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Posts posted by taanja

  1. 16 minutes ago, Valny said:

    I was not liking Naomi getting killed(wow,head smashing was brutal)  because I immediately thought of her poor Isaiah( I didn't think Mark would go through killing her either) but having Elinore turn her was a great turn, pun not intended.  I am guessing she will remember Mark killed her husband and still be pissed off but I guess then relieved that Eleanor saved her from death. It's a really intriguing storyline and I hope we get to see those emotions she will be going through. Oh the possibilities!

    Yeah! That head pounding on the cement floor was horrible! Naomi is one of my favorite characters so I was glad that she didn't die! She'll just be a vampire! That is a twist I didn't see coming and one I look forward to this show exploring!

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  2. I thought that was a great season finale!

    I knew the anti aging thing had to come into play because the actress who plays Ellie will naturally age. The young man who plays Peter looks to be about 25 years old. (I know he is supposed to be 15 but ... NO -- dude looks older!!!.) But still - nice set up for next season.

    Wow! Naomi! I'm glad she wasn't killed but she'll be a vampire now! haha! < I did NOT see that coming!

    I sure hope there is another season because I ended up liking this show more than I thought. 

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  3. On 12/1/2022 at 12:52 AM, Door County Cherry said:

    They kissed in Season 1, right?

    Alas, no, they did not kiss in Season 3.  He did get a new girlfriend who was an old rival of Eliza.  And she accused him of being in love with Eliza  (obviously).  

    I think they only discussed the memory of the kiss when they were teenagers. (maybe there was even a flashback?) But No. We have NOT seen adult Eliza and William kiss.

    I was thinking about this. A kiss is kind of a promise of marriage in Victorian times? No? They would both be aware of this etiquette. I feel they have shown William to be cautious with his feelings and he keeps them close to his vest. He is not going to be kising Eliza all willy nilly until he is ready to declare his intensions.

  4. On 11/28/2022 at 4:51 PM, iMonrey said:

    This is just a pet peeve of mine but I hate restaurant scenes where people don't end up eating their food. Naomi took one bite out of that burger, set it down, and nibbled a couple of fries. Who does that? Nobody, except TV characters who need to have some dialogue. Don't waste food!

    Also, when Mark and Eleanor got into that huge fight Mark was yelling at the top of his lungs "Do you know how many people I've murdered to feed you?" right next door to Naomi, who had also just gotten home. The walls can't be that thick.

    Ha! I was thinking the same thing! Apartment walls are notoriously thin! I was like -- Dude!  Mark! lower your voice!

    also the eating thing.

    I think it's cuz they probably have many takes during a scène and the food is either cold or they ate their fill during all the takes! EVERY single show that has characters eating does the same thing. The actors either push the food around or eat one tiny bite!

    But other than that -- things are getting real!

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  5. On 11/27/2022 at 7:30 PM, chaifan said:

    OK, I'll admit it... I don't get the Fitzroy/Eliza shipping.  Please, no.  Just, no.  I think it's cute that he has a crush on her, but there is absolutely -0- indication that she has any romantic feelings for him.  I think she's amused by how he frustrates William, but likes how William has a soft spot for him and takes him under his wing.  I think she regards him more like a golden retriever puppy than anything possibly romantic.

    What? where have you seen this?

    I love the way he looks at Eliza - he obviously thinks she is just marvelous! But it's just like a puppy dog crush.

     And No. Eliza seems to think he is cute and she is not above using his crush to her advantage.

    But that is all it is.

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  6. On 11/24/2022 at 10:36 AM, iMonrey said:

    Interesting that Zeke turned out to be the vampire expert. Apparently in this world, if a vampire enters without being invited they bleed out. In most stories they simply cannot enter. But this raises a couple of questions. Why would Ellie need to be invited into her own home, and

    That is taken - literally - from the original book/ movie. Even though this is called "Let The Right One In" - it is very loosely based on that story.

    I gave up any expectations of this particular show following the book/movie and am liking it better. Or should I say - I am liking it for what it is trying to be.

    The character of Mark intrigues me. And the actor is killing it (pun intended!) He murders to keep his child alive and it is killing him on the inside!

