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Posts posted by taanja

  1. 15 hours ago, dwmarch said:

    I have to say, I didn't see the twist coming. I even commented on the first episode to say it was awfully convenient that these stories just happened to overlap. Well, as it turns out they only overlapped because the narrative is non-linear so that was a nice touch. It also explains how Matthew was able to seemingly teleport around in earlier episodes.

    Is Elanor stuck at 12 years old? She's been 12 since the 90's but she still reacts as if she is a child which is weird. But since we're mixing in a mad scientist plotline here we could have something brewed up that will allow Elanor to age like a normal human being in case this show goes on for a few seasons. I am a little surprised to hear Elanor say she's never killed anyone. Didn't she kill one of the tweaker half-vampires in an early episode?

    The scene with Peter's healing being revealed was beautifully done.

    I wondered how the show would deal with the age of the actress playing Elenore if the show goes into more than one season. Because the little actress is most deff gonna age. All I know is from the book/original movie the girl (Ellie) is stuck at age 12yrs for ... many many years. Like centuries. In this show it seems to be about 15 - 20 years?

    Every time I watch I wonder if this is the ep where Mark gets caught. Cuz you just know it's coming!

  2. On 9/14/2022 at 12:42 PM, Razzberry said:

    I don't know a lot about Catherine's life other than the bare essentials, but I'm always interested to learn so I'm grateful for this thread and for Wikipedia lol.   https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Catherine_de'_Medici

    "The wedding, a grand affair marked by extravagant display and gift-giving,[19] took place in the Église Saint-Ferréol les Augustins in Marseille on 28 October 1533.[20] Prince Henry danced and jousted for Catherine. The fourteen-year-old couple left their wedding ball at midnight to perform their nuptial duties. Henry arrived in the bedroom with King Francis, who is said to have stayed until the marriage was consummated. He noted that "each had shown valour in the joust".[19] Clement visited the newlyweds in bed the next morning and added his blessings to the night's proceedings."

    I didn't realize they were both just fourteen.


    Also they were married for 10 full years before Catherine became pregnant for the first time. 10 years! The show made seem like a year at most.

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  3. On 10/31/2022 at 4:17 PM, iMonrey said:

    I wondered if we were supposed to recognize the bald guy. I still don't remember him. 

    Zeke really runs hot and cold when it comes to Mark, he was so hostile towards him at the beginning, now he's showering him with gifts and praise. What is their relationship - is Zeke Mark's late wife's brother? 

    I think the story with Claire and Peter is a big drag on the show. I have a hard time getting invested in it and it just feels like everything comes to a screeching halt whenever the show cuts back to that story.

    I had to stop and think for a minute. Who is Claire and Peter? Ha! Yeah. That whole side story was NEVER in the original movie or even the remake. The best I can figure is Claire is trying to find a cure for being a Vampire? It's like she's never seen a movie or read a book about Vampires. She thinks it's some sort of disease that can be "cured" Didn't her father say it was in Peter's DNA - so I'm not sure what she thinks she can do?

    Any way, I like the Mark and Zeke relationship. It helps explain how Mark has been able to keep Ellie's secret a secret.

    The bald dude with the tats was watching Mark and Zeke load the body of Elijah's father into the car. He was originally with that dude (can't remember his name) that worked for Clair's father and now works for her. Bald guy was told to follow Mark and find out why he was watching them that one night (I think it was the first or second ep?)

    This is deff a different take on Let The Right One In. So far I am along for the ride.

  4. 16 hours ago, pezgirl7 said:

    That was me, and my conjecture came from a few lines from last season. I assumed that during the time frame when Eliza and William were going out to dinner each week, that he had put a pause to his side dalliances. Going out to dinner was pretty much courting back then, and I hate to think that William wanted to have his cake and eat it too. So I was a bit annoyed at him that he went right back to his loose women. I also was annoyed that Eliza knew about it and didn't seem the least bit annoyed! Why aren't more people annoyed! lol

    Although I didn't enjoy the behavior, I did enjoy the shirtless scene, and I love when his hair gets wavy. I wish it could be like that all of the time, but I suppose that was considered unkept. I also liked William's clothes being thrown at him, and the on going joke that Eliza is not his wife! Really curious to know how Ivy tracked him down.

    Ha! I was a little annoyed that William is back to having a side-piece. But then I remember -- this is Victorian England -- a time when many husbands had mistresses - so a single man fooling around? No Big Deal.

    I figured Ivy asked around and William ---not keeping his dalliance a secret---- was pretty easy to find.

