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Everything posted by SSAHotchner

  1. I actually thought the idea of the Replicator was a good one, but the way they handled the reveal was poor. The script for that season finale was crap. I hated all the stuff with Strauss. I don't mind that they killed her off, but I hated all the weeping willows over her death and the idea that all of a sudden everyone just loved her so much. They should have kept true to her character, a problem Erica seems to have with all of the characters. The finale wasn't worthy of the buildup they gave it all season long. It could have been something great. I am neither getting my hopes up nor dreading the upcoming season. Just taking a wait-and-see approach. But, believe me, you will hear from me loud and clear if Hotch and Reid get the shaft again this season. I'm sick to death of all of the shirtless Morgan pics on CM Facebook lately. Give it a rest! There are other cast members worthy of some recognition. Oh, and add me to the list of those who thought the Black Queen ep was crap. Totally unbelievable with what we learned about Garcia and her personality from the previous seasons.
  2. I so agree. I have liked Fade's looks much better than Char's. He broke my heart. It was if he had just given up. I do think his dress was too simple for avant garde but I liked the colors, the way that yellow really popped against the grey. I really did not care at all for Sandhya's look. It was bizarre to me that the judges praised it, reminiscent of the challenges she won. I don't get it at all. I thought Korina's was the worst look, but Sandhya's was worse to me than Emily's. I did like Emily's fabric. I liked Sean's idea of having the colors appear with the rain, but I didn't care for his dress at all. I thought Kini's was the most interesting overall. I also really hated Amanda's design. Char's wasn't that interesting to me, but I liked Alexander's. I enjoyed this runway more than I thought I would when I first heard about the "rainway."
  3. Wouldn't you think she or someone else in charge would try to get at least one writer on the staff that knew how to write, not just for Reid, but some scripts where the focus is on the intellect rather than the action? Can't express it any better tonight, sorry. I'm drained.
  4. I love both those episodes, because of what we learn about Reid.
  5. YES! Jane Seymour's Open Hearts jewelry looks like 2 butts on a chain!!!
  6. Also, that shiny black necklace made the black of the dress look brownish.
  7. Yes, that's what I was thinking or they even wore a shorter "jacket" over the tight pants. I haven't been able to find a picture, but they were usually elegant fabrics. not sheer like what Amanda did.
  8. It was a waste of time and I fast forwarded through a lot of it. There weren't any dances this season that I felt I had to see again, certainly not any of the ones they chose for this finale.
  9. I do feel like the right person went home for a change. I really didn't feel any of them used fabrics that were luxurious enough for those jewels. Also, it's a pet peeve of mine when people don't pronounce "jewelry" correctly. Char pronounced it like "jury" and I also hate when someone pronounces it "jew-la-ree." I actually liked Amanda's look tonight, but it bothered me that she said a couple of times that she wanted to show the judges something they hadn't seen before after saying she was doing a look from the 60s. Think Laura Petrie from the old Dick Van Dyke Show. I wasn't a huge fan of Korina's look but I think part of that may be because I just can't stand her personality. I also objected to her saying her win showed she deserved to be there. Nothing else she's designed up to now showed anyone that she deserved to be there. I think the big Tim Gunn announcement was very predictable. You could smell it coming after the scene with all the designers saying how much they missed Char and then them showing the scene from last week where Tim said he would have saved her had it been later in the season. I think the whole thing was contrived just for dramatic effect this week, but it fell flat. I really don't care one way or another that she was brought back, but I'm just sick of them playing with the viewers. Why do they not get that the reason people tune in to see this show is the designs and not the fake drama?
  10. Good thing for me I didn't have anything in my mouth when I read this or I would have spit it all over my computer screen. Too funny!
  11. The more I watch the early episodes, the more I realize how much I really liked Elle. I'm all for bringing her back in some capacity.
  12. Ricky is good, but I think I'm done with this show. It used to be better than other reality competition type shows because the judges actually gave constructive criticism and seemed to know what they're talking about. I'm tired of all of the judges that don't seem to belong on a show about dance. I'm tired of musical guests just wasting time. And I got so tired of the judges pandering this season. I liked this show because I enjoy watching dance. But it's just gotten too annoying. Nigel needs to learn to shut up. And I miss some of the better choreographers who are no longer participating in the show. I think this will be it for me if the show returns next year.
  13. Watching on DVR since I was unable to watch until around 10. What a colossal waste of time. Do we really need to see folks that auditioned and DIDN'T MAKE IT?
