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Everything posted by Ffiferoo

  1. I thought it would be a little cool to see New Paltz on Girls, but I actually feel kind of resentful that they're making it look like it's in a boring state like Iowa. No offense, Iowa.
  2. I loved everything about this episode that had nothing to do with Hannah. Natasha Lyonne, Danny Strong, everything Elijah and Jessa said. Can we just skip everything that takes place outside of New York for the rest of the season?
  3. The teams seem really unevenly matched as far as notoriety. I'm sure they get as "famous" celebrities as they can, but the men have quite a few much bigger names than the women, which is huge for these types of challenges, particularly with the added emphasis on social media. I mean, can anyone really stand a chance against a Jonas brother? Geraldo was obnoxious with his constant references to being a war correspondent. I usually like when the cast members acknowledge that this is not actually hard work compared to an actual person's job, or some of their real jobs, but he was talking like he was getting shot at in the desert yesterday. No one else made much of an impression yet. I felt a little bad for Keisha, but it seemed like she just went along with being project manager because someone suggested it, so maybe she shouldn't have gone ahead with it. It sucks when money doesn't come through, and I appreciate that she didn't want to make a call asking for money from someone she hasn't had much contact with - that's a decent thing to do. I know this was filmed way before all the Cosby allegations came back up, but we don't know how that type of publicity may have affected her opinion of him over the years as well.
  4. I think if Yolanda had a problem with Jason going on the show during her pregnancy, she certainly didn't indicate it during what we saw of their phone call. Maybe he discussed it with her before making a decision, although as was pointed out, he was probably already cast or in the process of being cast when they found out she was pregnant. Plus it certainly can be quite lucrative for Jason to be involved with MTV if he ends up on The Challenge - he already seems like a good fit. I agree that the issue with Bruno is how he has gone about his hookups. He seems outwardly very sweet but either doesn't realize or doesn't care that he might be leading girls into thinking he wants a relationship when he actually just wants sex. With Sylvia it seemed like he was backpedaling after he thought she was flirting with Tony to avoid seeming like he was getting emotionally attached, and then got self-righteous about it when she reacted.
  5. Also interesting that she flat-out says this season is about "celebrities". I don't know that I would watch a spinoff, but production needs to pick a direction to take and stick with it, right now there doesn't seem to be a focus on anything but plugging other people's careers.
  6. I think it's also just generally an unwritten rule that when dealing with a significant other or even a friend's parent or other family member, the first thing to do in a situation like that is to let them handle it. Some people would be quite offended or upset by someone from outside the family going ahead and standing up to a parent, even if the parent is very wrong, as Danny's dad was/is. With Danny and Amy, the same goes for the rude and inappropriate comments his brother was making - Amy was staying in his home up until the wedding, and in that situation, it was really up to Danny to speak up on her behalf, not because Amy isn't capable, but because it's his brother. Particularly upon just meeting her future in-laws, I think Amy behaved as most people would and said about as much as she could have. Danny on the other hand could have told his brother he was going too far, or told his father that interracial marriages *are* common and accepted in the US. I think his youth is likely a big factor here though - he's probably never been in a position before where he needed to stand up to his elders that way, let alone on someone else's behalf.
  7. I don't know if it was supposed to be before, but this season just seems like an intentional joke with the canned clients and the staged introductions. It's not even fun to watch anymore, the whole matchmaking process seems to have more or less dissolved in favor of Patti BSing with other Bravo personalities. She doesn't even seem to be trying to keep up the illusion of authenticity anymore.
  8. It seemed to me like the way he said it in the context of the moment was trying to get around flat-out admitting that he wouldn't accept her because of her race, with the comments about how they're making their own decisions, etc, and he said something similar when talking to Amy's mother, if I recall correctly. Even though they presumably live quite far from all of their children, with the way Danny's mom was talking, it seems like they still maintain good relationships with them, but his comments sounded like a veiled way of saying that he was about a step away from disowning Danny. Pretty typical evasive response from someone who knows they can't just come out and say something racist, in my experience. If he actually felt that they're adults and can make their own decisions, I doubt he'd have objected so strongly.
