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The cattle futures issue is when Hillary invested $1,000 in cattle futures (under the guidance of James Blair who was a attorney for Tyson Foods) and within 10 months that original investment was $100,000. She never traded before and or after that which it was also questioned why she was allowed to trade with only $1000 originally when most futures trading took an initial investment of at least $12,000. And no Hillary did take many things from the Whitehouse that had to be returned and it is funny that the rules were so obscured that NO other first lady had a problem with what is and is not allowed. Her and Bills treatment of the Haitian people and both being in charge of the help they would receive was and is beyond heartless and disgraceful. There was 13 Billion dollars taken in and for what ? For the Clintons to use it to give contracts to the Foundations many donors for millions to have the contractors build only structurally unsafe structures or none at all. Claiming to build schools when only thing they did even close to a school was to donate towards one school having an "earthday celebration" or " tree building action" but they took credit for building school itself. 1.5 million to close associate to locate rebuild sites only to have a few mountains sited. Many companies defaulting and not building and homes or structures at all. So where did all that money go? She will not even meet with the many Haitian people who would love to get some answers to why this was done when promised real help. Refusing to release transcripts of her speeches - to calling Trump supporters "deplorables" who happen to be the voters she also wanted to vote for her - or maybe she thought she was already fixed to be in the Whitehouse? Funny how before the election when Trump said he thought it was rigged all the Democrats had a fit with claiming total insult that he would even say that against the rock solid voting system we have. Then she has to go and claim it herself. Also the violence has only come from the side that lost and is losing not from Trump himself- did he pay for all the protesting outside the appearances he had? No he did not. Bill Clinton meeting with Loretta Lynch did nothing to make her look innocent and if she is why do you suppose he did that? Hillary lying to all of us about the attack on the Embassy in Benghazi - and telling the many who were on stand by to help to stand down - not to help. Or ignoring the hundreds of reports on the security there and safety of the ambassador for weeks in advance to the attack ? She did this - cant be denied. Now I have only named a few of the things that she clearly did so you can not try to say they are not true as she clearly did the above - now for those who want to call Trump a racists and say he assaulted women I say where is your proof ? Only allegations no convictions ? Only investigated? hmmm sounds familiar to me. And yes at least he walks like a duck and acts like a duck this I can accept she never does. I said I liked Bill Clinton not that I like him now. Since the election and more information I have changed my opinion - like Bills affiliation with Jeff Epstein himself you really should not bring him up as Bill has many visits with him himself. Obviously Hillary taught Bill well or vice versa since both of their behavior when in the hotseat is much like his "No I did not have sexual relations with that women" which was proven a lie and to justify his deception he redefined "sexual relations" and intercourse for years to come. They have perfected this act better than anyone before them - I will give them that. The Clinton Body Count does have many many associates , friends , body guards and those with too much info that could be used against the machine that were real people and to say different is an insult to their families and your fellow American. But I have come to the conclusion that those who are in favor of her tend to not care or think about anyone but the delusion they feign over. Bottom line is she lost and so now he gets his chance so the other side should show some respect and quit with all the bull---- this is the President elect have some respect for the position - the kind of respect you all claim she deserves when the other side does not agree with you - quit harrasing the electors etc. You conceded - have some class. Wait for the doom and gloom that you predict - then you can all have your time for criticism and complaints. Just like those of us who did not vote for Obama had to do. If we were out there saying the things that are being said about Trump all hell would have broke loose and we would have been called racists. I wonder if that is what is going on with Trump? Maybe? Or I believe I saw it when Bush was leaving office and he was treated with such disrespect and boo-ed and I was still a Democrat then - no respect for the position and or our President if hes not the one you wanted- a lot of bullying , jr high school behavior to me - not a good look.
