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Everything posted by MV007

  1. The word narrative isn't synonymous with false. This is now a story line that was given the stamp of approval from production. I agree that it is reality. But imo, it should be a reality the players perceive on their own not spoon fed to them by zing bot. Or, in the alternative, I wouldn't have a problem with zing bot going at all of them in a similar fashion. They could've called out Raven for her victim whoring. Or called out Paul for being the puppet master. Or called out Christmas for being in and out of the house. All things that could be used against people in the game. Making fun of Raven's makeup and Josh's tears and Marks impotency have nothing to do with the game, while Jason's does.
  2. I thought the Zingbot shtick was incredibly unfair to Jason. Not that I think he was going to win but this definitely hurts his chances. To have production reinforce the narrative that he's dead weight being carried by Alex solidifies the fact that nobody will vote for that kind of player to win the game. If he's in the final 2 with Alex, you better believe that will be a ridiculously high hurdle he'd have to get over to beat her out. Meanwhile, other people get personal zings that have no effect on the game whatsoever.
  3. I'm extremely self-conscious so I would not and I'm not overweight by any stretch. But once you are in the house, I'm sure you forget about the cameras and you just begin to feel like its home so you're comfortable. Also, they force them to take thier shirts off in many competitions so at some point I'm sure they just accept it.
  4. I think though that it solidified him as the Power player. And again his choices were potentially going to bite him in the ass. Cody was putting him up until the temptation twist that was never not going to Paul.
  5. It is interesting. It's not just that they introduced Paul. It's that they also gave him the friendship bracelets which immediately gave him power and changed the dynamics. People who were thinking of working together were now on opposite sides. And to make matters worse, they gave him 3 weeks safety so there were no repercussions to his bracelet picks.
  6. I think an argument could be made that not being able to play in comps actually benefits Christmas because she is no longer seen as a physical threat. Why would you get rid of someone who can't play in half the comps? It makes sense to me to keep that person in the game for a significant period of time.
  7. This is ridiculous that she's still going on Dr visits. How is this not a bigger source of resentment within the house?
  8. The only person who doesn't think attacks are personal is the person making said attack.
  9. I thought they played Ave Maria as a joke. It was a parody. I'm so glad Jenna won. I generally watch this show for the bonkers drama and shockingly good competition. But I never really care who wins because they're all so terrible. Except for Jenna. The only time I have been turned off by her is when she's around Zach and I get second hand embarrassment that she admits to liking that douche. And with Zach not around I can root for her.
  10. I think there is something wrong with Josh. Whether it is a brain chemistry issue or low IQ, I don't know. But his wild mood swings where he breaks down crying and seems like has a good heart are only preceded by fits of anger, distrust and bullying. I have no idea if he has a good heart or not. He can't pick one way to act.
  11. Honestly, I think you just look at it from a different perspective. It's purely down to Cody for you. You focus on Cody whereas other people, myself included, focus on the group. As you've kind of said before, nobody is right or wrong here its just an opinion.
  12. You know, this just came to me but it really is amazing that this was said about Cody. I'm sorry. Say what you will about the guy. Say he's a transphobic asshole. I'm not going to argue with that. But this is also a man who volunteered to join the military and went to Afghanistan or Iraq or whatever other shithole country and fought for what he believed was freedom.
  13. I think the idea would be that a lot can change in 2 weeks so the longer you stay the more opportunity people have to shoot themselves in the foot. I think Paul wants Josh with him in the final 2. They all should. Nobody is giving that POS 500K.
  14. I understand. I'm not trying to change your mind. And Cody certainly brought a lot of stuff on himself in my opinion. From my perspective though people are exposed when you see how they treat outsiders. And just 10 minutes after these civil people were hugging and friendly with each other, Josh proceeded to clap emphatically when Mark was eliminated in the DE HOH comp. I have no issue with people being excited about winning comps. But this house dynamic is a little different. These people are under no stress. They have no excuse. The "other" side is so small that its virtually impossible for the Paul side to lose at this point. So rubbing in a guaranteed victory is a little classless in my mind.
  15. What you saw were friends congratulating themselves on ostracizing other people and giving each other atta boys for treating someone poorly. I'm not going to defend Cody. You can like him or hate him and he has done plenty of stuff to warrant engendering both feelings. But these people systematically targeted and attacked him. It was their plan to make him feel like shit. So when they finally accomplished their goal they felt great and hugged and congratulated each other.
  16. Doesn't this just confirm what we think about these idiot producers? They view Paul as vital to their content creation. Which probably means they'll manipulate things so he stays in the house.
  17. My issue is that CBS has edited it to be tamer than it has been. I have no problem showing the bullying but they need to show it and edit it in the proper context.
  18. Yes this happened. But I'm not sure Mark/Elena contributed to that. Correct me if I'm wrong. And the genesis of this topic is about Mark/Elena being victims of the behavior they engaged in so there is some question has to how much of that behavior they engaged in. ETA: looks like Elena was involved to an extent. My specific memory of that week is just Mark being really torn up about the whole thing. Of course, that could just be Mark in general.
  19. At least Mark felt bad about it. It's one thing to employ this as a strategy. It's another to revel in it.
  20. This is what I was thinking about with Kevin and Cody. Kevin decided to lecture Cody about what he should and should not do and essentially placed all the blame on him for how the others have treated him.
  21. None of these people have an ounce of self-reflection in them. They must see themselves as the good guys and Cody is the bad guy here. When Cody eats too much cereal and tells people he wants to be alone. Kevin views that as behavior warranting the dressing down Cody received yesterday. He doesn't see it as ridiculous but as the bad guy being put in his place. They all see Josh crying and tell themselves he's a victim because he's on their side. Matt is the only person I've seen look at a situation and realize his side is in the wrong. Unfortunately he doesn't do or say anything about anything.
  22. She should've been referred to a trained professional the second she indicated she was sexually assaulted. If you are Mr. Porter you cannot allow her to leave that room without referring her to a more qualified person to deal with that issue.
  23. Its one of two things. He either forms his opinions and then is easily talked out of them. Or he forms his opinons and then is to weak minded to stand up for them and lets himself be bullied into going with someone elses plan (mostly Alex in this case)
  24. I think you are giving Jason too much credit. I think he's an idiot who will have his opinions formed by the last person to talk to him.
  25. Yea, I'm not using the suicide as a justification for criticizing him. Regardless of whether she committed suicide or not I still think he did a poor job. I also don't think it takes a genius to know not to tell a rape victim she has to tell the cops or move on.
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