    I wasn't so sure about that whole side story with Claire and her brother Peter until they showed that Ellie and Peter had met 10 years ago when they both became vampires'.  I am looking forward to those two meeting again.

    I can NOT even guess where this show is going so each week I am like - whoa! Didn't see that coming! Haha!

  7. On 11/24/2022 at 2:30 PM, Door County Cherry said:

    This thread is to discuss Season 3 of Miss Scarlett and The Duke which is being released all at once on PBS Passport or weekly on PBS Masterpiece.  Nov. 24th marks the first availability for both. 

    Once Season 3 starts to air on a television network, either in the US or the UK, the episode threads will open for discussion and talk for available episodes should move there.  At this point, that looks to begin on Jan. 8th 2023.

    Should PBS start to regularly release the show on one of their streaming channels prior to airing, I may revisit when episode threads are open for discussion.

    But for now, discuss the new season here. 

    Wait! What??? Season 3 is available? now?

  8. 6 hours ago, kirklandia said:

    Heads up, anyone who has Comcast/Xfinity cable.  Nov 22-28 is FREE TV WEEK.  And it includes Acorn TV. Plenty of time to catch season 10 of Doc Martin! Right now, seven episodes are available.  I hope the eighth and final one will be added Monday.

    Thank you

  9. 17 hours ago, hatchetgirl said:

    I'll do the same.  I love the Norwegian movie so much, it's an all time favorite.  I was hopeful they would get a similar feeling but now I realize I need to just watch it totally as a stand alone.  

    I started watching this series because of the name. The (Original) Swedish movie is one of my all time favorites! Beautifully hauntingly filmed. Like you said -- more of a love story than a vampire tale.

    This series, though, is is getting into the nitty gritty of being a vampire in today's world.

    Like ... How would that actually work?

    and of course there is the whole take on what would you do to keep your child alive? Your child needs fresh blood to live. Where do you get that? How do you get that? Do you commit murder? What are you willing to sacrifice so that your child will continue to live.

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  10. 1 hour ago, blackwing said:

    BTW, I watch via the PBS website.  On the website there is a "which Masterpiece detective would be your partner" quiz.  I took it, and I got William Wellington!  I'm curious as to who the other choices might be.  Will have to take it a few more times to try and find out.


    Congratulations, your partner is Eliza Scarlet! Get ready for some serious rule breaking and non-stop action. Eliza is determined, intelligent, and won't stop until all the pieces of the puzzle fit together. You also don't mind breaking rules when it's for the right reasons; it's more important to solve the crime and catch the culprit, rules be damned! You may have had people doubt you a time or two, but that's never stopped you from doing what you're meant to do. You delight in proving others wrong, but you're also caring and quite charming. You and Eliza will surely be successful partners and great friends!

    ^^^^^^^ Haha!

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  11. 13 hours ago, Valny said:

    Loved seeing her origin story. The young actress is doing such a great job. I didn't know the mom would sacrifice herself right away until Eleanor was getting worse. Kind of horrifying to see the dad's first kill.

    Yeah Mark's first kill was grim! and horrifying! and realistic because he panicked like most decent people would.

    I guessed that Ellie's mom would sacrifice herself to keep Ellie alive. Especially after Mark told Naomi that her death "wasn't good" I was like -- yup Ellie sucked her blood!

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  12. Awwww! That was so cute! Nice way to end the season.

    And Fitzroy! my boy! He came through! I'm glad he didn't die. The little actor is just so cute and is certainly playing the part with such earnest appeal! he's my new favorite.

    Did anyone else think Hattie's fiancé was going to be some nasty old man? I did! So it was a nice surprise that the dude is just a little boy. But it was specifically mentioned earlier in the season -   I think by Hattie herself?--- that she and Eliza are the same age --  which is about late 20's? early 30's? and that dude looked VERY young - like maybe 18? So hm? a new set of problems for next season???

    I just love love love Eliza and Moses! I'm not even going to be sorry about it! yes she leads him around but he sure is fine doing her bidding! It amuses me that he finds Eliza so fascinating!

    and of course Eliza and William! Would either of them actually have said something to the other if William really did go to Scotland? I am happy William is staying though.

