the looks the characters exchanged between themselves when told they had to wear them.

    Yes! I find I am not only looking forward to each weeks eps-- I am actually re-watching them! I only do that when I really like a show.

    • Love 1
  8. I have never watched any of the other shows mentioned -- Bat people/ Bat women/ Bat Men-=- and such -- so I have nothing to compare this to.

    So Amalia and Maladie were once upon a time - Molly and Sarah. Two abused little girls perhaps? One escaped and one did not- one feels guilty about escaping and not saving the other and one blames the other for not coming back and saving her. I do like that dynamic!

    So Maladie is the only one who remembers seeing the spaceship?

    I thought Amalia and the detective (can't remember his name) had some interesting chemistry when they were going over the crime photos together. 

    Lavinia is really the bad guy! ha! I didn't quite understand what that glowing thing was -- I will have to rewatch --- but was it the spaceship?



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  9. On 4/15/2021 at 9:35 PM, HighHopes said:

    If people are “exhausted” with watching shows and characters deal with the reality of being Black in America try to imagine how it is to live as a Black person in America. The show is 42 minutes and you can turn it off or mute it at anytime. Black people do not have the option to turn their lives off. 

    If the show makes you think or makes you uncomfortable, good. If you’re bored by it, by watching Black characters deal with their very real experiences you might need to ask yourselves some questions about why that is. 

    And to answer someone else, being woke will never end. Sorry you’re no longer able to watch shows that ignore racism and sexism. Everything in this episode has always existed, you’re just no longer going to be able to live your life ignoring it. 


    I ❤️ this a million times!

    Thank you. 

    • Love 5
  10. 21 hours ago, AnimeMania said:

    The Nevers: HBO Max's Best Original Series Debuts with 1.4 Million Viewers

    The Nevers is HBO Max's most-watched original series premiere to date.

    Good to hear. I enjoyed it very much.

    I don't know some of the characters names yet -- but tall girl is the daughter of the Lord Massen? I guess I didn't recognize her. Also brother of wheelchair lady (Sorry! I can't remember the characters names yet!) got touched by the sparkles and he seems to be able to understand birds -- well crows anyway and the doctor with the magic touch also got sprinkled - so it seems some of the men are affected as well.

    Speaking of the sparkles-- was that an alien ship that flew over them all (London) or something that Penance made? and if she "created" it -- is it from the future? or the past? or... my mind is exploding!

  11. 7 hours ago, GaT said:

    Did they explain why this show is called "The Nevers"& I just missed it? It doesn't seem to be related to anything.

    I think Amalia knew what was going to happen & that's why she jumped in the water, to make sure none of the sparkly things fell on her. This doesn't explain where her precog & fighting/strength skills come from though, so I am still confused.

    Right. I re-watched because 1st time I didn't understand what exactly was going on. Yes it looks like Amalia was trying to kill herself. I didn't catch that the 1st time around. Also dude who was in that council of men--- it looked like his little daughter was touched by the  sparkle sprinkles and fell down. Did she die? is that why he hates the "touched" so much?

    • Love 2
  12. On 4/9/2021 at 7:02 PM, ElectricBoogaloo said:

    To be fair, Meredith's first words were to thank Richard for making a tough decision and then telling him she was glad that she chose him to make her medical decisions. AND THEN she said they needed to talk about Jo (because hey, who cares about the gaggle of kids who are waiting for you at home, right?).

    Much like with me when the show remembers that Meredith has 3 children -- the character herself forgets that plotline too. We both go.. wait! what? 3 kids? oh yeah....

    • LOL 2
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  13. I really liked it. It appeals to everything I love in a fantasy show. And when I saw the credit and noticed Joss Whedon's name -- I was like yup! It did have a bit of a Buffy vibe.

    I liked the two lead characters -- most especially Amalia. I want to find out what's the what with her. She seemed extraordinarily strong -- so is she one of the aliens who were flying that cool as hell spaceship and dropping glitter onto the chosen few below? But then that doesn't make sense. But man! I want to find out!

    I hardly ever read about creators (writers, producers and such) of shows I watch cuz they are inevitably disappointing when you find out the truth about the person behind the scenes. I have seen some things recently about Joss Whedon and I just go ***la la la la! I can't hear you!***  I will not let his personal antics color my perception of his work. At least not this new show. Cuz I liked it and want to see more. Plus American Gods  and Luminaries both ended ---  so I am looking for a new show to watch.


