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Everything posted by MV007

  1. The drama in the confrontations has been great. The issue with this season is that it is not any kind of even playing field. One side has such a huge advantage that even though the fights are entertaining to a certain extent, we know one side will have the last laugh. These arguments would be much better if they didn't have to end with Josh in Jessica's face saying he's evicting her with no possibility of it backfiring. I think it says it all in that nobody really wanted to like Cody/Jessica but they were at such a disadvantage that it was almost impossible not to root for them as underdogs.
  2. This is where I have to give Paul some credit. He is relentless and determined to spin everything around to game talk. I was watching a clip of the argument where Cody ate too much cereal for their liking. It was a silly argument with nothing of substance. But every now and then one of them would say something slightly game related and the other person would let it slip by and continue arguing about cereal but Paul would interrupt and be like "whoa whoa, what was that about Elena?" and try to steer the argument towards the game talk. I don't know if he's just a paranoid rat who has become accustomed to picking up on certain cues or if he intentionally tries to obfuscate mundane arguments with game arguments.
  3. I would say the critique of Mr. Porter is not about blaming him for her suicide. It's about pointing out that he did not do a good job and he could've done better. Everyone involved in this thing could've done better including Hannah. And I don't think she only had two options. I think he properly suggested she go to the authorities. But that wasn't the only option aside from moving on. She could've told her mother. She could've looked for professional help. These are things Mr. Porter should have said. The last thing he should've said, aside from I don't believe you, is move on. At least imo. It's about tact and timing. Of course at some point in Hannah's life she was going to have to move forward from this. But in this context its about helping her move forward not telling her to just do it.
  4. To Paul's credit, I think he's positioned himself where he may not be blamed when the backstabbing occurs. So long as he's not the HOH.
  5. I think these people are all human. Almost all of them say terrible things at some point. They're being filmed 24/7 and I know I would say things about other people at some point that I would wish I could take back. I think the difference between Derrick's quoted incidents is that they weren't as frequent as the people generally complained about this season.
  6. One of my biggest frustrations with this season is that the stupidity is not being punished. Alex nomming her closest ally is one of the dumber moves in the history of the game. Mark not using the veto on himself is literally a replay of a move widely considered to be one of the dumbest ever. I just don't understand why there isn't anyone in there saying to themselves, these people are making themselves vulnerable and we should take advantage. I was thinking specifically of Elissa but couldn't remember who she attempted to team up with. And I'm not even saying these people have to team up with Cody. I'd just like someone to consider it in more than a half-assed way like Kevin did. Or how about Matt/Raven wondering if they should pair up with Mark/Elena? That is a no-brainer move that these nitwits won't even let themselves think about.
  7. Oh yea, I get that this happens every season. But I do think there is something specific about the psychological makeup of this group that won't allow themselves to consider not going in the same direction every week. Past House guests would usually consider their options every week and legitimately consider who they should get out. This group has a clear target and never really wavers. I just remember past seasons where "bitter enemies" would team up for a week or two because nobody expected it. If a player is all alone, like Cody is, then he has value to someone who is lower on Paul's totem pole. But these people are such sheep they would never even consider working with him
  8. These people are just pathetic and their treatment of Cody shows how insecure they are. They have systematically constructed his eviction so there is no drama. They did it to him when he was first evicted. Then they did it to Jessica and now Cody again. There has never been a point where Cody wasn't getting evicted. And yet, they still can't just live out the week and pass the time. They have to continue to tell themselves that Cody is evil or manipulative or whatever else they need to tell themselves to continue down this path. This need to confirm their biases and unwillingness to self-reflect is why we are stuck with Paul running the show.
  9. I have to be honest. His breakdowns give me joy. He's such a child that I relish when he swings to the crying part. I'm a terrible person, I know.
  10. Let me know when your interpreting something.
  11. Yea that would be great. But I'm not going to blame them. They have zero reason to suspect Josh would work with them. He has tortured them for 3 weeks and given no indication that he would be willing to do anything like this.
  12. I don't think the two are comparable at this point. Just my opinion.
  13. I think he's fine and has just not been exposed to anything outside of his very small bubble.
  14. I have absolutely no issue with them having all stars. I just wish it was possible to mix it up a bit more and not have the same people over and over unless they are on the level of Twitch and Travis. And those are really the only two I would put on that level. As for this episode, I've been lukewarm towards Jenna throughout her history. I've thought she was good but never really cared one way or the other. But man, I thought she was fantastic in those two routines and brought out the best in both guys. I have a hard time seeing Konkrete succeed long term though with her as his partner
  15. The sexual predator thing wasn't them just making something up though. I thought it was ridiculous that they went there and it crossed the line. But, they were told by Raven that Josh had been snooping on the girls in the shower. Thats what led Cody to throw that out there.
  16. I want to bottle your optimism and chug it. But alas I don't share it. I had thought that maybe if someone became wise to Paul then they could nominate him against Raven and he might go. But now, I think Raven has annoyed enough people that I think people would still vote to keep Paul. It also doesn't help Jason that he's controlled by Alex who is 100% all in with Paul.
  17. This would mean someone was playing the game. Only Paul is doing that. The rest are taking their cues from Paul and he hasn't instructed them to do that yet.
  18. This is the same woman who questioned Cody's military service and then a day or two later whined to Josh that she was upset Cody never opened up to her about said military service because she would've been understanding. Christmas is an annoying hypocrite.
  19. I don't think she committed suicide because she was on the list. It was a moment that contributed in her downward spiral. This was her telling her story.
  20. I think the Kevin hinky vote thing is wishful thinking. Isn't that just a Paul move? He instructs Kevin to throw in a hinky vote and he does. Kevin doesn't come up with ideas like that on his own.
  21. I'll believe that when I see it. But it is what I want. And even if I don't like Cody, I want to see these pathetic people cower. These are some of the most weak minded people I have ever seen in the house. Sheep all of them.
  22. Shouldn't we be coming up on a time where Paul starts to think about going after the couples? And I mean that as the puppet master not nominating them himself. He can't possibly want to get into a situation where he's in the final 5 or 6 with two of the couples. Its not in his best interest to keep these couples floating through.
  23. I'm super excited Lex chose Gabby. I think Gabby is really underrated. She gives great performances every time.
  24. Maia's role can probably be tweeked with how well she fits into the show dynamic. She's involved in the books a lot and has a standalone arc with a not as of yet introduced character. But, I would not characterize the character as being all that important. I'm sure she has fans from the books so that may be a personal preference. I would be surprised if she were killed off anytime soon. But if the actress were to tank or the character just not work, I do think TPTB could have latitude to adjust her arc and move on. As for Simon and Isabelle. Shows and Books like these are all about the relationships. And for me, Simon and Izzy are a clear number 2 (behind Clary/Jace) in terms of importance in the books. I think not going there would piss off a lot of the book fans. And considering this show is on a smaller network and probably relies heavily on the book fandom, I think they'll stick closer to the book canon on things like this.
  25. At this point I want Ramses to go home. He adds nothing to this house and nobody there will work with him so he offers nothing to any side I could potentially root for. I am annoyed with the way they all bow down to Paul but that doesn't look like it will change anytime soon. Therefore I am rooting for chaos and drama. And I want Josh and Cody/Jessica to just have at it. I want Jessica and Cody to get blindsided and then fight back and just tear into these people. I hope they don't go into a shell and they shouldn't because they should be emboldened with the Halting Hex.
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