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Writing Wrongs

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  1. Do Survivor winners just blow through all their money or are they just greedy? I am so sick of seeing the same "reality stars" on every show. Let regular people have a shot.
  2. The montage of Danielle's "acting" was embarrassing. That on the floor, "Lordy, Lordy" moment is cringe.
  3. I don't know why Britney didn't use her past with Danielle as a way to deflect Dylan's observation about Danielle's comment about getting screwed over by her again. Ivar and Dolores didn't deserve to be at the end. They did nothing the whole game.
  4. The part I started to tear up at was him telling the chihuahua drowning story. Evil bastard.
  5. What I find weird on Dateline is the dumb pop up questions they have. They are usually telling horrific murder stories and then a jaunty little question pops up at the bottom. Paraphrasing: Narration: She was murdered on her favorite walking trail. Pop up question: Do you have a favorite walking trail? @DatelineNBC #Dateline NBC Weird and inappropriate, I think.
  6. Why is it taking so long to identify Jamie? Can't they do fingerprints or something? I really don't care for Margaret at all any more. Has it ever been said if Zeke is getting help or therapy for his condition? Or are they ok with him just living like that for the rest of his life? Yeah and the no checking before opening the door is stupid.
  7. Dolores always looks angry. Surprised Dylan voted for Danielle. Good for him. I don't know if anyone here has watched Key & Peele, but whenever Gabby speaks her voice reminds me of Peele's Meegan character.
  8. Yes, the pimp hat needs to go.
  9. I fear this show is going to drag out the Sir stuff the way The Mentalist did Red John. I thought the first season with less episodes was good and kept the story tight. Adding more just means stretching things to a ridiculous level.
  10. I can't stand Danielle. There's no way in hell that she isn't planning on screwing over Carolyn.
  11. Just finished the season. I didn't know about the drama with Claudean and Anthony until I googled why they weren't shown at the final. What horrible people.
  12. I'm in my re-watch of the series and have started Season 4. This is when I start disliking Kris. With Sabrina (Kate) gone, Kris (Cheryl) just seems to take over. I really hate the Patrick Duffy episode and it made me want to smack Kris. I always liked Tiffany (Shelley) and it's a shame they didn't give her more of a chance. My major annoyance of Seasons 1-3 is Charlie. The older I get, the more I can't stand his pervy sexual innuendo bits each episode. Otherwise, I still love the show. And why in the world did they choose to make Jill a race car driver? So lame. About as bad as telling us that Sabrina up and got married and was pregnant out of nowhere. Oh and Edward J Lakso is a hack and his episodes suck.
  13. Episode 3 was painful to watch. I would probably have been stubborn and all 3 of us would've been eliminated. It's weird how out of hundreds of people, they only seem to focus on the same handful. Makes me think they are actors or something.
  14. The new season is up on Prime. Manu and Colin are the judges. I've only watched the first 2 episodes. There always has to be one person who is b****.
  15. Interesting show. I was yelling at the idiots who passed up guaranteed money in order to possibly make it to the end. And at those sacrificing themselves for people they don't even know.
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