    Yes!!!! the inside on going joke of Eliza being William's wife will never get old!

    I never "get" the mystery so I don't even try! I am only watching for the character relationships!

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  5. 2 hours ago, AuntieMame said:

    I’m so hoping for a fourth season, especially with Cait in Roman dress and in some sort of thrall to Aulus Plotius. I had a terrible thought this morning: could we be witnessing the secret history of not only the fall of the Druids but the secret takeover of Britannia’s soul by the demon Lokar? Because I thought that the red threads of compulsion were of Lokar no matter their seeming origin. Remember that the general said way back in Season One that when you conquered a land you had to fight their Gods. Did Lokar conquer the Druids and do the ripples spread out to this day?  

    I adore this show if it isn’t clear but boy am I unsettled by my read of the events. We know the Druids didn’t survive and were so thoroughly destroyed we don’t even know what they believed. 

    More Britannia please. 

    I love this show too! But it goes away... for like years! and I hear nothing about it.

    I wonder... is another season in the making?

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  6. I thought this one was cute. I had no clue who did what but I liked Eliza hiding out and working it from her end and William (Ha! he's got himself a side-piece!!) working it from his end and they both ended up at the same place.

    Really enjoyed William and Moses. I love the rivalry! Though in that time and place I don't consider him (Moses) a real contender for Eliza's affections. I love how Fitzroy seems enamored of Eliza and William is kind of bugged by it. It makes me smile. 

    Ivy! You go girl! 

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  7. On 10/28/2022 at 7:09 PM, ally8620000 said:

    I love their relationship too but when they were on the couch all I could think was "Zola is so obviously her favorite. You never even see her mention the other kids. Ever ". I know its because the actress is older and can work more hours but it stood out to me.

    I've noticed that for years!

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  8. 6 minutes ago, iMonrey said:

    Kids taking LSD and thinking they can fly is some classic After School Special bullshit. 

    Right! I rolled my eyes so hard they practically fell out of my head. Will they do Refer Madness next? The clichés were beating me over the head already!

    So the set-up for Mere leaving is because there is NO place in all of Seattle that can handle Zola's genius? 

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  9. 2 hours ago, AuntieMame said:

    Agreed. I noticed the drinking in a bar to tail a person and walking around unattended at night. Even middle class Victorian women were escorted most of the time, at the very least by a servant, especially at night. When Eliza was following the museum lady I scoffed that both of them were walking around Victorian London at night without anyone.  

    No woman other than a prostitute would have been in a pub, especially the rough kind. These are some of the iron clad conventions that made life so difficult for the trailblazing women of that time, but it doesn’t mean that they flouted all of them directly, especially the ones that could reflect on the perception of their purity. These women had to choose their battles and where and how they rebelled very carefully. This is the era where disobedient women were packed off to the madhouse if they weren’t very careful indeed.

    I notice a lot of period shows are doing this now. Giving the female characters agency they would NEVER have had in their own times. 

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  10. On 10/25/2022 at 10:31 AM, iMonrey said:

    What I want to know is why Peter isn't regenerating. Typically a vampire will simply regenerate if it gets cut or burned or otherwise damaged in any physical way. He's had plenty of feedings and plenty of time but shows no improvement. So in this universe vampires apparently do not self-heal. Which suggests the show is treating vampirism more like some kind of virus. Except viruses don't typically give people super speed or super strength. They seem to want to have their cake and eat it too.

    Maybe it's not part of this "Vampire lore" ??? Seems they are blaming being a vampire on having some kind of virus/bacteria. Like it's a disease. They deff ignored the "vampires can't see their own reflection" thingy because we saw Ellie see herself in the mirror before she smashed her fist into the glass.

    I've never read the novel by John Ajvide Lindqvist -- I have only seen the original Swedish movie. In the movie Eli's father wasn't really her father but in this show he is. And of course in the novel/original movie -- Eli isn't even a real girl. She isn't even a girl at all.

    So obviously this show has changed some things.

    I really like the take of the detective living right next door. I see many hijinks ensuing in the future. 

    Which leads me to wonder if this show will be more than one season? I ask because if they stick to basic vampire lore-- Elenore (Ellie) shouldn't age. Like she should be stuck in the age she was when she became a vampire. And that is really hard to do in a show when the child actors will naturally age.

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  11. On 10/10/2022 at 8:59 AM, Constantinople said:

    I agree. I don't find her interesting in any way. I understand in real life that Henri was devoted, if not addicted, to Diane, but I'm baffled as to why TV Henri is.