Okay so running the risk of majorly getting run over here I am going to explain some of the reasons why some people like me voted for Trump and not Hillary. Also I am a college graduate so I do not appreciate the comments about my intelligence level and or economic either as they are completely wrong. The emails had very little to do with my problem with Hillary to be honest. I was a registered Democrat since I started voting many many years ago and switched a year ago. Why ? Because I can not get behind a party that continues to fail in my opinion to support the beliefs I think are important to our Country and our Constitution. Hillary has a long list of major things that she was involved with that make her look like a sneaky liar and that I can not get over. I happened to love Bill Clinton and really had expected to do the same with her but no I did not as she failed to make me feel like he did- EVER. So here is my list of reasons why I think she is shown to be a liar beyond belief and should not be trusted - Benghazi, Clinton Foundation money laundering and pay-for-play, private server, deleting emails while under investigation, Vince Foster, rigging the election against Bernie Sanders, Whitewater, blaming Bill's rape victims, her friend and mentor was a KKK leader, clinton body count, cattle futures, landing under "sniper fire" lie, stealing from the white house, her cocaine abuse as stated by Paula Jones, laughing and defending a child rapist, Chinagate,Travelgate, IRS gastapo scandal, Norman HSU scandal, Jorge Cabrera scandal, Pardongate. Her cashing in on Iranian fundraising, ripping off Haiti during the earthquake, selling 20% of U.S. Uranium to Putin after Bill's $500k "speech" with Russian bankers. There is a point to be made about fake news but when someone is involved in this much crap I think they are not upstanding and interested in playing by any rules but their own. I can not and will not ever down play what happened to our ambassador and her role - ever. She lied afterwards about it and when called to the carpet she suddenly fell ill if I remember correctly. I have grown up with the belief that our military will protect such when in other countries to represent us as will our government officials and she not only failed but she caused this man to be murdered - period. This could have been in error with one call but no it was several most on her head and she has not acted one bit sorry and she carries that attitude with her about everything like she is not to be held responsible for any wrong doing when the list and accusations are a mile long - dont tell me none of it is correct. The worst thing that was found on Trump was his talking about grabbing some pussy - please this is not even in the range of bad that she is or the allegations against her are. I feel sorry for those who think it is and that think he is against women when he clearly is in awe of his daughter you will notice not one of his sons. How contradicting is that? Next what exactly is the hacking that they are saying the Russians did to sway the election? Be specific if you can clearly clarify this. They did not go into the votes and change them which by the way she won the popular vote ONLY because of California and New York. If you took those two states votes out of the equation then she lost every where else by a landslide. And that is why the system is set up the way it is - so two states do not control the election process. Now lets talk about Melania - I do not vote for the President because of his wife and what she will or will not bring to the Whitehouse. What exactly did Michelle bring to us all ? Tell me please of some thing she did other than look good and give some great speeches ? Did she do some miraculous work changing something that actually changed the lives of the average of below average person on a National level? I know the work Hillary did when she came up with the village theory has created a generation of entitled violent young people that do not seem to have respect for anything other than the right to be allowed to behave that way. Absolutely no respect for the laws - and by this I want to highlight the immigration problem that we have. I live in Arizona and this is a huge problem here and I am a native but my rights are often reduced to less than when it comes to me or an illegal citizen. My father and his parents were not citizens but they did what was required to become citizens here and I think that is what the law states so all should do it not be given special treatment or excused. Now about Hillary and her movement for women - she has made it even harder for women in my opinion because she is so corrupt. Why is it that other female politicians do not have the scandal and lies around them that she does such as Elizabeth Warren, Carly Fiorina, even Sarah Palin and or Geraldine Anne Ferraro. Hillary lost because she is not a trustworthy candidate and most are sick of the same old same - which is not fair for the majority.
S02.E08: Gigi Hadid vs. Tyler Posey
ArizonaGrown replied to The Crazed Spruce's topic in Lip Sync Battle [V]
Just watched this show on my dvr - didnt realize it was so old. I am sure they let her win since I quit watching - she was so bad and it was so obvious they were going to let her win and especially bringing on the Backstreet Boys during her performance. Lame move -
You shoudnt have to be afraid to say what your honest opinion is - that is the reason for these forums is to talk about what we see and how we feel about that - if not its like joining a fan or hate club with one sided opinions only - boring. I think it is great that Im not alone here as I usually feel so I dont comment cause Im afraid of backlash like you.
Heres some interesting reading about parenting and caregivers - they are long reads but worth it interested in some hard facts- http://family-studies.org/more-than-60-of-u-s-kids-live-with-two-biological-parents/ https://aspe.hhs.gov/basic-report/children-nonparental-care-review-literature-and-analysis-data-gaps\kb http://patch.com/california/carlsbad/bp--how-mothers-spread-borderline-personality-disorde37ca7270a9 Not sure what if any label has been given to Barb or Jenelle but the last link sounds just like the crap seen on tv season after season with these two.
