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Everything posted by TigerLynx

  1. Is Marlena to stupid to realize that Nick's message to her was left AFTER Kate and Sami tossed Nick in the river believing he was already dead, and that Sami and Kate didn't shoot Nick, Gabi did?
  2. Roman and Marlena should have gotten help for Sami when she was a teenager. Their lectures to Sami now just annoy me. Sami saw John and Marlena having sex/cheating on Roman, was raped by Alan, kidnapped Belle and was going to sale her on the black market then changed her mind and decided she was going to raise Belle herself, pressed charges against Alan at Carrie's urging and then Carrie testified against Sami. Thirty years later, it's a little late for Roman and Marlena to step up. Besides they didn't have any reaction to Sami shooting EJ in the head so I don't know why they would be upset about Sami, Kate, and Gabi tossing Nick in the river. It's no wonder Sami gravitates to EJ and Kate.
  3. I think Marlena might rat Sami and Kate out. I wonder if Marlena would be so judgmental of Rafe covering up what Gabi did to Melanie? Now I guess it will be Roman, Eric, and Brady's turn to bitch at Sami about her behavior. Please let Kate and Sami be scheming together. It's the only thing I have to look forward to.
  4. So say we all about almost every single SL and character. Not only, did I not get the impression that Gabi had no other choice she just couldn’t handle Nick anymore. I NEVER believed that EJ or Kate wouldn’t kill or have Nick killed in cold blood. Sami would kill Nick in a fit of anger. Hell, Kate could have set this up nicely. “Sami, take this gun, and keep it with you at all times.” If Nick had threatened Sami at the wrong time, it would have been game over. To top it all off, Victor telling Sonny, “The next time you need someone murdered, you come to me,” summed it up nicely.
  5. I really want Kate and Sami to be scheming with each other. The writers have missed so many opportunities with these two, and they completely missed the boat when Sami, EJ, Brady, Kristen, and Stefano were all living in the Dimera House of Horrors. I want some kind of decent SL for Sami before AS leaves. Theresa is another character with so many possibilities (and I like the actress) who is stuck in the same repetitive scenes going nowhere. These writers suck. I would love some scenes of Sami, Theresa, and Ciara. They could be past, present, and future if Corday and the writers had any actual talent.
  6. I don't know if Kate and Sami are back to fighting or if they are up to something, but either way I would rather watch the two of them than any of the other characters.
  7. I like Sami (She is the reason I watch), Kate (she owns it), and Nicole (when she was a scheming gold digger, not the way she is now). They made the SLs move along, and the writers should have kept them as the three witches of Salem because they were more interesting as the bad girls/villains than any of the supposed good characters on the show.
  8. Why do great Kate and Sami scenes keep getting interrupted by irrelevant idiots? Please let these two be scheming together so I will have a reason to watch.
  9. Damn these Salem residents! They are either possessed by the devil or Rasputin. In addition to shooting, stabbing, and poisoning them, I doused them with gasoline, set them on fire, and cut their heads off. They keep returning. The two headed monster known as Dannifer is particularly annoying as they keep returning with more talking heads that prop them.
  10. Whoever is doing wardrobe, makeup, and hair needs to be fired. mistaken, I've volunteered to be the serial killer so I will take your request under advisement (which means I'm on it). Anyone else want to give me a list?
  11. I volunteer to take one for the team, and be the serial killer.
  12. Sami is responsible for her own screw ups, but I can see why she doesn’t confide in Marlena and go to her for advice. Marlena is so icy with her children. I wonder if that is one of the reasons why Sami is so over protective of her children, and constantly meddles in Will’s life. I wish Sami and Kate weren’t reverting to being enemies. I can see where Eric’s SL is headed. He will be the latest speed bump in Dannifer because their boring relationship woes are so much more important than they fact that Eric was drugged, raped, publicly humiliated, kicked out of the priesthood, and then lied to by the woman who claims to love him. {face palm} Why have Sami, Eric, and Brady not met up for a drink to discuss what idiots they were for getting involved with EJ, Nicole, and Kristen? Oh right, Sami still doesn’t know what a lying cheating bastard she is engaged to because the writers have de-brained and defanged her.
  13. I hate almost all of these characters. There are some of them that actually have a point which I agree with, however, they are all so stupid and handle things so poorly, I wind up wanting to smack them.