  9. That's a forgiving number, I'd be surprised if it's a day past when he gets the green card in hand. It's almost impressive, with how she acts.
  10. Mohammed should go into politics, his question-dodging was on-point tonight. Cassia's hair looks so much better with the new dye job, and I really liked how she and Jason both interacted with the other couples so much - Jason went right for it asking Mo whether he loves Danielle!
  11. It immediately reminded me of Carrie Bradshaw's horrible hairdo at Charlotte's second wedding.
  12. Jason and Cassia can be on Extreme Cheapskates next! I felt really sad for her when she said Jason was her best friend...
  13. My Little Ponies make way better life decisions than we've seen Danielle make thus far! Danny's brother is vile, and that "sex torch" bullshit was pretty inappropriate, I think, in front of both families. He seems like a person who is constantly trying to get the biggest reaction possible by saying shocking things. Racist dad seemed to eat it up, too, so I'm sure that encouragement hasn't helped matters. Amy and Danny seemed really happy, and it's amazing how many of her family members came for the wedding. With the situation with Danny's family how it was, it must have been such a relief for her to have that show of support from her relatives. I felt bad for Cassia as well, but I think at this point if she doesn't decide to break things off, that'll just be confirmation that she isn't necessarily in this for the relationship. If she is just looking for a green card and sticks it out though, that would be some amazing resolve on her part - Jason just seems insufferable at this point!
  14. I was never a big fan of Maci before, but I really liked her on this, she was funny. Everyone else seemed like they were giving canned answers to most of the questions, and ugh Jenelle's question for Amber made it so crystal clear that she has learned *nothing*.
  15. "When Jo is dressing Isaac, I want him to consider me" Why? That is fucking ridiculous. He's *four*, I know there are more clothing options for kids than there used to be, but come on.
  16. Chelsea and her friends prepping for speed dating was like that mini Twix commercial with the 80s employees passing out from hairspray in the bathroom.
  17. So much for Kail getting a bad edit - that's a whole season of good will out the window for me with her racist comments. I was really hoping they were just trying to generate drama with those previews.
  18. I agree with everyone who said Nathan is probably pushing Jenelle about regaining custody of Jace in order to get back at Barb and isolate Jenelle. Sometimes it seems like he has a point as far as it not being such a big deal change for Jace, but his motives are not pure, and I almost feel like Jenelle's excessive excuses are recognition of that and trying to find a way around having Jace there with someone she knows isn't safe. I'm probably giving her too much credit, but she is well aware that Jace is scared of Nathan, even if she plays that to Barb as him being a better disciplinarian. The best thing she can do as a mother at this point is not to try and get custody - she simply doesn't seem cut out for parenting. Aside from holding him while lying in bed, have we seen Jenelle do any actual taking care of Kaiser at this point? It seems like Nathan is the one making bottles, changing him, etc. It's hard to tell if this could be some post-partum depression, picking her drug use back up, or just Jenelle's personality. It seems to me like she likes the idea of a nice family life (house, etc), likes the attention of being pregnant and feeling wanted, but doesn't want to deal with the actual raising of children. I was also very bothered by Kail's statement in the preview for next week about "little white boys", but I'm going to reserve judgment for next week and hope that this was just provocative editing. I can't recall her ever saying anything like that in the past, although I don't follow any of them on social media, etc, so maybe I've missed previous problematic comments.
  19. This was a real pleasant surprise, much better than I expected. I really liked Jada Pinkett-Smith, and there don't seem to be any weak links for me yet, as far as acting. I hope the young actors will do as well once we see more of them. I haven't watched a network drama in ages (and certainly not on Fox), but I'm definitely interested to stick with this one and see where it goes. I love the idea of it really being a story about Jim Gordon.
