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Diana Berry

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Everything posted by Diana Berry

  1. I think the Catholic guilt explanation to Kaity made sense. He’s darned if you do and darned If you don’t . Mistake he never should have gotten intimate with gabi.caused his own problems Good grief.
  2. Exactly. The whole FS has eeked me out for years. You have someone that says I’m not going to be physical with three different women on three days. Do these women not have any self respect? Thank you.
  3. Absolutely. That was real sadness. I could feel the lump in her throat. Bless her. Hope something good comes out of this for her.
  4. Good screenwriting. My only change is Eddie moving but reaching out to his girlfriend that moved earlier in the season ( because Delilah in a relationship and that man is now Charlie’s father figure). I expected them to be in the bedroom with them
  5. I’m guessing a wig ? She looks great and so does her hair on her IG plus she’s carrying twins.
  6. Absolutely. Not a good poker face.
  7. Yep compare housing in Texas to FLorida apples and oranges
  8. She’s a nurse, plus houses are very affordable in Texas. You can get a great house for a lot less than you would in other areas of the country. did anyone else think he was going to say live instead of like when he was outside her house ?
  9. Well it is an important question especially since they are very different t views. But it’s between them as a couple , converting, how they would raise their kids,etc.
  10. Love Charity’s family. Maybe because I’m from the South, too
  11. Didn’t even think about the father and daughter moving into Rome’s dad’s house. Good call. Why didn’t the writers think of this?So they get a few days in a hotel? I also thought she could get Rome to find him a job at the school. Where is this going?
  12. Wondering if Claire will return. She and Jared were close.
  13. Maybe Greta and Eddie will fall in love. who is going to feed the baby birds now that Mom is gone? please refresh my memory with the man in the park. Didn’t he stop by the restaurant and encourage Gina to keep it open or was it something else?
  14. is it crazy ,that I thought the tall guy and the tall gal ( sorry don’t know their names yet) would make a cute couple and then they become a cute couple, from the beginning when they were standing with their tribe.?
  15. I’ve actually grown to like the Hannah character . Halstead didn’t break the rules. That’s a first.
  16. It seemed he was getting the winner’s edit. Happy for him.
  17. Agree really like the dynamic and the Frank character has shown growth. also, I’ve always like Dancy’s acting but Nolan just wasn’t clicking with me until this episode for some reason.
  18. She wants velasco to bring his friend in so that the victims can have justice, that’s the only way he can get back in her good graces . Guess we will get a velasco showcase episode soon
  19. What are those wet things in my eyes. Maybe I’m just overly sentimental. what happened to Bruno? Now they want the gal that snitched . I think that I would like the dynamic of Velasco and the snitch vs him and Muncy. But Finn needs Bruno.
  20. I think they said he had experience. I think he was trying to help Lima out by picking her but he should have picked someone from the opposite team. The young guy seems to be getting the winners edit jmo. I think it will be down to him and the tall loud guy. Sorry their names haven’t stickers with me
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