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Everything posted by citychic

  1. I think Jace nailed it with his favorite moment of 2017 being his birthday and not getting a new step-dad. He really did look happy playing in the pool at his birthday.
  2. It does present itself as laziness because you literally sit in the middle of it all and have no idea where to start, so you don't do anything. It's horrible. I have severe manic bipolar so I respect what Cate is going through and depression is very real which will cause a person to not shower or take care of themselves. I just don't think that Cate has that level of depression going on right now and if she truly embraced her inpatient stay then the minute she came home we should see some changed in eating and lifestyle, it's the only way to get better along with prescribed medication if needed. Chicken, broccoli and daily walks outdoors will cure more of Cate's problems in six months than anything else but that's where her lazy shows through. She took a room away from someone in the facility who might have actually really wanted to get better but I guess Cate had more money.
  3. I completely agree with both of you, she has the money, the means and the time to be cleaner but she's making that choice because she's lazy and in my opinion she's using the mental illness route as even more of an excuse to be lazy. If they didn't have money and had to work at the gas station and prioritize how to spend their income they would still choose weed first, fast food second and clothing/hygiene third. In Nathans words their just trailer trash that won the lottery but rarely does money change who you are deep inside. They grew up dirty and in old clothing in older chaotic households and they really don't know how to live any other way nor do they care to change. To much effort and not enough knowledge on how to change, who do they have to show them by example? I was just pointing out how typical Michigan she and Tyler are right down to the pot smoking. If I had their income and a reality show about my damn life you bet your booty I would improve myself but after all these years they've become comfortable with the cameras and believe their own delusions about being famous.
  4. I've been reading these how Cate looks and dresses posts for a long time now and I have to stick up for her for a second. Most of us girls in rural Michigan dress like Cate. We aren't fashion forward and to be blunt we would stick out like a sore thumb in most places if we did our hair and put on tons of make-up and dressed up just to go to Meijer. Same with her hairstyle, I could go out today and get pics of twenty girls in ten minutes with the same ponytail and one piece of hair pulled forward. The majority of us here are overweight too. Cate and Tyler fit into Michigan and where they live. We're a little backwoods and wear a lot of hoodies with pink camo but I've really never seen them act out of character for where they live. It seems strange to me to go to a larger city and see everyone dressed up with their hair and nails done and that's where I would feel out of place.
  5. I don't know how to do a screen shot but I would appreciate anyone who can. When Debra was at that store with her friend all I could think of is that without even realizing it she joined the red purple hat society. She was even wearing the purple shirt. Almost there Deb, Almost there.
  6. I love every snarky word of your post. I will be sitting right next to you watching these two trash bags go out to the curb with the rest of their belongings. Shoot, I used to hang out over at the kartrashians forum and I posted years ago about waiting for those noodleheads to go down in flames and it still hasn't happened. I have always wondered why actors and television personalities are paid so well. Athletes too to a point. Old Hollywood way back in the day was glamorous and classy no doubt and maybe those are the people who deserved a bit more so they could shine but these people? Why? Why doesn't someone just say out loud how ridiculous it is and start paying them 20 dollars and hour.
  7. Here is a snap of Kim trying to be cool...It's just pathetic. Accidentally of course. These people live in such a social bubble they're starting to become bubbles. Bubble brain, bubble lips, bubble boobs, bubble butt and a bleached bubble bottom hole.
  8. Elizabeth's sisters must have gotten most of the attention growing up. All she's doing is showing out to get attention from everyone around her by starting conflict that will never be there except in her mind. Her sisters must have gotten all the attention growing up and I get the feeling that her parents don't think Elizabeth is quite as mature as she thinks she is but they don't quite know what to do with her. At the family dinner when her dad and brother were saying that no one had even met him yet she just pouted like a child instead of having a mature conversation. With her sisters having a drink, "Oh, we won't be able to do this anymore because I have to be submissive." No doll, you want to be submissive, it's how you believe men show love is be controlling you. With Andre "Oh my family will never accept you because you are to controlling." Way to twist his words to fit your agenda sweetheart. She egged him on and wanted him to bad to say no, you can't go out to celebrate your engagement so she could turn around and cry to her family about how she can't do those things with them anymore because of Andre. Do you get what I'm trying to say? She's playing her family against Andre because she wants to be the center of attention. Even negative attention is still attention from her family. Poor Libby is just going about this all wrong and it's going to blow up in her face when they all meet and realize there is no conflict at all. Evelyn makes me hate all of her eyelet dresses and that one she wears in her talking heads is really a pretty color. She's another one that's not so innocent.
