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Everything posted by BostonBlonde

  1. Everyone on the planet knows fast food is bad for you regardless of income, background etc. The excuses some make to rationalize it is a whole other issue.
  2. Penny's episode is on now... She is a disgusting human being...and I'm not talking about her weight.
  3. Im right there with you...I am between loving the show & wanting to smash my tv in a 1000 pieces watching some of them.
  4. Yes...My world famous cardiologist has an office in a strip mall as well. He is highly regarded so I don't think location says much... In all fairness, we are only seeing what is interesting enough to be on tv. The more menial stuff is probably left on the cutting room floor.
  5. OMG YES! Charles...what trainwreck crybaby. He was nauseating. Run, Nissa, run. As I said in another thread...this show infuriates me. No jobs, excuses, enablers, bad parents... on & on & on. I want to scream at my tv. Watching someone order fast food at the drive thru, after what was probably FREE surgeries, should null & void all future care, govt. assistance & TLC compensation. Especially for the lazy chick Paula who wouldn't even get up off her ass to help clean at a family party. Hell no, Biach.
  6. Ugh... I want to slap most of the caregivers (and well the patients too) ...my BP skyrockets watching this show in general.
  7. Although I like this show better than the Duggars...there is something off with the dad. I cant put my finger on it...
  8. LOL The above post was written in June & I just tried to get on their crappy jewelry website (yes, I'm watching their shit show marathon) & it's still down. Awesome business practices. I envision one of them sitting at a laptop, in their polygamy cul de sac, feverishly hitting every key trying to get the site restored. They make me chuckle.
  9. Thank God the Hallmark 4,000 days of Christmas is over & my GGs are back on! Now I can resume my regularly schedule sad life. Lol.
  10. Clearly, it must just be me but I just cant get past Dani & her big overgrown baby behavior, broke ass at 40+ & bringing some stranger into her home with teenagers. And the "I was afraid you wouldn't want me" BS? Just no. And before I see myself out...puhleeze...beautiful? Her? C'mon.
  11. Since episode 1, I can barely get thru a full show because Dani makes me friggin' turn inside out with second hand embarrassment & Stage 5 willies. Shudder.
  12. I'm her age as well & like you, my kids are grown. I cant relate with her madness either...
  13. I'm still so confused. What the hell did he mean his face morphed? Into what? And more importantly the guru said: "Yes, I know. I know." THE HELL? Does he know his face morphs? Has this happened before? I can't carry on with life until this is solved. Lol. And yes,Deano....you're a regular DeNiro.
  14. He saw his face morph? Someone please help me roll this around in my brain...And the guru's reaction. K? Thanks.
  15. *BostonBlonde takes screen shot of Dean's letter to MJ & will spend 9 hours trying to read it. #TeamMJ
  16. Rewatching this before tonight's episode... So "Jack's sister" was it "Loni"? Is the child that they were in the process of adopting when Dumbo exited stage left? How horrifying to see her just standing there...If that doesn't just churn his soul, then nothing will... And if I hear one more of these dumb celeb types used the phrase "I'm going to try & reach out..." Ugh. Whatever happened to "I want to have a talk, speak with, call etc"? Get over yourselves.
  17. Mary Jo is my new homegirl. She makes Dr. Wexler look like a dumbass.
  18. All of them are so self absorbed...none of them would know
  19. Bobby is like the annoying kid in middle school that tries to edge his way in with all the cool kids.
  20. Sadly, he's a DBag too with his spray on hair and fake lifestyle as well. They all seem to forget their prior seasons. All of them. Then again, Im the douche...Im watching both this on tv & True Tori on my phone at the same time. I'll see myself out.
  21. I don't think it was a re-anactment. I think it was fake to begin with...
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