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  1. I’d be fine with Alyssa being even more prominent on CNN as a Republican talking head if that means smug, odious toad Scott Jennings is shown the door as part of this current network re-shuffle.
  2. When Sunny said (through clenched teeth) “I wonder where the ‘Angry White Woman’ tropes are” I wanted to yell at the TV “They’re called KARENS, dummy.” My god, Sunny just gets worse and worse by the day.
  3. Memo to Joy-the saying is actually “the fish rots from the head,” not “the fish stinks from the head.”
  4. Now THAT’S a brilliant example of a “spit take.” Brava, Sara. Memo to Sunny-enough of your new catchphrase “America got what it voted for.” Not ALL of America voted for Trump and the GOP.
  5. Gee, Skooma, I really HATE to be right. Oh wait. I don’t hate to be right. OF COURSE Julie was going to ask Joe how he was doing post Milton. It was made very clear he lived and worked there. Maybe pay more attention next year? And try not to dismiss somebody who clearly knows how things work more than you.
  6. Uhhh, no. Joseph has made it clear he lives in Tampa. Haven’t you paid attention enougn to know he works in a video store in Tampa? We all speculated here as to what kind of video store would still be open in 2024. Milton is looking to be quite devastating for Florida in general and Tampa specifically. If there is a segment with just Julie and the non-Jury HGs on Sunday night she will ask Joseph how he’s doing.
  7. I guess Joseph has already left Tampa for LA to appear on Finale Night? I should think what happens down there will have to be addressed at some point if only in passing.
  8. Hah, Yoseb wasn’t a terribly pleasant man before his unfortunate injuries! In fact he was a tiresome, sanctimonious a-hole. He did manage to show a bit of compassion toward the young floor sweeper in the factory, at least.
  9. Brilliant episode. I do miss the absolutely wonderful kid who played Mozasu. Definitely one of my all time favorite performances by a child actor ever. I’m fairly sure now that Noa is actually gay and in love with his former school nemesis Nimura. It’s been hinted at very subtly since they got to know each other in the countryside. That tofu girl is quite adorable, though. I hope to god Noa doesn’t commit suicide.
  10. I’m well aware of T’Kor’s background. I work in film/TV and I sent a dialect coach a video of her. He described it as a “self-imposed accent, not natural at all.” There’s such a thing as a mid Atlantic accent but she doesn’t have that. It appears to be self-manufactured and cultivated over several years. Name one other person who has that accent? I know several ex pats who’ve been back and forth from the UK to the US (some who spent part of their childhood over there) and not one of them speak like that. i get why Gillian Anderson switches her accent on and off like a faucet in interviews depending on whether she’s here in the US or in the UK. She grew up in both places. But her accent is always fully one or the other, never mixed together. What T’Kor is doing is not that. It’s just bizarre. I liked T’Kor at first. There was something vulnerable about her. However over the course of this season she hasn’t revealed any other qualities which make me want to root for her. I find her to be rather charmless and humorless. Rubina has charm in spades although it can seem a bit forced. At least she has a sense of humor.
  11. I just can’t stand T’Kor’s f**ked up accent. It smacks of cultural appropriation at its most bizarre. And her knitwear is s**t.
  12. Damn, why does Quinn have to be so damn charming and eloquent in his exit interview here? I love his reference to Tucker: “Her (Rubina) boyfriend wanted me dead from Day Dot…”
  13. It finally dawned on me who Leah reminds me of. When she’s in resting bitch face mode she looks like Justine Lupe who played Willa on Succession.
  14. I hope tomorrow’s episode includes Tucker’s attempt to crack Rubina’s neck, complete with 1970s porn music soundtrack (chick a WAH WAH) followed by a needle drop when Tucker is told by Production to stop it. I’m on the fence as to whether there should be 1970s porn music soundtrack when Tucker cracks Kimo’s neck, though.
  15. What is it with this house where the HGs feel the need to torture us with horrendous English accents? Asking for a friend.
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