    I think they showed in the early eps that Diane is the aggressor in bed. She is also his pseudo mother. Henri most deff has mommy issues and Diane exploits every single one of them to her advantage.

    Catherine was young when married. Unimaginative when it came to sex. They showed her just laying there. (not the first time but after that) It came across as Henri just doing his duty when having sex with Catherine and actually enjoying the act when with Diane.

    it's as simple as that. 

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  12. 16 hours ago, voiceover said:

    And imagine my delight when Mrs Parker presents the other side of that coin, there at the end (“I hired you because you’re the only private detective I know!”).  Darwin may be dead, but Freud’s alive, and less than 20 years away from publishing his theories.  Eliza’s being taught them early: Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar, and sometimes, you’re hired because you were the first available.

    I laughed at that also! 

    This is the only "mystery" series/show I watch mainly because the mystery often times goes right over my head. So I don't really care if the crime/case is convoluted. I watch for the actors and the characters interactions. So far so good.

    The show keeps me entertained for the entire hour. Mrs. Parker's niece may even turn out to be a character I like.

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  13. 16 hours ago, Ceindreadh said:

    Well I for one was totally shocked.  I'd managed to avoid spoilers and my reaction was pretty much the same as 10/14s reaction.  "WHAT!!!"  (okay, maybe a little louder!)

    Yup. Me too. 

    I didn't even know a new episode was airing. I randomly turned to BBC America and -- voila! A new Doctor Who - so I watched. 

  14. Whoa! That was a lot!

    Dude who plays the Master was chewing up that scenery and spitting it out! raw! raw!

    I couldn't tell you what happened if you paid me. Though it was good to see some of the "old" companions. and I mean OLD! because I am old and they were young when I was young. I was like -- seriously those old ladies are running around like that? They will be bruised! They will physically pay the price!

    So the Doctor is David Tennant again? ( is that possible for the Doctor to become one of his/her older regenerations? Since when?) and when he  regenerated -- his cloths regenerated too? seriously? What?

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  15. 11 hours ago, funnygirl said:

    Zola is her father's daughter. Yes, I'm giving Derek the credit. St. Meredith of the Sun gets enough praise and I don't have to give it to her. 

    Obviously neither Derek nor Meredith are Zola's biological parent. So any "gifts" she inherited did NOT come from them. And brilliance can not be taught.  Also someone as "gifted" as Zola was just portrayed would have been tested in about the first or second grade. Some teacher along the way would have noticed. IMO

    Actually I didn't mind the show sounding the alarm! Body Autonomy can NOT be taken for granted anymore!!!! I am old enough to remember a time before Roe V Wade. I remember when my mother was "allowed" to get her own Credit Card -- without her husband or father's permission.. I am with Addison on this-- I can't sleep at night as my rights and those of my daughters are slowly eroded.

    I don't hate the new interns but no one is standing out to me -- yet -- but time will tell. I don't remember any of their names.

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  16. No Rupert?

    I am holding my opinion of Rupert's 'cousin" I usually don't like those forcibly quirky characters. We'll see.

    I was confused on the case. Did the couple kidnap the young pregnant woman and were going to take her baby away whether she consented or not? I wasn't clear on that.

    I will have to watch again -- but why exactly did William call things off with Eliza? It came across as a contrived plot point simply to drag out the will they won't they for at least another season. I don't know what I was expecting but it sort of came out of nowhere IMO

    Sigh. Not that I necessarily want them to get married - NOW- or anything (because I realize a married woman can no longer work) but it seemed like they were working together pretty regularly and even going out to dinner on friendly terms.

    I am quite fond of Moses! he continues to be a great character!

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  17. 1 hour ago, ChicksDigScars said:

    Zola's panic attack. Could this be the explanation we're going to get for Mere only being in half the episodes this season? She stays home to care for her daughter's mental health? 

    Wait. What? Ellen Pompeo is only going to be in half the eps this season?

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  18. On 10/10/2022 at 11:44 AM, funnygirl said:

    Derek and Addison didn't come to Seattle until they were already department heads. They went to medical school in NY and Richard taught them over there. There's no way Addison has anything to do with Simone's mom unless there is a retcon. 

    I considered the timeline but this show is so wonky who knows how long ago the event took place or how old that intern is supposed to be (Hell! they made Maggie a child prodigy!)

    This show could totally retcon ANYTHING! 

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  19. On 10/7/2022 at 7:54 PM, Milaxx said:

    Now that's a definite possibility. 