    • Love 6
  14. On 4/11/2021 at 12:43 AM, chocolatine said:

    Well, that's over. Too much time spent on Frank - if he was going to die anyway, he should have just died from the OD and the time should have been spent on his children. Speaking of OD, I can't believe the adult Gallaghers just left Frank's needles and paraphernalia on the coffee table where Frannie draws/plays. Have they learned nothing from when Liam got into Fiona's cocaine stash?

    Apparently Lip is so smart that he can immediately spot the flaw in a forex trading system, but not smart enough to understand the concept that if he actually lists the house, he may get multiple offers at or above market value and wouldn't have to accept the low-ball $75k from his neighbor. Now he's not just screwing over his own financial future, but that of his siblings as well.

    Finally, really disappointed that Fiona didn't make an appearance. I thought Emmy was working on something with the showrunners. Come to think of it, the only reason I've stuck with this season is to see Fiona at the end.

    I was holding out for Fiona!

    Even though (in the hospital) Frank mistook the nurse for Fiona and said she was an angry baby but always so very pretty -- when he was "reading" the letter he left that Franny colored all over -- NO MENTION OF FIONA!-- he mentioned all the others by name but not Fiona. In his suicide note he fails to mention his eldest child. I found that off putting.

    Anyway I got a small tear in my eye when I realized Frank was really going to die.

    I figured it was going to be like all the other times-- he gets up off couch and disappears for days/weeks/months and eventually returns. But instead -- it's not the drugs' that get him -- it's the Rona! Irony.

    I kind of like where they left it all ambiguous. Life goes on oh blah dee oh blah da.

    Debbie thinking about taking off with crazy chick and dragging poor Franny along is kind of ... scary .. but I figure Franny is screwed anyway. The kid always was really screwed with Debbie as her mother. Like frank said -- Debbie is like Monica -- but not the good parts.

    • Love 4
  15. Ahhh Frank! I don't think he died though. That would be too easy. The cockroach lives to tell the tale. -- if he can remember it!

    Lip is and always has been a prick. He is mini Frank. He thinks he's smarter that the regular folk but he ain't. He's just more arrogant that's all.

    Is that Carl's baby? Ha! He's got at least two more that we know of. Prolific little fucker.

    Deb is ...well Deb. I guess she needs somebody so badly she'll settle for a bigger loser that she is!

    Kev and V? don't really care.


  16. On 3/11/2021 at 5:59 PM, whiporee said:

    Now that the end is near, I started thinking about the show as a whole, and as much as Iv'e enjoyed it, there are a whole lot of things that have just been left at the wayside. I came up with my list, but I figured I'd miss a lot.

    • Ian being not Frank's kid, or anyone's full sibling. That's my favorite.
    • Did no one from the college ever check on LIp? What about the teacher -- did she just cut him off? Did the lawyer never talk to him about options?
    • Did Frank ever talking/think/consider that he took a liver from someone who might have respected it?
    • Everyone except Carl -- Lip, Debbie, Liam, Ian -- being smarter than average?
    • Ian's dishonorable discharge? That follows you
    • Did Stimmy just go away for ever?
    • Did Fiona's rebellion at the supermarket ever make a change?
    • Did Patsy's close?
    • What about Fiona's settlement from her husband guy?
    • What happened to Tony?
    • What happened to Mandy? Is she still hooking?
    • Sammi and her kid just vanished forever?
    • Sheila and Liam were sort of close for a while. Did she ever call to say hi?
    • What about Ian's church?
    • Was Karen really brain damaged or just faking?
    • Did anyone ever investigate her attempted murder?

    That's just off the top of my head. Anyone have any answers or things I've missed?


    Carl's wife Cassidy-- she was from a well to do family - and just "disappeared" wouldn't the family wonder what happened to her? If she was indeed murdered-- wouldn't someone somewhere be looking into what happened to her?

    Carl's two babies. The twins that Frank used the syringe to knock up the Katey Sagal character (6 babies initially) and Frank and Liam were going to sell that one baby but instead it was "stolen" I have been worried about that child! I guess none of the Gallagher's care huh?

  17. On 3/22/2021 at 12:41 PM, iMonrey said:

    Clearly whoever is writing this show does not actually watch the show, and is unfamiliar with its history. Why wouldn't Debbie know who Liam's legal guardian is? Fiona winning guardianship of her siblings was a major plot point early on in the series. Debbie was in the court room at the time it happened. Frank is also still co-guardian. 

    Honestly - everyone involved in this show is just phoning it in right now. I cannot believe nobody on that set, nobody in the writer's room, not even Emma Kenney, stopped and said "Wait a minute, Debbie knows who Liam's legal guardian is."

