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Everything posted by TigerLynx

  1. I want the wedding to be over, and for Kate and Sami's plan for the board meeting to be revealed. I would list all the things I do not care about on this show, but it's easier to list what I do care about - Kate and Sami annihilating EJ and Stefano.
  2. I will never understand why someone who chooses to knowingly get involved with someone else who is married, engaged, or dating another person proceeds to get angry at or jealous of the person being cheated on. The boring twit knew what she was doing. I hope Sami stomps her and EJ into the ground. When Chad returns I would love to here him snark on both his older brother and his judgmental hypocritical ex.
  3. EJ raping Sami was bad enough, but the writers continued to pile on more violence between the two. EJ spent all of 2007 stalking, terrorizing, and threatening Sami, and then blackmailed her into marriage. EJ kidnapped Sydney, and told Sami she was dead. Sami shot EJ in the head. EJ stuck Fake Rafe in Sami's home and bed to rape her. Then EJ's sister rapes Sami's twin brother Eric, and EJ makes jokes to Sami about it. All while the writers completely ignore EJ and Sami's history. I really hope Kate and Sami completely destroy Stefano and EJ. I want Kristen destroyed to. I'm tired of the Dimeras.
  4. I really hope this wedding and the board meeting deliver, and by deliver I mean I want Kate and Sami to completely destroy EJ and Stefano. I don't have any interest in any of the other SLs. Marlena is a horrible mother, and person.
  5. EJ stayed in Salem to long. Something in the water turns everyone into either stalkers or idiots or both. I’m loving Kami. If I was going to ship a couple, it would be them. I would love some scenes of Kate, Sami, Theresa, and Ciara. Hope would probably have heart failure if she saw Ciara hanging out with those three. I really want Stefano, EJ, and Kristen to die. I think they have all lasted past their expiration date. I still don’t care about Jordan’s secret. I don’t care about Rafe/Jordan. Kate couldn’t make them interesting, and adding Sami to the mix won’t make them interesting. It will just further my belief that Kate and Sami are the superior couple.
  6. It is nice that JJ has some self-awareness, and isn’t proud of what he did. However, I’m tired of JJ being constantly vilified because so many other people in Salem have gotten a free pass for doing so much worse.
  7. I’m all for never seeing Kristen ever again. I wish Stefano, EJ, and Kristen would all go straight to hell and stay there. I’m loving Kate and Sami, but if after all this, the idiot writers have Sami forgive EJ, and get back together with the selfish lying cheating bastard, I’m going to be beyond angry. Corday and the writers are just jerking the fans around with EJ and the boring twit scenes. They had EJ tell Sami he would always love her right in front of Abby, and EJ didn’t give Abby a second thought. If EJ had any real feelings, or any respect for either of them, he would tell Sami the truth, and wouldn’t continue with this farce of a wedding where Sami, the woman he supposedly loves more than his own life, has asked the idiot he cheated with to be her MOH. Die EJ Die. I am really tired of the JJ is so horrible crap. Compared to everyone else in Salem, JJ is saint.
  8. Sami’s comments to Abe about how Roman and Marlena feel about her wedding, she doesn’t have any family left, and to Kate about how this plan better work – Sami is angry at not just EJ, but herself to for defending EJ to her family, and for choosing to be with him in the first place. EJ is lucky Kate has a plan otherwise I think Sami might have shot him in the head again, or somewhere else.
  9. Kate maybe worried her plan with Sami will go off track if her romp with Rafe is revealed, or if Rafe is free. Kate wouldn’t want Sami to run back to Lucas or Rafe to soon. Or Kate might not want Rafe digging to much into why Gabi killed Nick. Or my personal favorite spec is Kate wants Sami for herself, and finally sees her chance. It looks like Kate/Sami may be meeting up for regular updates, but also so Kate can keep Sami steady, on track, and calm. Sami has given EJ every chance to tell the truth, and he hasn’t. I hope she fries him.
  10. Putting Eve in Dannifer’s orbit already makes her boring to me and FF material. Poor KDP. Right out of the gate, she is stuck in a lousy SL. I’m really tired of all these selfish idiots who claim undying all consuming love for someone who they then proceed to stab in the back.
  11. Hilarious, and so true. AS and LK OTOH seem to be enjoying the hell out of themselves.
  12. There are no friendships on this show except ones contrived for the moment, and they will promptly be thrown under the bus for an even more inexplicable friendship or relationship. Wasn't Jenn the idiot who said she didn't believe Theresa could change, but she was all for giving psycho Kristen another chance? So far, Theresa hasn't done anything that comes close to all the crimes Kristen has committed.
  13. The idiot writers don't care about history. They can be bothered to remember what they wrote last week, let alone what happened years ago.
  14. Eve will have sex with both of them, and Jenn cares about having Dan care about her and be willing to listen to her lectures more than she cares about JJ or anything else.
  15. LMAO Bantering!!! Too funny. At this point, I don’t know why EJ would be a loss. Brandon, Lucas, Rafe were supposed to be losses because they are good guys (according to the show). EJ is a monster, incompetent idiot, selfish jerk, or worse depending on how many of his personalities show up that day. As Bantering pointed out, EJ isn’t even pretty to look at anymore. Sami’s better off moving on, and getting a new last name to add to the list of Brady, Reed, Walker, Roberts/Horton, Dimera, Hernandez.
  16. That’s just one of the problems with taping so far in advance, and dragging the SLs out so long. The fans either figure out what is going to happen long before it does, or they don’t care. My investment in this SL is purely enjoying AS/LK scenes. The rest is been there, done that, boring.
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