      Hide contents

    Especially since  Addison is scheduled to return. She and Derek were interns under Richard Weber.

    Hello to this!!! I was gonna say but I didn't want to spoil! Haha! She is the person/character I thought of when that new intern recited her VERY specific backstory.

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  20. 13 hours ago, Lady Calypso said:

    Meredith seemed to be more alive here than she's been in years. Ellen actually looked like she was acting! 

    For a six month time jump, they really wrapped up cliffhangers within minutes (Richard leaving, Teddy/Owen on the run, the residency program needing to be saved) and I'm not sure that's a great thing. 

    Schmitt being the Chief Resident, mostly because they're short staffed, is just so ridiculous. Schmitt killed a patient less than a year ago and he has ZERO leadership skills. He's gonna be a terrible Chief Resident. 

    Not much on anyone else, besides Owen needing a probationary attending, it seems, and Maggie/Winston....actually, I didn't catch an update with them.

    I love her. (Meredith/Ellen) She is the reason I am still watching this show 100 years later.

    So that off putting dude is Amelia and Derek's nephew? Ah ha! No wonder they cut him so much slack. Nepotism anyone? But hey - the actor is kind of cute. I can forgive cute people anything!

    I didn't hate it. Seems the show has been on a LOOOOOONG hiatus so I was glad to have it back.

    Ok so let me get this straight - The set-up was that Meredith and whatshisname-- Nick? - haven't seen one another for six months?

    And wait! what! Owen and Teddy? went...where? Ugh! I forgot their very existence until --- like a bad penny -- they rolled on in!

    I actually thought it was a funny take when Linc is freaking about new intern girl and she not only barely recognizes him-- she blows him of with the whole -- Dude! We do NOT nor we ever have had a "relationship" Haha! The look on his face was priceless!

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  21. On 9/16/2022 at 1:44 PM, Linda956 said:

    Well, this was different.  I was expecting a straightforward historical drama on Catherine de Medici like the other historical series on Starz, but this is almost played in parts for laughs.  Not a "Ha Ha" funny type of laugh, but more of a dry wit and sly observation.  Breaking the fourth wall is also different.  I normally don't like historical dramas that use modern dialogue, but since this is breaking so many other rules, I guess one can overlook it.  Using Patti Smith's "Gloria In Excelsis Deo" to end the first episode tells you this will be an interesting tale.

    THIS!! ^^ I came on to say this!

    I watch a crap ton of historical series but I am loving this new take.

    They got me immediately when Uncle Pope (Charles Dance) is saying how she isn't pretty or whatever he was droning on about and Catherine looks at the camera and spits right into his cup of wine!

    loved it!

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  22. On 9/8/2022 at 12:14 AM, purist said:

    I'm really late to the party, but I've finally finished season 3 and read all your comments. This show! It's so bonkers and over the top that it shouldn't work, but the quality of the acting and, above all, the humour make it an absolute joy. It's also beautiful to look at - the scenery (I love imagining England before it was extensively settled) and the costumes are awesome.

    Zoe Wanamaker as Queen Antedia might be my favourite character. Her face is so striking, and she brings the snark in such a delightful way. Sophie Okonedo must have had the time of her life portraying Hemple. What a truly mad and frightening character. And of course Nikolaj Lie Kaas as poor exasperated Divis. I was astonished at the twist at the end of the last episode - never picked him as the betrayer.

    Please, please, please can we have a fourth season sooner rather than later?

    better late than never!

    I hope another season is in the making. I too found this show by accident but it was the utter craziness that appealed to me and kept me engaged!

    It's like an acid trip enhanced by speed and a wee bit of weed to mellow the buzz. 

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  23. On 6/26/2022 at 8:36 PM, CountryGirl said:

    Ugh to the final moments of what was flashback or possibly fantasy between Elizabeth and Thomas. It’s making me feel some kind of way about TPTB trying to show them as some sexy pairing when in reality, he was a creep, grooming and abusing his young charge, who because of the times, her age, and station, could hardly grasp the reality of the situation and the harm being done to her. 

    Girls/Women have been subjected to this kind of behavior from men for the entire history of humankind.

    Personally I do not think TPTB were trying to make us (the audience) think there was anything sexy about that scene. Those were Elizabeth's personal memories -- she is just 14-15 years old. In her adolescent mind maybe she thought it was an act of love -- that Thomas must really love her! She had no other experience to base it on.

    and also - in 1547/1548 it was perfectly normal and acceptable for a 14year old girl to be married. By the following year at least -- Elizabeth has her own household. They were not considered children anymore.

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