  9. Thanks! Barb does a fine job with what she has to deal with. She's going to be just fine. You are spot on about Jenelle's interactions with men being a symptom of bipolar, I never made that connection until you said it but I sure did live it in my late teens/early twenties. It's a daddy issue mixed with a submissive and David being a large person physically. He tells her what to do, what to say and how to think and in Jenelle's mind that's security and being taken care of which is why we see that pleased smirk on her face all the time. He fights her battles both mentally and physically. Since I have bipolar I love to read about mental illness and how they shape the people around us. I came across this article and I thought it explained David and Jenelle really well. What I found most fascinating is how clearly it's explained why they are drawn to each other. DSM-5 lists ten personality disorders, and allocates each to one of three groups or ‘clusters’: A, B, or C Cluster A (Odd, bizarre, eccentric) Paranoid PD, Schizoid PD, Schizotypal PD Cluster B (Dramatic, erratic) Antisocial PD, Borderline PD, Histrionic PD, Narcissistic PD Cluster C (Anxious, fearful) Avoidant PD, Dependent PD, Obsessive-compulsive PD David - 7. Narcissistic personality disorder In narcissistic PD, the person has an extreme feeling of self-importance, a sense of entitlement, and a need to be admired. He is envious of others and expects them to be the same of him. He lacks empathy and readily lies and exploits others to achieve his aims. To others, he may seem self-absorbed, controlling, intolerant, selfish, or insensitive. If he feels obstructed or ridiculed, he can fly into a fit of destructive anger and revenge. Such a reaction is sometimes called ‘narcissistic rage’, and can have disastrous consequences for all those involved. Jenelle - 9. Dependent personality disorder Dependent PD is characterized by a lack of self-confidence and an excessive need to be looked after. The person needs a lot of help in making everyday decisions and surrenders important life decisions to the care of others. He greatly fears abandonment and may go through considerable lengths to secure and maintain relationships. A person with dependent PD sees himself as inadequate and helpless, and so surrenders personal responsibility and submits himself to one or more protective others. He imagines that he is at one with these protective other(s), whom he idealizes as competent and powerful, and towards whom he behaves in a manner that is ingratiating and self-effacing. People with dependent PD often end up with people with a cluster B personality disorder, who feed on the unconditional high regard in which they are held. Overall, people with dependent PD maintain a naïve and child-like perspective, and have limited insight into themselves and others. This entrenches their dependency, and leaves them vulnerable to abuse and exploitation. David is cluster B and Jenelle is dependent. I'm not diagnosing them, but if the shoe fits lace that bitch up and wear it. Here is a link to the whole article https://www.psychologytoday.com/blog/hide-and-seek/201205/the-10-personality-disorders
  10. It really hurts my heart to hear Jenelle treat Barb the way that she does, I haven't even watched this one yet. This is personal to me because in another world I could be Barb. My oldest son has special needs. It has been exhausting caring for him since he was born 24 years ago, and I've been a single mom since he was five. The last seven years I've had to spend 24/7 caring for his every need from feeding to bathing without help. I see everyone bashing Barb on here for the way Jenelle turned out but remember Barb is just a person too. She's not a regular doctor, a mental doctor, a therapist, a dentist, or a finance manager, she's a mom. But when her kids needed extra help she had to become all of these things for all of these kids that she felt responsible for because she created them and her marriage dissolved and their dad took off. She did the best that she could, we all do. And if my daughter was in that situation I would more than likely take on an additional grandchild too instead of letting the child go up for adoption...Talk about a heartwrenching decision for a grandma. No Barb sure isn't perfect, most of us aren't. I truly do have bi-polar disorder, been on a disability myself since 1998. It's hard when you're a little messed up yourself but you do what you have to do to make it work because you feel a responsibility to your kids. I know it's hard and exhausting for me and I can't even work outside the home full time because of my full time job inside the home so I know Barb must be so tired. Remember she also has to handle banking and things for her son who's in a home plus she also has the other grandkids. I had to give up my entire life because of my son. I was never able to attend college or hold a full time job because when he was in trouble at school or needed help it was always my phone they called and he was my priority. My life has never been my own to enjoy. I've been accused of a lot of horrible things over the years in my care of my son and been told I was a horrible mother many, many times because my son is not normal and I must have done something wrong. It hurts so hard to hear people say it's your fault as the mother that your kids turned out bad. Don't judge until you've been in the situation, you have no idea what people are going through.
  11. Yup. This has always been Danielle's way, stir shit up and then sit there with a smirk while everyone else blows up around you. Danielle manipulation 101 - Make a statement that didn't need to be said in the first place just to start shit. Remain calm and smirk while everyone around you loses their shit. When you realize you might get called out on your shit create a diversion such as running out of the room to see who follows. Cry pretend tears feigning hurt feelings and the need to go home immediately to further separate the group and give no one a further chance to calm down and reasonably discuss the shit you just needlessly started at someone else's event. Cement your spot on a reality show for another season. I tried to like Siggy and I tried to see her side on the cake throwing thing but I just can't anymore after seeing her embarrass Melissa like that. Know what Siggy was doing? She was putting on a side show for her other friends that she invited to the party. See me? I'm on TV!! She knows that all of her friends will go home and talk about her and the tv show taping party they were invited to and every party after Siggy can bring it up again and again. I honestly think she just used Melissa because she was there and an easy target and she knew she wouldn't fight back.
  12. Nathan spoke the truth when he said as soon as David showed up it's like Jenelle got all big and bad or however he said it. I was a little confused too so thanks for sharing this video.
  13. Jenelle really believes that David is this big strong protector but he's nothing more than a big bully who uses his size to intimidate. I'm with you I hope this is the beginning of the end too. The angrier David gets the more desperate he's getting.
