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Everything posted by leisawoo

  1. Aannnddd, Jax set up his son's mom to be killed. As kind hearted as Nero seems, he's just gonna let that slide? Ok, then.
  2. From Enty over there at "Crazy Days and NIghts"-take with a grain of salt. A girl can dream though, can't she, Tori? "Even though there are only a couple of episodes remaining of her reality show, Lifetime executives want to cancel Tori Spelling's new show now and try and get something solid in her times lot. Despite trying everything she can to get attention and publicity for her show including her Ebola like symptoms and quarantine in a hospital, no one is watching her show. This brief run of shows was her last hope in keeping some type of reality career going. There is nothing left for her to say or do. She has worn out her welcome and no one is particularly interested in watching her live her life or the things she doesn't go through every day but wants you to think she does. She will make a decent living posing with products and making appearances that she won't have to worry about putting food on the table and Dean can always keep doing his thing which also makes a decent amount of money. Even without the show, they probably make close to $1M a year, so no one is going to feel very sorry for them."
  3. Thanks, Snookums! So, that preview with her son running one of the sons off the road makes NO sense, sigh.
  4. I honestly think if Jax stopped trying to have HIS way and really put Bobby's well being first and just did what Marks wanted, What's left of Bobby would be returned. I forget cuz it's convoluted. The pantyhose pastor's wife and son are just leverage for Jax, right? Is Marks gonna kill them?
  5. Jax was an idiot to think Marks would accept a deal, and Bobby paid for his loyalty with the loss of his hand (or fingers – why do some people think it was only fingers? Surely an artery is no problem in magic Charming-world). I made myself look on the re watch. The knife guy placed the blade just above the knuckle joints connecting the fingers to the hand. The sentences we type in these forums. It's like when I took a quiz on an earlier episode of the show. 2 answers to the questions that stand out were "wrapping a dead body in plastic" & and my fave, "threatened to sodomize him with a flute". lol.
  6. Pete Martell, love your posts. Please come to the SOA forum if you haven't already :)
  7. LMAO. Yes, indeed. So, can we do a poll on Juice's action? I think he might tell 'em about Gemma. She was going to kill him. But that leaves the little problem of Roosevelt. Juice did dispose of the weapons. Could he get away with claiming Gemma killed Roosevelt as well? On a side note, would not Gemma be THE.WORST. defense lawyer's client ever? I can imagine. "Please stop threatening everyone in the courtroom. Stop shrieking. For the love of God, woman, try to appear a little more human. We cannot claim it was an accident. Why, oh why, won't you wear something age appropriate? And lots and lots of-"DONT YOU THINK I NEEDED TO KNOW THAT? I work for YOU. You HAVE to be honest with me." Topped off with, "I quit. Not only representing you; I quit practicing or having anything to do with law. You are JUST the worst kind of person, Gemma. Satan couldn't plead your case and win. Also, he said you're a horrible, horrible woman."
  8. Is it just me or are the walkers kinda just a HUGE annoyance now? I guess other survivors are the really scary ones now. They are so nonchalant when they're stabbing the walkers. Sometimes, they don't even rush to kill 'em. I guess that's good but it could backfire later if they become immune to the terror that you should feel, lol.
  9. Thank you so much Gudzilla! Really had a ball on this board today. Love ALL of the comments and theories! Why can't the world get along like our forum, lol.
  10. Yes indeed. One of the aspects to racism is a general mistrust between 2 different races. They apparently divided the clubs by color-my God, it's always brown, yellow, black even in place of the game names. In my experience, growing up in the south with NO PREJUDICE PERSONALLY AGAINST ANY COLOR, black people make you prove yourself before they hang with you. The mistrust is justified due to history. Weren't the Niners gang JUST approved, last season, by the no-blacks ever Irish that supply all the guns thru SAMCRO? Why the fuck is Tyler blindly trusting? It's like his older brother ran the Niners, he inherited it and has no fucking idea what to do? Why wouldn't it be a partnership instead of Jax giving orders and Tyler just following along? Even now, he caved when Jax got aggressive with the "no. Half in"? I would have strongly come back about protecting me and mine. Like, "Jax, dude, you started this shit and I don't think you fully knew what you were starting? I sure as hell didn't know you were gonna be flailing around. Look at the death toll. I'm gonna have to think a minute". I am still hoping Alvarez comes out on top. He's been pretty quiet and he knows his hit.
  11. Ok, now I gotta ask what you mean about Bobby and Otto, Gudzilla. Not arguing by any means. I vaguely remember Bobby doing that and Otto being mad but I don't think I remember enough to fully enjoy and ponder your remark.
  12. WOULD even Gemma hurt Abel to keep him quiet?!?! Maybe just maybe. I don't know if Sutter would go THAT dark but.... I'm sure if she does, it will be an accident. Yanno, Gemma's REALLY accident-prone.
  13. If they add a slew of new "characters" this season like last, we can call it Season7-Who dat? If it's the same ones, Season 7-Do You Even Care Anymore?