  14. I see Eric's story still isn't about him. The writers are idiots. Put Kayla with Aidan, and put Hope with Rafe. Have Kate and Sami kill Stefano and EJ, and get away with it. Kate can have DE, and Sami can have CW and run it from Chicago. I see what people have been saying about JS looking ragged. Is it because EJ is supposed to be stressed, or does JS just not give a damn how he looks anymore?
  15. I would love for this to happen. I really wanted Sami and Kate to be working together against EJ and Stefano, but I don't think that will happen because these writers seem to thrive on making the women fight each other when it's the men they should want to shove off a cliff, or shoot in the head. It's sad to see Marlena and Roman now. I loved their original story when they first got together.
  16. The only time Sami hasn't hit who she was aiming at was when Andre knocked the gun in her hand, and she shot Lucas instead of EJ. Every other time (Alan, Bart, EJ, Silvio, Fake Rafe, Bernardi), Sami hit her target. Sami finding out after EJ is dead would be boring unless EJ is not really dead, and Sami was supposed to meet up with him, and then doesn't. So both Victor and John have to rescue Brady from Theresa because poor helpless grown ass Brady needs saving and has no control over anything he does? {face palm}
  17. AS said Sami hasn’t known all along so maybe Sami just found out, Kate was with her, Kate calmed Sami down, and convinced her there was a better way to deal with EJ than shooting him in the head again. That would explain that portrait of Sami and Kate hanging in Stefano’s portrait’s place in the Dimera Mansion. I could see Kate having sex with an upset Rafe, or an angry/hurt Sami and an upset Rafe having sex.
  18. Nicole along with being a pathetic sad sack has become yet another one of the scheming liars in Salem who can no longer lie or scheme. Corday and the writers have managed to do to the Eric/Nicole, Nick murder, and EJ/Sami SLs the one thing a soap doesn’t want to do. They made them all boring. The murder of a Horton, who half the town wanted dead and who had crossed both the major crime families of Salem, should have written itself (I mean that literally because it would have done a better job than the writers). EJ cheating on Sami while trying to cover up her latest crimes should have had all sorts of soapy goodness instead of constant promises of unseen twists that never happened.
  19. If Nick made arrangements for ALL the pics, and the tape of Will admitting to shooting EJ, to be delivered to someone, that will be hilarious. Once again the Dimera henchmen fail at their jobs, and EJ is the most incompetent crime lord ever. Sami and Kate were better at covering their own asses before they hooked up with the Dimera men.
  20. The writers shouldn’t have been so ambiguous with what was going on with Gabi. For a while, they made it look like Gabi was angry at Sami and Kate, and on Nick’s side. It would have been better if they had shown Gabi being more afraid of Nick. Unfortunately, I still come back to Gabi had Kate, Sami, EJ, Will, and Sonny. Rafe and Lucas would have been on her side to if they had known what was going on. They would have lectured everyone, but they would have been on Gabi and Will’s side against Nick. These are not ineffectual people, or your average law abiding citizens. Then there is the Victor factor. I want Victor to remind Sonny daily, “The next time you want someone murdered, you come to me for help.” I agree Nicole’s betrayal of Eric would have had more impact if they had been married, had a happy life, and we were shown Eric coming to terms with not being able to clear his name, but grateful for the life he currently has. I wonder if Kate, Sami, and Gabi tossing Nick in the river will be revealed along with EJ and Sami hiring the hitman. Maybe by that point, Sami knows about EJ’s cheating, and has left him. EJ once again offers himself up if the DA will give Sami immunity. Then Stefano fakes EJ’s death, and EJ leaves the country. Sami leaves Salem with her children.
  21. The boring twit is supposedly going to try to get revenge on EJ and Sami for Nick. {face palm} Please for the love of god let real Samantha Gene Brady make an appearance, and show the pathetic side piece what revenge really looks like.
  22. When the Hortons start casting stones, I want Sami to remind them (Maggie, Julie, Hope) that she tried to talk to all of them about Nick, and they didn't want to listen. I also want Sami to remind them that Jensen shot Will because Will refused to leave Nick behind, and Nick still tried to take Ari away from Will again and again. Seeing how Gabi and Nick were written out when TIIC knew for months they were leaving, I can't wait to see AS and JS exit SLs (I'm being sarcastic here). Rafe and Lucas really are late to the party, and they still don't know everything that happened.
  23. NCW’s facial expressions during the Viper/Mountain fight were excellent. When it looked like Oberyn might win, Jaime exchanged a look with Tyrion that only lasted a couple of seconds, but it said everything. I love Charles Dance, but I’m looking forward to Tywin dying. The only interest I have in Dany’s SL is if the dragons put in an appearance.
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