    I liked the handkerchief bit. He knew Eliza didn't embroider them -- she even admitted it was Ivy - and at first he threw them away and then after some consideration -- he picked them out of the trash and added them to his box of belongings. Aw! S0 symbolic!

    and I don't mind a bit of serious competition with that Nash dude. make William see that other men find Eliza desirable!

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  13. On 11/18/2022 at 1:25 PM, hatchetgirl said:

    Thank you for that info. I've only seen the movie, not read the book. That explains why people keep saying Eli isn't a girl and they don't mean she's a monster. 

    I want to like this show but I'm struggling. The original movie was such a haunted love story. I don't even describe it as a vampire movie. 

    This is VERY much loosely based on the book/movie. Like loosely with a capital L

    I'm liking it because it's not too scary. And since it is not like the book/movie -- I am just raking it as it comes --- which means I have NO expectations.

  14. 16 hours ago, iMonrey said:

    A lot of this felt like filler. Carnival games, birthday cakes, singing. Could have skipped a good 75% of it altogether.

    Did Claire sleep with Matthew? That seemed to be the implication when she walked into his room and closed the door.

    And Mark kissed Naomi, and Naomi did not seem to mind. I'll be interested to see how their next encounter goes. Not sure what's he's thinking.

    OK, do we know who the stargazer guy was? I'm assuming he's the one who "infected" both Peter and Eleanor. He's not the priest we saw at the end, is he?

    I think all the cake and carnival was to show how the two families are bonding.

    I kind of like Mark and Naomi . They deff have a chemistry. I think once in a while Mark just wants to forget the horror story he is living in and wants to be normal. But man! When Naomi finds out Mark killed Isaiah's father! Watch out!

    I am interested in when Peter and Ellie became vampires. and I was like - whoa! They knew one another before.???? That HAS to mean something!

    and yeah - that guy that took their names and address ? Is he the original vampire? I wonder?

    • Like 2
  15. 3 hours ago, tootsie said:

    I don't want to be the one to inject anything dark into the discussion but I'm worried about a Fitzroy demise. His father might find a dead but heroic son easier to bear than a live son who doesn't meet his expectations (well, he's an awful person and I'm just saying the obvious) With Fitzroy out of the picture, the impetus behind the Glasgow transfer would lessen if not disappear entirely. 

    I find Fitzroy genuinely likeable and I go all soft on the Duke when he interferes on Fitzroy's behalf. So note to writers: Do not even THINK about killing off that character. Period.

    ^^^ that never occurred to me!

    I like Fitzroy! The little actor is killing it! His cute little facial expressions are adorable - especially when he sees Eliza walk into a room! He just lights up! !

    He's a geek from the 1800's! Spouting Shakespeare! Being all weird and awkward.

    Don't kill him!

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  16. On 11/14/2022 at 8:12 AM, Jeffurry said:

    As soon as they showed the sister, I said, "She wrote the books and she's the murderer." Please clap. ;{P}

    I'm really enjoying this show and I'm wondering if it's due in part to the fact that it's the only mystery show I can figure out. (I also suspected the graverobber wasn't who she said she was.)

    Me too! I never figure out the mystery but the actrees playing the sister was super sketch! She LOOKED guilty as hell!

    I thought this ep was cute! I love the way Eliza and William know one another so well. And once again the running joke -- you brought your wife! -- she not my wife! haha! It never gets old.

    The character of Hattie is still somewhat annoying to me. Forcibly quirky characters annoy me. But Fitzroy -- he's playing his quirkiness not in your face. - so to speak. He's more subtle. I love the way he smiles and lights up the minute he sees Eliza! and William ALWAYS notices!

    Speaking of -- Eliza and Moses are just adorable! The way they were laughing and smiling together when William walks up! Haha! William most definitely notices that as well. I love the way his jaw clenches when he sees them together.

    Yeah. I wonder how/what they will do with William going off to Glasgow??? I mean the show is called Miss Scarlet and THE DUKE - so I can't imagine his absence will last very long.

