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Everything posted by movingtargetgal

  1. Sorry Cattitude. Mr. Moving and I love this game!
  2. Claudia went on a rampage that resulted in Michael killing her because of Sonny. She took Carly hostage because she knew Sonny was going to have her killed for her involvement in Michael's accidental shooting. It is often forgotten that Claudia took out a hit on Sonny because he held her brother/son hostage and tortured him for weeks. Michael had runaway and Sonny went off half cocked and kidnapped Johnny. Claudia was trying to protect Johnny when she ordered the hit on Sonny, (in the way that mob families tend to do) Michael was never the target. Claudia was overwhelmed by guilt for her part in Michael being shot. Sonny never acknowledged his role in his son's coma or rape in prison. It was Sonny who put events of Michael's shooting and rape into motion. I hope when the AJ reveal goes down Michael remembers these details.
  3. Bobbie --- she spawned CARLY Joss --- she was spawned by CARLY Felicia --- she is supportive of Levi, for that alone she needs to die
  4. So Shawn was willing to shoot down a helicopter over a populated area. Sonny's only objection was it might harm his baby. Neither one had a single thought about the men, women and children on the ground beneath the helicopter. Yeah Sonny is the GOOD mobster all right.
  5. Yep Sonny is the best father ever...except when he: Shoots son#1 point blank in the chest Is standing next to son#2 when he is shot in the head with a bullet meant for Sonny. Almost kills only daughter with a car bomb meant for his rival CryptSex with and impregnation of girlfriend of son #3
  6. This bugs me to no end. Just before FaisonDuke "killed" Jason, Sonny's accountant (Benny?) told him that he had been forced into embezzling all of Sonny's assets. Nothing came out of that plot point. Yes FaisonDuke has been neutralized, but shouldn't Sonny be strapped for cash if all his assets have vanished? The Jerome family should have made quick work of taking over the Corrinthos empire, leaving Sonny alone, powerless, working at Kelly's and living over the diner.
  7. Bobbie---because marionette's faces have always freaked me out. Plus she birthed Carly. Elizabeth---because her bitchface is now permanent. Our mothers were right, if you keep making that face it will freeze there. Joss---Because I hate corn.
  8. Kin Shriner needs to fix the ostrich hairstyle and to start bringing in his wardrobe from home. The wardrobe department can't seem to find him a shirt and jacket that fit. The button on that jacket is stretched so tight that when it does pop off it will put someone's eye out. Scott is the DA and a wealthy man he should not be dressed like a drunken hobo at a frat party.
  9. When I saw Aviva carrying that big bag into the party, I looked at Mr. Moving gasped "OMG she's literally bringing a big bag of crazy with her.". Then she started throwing lab reports and x-rays in people's laps! Aviva Dresher delivers the crazy like Dominoe's.
  10. Tonight at 10pm est Ronn Moss and Tyler Christopher are on Celebrity Wife Swap.
  11. Tonight at 10pm est Tyler Christopher and Ronn Moss are on Celebrity Wife Swap. It should be craptastic.
  12. Why haven't : Anna, the police commissioner and spy Mac, the former police commissioner Felicia, former spy and private investigator Nathan, cop Dante, cop not one ran Levi's fingerprints and/or investigated that pigmently challenged toad? Not one of them thought to get in touch with Spinelli, the father of Maxie's daughter and cyber genius. Spinelli would find out the real scoop about Evil oh I mean Levi. I think together, he and LuLu could get through to Maxie.
  13. I don't think Aviva detached her leg and threw it across the room. I think he leg detached ITSELF and was attempting to flee from it's crazy owner.
  14. The lot that the Gorgas are planning to build their dream home seemed to have an excellent view of the highway. I think I would trade some square footage for a better location if I were building a mansion.
  15. Amber's rant about everything needing to be PERFECT for Christmas made me hope that Santa (the real one) put Prozac in her stocking. When the gingerbread houses collapsed I thought she was going to go off the deep end. So sad because when those types of things go wrong during the holidays your attitude about it can turn a "disaster" into a great memory. When I was a kid my grandmother made a gingerbread house with my sister and me and yes it collapsed. My grandmother, although irritated, did not get upset. She went into grampy's workshop and got a roll of duct tape he had brought home from the factory and proceeded to make that gingerbread house stay together. (grandma was the original Duct Tape Queen) We covered up the tape with extra frosting and candy. As we got older we made "better" houses but that one was our favorite. On our grandmother's last Christmas she was in the hospital. She gave my sister and me a gingerbread house kit that had the house together already and the day after Christmas the three of us decorated them.
  16. This has been my problem with how Robin's departure was written. She and Patrick always talked about her leaving being her "choice" to save Jason when in fact Victor was not giving Robin a choice. Robin and Patrick never talked about the danger Emma, Patrick, Mac and her parents would be in if she said no to Victor. Yes, a big part of the reason Robin left with Victor to save Jason, but the biggest reason she left was to save her families lives. This story would have been so much more compelling and believable. Bad Bad Writing. .
  17. Let me first say that I have not had a physical altercation since I was a pre teen. (It was my little sister and she really had it coming...mom even said so lol.) However, if I were trying to get away from someone, in this case Tamra, and they grabbed at my face and hands in order to restrain me so I could not get away from them, my fist would be so far down their throat they would think they were having a rectal exam.
  18. Sonny -- dies in prison after an anxiety attack due to his claustrophobia. Carly -- life in prison due to being a heinous bitch and horrible mother Levi -- just gone never to be heard from again Or Franco could have a relapse of BrainTumorSerialKiller syndrome and kills off all three before Patrick removes the tumor.
  19. The next time Carly starts in with the "I love my children more that anything and there is nothing I wouldn't do for them" spiel someone needs to sit her ass down and say... "Yes Carly I know you think you love your children with your whole heart, but you love yourself more. A mother who loves her children with her whole heart would never have raised them in a mobster's home. You endangered your children on a daily basis because you could not give up the money and power that came with being married to the mob. Now you are endangering your daughter by living with a brain tumorless reformed serial killer because you are in love. Carly you have never once put the welfare of your children ahead of yourself. You are horrible mother and an even worse human being." Do your children a favor give custody of Joss to Jax and go away so they have a chance at a decent life."
  20. I can't wrap my head around how heinous Jill Zarin was on Celebrity Wife Swap. I always disliked her on RHNJ she was awful. After seeing her tonight I realize that BRAVO gave her the "good" edit... Holy Crap the stuff Andy must have left on the cutting room floor.
  21. I worked with adolescents for years and the Lucas, Brad and Felix "triangle" should be happening in a junior high school not a hospital. When Felix and Brad were fighting over Lucas at the nurses station, I kept thinking a teacher should come along and give them detention.
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