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Everything posted by SSAHotchner

  1. Dorado Falls There's No Place Like Home Heathridge Manor Me, too. And I like the flashbacks and the focus on profiling, which is what the show is supposed to be about. I can't believe folks would eliminate this episode before the ridiculous tornado episode, but to each his own.
  2. Dorado Falls There's No Place Like Home Heathridge Manor
  3. There's No Place Like Home Dorado Falls Heathridge Manor
  4. I didn't love Coda, either, Zannej. But I liked it better than Corazon.
  5. Hit and Run Proof There's No Place Like Home
  6. Oh, my, this is hard since I thought there were many really awful episodes in season 7. But there were some brilliant ones, too. Hit and Run The Bittersweet Science Proof
  7. And Amplification, Forever Alone, where he called her and asked her to record a message to his mom in case he didn't make it. That was such a tender scene.
  8. Neither of them would be my top episode, either. Hanley Waters actually gets my vote for best season 6 ep since I love Hotch in that, I like the grief assessment Hotch does with the team and that Seaver was not included in that, and I like Kelli Williams and thought she did an amazing job. I loved that the things Hotch said to her about her dealing with her son's death and her guilt paralleled his situation with Haley's death.
  9. Coda (just because the team was together in this one and JJ is likeable. Coda has "the creature.")
  10. This can't be stupid when these same writers gave us 200? I'm not going to get in a wad about any spoilers. I will wait to watch the episodes and then decide whether they make sense, are well-written, etc. But I am never getting my hopes up about a CM episode again. These writers have burned me too many times for me to trust them again. Oh, my word YES! What a stupid episode that was.
  11. Looks like a jumpsuit to me and an ugly one at that. It's definitely not suited to her figure.
  12. Erica definitely should have been eliminated. I doubt we'll ever know what really went down. Maybe Andrew Wilder was just fed up with the situation. It's a shame. When I look back, most of my favorite episodes were by Andrew Wilder or Ed Bernero.
  13. With Friends Like These Lauren Out of the Light
  14. I didn't mind her being an alcoholic and I didn't mind them killing her off. What I minded was the complete character change and that they tried to make it seem like everyone really liked her. They all had conflicts with her and she wasn't a nice person.
  15. With Friends Like These Sense Memory Middle Man
  16. I'll just be satisfied if, whenever Reid gets a line, Callahan doesn't roll her eyes or grimace, but instead shows admiration or appreciation of his contributions. It would be nice to have another member of the team value Reid rather than making him the butt of her jokes.
  17. Zannej, I've lost respect for Jim Clemente. I think he's so enjoying his cushy Hollywood life that he lacks the balls to confront the other writers when they write stuff that is so horribly implausible. He is supposed to be their FBI consultant. He should speak up when things are not right, especially crap like 200, yet he now defends the writers. He could say, "well, you know this is just a TV show" but instead he actually claims that these things could happen.
  18. Valhalla (I just love Hotch in Hanley Waters)
  19. Sense Memory With Friends Like These Remembrance of Things Past
  20. That's scary! You should stuff some information about this in their mailbox, anonymously, of course.
  21. Don't forget in Damaged when Reid distracts Chester Hardwick by telling him he knows why he is the way he is. And I absolutely loved it when once they knew they were safe and were leaving the prison Chester asks, "Is that true, I never had a chance?" and Reid just tosses off the reply, "I don't know. Maybe." Priceless. I loved Reid and Hotch together in that episode.
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