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  17. On 11/11/2022 at 12:31 PM, statsgirl said:

    thing to have a love that no other person will match. It's another to keep getting into relationships with men who think that she is or can be serious about them, have them fall in love with her, and then treat them like old newspapers that she can throw out on a whim.

    Meredith will do Meredith. At least she has always been true to herself. She was raised by Ellis Grey. Enough said.

    I have been saying from the moment the writers or whoever gave the character -- Meredith - who has always been shown to be awkward and cold and perhaps selfish - not just one child but multiple children! It's a travesty!

    But in real life I have known a woman or two who should never have become mothers. and yet they do. and the children are the ones who suffer.

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  18. 13 hours ago, LexieLily said:

    I'm glad Nick was allowed to call Meredith out. They aren't married and she isn't obligated to him, but especially considering he came to Seattle for her and is working at Grey-Sloan, it's no of her to up and move to Boston without even talking to him about it, and especially him finding out in an impersonal email with the rest of their coworkers.t nice At least she told Maggie and Amelia beforehand. 

    Ha! That's my girl! being Meredith to the very end.

    Derek was her one and only love. Period. Soul mates and all that. I've always got the feeling she "likes" some of the men she has been with since Derek died -- but none of them she has loved. and therefore in Meredith's world - they are sort of after thoughts. 

    So the Grey house has burned down. Wow. Symbolic. That tells me that once Meredith (Ellen Pompeo) is gone -- she ain't coming back! The end.

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  19. 17 hours ago, 4merBachAddict said:

    Just read that S3 of MSATD will start on Jan. 8,2023 on PBS!! Great news - only a couple of months between the end of S2 & start of S3!!

    I can NOT tell you how happy I am to hear that!

    I hate hate hate the long breaks between some of these shows! They go away .. I forget...

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  20. 38 minutes ago, libgirl2 said:


    The thing is I  know when I see them and where they came into to the story/series. I will not forget now! 

    All the fake beards and fake mustaches can be disconcerting! and confusing! All the men look alike! haha! Sometimes the fake hair/wigs stand out so much I can't see past them!

    • LOL 2
  21. 44 minutes ago, libgirl2 said:

    Okay, I just got the names mixed up. All I know is the kid has a lot of potential and I worry that something is going to happen to him because of the brute of a father he has. 

    I just got the names mixed up. I need to listen to their names! 

    I watch with CC on -- it helps with the accents and the names! Once I see them in print - I can remember who is who. I also remember by facial hair!

    Nash was just introduced this past ep and has the smarmy mustache

    Phelps was introduced in the fist ep and has the full bead and mustache (red hair to boot!) he kind of looks like he could play Van Gough.

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  22. Finally got to watch last night.

    I thought it was cute! I was charmed from beginning to end.

    Loved the dinner with Ivy and Potts looking nervous and uncomfortable and Wellington stuffing his face and complaining about Eliza like a husband complaining about his wife! Ha! And William trying to drag Potts into the conversation by making him admit how much he "loathes" Eliza  ( Potts is like --Loathe is such a strong word! - Ha!)

    Anyway I liked that Eliza figured out the case and turned the whole thing back on Nash so that he accused the wrong man. I actually wouldn't mind someone else seeing Eliza's worth and making William jealous. Nash is a bit smarmy but so are many men from that time period -- case in point the guy at the botanical society being all creepy to Eliza.

    I really enjoyed Eliza and William's cute little meeting the following day when she didn't show up at his office the night before with the report he wanted (Oh William don't huff and Puff -- I don't huff and puff! ) made me really like them together. I liked Eliza admitting that she wants William to approve of her and to find her work worthy.

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  23. On 7/7/2022 at 10:24 PM, DanaK said:

    That’s sad and came as a surprise. HBO and the BBC were coproducers, so I wonder if the BBC will cancel it as well or try to find a new partner? The ratings on the BBC for Season 2 were about half of Season 1, so it’s possible the BBC will drop it as well

    It's like half the shows I watch -- they come on -- they get me invested -- then wham! - they go off the air for like years and years and when season 2 or whatever FINALLY comes back - no one cares or remembers!!! So they have poor ratings and are canceled. and TPTB wonder why????

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