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Writing Wrongs

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  1. Just finished the season. I didn't know about the drama with Claudean and Anthony until I googled why they weren't shown at the final. What horrible people.
  2. I'm in my re-watch of the series and have started Season 4. This is when I start disliking Kris. With Sabrina (Kate) gone, Kris (Cheryl) just seems to take over. I really hate the Patrick Duffy episode and it made me want to smack Kris. I always liked Tiffany (Shelley) and it's a shame they didn't give her more of a chance. My major annoyance of Seasons 1-3 is Charlie. The older I get, the more I can't stand his pervy sexual innuendo bits each episode. Otherwise, I still love the show. And why in the world did they choose to make Jill a race car driver? So lame. About as bad as telling us that Sabrina up and got married and was pregnant out of nowhere. Oh and Edward J Lakso is a hack and his episodes suck.
  3. Episode 3 was painful to watch. I would probably have been stubborn and all 3 of us would've been eliminated. It's weird how out of hundreds of people, they only seem to focus on the same handful. Makes me think they are actors or something.
  4. The new season is up on Prime. Manu and Colin are the judges. I've only watched the first 2 episodes. There always has to be one person who is b****.
  5. Interesting show. I was yelling at the idiots who passed up guaranteed money in order to possibly make it to the end. And at those sacrificing themselves for people they don't even know.
  6. I'm gonna miss that Defender.
  7. I just started Season 13 and hate that bowlegged Joe is back. I prefer Aiden. And I still can't stand that coroner lady. I also miss Jac.
  8. Why were there so many Jamie Kennedy references in Superman & Lois Season 4 Episode 8
  9. I think that depends on what you mean by "greater". I was a kid in the 70s and I do still enjoy and feel nostalgic about old tv shows. The shows I own on blu-ray are from that era (Charlie's Angels, Bionic Woman...). I do miss the simplicity of having only 3 channels to choose from and the family sitting down together to watch. But I also love being able to binge watch things and being spoiled for choice, too.
  10. I used to love naps on the weekends. I would set time aside to nap from after lunch until almost dinner time. I ended up quitting because I felt like I was wasting time sleeping when I could be doing something else. Now that I'm older, I almost always fall asleep in my chair after dinner and miss all of my shows and wake up in time to go to bed. 🤣
  11. Pet Peeve: Overused phrases I watch a lot of "reality" shows and YT videos, so I am hearing a lot of phrases and words that are new to my old ass. "Spilling the tea" is one. But the 2 that annoy me at the moment are "I see you" and "I appreciate you". The more I hear them used the more fake and condescending they sound. I also roll my eyes at YT apartment tour videos and how people of a certain age range all have the same Tom Ford coffee table book, coffee bar with the Chemex pour over coffee maker, "smart" everything and the requisite Hermes "H" blanket or pillow. I have become a grumpy old woman and I'm only in my 50s.
  12. End of an era. I got teary when they found their old cars.
  13. That's an accent? I thought she had a speech impediment.
  14. Why did she even have premonitions? Her power was the same as Piper's. She only had a premonition in That 70s Episode because she was pregnant with Phoebe and channeling her power. At least that's how I understood it. Maybe she had several while pregnant. Who knows. Continuity isn't this shows strong suit. Shannen really had an issue with Prue and Andy's relationship. On the podcasts, she says he comes off too stalkerish.
  15. I feel like they make her seem like a simpleton. She always has this dopey look on her face and the way she talks is annoying. I don't really care for Sullivan or Devine either. I miss the old crew.
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