    It's almost like the show is pretending Fiona never existed, because on top of obvious errors like that we have this whole situation with the house and nobody brings up Fiona's name. 

    I was yelling at the TV-- Fiona owns the house and is Liam's guardian! Why don't the characters know/remember that?

    When they changed the beginning of the show and removed Fiona that was when I said-- yup . they are pretending as if she never existed. Sigh. The other characters barely mention her. 

  18. On 3/29/2021 at 5:02 PM, CarpeFelis said:

    If I’m remembering correctly, wasn’t the house put into Fiona’s name a few seasons ago?

    Yup. I think it was last ep where at least two people asked -- who owns the house? and who is Liam's guardian?

    no one knew the answer to either question . *hint* FIONA!

    Anyway I am going to miss this show when it's gone. For me it has been a fun ride. I love the disfunction! 

    Lip has always been a piece of shit as far as I am concerned and he continues down the piece of shit path.  A true Gallagher.

    I wonder who is going to end up with Frank? Soon he will not be able to be left alone.

    I am holding out for Fiona's return!



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  19. 3 hours ago, Nilknarf said:

    That was horrendous and I checked out 20 minutes into the episode. 
    They can’t redeem Teddy for me; just like a thousand episodes of Station 19 can’t make me watch that, either. 

    ^^^ This!

    I didn't even make it 20 minutes. 

    And nope. Never gonna watch that fire station show.

    • Love 1
  20. On 3/21/2021 at 2:06 PM, ElectricBoogaloo said:

    My main takeaway from this episode (and this show in general) is that the gods are all a bunch of manipulative liars.

    Poor Shadow - he thought he had finally found a purpose and it was just his selfish asshole of a father using him. He should have listened to both Laura and Cordelia and gotten the hell out of there.

    I knew that Mr. World would not keep up his end of the bargain but I was a little surprised by how blatant he was about it. I really thought it would be more along the lines of casually smiting her with the snap of his fingers after she killed Wednesday for him.

    That is my takaway from every religion I have ever studied. 

    I feel pretty sure that Shadow isn't dead dead. it will probs be Laura? or Demeter? or someone who will save his ass beginning of next season. I am not worried about him.

    Oh and I laughed and laughed at that plane scene with Wednesday and Shadow. Cashews! Yeah!

    I guess I'm the only one who likes Wednesday. I like that he is pretty much a dick.

  21. 22 minutes ago, WatchrTina said:

    Meanwhile, back on topic . . . I do have to wonder how that small town managed to "offer" up a kid every year without anyone noticing the appallingly high "run-away" rate among their young nor the fact that one disappeared around the same time each year.

    I guess we're left to assume that that was part of the "magic" that lay over the town.  The town prospered due to their (unknowing) annual sacrifice to a demanding god and in return for that prosperity they collectively failed to notice the clues about there being something malevolent going on.  I assume Hinzelmann didn't age and the town simply failed to notice that as well. 

    Hinzelmann said something about everyone in town could ask questions/inquire about the missing people but choose NOT to ask any questions -in other words she implied that they stay ignorant on purpose.

    Even Marguerite said something like she wanted to believe her son was in Florida but never actually went looking for him. Something oddly vague like that which seemed odd in and of itself but sort of explained the towns thought process. 

    • Love 5
  22. 20 hours ago, Quark said:

    This show likes death too much.


    I mean I expect death with many of the patients cuz -- yeah -- they go to the hospital cuz they are really sick and/or dying.

    But seriously - the employees -  Doctors and nurses and even maintenance peeps have all bit the dust in that hospital. How the doors stay open and they get any one to even want to work there is beyond me!

    • Love 3
  23. 16 hours ago, showme said:

    Are we sure Wednesday is dead?

    No. We are NOT!!! At least I'm not. 

    I guess I'm in the minority but Wednesday is my kind of god. <unpredictable and kind  mad ... like crazy mad not angry mad though he was that too. Besides, he's the "All Father" so I don't see how he can be dead dead. I figure whatshername-- Demeter-- the giver of life or whatever will come and bring him back? maybe?

    Ha! I called it. That coin and the way the camera kept panning to that car on the lake -- I just knew gone girl was inside.  I was afraid for a moment that Shadow would get blamed for her death. And yup. When Wednesday recommended the town as a nice place to Shadow I just KNEW there was some god or another living there making sacrifices (human of course cuz BLOOD! ) to keep the town alive.

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