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  1. So, Kat can’t afford the lease increase on her coffee shop, then somehow travels the world with no funds… And now she wants to have a baby? Did I miss an episode where she won some money or something? I love you Mayim, but this is crap.
  2. The original plan was he was going to join them. Then Deb died and he realized that he was more toxic than Hannah, and that he should leave them be.
  3. Hannah has been dead for two years. I don't think she will be much help.
  4. I don't know how much bigger the fruit bowl has to be to hide this crap, and I hate when shows think they are successful at it. They should have sent Sarah off to the Peace Corp for a year or something. And then, when she has the kid, she will mysteriously disappear. One word: Lupe....
  5. I wish Sarah and Denise would stop talking about having a baby when they are broke. And the actress playing Sarah is so hugely pregnant it's like an elephant in the room. THREE MONTH hiatus and she couldn't have timed that better. Ick. Artist? She is mass marketing a plain white vase in her kiln. It's like Home-Ec pottery class.
  6. Hardly. They needed more good looking men on the show. Trixie is knocked up and off the show, so they need some eye candy more than ever.
  7. I don't care about the side-eye, but who is actually watching these kids?
  8. Acting like Jackie is just some old maid who has never known love is just part of the destruction of the character and I hate it. Yeah, I don't know why they are doing that. The actress claimed the Arena for Emmy's playing a very interesting character, and now they are trashing her.
  9. Am I the only one not getting sound? I hear the crappy laugh track but no dialogue. It's very weird. Like living in Landford.
  10. She has coddled Timmy since she met him. It was nice to see her address him as the adult he is becoming. No time for hurt feelings in a crisis like that. Just get the message! I liked how she sided with her husband about his rude words to his father.
  11. And she definitely did not have a religious background. For all of the knocked up single women they deal with, they should make Trixie pregnant instead of sending her back to Portofino. Let's see how Nonnattus deals with THAT. Monica Joan has got to go. She is so blasphemous as a nun and she rambles endlessly. They kill off the wrong characters.
  12. What is with these people? How do they generate so many celebrations every year? I swear, they declare a parade if someone hiccups. I adore the show, but did they really induce so many celebrations every few weeks? I want to climb all into my hamster ball after awhile.
  13. I think one daughter still thinks he did it, and he isn't speaking to the other daughter because she scored him jail time. What I don't get is who killed Betsy? Pam was convicted of murder for trying to implicate Russ, but did they ever give Betsy justice?
  14. An entire touching episode without a Whining Pierson monologue. Heaven! When my friend died of cancer, his widow started sleeping with his best friend two months after he was buried. I know grief can cause some crazy, but I was hurt and disappointed in both of them. It was jarring and upsetting seeing them dismiss him so quickly. This show initially made Rebecca and Miguel getting together so scandalous, but it really happened over so much time and resistance, it felt organic and sweet.. How on EARTH will they handle Rebecca now that her stabilizing force is gone and her condition is terrible? I'm hoping Kevin takes over, since he was inserting himself into her routine when Miguel was struggling.
  15. Or locking the door when they go out... Or saying goodbye when they hang up the phone. Although I never lock my doors, so it happens.
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