Okay i am going to somewhat defend Jenelle but definitely say what I see which is obviously very different from most others about Barb - then I will leave it alone until the next time I probably have to watch Barb on any show about her - and her other daughter Ashleigh. The only reason I fell for this one was that my dvr recorded it and labeled it Teen Mom 2 or I would not have watched it. First of all I think Barb does not want to lose her spot on the show and realizes without Jace she would not be on the show anymore or very little and so would be her check from MTV. She also seems to get some sort of pleasure out of punishing Jenelle by holding him over her head and probably knows without Jace she may never see Jenelle which she seems to be addicted to the negative emotionally abusive relationship she has with her daughter. I often wonder how one can love the grandchild but loathe the child ? Barb does not show any concern or love for Jenelle who is her daughter by just once saying Jenelle I love you and am concerned about you what can I do to help you get through this? Or I am worried that you are maybe displaying behavior that makes me think you might be doing drugs again or that this new boyfriend is abusing you so open the door please to just let me know you are okay? And telling him that she loves her daughter and is worried so she wants to see her? Not yelling and calling names - or threatening to not let Jace come over again and last but not least saying he is the worst boyfriend ever. As a mom and a big sister I know I would not react like this woman unless I did not care for the person in the room and was just mad at them for not watching the children. When and where is her concern for her daughter - concern NOT anger. She should want to help Jenelle to be a better person and mother and want to help her do that instead of acting like she is in competition with her. Where is her love for Kaiser? Or even a bit of worry? No where to be seen - again not normal. If she thinks Jenelle is so unfit what about him? Her main problem with her boyfriends is that they are living off Jenelle and when they take too much of Jenelles attention from listening to Barb and start to give her negative input about Barb. Her words not mine. Not once have I heard her say I am worried that he will hurt her and or I want her to have someone wonderful and secure because she deserves it - like most moms would. How does she have the time to be looking for a companion ? Looks like she is spending an awful lot of time looking - hmmm hope Jace is at school and not with a friend or family member being babysat or that would mean that she is like Jenelle and leaving him with other people. Love the comments about Barb having been drinking that she said Jenelle was going to make when going to pick up Jace - making fun of the fact Jenelle would be mad at her mom that had been drinking and was going to drive with Jace. Geez that is funny Barb - you are right you have it all under control and should be allowed to drink and drive with a 5 yr old cause youre wonderful and no way capable of making a mistake that will cause an accident while your grandson is in the car. What a way to put him first and protect him - and be stable and secure. Wine seems to be her constant companion maybe that is why she doesnt have a boyfriend herself or even a girlfriend that she can go anywhere with ? Strange that the producers and daughter Ashleigh are the only people they could drum up to go with Barb to the bars she was so happily scouting for her perfect companion in. Give me a break Pleasssseee the bar is the place to meet positive caring people to have around Jace - Barbs words from show verbatim. And her list of what she wants in a man is another sign that she is aiming high - has to have a job cause she doesnt want to pay for anything- have teeth and not be fat and dumpy probably cause she is in such good shape herself. This woman has no class and not a clue and will attract just that - anyone who does has some intelligence and will run from this annoying woman with so much baggage that she is like a anchor faster than they would consider saying hello to her. If you dont want to be judged dont put all your business and self out for others to judge - like she seems to love to do about everyone else. Everything I saw on the this show and have seen on TM2 has convinced me that Barb is for sure putting Jace first and will be able to provide a stable and secure home for him to thrive in - yea right I would have to be blind and deaf to buy this - for those who say Jenelle should have a plan for how she is to get him back or to give her mom - I ask what is Barbs plan after this show ends because she will NOT be able to support herself let alone 2 people on her walmart pay so what then? Maybe that is why she is so desperately putting so much effort into finding a "companion that has job and can pay so she doesnt have to" ? Like mother like daughter - I can not say this enough. Finally - a 16 yr old is not an adult - the parent is still suppose to "parent" them and I watched Barb do a bang up job with her daughter actually I never saw her doing anything other than yelling and putting on the poor me act - I would feel like a loser if my son acted like Jenelle at 16. Barb does not deserve the fame and adoration she receives in my opinion none of the other mothers on show act like her - i refuse to act like she is anything other than what I see. About Jace feeling embarrassed by this and the schoolyard remarks - he will resent the fact that his grandma kept him from his mom and that he had to be raised by a person that will be out of touch because she is so much older than the other parents (but tries to act like she is a hip 20yr old at 65yrs old) and has no clue.
I think it speaks volumes that the producer was not on just Barbs side but seemed to be on the side of Jenelle - I really think that is an indication that maybe we arent shown the whole picture?