  14. Yes, yes, yes. They're kinda " good, evil jerks". Well, they were. I used to root for Jax and, so help me, I thought he was smart till this season. RIP any shred of Jax's intelligence. Am I crazy or is his grief over Tara now just a blazing revenge fire? I get how busy he is, what with starting shit with anyone and everyone, but damn. Take a moment to reflect? The girl WASTED her life on you-granted cuz of her all encompassing love. I sure as hell wouldn't have put up with YOUR shit, Jax. No matter how ripped ya are. I think the "grieving" I feel now IS for the original members. They have probably NEVER seen shit get THIS bad. They've dedicated their lives to the club and Jax is burning everything to the ground. He is what my mom used to say. He's not really proactive, he's reactive. If you're reactive, it's harder to gain control. Clay was proactive. Dammit, I HATED Clay. Only Jax's dumbass could expose Clays redeeming qualities after he killed him. Do I need to take this question to another thread? I try to catch up on old posts but there are so many, lol! Do you think Sutter fancies himself as Jax, when he writes the story? Is he living out some kind of fantasy? If this is the wrong place or there's another thread: redirection is appreciated. I also think Unser's shock at the new sheriff's putting Juice in with a word to the DOC is complete and utter BS. YOU're surprised she would do that? Bitch, please. You ain't ever been on the up and up, lawman Unser.
  15. It's probably for when Deano (reminds me of Beano which leads me to think how he probably smells)' is busy cheating, I mean working, and isn't available to carry her precious ass to teh potty. Probably wipes it for her, too. You know, to prove his lurve 'n all. Instead of making himself be faithful. I just can't imagine that out there in Hollyweird, Deano is a hot guy. Ugh!
  16. I don't think in Tre's mind that used clothes, bags and shoes have value cuz they're not "cleansy" anymore. ETA: in my mind, if they were TRE's, they definitely aren't cleansy anymore, lol. 4 day makeup, ill gotten gains and all that.
  17. Ok, this is a liiiiittle off topic, too but here goes. I, too, was not allowed to wear tampons, as a young girl, in the early 80s! So, I hated pads. While mom was at work one afternoon, I said to myself-just go get one of hers, how hard can it be, she's not here, etc. well, I believe the lovely pink plastic applicators were fairly new but I was sheltered, lol. Anyhow, I tried it and in doing so, managed to get my, um, okay "lip" hung in the 4 points. It was shocking and I didn't want to rectify that situation, immediately, so I hopped around howling for a good, long minute. It was dreadful, I got busted cuz of my little sister who came to investigate my screams of pain. It was a couple more years before I tried that! Whispers....I shook it off btw. Sorry if my lil anecdote offends. Thought some of my "sheltered" friends might get a giggle. HOPE it doesn't offend! Apologies if so.
  18. Thought so. Thanks. Hmmmmm that should be a very interesting development. And, please, Sutter, for all our loyalties to the show, let it be an actual development.
  19. YES LaTortuga! I wholeheartedly agree. By surrendering their voices, they have also numbered their days, I fear. Perhaps mutiny will figure in at some point. I get how they loooooove Jackie boy more than themselves but have they also surrendered their SURVIVAL INSTINCTS?! I mean, Tyler, who SEEMS like a pushover is already beside himself and squirming so much. Any chance Tyler comes out a winner? If he is smart, he better fix things with Marks, the smartest, only person with NO vulnerabilities in Charming. Forgive my tiredness but who was driving the truck that hit one of the cl-ugh-b? Was it the junkie's son or one of Tyler's guys?
  20. Thanks! The sound is awful on my tv for some shows. I thought Moses was relating his own experience at first, the, it seemed like he was drawing parallels between Bobby and himself. Thanks for the clarification. LOVED Bobby's line to Moses about not being a soldier, just a thug.
  21. I think maybe they should let Happy take over. Was Moses intimating that he knew Bobby had served in the military or did I misunderstand?
  22. Thanks so much LaTortuga. I thought all that happened. Jury did mention JT writing in or an actual book. Does Jax have access to it or was that really the letters?
  23. I would love to see Jax quote the line from 300 to the club before putting any and all of his plans in motion. The dine in hell one fits but also: "this will not be over quickly. You will NOT enjoy this. I am not your king."
  24. I guess I was just bored by the time they showed Jury's death. I honestly thought that Jury was just planting seeds (cuz, of course, no one ever has or keeps real proof concerning Charming shenanigans) in Jax's pea brain. To show him JT was so vehemently against SAMCRO becoming the kind of club It now is that he killed himself. Rme. More angst for the idiot, albeit a hot idiot. I hate how long it is between seasons and I'm running on one hour of sleep but: didn't Gemma tell Jax that Clay was behind JT's death or did that lil secret go undiscovered? I thought that fueled the Avalanche of rage against Clay that culminated in the club deciding to kill Clay off. Maybe, Sutter is trying to completely derail Jax by having him realize in wtf ever realizations he comes to, he didn't need to kill Clay. He should certainly think that Clay would not have pulled the cockamamie bullshit and allowed the club so much damage. I know Clay used the club, killed Piney 'n all that but his shit did not have SUCH far reaching consequences into so damn many criminal factions at once. Bobby being hurt would have killed Clay. Clay may have been heavy handed but didn't they used to vote and shit on what they were gonna do and everybody got to express their views? Jax is just a disaster. Anybody else tell Chibs to just shoot Jax when he was standing behind him with his hand on his shoulder? Chibs needs to take over. Of course, he'll probably absorb the responsibility for shit since he told Jackie boy"you can't not do anything" or some similar bs. Sorry for being long winded, lol
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