  14. Yeah, Maci brought her own beer you fuckwad. Briana is just repeating what she's been told to say by Jenelle. David, you got in the door to this #FakeParty because of your wife, but you didn't belong there. So much has happened in the eight years before you came alone and all of these people know what a liar Jenelle is. You thought you were big and bad flying into a private house, drugs on speed dial, mermaid photo shoot lol...whatever. It was funny as all get out watching you try to take your attitude into this party, get your ass handed to you and watch you run like a little bitch back home to your land, the only place YOU can control what goes on. The best part is you aren't even man enough to fight a damn balloon to get out of a room when push comes to shove, you have to pull a weapon! Yeah, you keep telling that magic mirror on the wall you're the baddest of them all.
  15. The mist is the weed! After all the weed was a guest at the wedding, along with the crack and the Jack. The weed has always been Jenelle's first true love and all the weed wanted to do was be in a wedding picture. Sadly I think even the weed knows this will be Jenelle's last dance.
  16. Yep. You could see Kail's face fall when she realized that the nurses had no idea who she was and they didn't treat her special because of the cameras. That's what Kail was waiting for, the Jlo treatment, and you're right, as soon as she saw that crappy hospital room she was like "game over" I'm outta here.
  17. Yes, you're right she did send him a screenshot of the proof. I know the date would be on the paper but the way Kail sounded to me was like she was playing a game with Javi and she hadn't done it yet. Maybe out of spite, maybe out of laziness but either way I'm pretty sure Javi knew something was up and that's why he was holding out on cancelling the court date. It's hilarious to watch her facial expressions sometimes when she gets called on her shit. There was one time where she was complaining about Jo filing the support order but not telling her in advance. She said something along the lines of "That's not how people treat each other" or something like that but right as she said it she caught herself and realized that Jo was doing to her exactly what she had done to him.
  18. Do you really think that kail cares who she inconveniences if she were to give birth over there? She expects everyone to drop their lives and accommodate her anyway, except I believe Joe and Javi have had enough and are fighting back in their own ways. And I never really understood the meaning of "extra" but Kail is living the dream. I fully believe she tried to give birth while she was there just so she could have extra attention on her. If the expressions on her face weren't telling enough when the nurses told her nothing was wrong, then her talking about where she wanted to give birth over and over was the final clue for me that she would do anything to cover up her shame at being shunned by Chris. I don't know where she was the week before on vacation but I believe she also hoped to give birth early there too just for the attention factor. One last thing. I fully believe that she didn't drop that PFA on Javi and he knew it. She pussyfooted around that conversation saying she would get "proof" from the courts and show it to him. Well, when the courts sent "proof" to Javi it was dropped they would have also sent a copy to Kail. She went down and filed to drop the PFA that day only after Javi called her bluff and told her he would drop the court date after seeing the paperwork he knew all along she didn't even have because she never dropped it. Javi may be a famewhore but he has Kail's number and I'm loving some of her expressions when he drops some one liners.
  19. The pineapple symbol is associated with marijuana culture. I feel like she likes pineapples because she likes Chris and wants to fit into his way of life.
  20. Yup. No one else noticed when Kail went through her pineapple phase? She wore shirts with pineapples and I think even some pineapple jewelry when she was chasing Chris hard. Just like Jenelle, anything to mold yourself into what the boy wants.
  21. I'm one of them who believes she's pregnant and have commented here and other places about it. My reason is that David told her he wanted another before they got married and Jenelle will do whatever David says. I believe he also really, really wants another son. Now why bring another child into a relationship where clearly neither of them want children? No clue, and I'm a little scared to think that we might find out why. Anyway, I didn't even think about her weight, I have always thought Jenelle was cute and had a good gymnast body.
  22. See, that's just it with these girls. The only girl I can think of who actually planned one of their kids on this franchise is Chelsea. These babies mean nothing when they're conceived, used as a trap to get a husband and when that fails then they are used as pawns for money from absent baby daddies. Hey Kail, when baby Lo is old enough to understand are you going to explain his absent daddy to him with the explanation " Well, he could have pulled out, but he didn't and that's why you're here!" ??
  23. http://www.theashleysrealityroundup.com/2017/09/23/jenelle-evans-wedding-is-back-on-get-spoilers-from-the-teen-mom-2-stars-big-day-exclusive/ Pic of Jenelle in her dress here. I still believe she's pregnant.
  24. Leah and her sister were both on pills when they were sitting talking on the steps, and mixing it with some wine. You can tell by the eyes, you cannot hide that glassy look and small pupils. They were also both slurring their words and Victoria was doing that lean that high people do when they think they're being cool. Leah was also hard on something during her date, and the wine made her giggly there too. Don't play a player Leah.
  25. It looks like someone took a toilet plunger to her nose and lips. You can even see the outline it left after the "procedure". Plastic surgeons were out of ideas as to how to make women look more ridiculous so behind closed doors the vain and vapid were privately offered this very special procedure to make them a futurama star of social media and out came the plunger. These women still haven't gotten the joke.
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