  20. I feel so devastated for Jace. With all of that going on around him, not a single adult acknowledges him beyond their own needs. I can't imagine how he's even processing any of it. Plus the fact that he was obviously too scared of Nathan to tell him that he wants to stay with Barb during the week speaks volumes. I just couldn't believe the way Jenelle sat in that car hoping for a piece of shit like Nathan to come and give a crap about her, while her child sat there trying so hard to comfort her and she brushed him off. Seems to me like the only males who will care about her unconditionally in her life were in that car with her, and yet her children will never get the same attention she gives to men who treat her so poorly. Leah I just don't understand at all. I feel like I must be missing something whenever she's complaining about Corey, because I don't see what he's doing so wrong. I can believe that maybe there was a misunderstanding with the missed therapy appointments, but nothing he's said or done (or not done) justifies the way Leah and Jeremy were talking about him, especially in front of the girls. With the previews for next week saying he's going for full custody, I hope he gets it, he's one of the best parents (teen or otherwise) on the show. I'm pretty bored of Chelsea and Kail at this point, except for getting to see Isaac and Lincoln being adorable.
  21. I don't like how mohawks look on pretty much anyone, but I work in elementary schools and there are many kids who have them, so it's not really out of the ordinary nowadays. Usually a kid's hair will grow out long enough to get it cut, they'll get the mohawk for a few weeks, and then buzz it after that.
  22. My goddaughter is four and started soccer a few months ago. I think they just do practice for now and the kids have varying levels of equipment, but her mom got her cleats. I guess it depends on the kid's interest and how committed parents feel to having them stick with it, so since Chelsea played softball herself, she may feel more strongly than some.
  23. Probably it's this. Unfortunately despite the fact that Barbara is a *more* fit parent than Jenelle, she is still a parent who raised a kid like Jenelle. And Jace is having to deal with both of them as caretakers ("caretakers"?)
  24. Kindergarten screening does happen, but it's generally to identify developmental, cognitive, motor, and/or speech needs before school starts, and to let them get acquainted with teachers, etc. Even in districts where they might separate kids into groups or track them for academics, it's highly unlikely that they'd start off on the first day of kindergarten. In the districts where I've worked they do very little that could be considered academic work in the first few days with kindergarten students and focus on things like classroom routines and appropriate behaviors. The only way I can think of for what Jenelle is saying to be accurate might be if they started doing pull-out academic screening on the first day to get baseline information. If he understands basic concepts and some computation like addition facts, they may have sent home information that he's working at a "grade equivalent" of first grade. That might mean that he has a handle on the stuff that beginning first grade students need, but I doubt it's more than that. A lot of screening measures are highly sensitive for kids this young, and can give somewhat inflated results if they manage to do well on even a fraction of items. Good for Jace if he's actually getting a good start in kindergarten, but the chances that he'll do well behaviorally seem limited at this point.
  25. I see people's points about Corey still having somewhat unrealistic expectations of Ali, but I don't think that the way he was talking implied that he would ever put undue pressure on her, or make her feel bad for using the wheelchair. It seems to me like he acknowledges that as time goes on, she will need the wheelchair more, but wants to give her the opportunity to still get around on her own for the time being. I think he or Miranda made the point that Leah is constantly carrying Ali around, which might be easier and faster, but not really necessary yet. It was upsetting to see Ali fall down in the waiting room before her appointment, but I also noticed how quickly Leah ran over to pick her up, rather than let her try and get up on her own. I'm sure it's difficult for all of them trying to navigate such a complicated situation, and it must be awful seeing her fall and cry and be frustrated, but I think Corey has a point too. He's definitely come a ways from his initial reaction to all of this, when he was flat out refusing to recognize that anything was really wrong. Kail handled the situation with Isaac well, I think. He was being disruptive and refusing to follow her directions, and the fact that she follows through on rules (unlike what we've seen of Chelsea in similar situations) is great. It's true that he's probably acting out from missing Javi now on top of everything else that's been going on, but in that case some firm structure can be helpful. He was so sad about Javi leaving, that relationship seems to have brought a lot of stability for Isaac, despite all of the other changes going on around him. I hope Kail will have Isaac take on some little chores and help with Lincoln in Javi's absence, he seems like a kid who wants to be involved and might benefit from having some special "jobs" to do.
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