  14. If only this means she will be gone from CM. I hate her writing. It's all focused on the unsub.
  15. Yes, and Rossi even mentioned Gideon to Hotch. He said something like, "Do you want to go on blaming yourself, like Gideon." I always kind of enjoyed that because that tortured soul element of Gideon's character got on my nerves.
  16. Again, I'm not a fan of Riding the Lightning, and I can't stand Mandy's performance in it. But what Sarah Jean was protecting her son from was not only what others might do or say to him. She was protecting him from the knowledge that his parents were killers. He had come to recognize the adoptive parents as his family. I do think there's nobility in her protecting her son that way and allowing him to live a normal life. I just don't care for the episode or the characters, and it's one of the episodes where I find Mandy's mugging really annoying. This painting of Gideon as so much more sympathetic and empathetic than the rest of the team is similar to the way the current writers try to manipulate the viewers opinions of the characters these days. But the scripts in the early seasons were so much better that you could give the writers a pass on this kind of thing. All of the team were written so much better in those days, so much more distinctive. But I am glad to find that I'm not alone in not loving this episode.
  17. I don't much care for Riding the Lightning and it's mainly because of Mandy's overacting. I was watching my old Hill Street Blues DVDs the other night, and I thought that one of the women looked familiar. It was the woman who played Sarah Jean Dawes in Riding the Lightning. She was quite pretty as a young woman.
  18. I agree, Zannej, that the lines he had with Seaver were more about justifying her presence in the BAU than his own. It was ridiculous to put that in the script, just as it was ridiculous that Seaver would be a part of the BAU before or after graduating from the academy. Is it my imagination that after Seaver came along they stopped having Reid at the apprehension of the unsubs? I know there was a change in show runner, too, but how many episodes have there been since season 6 where Reid seems to disappear at the end? I agree with you, too, about letting the cops take some of the unsubs. It's ridiculous when they have some of the BAU team rushing in to apprehend the unsub in only Kevlar vests and then have them being followed by a SWAT team in full gear. Gotta see those pretty faces and Morgan's bulging muscles.
  19. You mean she didn't join Andi Swann's unit to be with Seaver? Well, at least they're going to mention what happened. Did I mention that Erica is an idiot?
  20. I thought Gideon was an okay mentor for Reid because he seemed to genuinely care about him. I liked that he wanted Reid to be treated with respect. He earned those degrees, and, although he was young and inexperienced in some ways, his intellect was instrumental in solving so many cases. I hate that they have tried to portray Garcia as a genius in later seasons and that they use her computer searches in place of Reid's mind more often these days. I don't care for Morgan-centric episodes, either, but I love physics magic. I don't watch 25 to Life. I call it "The Hotchless Episode." :)
  21. I went back and watched again. Char was catty. Of course, she's not the only one, but what she did last night was mean. Prior to that I liked her personality, too, but not so much her designs. I'm also not entirely sure that all of these backstabbing moments aren't scripted. This show has sunk pretty low.
  22. I'm not sure if it is something from the way she learned to speak English or just that many foreign languages have so many words that end in vowels that they're just used to that kind of sound. We had a Russian guide for a tour of St. Petersburg and she did the same thing. We spent 2 whole days with this woman. She was kind, and fun and extremely knowledgeable, but that sound got really annoying and none of us will ever forget it. Just think of how well you would do trying to discuss fashion in another language, and cut this woman some slack.
  23. I hear what you're saying about the design being Sean's, but the question is whether or not Sean could have executed that shirt. It took him a whole day to make a pair of pants. It might have turned out looking as thrown together as the stuff Char and Sandhya made.
  24. As much as I felt Sandhya's previous looks didn't deserve the praise (or the wins) that they got, I felt her dress tonight was a tad better than Char's, although they both sucked. And it's not like this was Char's only bad design either. I think that Sean should have mentioned that Kini made the shirt, BUT since he didn't, Kini should have spoken up when asked who should win from their pair. He should have said "I made my entire look, plus the shirt for the reception look." That would have turned the tables. Sean should be ashamed. Overall, I thought most of the looks were appalling. I really like Fade. The only negative thing they could find to say about his look tonight was that it didn't look like the same woman would wear his look and Emily's. I don't know anyone who would wear Emily's so..... Anyway, it was kind of weird that they would say that the other 3 pairs were bad, but then have Amanda and Korina be safe. I'm really thinking about not wasting my time watching anymore. It just seems that everything they do is to stir up controversy. I wish the show would get back to being about the designs.
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