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Everything posted by BostonBlonde

  1. IMO, it seems that Candis sees $$$$ & almost treats Cait likes she's still the care taking, door opening, rescuer type "man". Boo Hoo... my car, my air conditioning, are you getting the bill, my abusive exs? Blah blah blah. Again, this show is supposed to help educate the masses on transitioning people in a positive light? Nope.
  2. I don't know...I think I was more opened minded BEFORE this show.
  3. But what was he going to say? "I just used my credit card every month to peruse the site." ? After his earlier horrendous actions, he was dead in the water. IMO, no amount of counseling, therapy, retreats, church going, can cure sexual predators. None.
  4. Lol Yep. I'm 40 and I think that's old so 53? Ancient.
  5. "I just don't understand when adults make such a big deal about their birthday. (Don't even get me started on people who plan their own birthday party)." OMG YES!!!! Cannot stand adults who do a "birthday month" either. Get. Over. Yourself. And. Grow. Up. She seems like a moron, fame whore too. Dragging your kids from home for this fiasco and not to mention that asshole Ryan into their lives? Also what Shannon has vented & exposed her kids to is frigging criminal.
  6. I guarantee she had on some level of makeup...no way is she going naked face on tv. Ever.
  7. Lol. I'm so lost. Why gay pride? So far I haven't heard gay being mentioned... And I'm tired of Candace already...yawn.
  8. Egad no. No one wants to hear her babble on about on how she's forgiven him... Puke.
  9. Nope. No kudos for him. He couldn't say it was fake...his authentic credit card info gave him away.
  10. Please excuse me but..... BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHA. Carry on.
  11. Grown woman fighting on Twitter? WTF. Idk...I think all these fools are laughing all the way to the bank having their fake shenanigans talked about... Bonus thought: Carole needs to quit with her face. It's looking really rough.
  12. She lost her first kids to hoarding & he thought it was a good idea to have another kid & move her in????? The hell?
  13. It is????? I am no way transphobic but saying your genitalia doesn't determine your birth gender? What you choose to identify as later is your business but there is no getting around " Its a boy!" Or "Its a girl!" ( I'm sure those sayings will be considered in poor taste soon as well) It may be commonly seen but that doesn't make it untrue. Ugh sorry quotes aren't working: ETA - quote issues fixed
  14. See this I don't get at all but according to this thread saying anything or asking any questions makes you transphobic...Isnt calling people transphobic judging them too???????? I find it offensive that people here fear asking questions...works both ways.
  15. Omg right? Lol. Not even close to cute. Hell...here I come!
  16. I couldn't stomach watching more than a few episodes but the episode "Duggars in Cuffs" is the only one available here. True. Story. Someone at Boston Xfinity is witty.
  17. I agree the timing of all this is very odd. Its what politicians do when they have to release something embarrassing or bad...always on a Thurs/ Friday of a holiday weekend. 1000 thumbs up. Dare I say...BWAHAHAHAHAHHA LMAO. Right?
  18. Wow just wow. Leave your kids alone with him...see if you feel the same.
  19. That Alice lady must be in "I freaking told ya so" mode x 1000. Good on her.
  20. I couldn't agree more. Its sickening. You're a better person than I...I will NEVER forgive the POS who harmed me but it isn't ruining my life. The Oprah "Forgive for yourself" BS I don't buy. FYI- he is now roaming the streets a free man (registered offender for a lesser crime) after his latest conviction (someone finally reported him). If you live in OH & have children, PM me. AMEN X 1000. She should have considered that when she accepted a child molester as a husband.
  21. IMO there is NO recovery/fixing/rehab for sex offenders. I have not heard of one predator that didn't have MANY victims...usually their entire life's worth. I would NEVER trust him...even with his OWN children, especially his daughters. AMEN!!! I cant even fathom anyone wanting this on tv...for any reason.
  22. "The abuser is usually abused themselves". While I know it's true for some, I think it's thought of/said as more of a coping, accepting method for those who wouldn't dream of hurting a child...I know my abuser was NOT abused..he was just a sick, perverted individual who decided on his OWN. As a victim, I have ZERO desire to hurt anyone. I have met many people who have been in the same situation & NONE, ZERO, ZILCH wanted to harm anyone. It nauseates most victims.
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