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Diana Berry

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Everything posted by Diana Berry

  1. Well at least a lot of the ladies do want to get married and have a family. Joey seems even sweeter than on charity’s season. Did he light up when he was talking to the girl with the cochlear implant?
  2. Lol yes. If you’re stumped , just say an answer it will still be in play. The mom and son were terrific. I go back and forth should they have their whole body and prizes in the cage or the just touching it counts. I guess I’m ok with however tptb want it. I do hope it gets another season. I enjoy the trivia and the overall game.
  3. I knew it was carnie Wilson but had no idea her daughter was a singer. She does have a very pretty, sweet voice
  4. If there is a second season wonder if they will change the one hand on the items rule? I did see someone put some items in her clothes.
  5. Once I got into the flow of this show, I really liked it. I enjoyed The second episode more than the first. I am curious about end game. Will some obscure random person come in and win it from someone that has been doing challenge after challenge and has major territory?
  6. If austin gets in there, It will probably be a lot of - I can’t say anything bad about dee. what happens if final vote is 3-3-1? I’ve watched every season has that happened ? Frannie had an IG post comparing her and Matt to Deestin. Dee, austin, kellie and Kendra all chime in. Wonder if they get the ok day of show …they’ve all been very careful of responding to anyone that’s survivor related.
  7. Good catch with the lone walk on the beach. The crying confessions by Jake and Katurah make sense if they are doing fire. If Dee wins f4 and brings Austin , that would definitely her current pr situation and would make Jeff happy with continued Rob and amber talk.
  8. More promos released. Curious are those edited months before or more recent? They certainly are downplaying Dee big time imo and pumping up the underdog/sympathy especially for Jake. I was just wondering if the social media backlash for the swearing on her family and using lovesick Austin is the reason. Maybe she will be front and center if any promos released tomorrow. Reading the boards, those promos certainly have people thinking Jake will win. I’m just thinking it’s preparing the audience for a Jake and Katurah to be F3 not necessarily winning. There is a lot of chatter about dee going out at F5. Just going by her social media , she always seemed really happy, specifically mentioned her nda, and her parents are joining her for the showing tomorrow…it’s hard for me to believe. I would love a shocker though. The promos show a bit more. Katurah confronting Julie about dee, and Julie saying she doesn’t trust Jake ( definitely looks like it’s after the challenge). Austin mentions Julie will win if kept in the game. If Jake does idol dee out that would be a hoot. Some think Jake wins f5 immunity. I just find that extremely hard to believe. Are people not looking at the challenge. Unless austin or dee blow the puzzle portion, I can’t see Jake outrunning them in the running portion.
  9. Ok well that could be the red herring. Had not even considered katurah going out at f5 but knew production telling the audience about the blindside dee wouldn’t happen. Someone made a comment to Austin about their fantasy league he said that he hopes he can get the person more points ( no promises ). So maybe he does make it to F3. I would think he would have ignored that question otherwise. Oh that would make Jeff so happy to have his modern day Romber in the finale. I’m so hoping Julie doesn’t make F3 just to see the fallout. If her girl doesn’t pull her in, she will not be happy. She has very little interaction on her social media. word is everyone flying in for an after party. Guess maybe they will do some live shots? Of course, we have to know real time if the lovebirds are still together ( at least until the hype is over). someone did say on Austin’s IG he should be on TAR. He linked the show in his comments. I want to see him and his cute brother vs him and Dee
  10. Been reading the breakdown of the finale promos. Yes, a pic of everyone looking shocked except Drew looking bored, irritated, all of the above?, and Bruce looking stonefaced. So the promos show flashes of each player. But why oh why does Katurah get the special jungle background? She does look very pretty. That one has me curious. Looks like part of the challenge is having them run back and forth on the beach. I would think Austin and Dee would have the upper hand. Looks like Julie is really struggling. So I know the preview had katurah talking to Julie about blindsiding dee( it does appear to be after the challenge because they look worn out). I’m assuming that is a red herring . But why on earth Wouldn’t Julie link up with katurah and Jake and get Dee out ( if austin wins immunity)? I hope she’s smart enough to know that taking “ her girl” to f3 will not win it for her. Interesting.
  11. If dee wins final immunity, whether it’s Julie or Austin , she’s putting her supposed number ones at fire making. My thoughts no , they should be sitting with you at F2. I can see Julie possibly being bitter or if she gets voted out by her at f5. Austin I’m sure he will shake it off. Spending way too much time on social media. The purple podcast guy Brice that has a crush on Austin posted a picture with him. Austin came out of hiding and reposted. Dee also posted but covered up his face and said she couldn’t comment because of her NDA.
  12. Yes the job comment. Whoa. I figure I’m getting my hopes up with the bitter jury. But the after show may be interesting , also. You just know Jeff is going to be in his happy space spending most the show on Dee and Austin. Since it’s right after the vote, I wonder if Drew is going to be doing his famous sighs throughout it? If he didn’t talk to anyone until the end of summer and filming ended early May, it could be amusing.
  13. I don’t get the recent non unanimous votes either. It seems pretty childish in a way especially if the other two players are a bit sub par. It makes it amusing for the viewer if it’s a bitter jury (juror) though True maybe Bruce isn’t reading the room or he is just spinning his own narrative. There was a comment on Dee’s IG last night that was very rude about her. She is a fiesty one . I was a little shocked with her comeback and surprised she didn’t delete it .
  14. I could see him giving a vote for Jake but I think the Reddit spoiler said he got no votes. I read Bruce said the winner was surprising . But what is surprising to Bruce? I would love a surprise of Jake or Katura. Dee has been all over her social media unlike the others which makes me feel like she won. ( Austin hasn’t posted all week can’t blame him he’s getting the Bruce treatment ).
  15. Drew said in his exit interviews , he didn’t speak to anyone from the cast for months. He was over it. Guess the bitter jury may be a reality.
  16. There are worse things. Rob ended up happily married to Amber and had four kids
  17. On last weeks podcast, Jeff mentioned he wanted to talk about the fire making but not until after the finale. Whacky thought but this season has whacky, what if Katura or Jake win F4 immunity, they take each other. Then f4 sends dee and austin to fire making. Is Austin so smitten that he would throw it to Dee?
  18. Ty wonder how that goes next week. If cute couple and their shiny teeth break up because of the blindside. I know the contestants can’t follow each other on social media but I’ve read she does follow his mom and brother so who knows maybe they make it.
  19. Ok so the idol does come back into play. So now I’m curious about who wins final immunity. Isn’t word that austin is F4 ? So who sends him to make fire and who beats him at fire?
  20. Will Austin / Julie’s idol be back in play again ?
  21. Cute couple and their shiny teeth lives to see another day. The Rob and Amber foreshadowing editing has to be in there for a reason. Here is hoping Austin proposes to Dee with a ring made out of seaweed.
  22. What happened to Gwen’s guy at the end? Could he not hear the music or was he just nervous. Felt bad for him. Gwen did a good job making him feel better. Glad Reba’s gal got the save. Only having one vote is going to hurt contestants without a huge social media following. I gladly would have thrown out sone more votes last nite if given the opportunity. Rebas song got me all choked up.
  23. I fell asleep not a good sign. i saw Ruby she sang well. I’m familiar with Reba the personality not her songs except Fancy. I guess it was a good interpretation. I saw the young guy on Gwen’s team his performance did nothing for me. I thought the guy with the braids played it very safe with Joe Cocker but it sounded good. why only one vote? That’s crazy. I threw mine to Ruby.
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