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Everything posted by leisawoo

  1. I'll join in. Call me Lee-eye-za instead of pronouncing like Lisa, lol. Hubby will be V-eye-nice, not Vince. Good times!
  2. Geraldo is quite the subtle saboteur, isn't he? Ruined the cruise, let the women on his team hang themselves during the TRUMP Doral crap. Cannot wait for next week. What a clusterfuckery bunch of fuckonauts!
  3. Agreed. She is QUITE the amateur actress, like high school play amateur.
  4. That was beautifully written. My heRt goes out to you for what you suffered. You have my admiration for conquering it. Blessings to you.
  5. AND, Hakeem is his fave so that would really stick it to Loo-shus!
  6. To each his/her own, Porscha is THE reason I refuse to watch Dish Nation. I used to leave it there once in a while before we got cable but would never once she was on there. JMO
  7. Zaldamo, I have always loved you for your posts and you just made it forever love. Syndicate-you come sit over here with us. There ain't big girl panties in the world big enough for me, that I could get on board with what folks think is going on with Dre/Rhonda. I can watch them, though, lol. I could never ever be down with that though. I am no Rhonda. If it's what other folks are calling it, she must have ice in her veins, lol. I still stand by my original thoughts but I just might be wrong if it's an agreed upon thing and the cuckold fetish. Whatever that is....runs to google...and delete history in case the kids pull it up, no pun intended.
  8. Wow. HOW does this woman still have custody of her kids? I know she hasn't placed them in physical harm or at least, I haven't seen anything like that. But, DAMN, the woman admits she's drunk all the time. God help me, I think they would be better off with Eddie & the rat faced Leann. He is their father, right? The torment those kids must go through at school.
  9. I don't think Cookie cheated cuz I feel like she loved her family. Nothing puma said gave me those feels either. He seemed like a gently rejected suitor. I mean Cookie sacrificed BIG and Puma would probably have tried to stop her.
  10. I totally agree about the agent. In fact, I turned to Mr. Leisawoo and asked if he didn't think that was obvious. I thought it was pretty slick and plausible. That said, I'm not 100% convinced Loo-shus bought it as he seems to grow more and more paranoid by the episode. I am, thankfully, not well acquainted with the penal system. Don't parole officers show up pretty much when/where they want? Isn't it kind of expected. I mean they might not announce who they are to co-workers or bosses but I know they have to verify employment. It was cool of her to find Puma even if plot driven. Rhonda could enjoy it and be that kinkster. You could very well be right. I just kind of read in her face that she wasn't pleased about it at first. If it's open, why spy? He looked a little uptight when he saw her standing there. I also thought he tried to play it off at first. Of course, that might be part of the game. I saw it more as she succumbed to the physical manipulations but she didn't seem happy about it. I think we'll def be seeing a lot more of their games though and I'm down with that. I'll be a "voyeur" lol. Hakeem and Mommy stand in...don't really enjoy though. Maybe cuz I have grown kids, lol. Skeevy to me but I totally get where it comes from. Lee Daniels is a genius! ETA: color me crazy but I think Rhonda loves Andre or at least did. Bipolar is fuckton of shit to put up with, lol
  11. I think Doug's afraid Jamie will cut him off till the start of baby making days, lol. I think she would, too. She seems the type. JMHO
  12. In response to the Dre/Rhonda sexual acting out being related to bipolar: I am bipolar and while promiscuity often factors in because of the mania, it tends to remain in your younger years until you find a stable relationship. Hopefully, I've been blessed to not have those issue since finding my husband. However, it may be that promiscuity is a major issue for Andre. I honestly believe that Rhonda has fooled herself into accepting this and overlooking it so that she can one day be Queen Bee. Don't think its gonna end that way but I think that's how she's playing it. She accepts it, grits her teeth and plays along cause by God she's in it and she wants to win it.
  13. Cuz it's all about that taste, bout that taste, bout that taste.... Sorry, I'll show myself out. Delirious from abcessed tooth and sleep deprivation, lol.
  14. Hahahaha Benteen. I feel ya. Never could get into that one. I really wanted to like it. I did. Is it still on?
  15. Yes, bring on Megan cuz Andy CoWhore is allllll about exploiting insecurities. A mean girl himself. I can't help thinking that there's a special place in hell for him with a torture specific to each Ho'Wive franchise.
  16. When Falcone was choking the life outta LizaMommyLookalike, all I could think was: didn't DaFish (played so damn well by Jada) vet her and have her fight another girl to death for the job of Super Assassin? Or did my old memory flub that shiz up? Ya just gonna let him choke a bitch, Liza? Did guilt overcome you? Ok, then.
  17. Editors are evil. See every Real Ho'wives franchise and anything Andy CoWhore is in charge of.Although, the editors have a wealth of material to splice together with some of those gals.
  18. Someone finally said what I am now thinking. I, too, question Doug's motives. Mr IllBeWhatYouNeed sure seems indiffererent now. And yes, 1000 times to the appalled look on his mother's face when Jaime brought up kids. I don't think her worry is all about Jamie, though. I think she may just have some doubts in her son. FFS, I know I would. He's not that mature, IMHO. Edited cuz I said thinking and it put honking, lmao. I also almost reported myself. Hey PTV, reporting is something that would/should require pause and thought. I've mentioned on other forums, please move that dang icon, lol. I don't really have sausage fingers or man hands but I'm getting a complex, lolol.
  19. Wonder what his "sainted mother" would think of how he turned out but it's not that important, lol.
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