Also if Barb thinks that the show ruined Jenelles life somehow why didnt she take her off the show and not allow it to continue when Jenelle was 16? I have never seen Barb playing with Jace only yelling at him or giving him the run down on what happened when with his mom. She also drinks a lot and I dont think that is putting him first or at all only herself. I think Jenelle mirrors what she learned as a child and that is erratic Barbara - and while she seems to get a pass on the ground that she learned from her mistakes she clearly hasnt because she continues to disregard her daughter which is her track record blazing for all to see - and by doing so is not putting Jace first at all. All children love their mothers regardless of how bad they are and just talking bad about her does not do him any good. Examples this season - "Jace do you think your mommy has lots of boyfriends" - "Do you think mommy gets boyfriends too fast" - "What did you do at mommies house? You didnt go anywhere this weekend" well thats boring. No Barb life is not always a circus. Going in the house with the children and banging on the door with Jace and Gabriel in tow - then acting like a immature teen out of control of all emotions in front of them is not putting anyone but herself first and her feelings like she does a lot - am not surprised when Jenelle does the same I think she only knows this from her mother. If we are going to hold Jenelle accountable for the past lets hold Barb as well who has not done the work to get herself better either.
Okay so I have watched this show from day one and I have not seen Barb put Jace before her own needs on many many occasions. If she did she would not engage with Jenelle in all the screaming matches we have seen and also everyone forgets that Jace is a normal little boy who wants to be "normal" or more like children his age MOST of whom live with their MOTHERS. Not the Grandparents - other children will make fun of him and if they dont he will still feel like something is wrong with him because he doesnt live with his MOM. Here is another thing that is not ever considered here is that reality tv doesnt show the reality of a lot of situations and for Jenelle to open up or show emotions is probably something she tries not to do with the cameras rolling because when she did as a teen she was criticized and judged for that to this day and so I would try not to let the camera see that side of me too if I had to live through the judgement of my behavior at such a young age for the rest of my life. I made a lot of mistakes when I was a teen but am so grateful that I do not have to defend my bad behavior for the rest of my life. She is still very young and considering the stability of her home life I am sure she is struggling to make healthy choices for herself - obviously she doesnt have any guidance from her mother who is just like a fan and only gets mad and judges her. We can see the track record of Barb when it comes to raising children - her daughter Ashleigh is not well adjusted and here are some examples that prove this - http://www.dailymail.co.uk/tvshowbiz/article-2192478/Teen-Mom-2-star-Jenelle-Evans-hits-big-sister-Ashleigh-sells-story.html http://cafemom2014.blogspot.com/2015/01/sibling-rivalry-at-its-best-teen-mom-2s.html
I just want to say that I thought Chelsea looked much heavier and am surprised before her wedding she is gaining - will be hard for her to get dress to fit. Heck she might not make it to the ceremony since she obviously cant see - proof is her makeup that is both scary and funny - leaves me wondering if she cant see or is on drugs? Also Jenelle looked like crap very bad like she was hung over - I kept thinking how great she looked when she filmed with Panda and now she doesnt care on this show- then realized there is no Nathan there this time. She has to still care about him since she gets so "gussied" up for him every time she is going to see him.
Rich Kids Of Beverly Hills - General Discussion
ArizonaGrown replied to OnceSane's topic in Rich Kids Of Beverly Hills
Also I watched the Ej show and was surprised to hear that he has had a boyfriend for 3 years - especially after all the finding love for Ej episodes they have had on this show. -
Rich Kids Of Beverly Hills - General Discussion
ArizonaGrown replied to OnceSane's topic in Rich Kids Of Beverly Hills
I was kinda amazed the way Dorothy seems like such a more down to earth - not fake- person without her makeup on. This seems weird to say but I really liked all her scenes without makeup and then when she puts it on its like she talks different and acts different. Really think she is nice without it - seems much more grounded. -
Rich Kids Of Beverly Hills - General Discussion
ArizonaGrown replied to OnceSane's topic in Rich Kids Of Beverly Hills
I think Morgan has the most annoying voice almost as annoying as EJ. I also hate that she hardly ever combs her hair - does she think that look is in or what? So lame -
Kanye West: The Most Intelligent Celebrity
ArizonaGrown replied to GaT's topic in Keeping Up With The Kardashians
Kanye needs rehab asap. If not he will be on every ones radar for all the wrong reasons like Lamar but much worse. Its time to grow up and go to rehab Kanye.